HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-17, Page 5wora i THE BRUSSELS POST nlvy Gasoline Rationing Plan Goes mato Effect nrciam-r N MARCH 31 the present gasoline ration licenses and coupons will ex- pire, and no gasoline will be sold except upon the presentation of a 1943-1944 ration book. In his own interests, every vehicle owner is asked to apply at once for a new gasoline license and ration coupon book for each of his vehicles. Under the new system., effective April 1, all commercial vehicles will be rationed. All non- commercial vehicles will be granted a basic "AA" gasoline license and ration coupon book, containing 40 coupons for a passenger car, or 16 for a motorcycle. Owners of non- commercial vehicles eligible for a special category, who can prove their need, will be granted an extra vocational allowance, fixed in advance for the year ending March 31,1944. The extra allowance for a special category car will be tailored to meet individual needs. In determining this allowance the pre. vious category and mileage of the car will not be considered. Instead the vocational allowance will be based on two factors: (1) The gravity of -the oil shortage with which Canada is faced, and (2) the importance of the vehicle to its owner in a country at war. The extra vocational coupons will be issued in books labelled "Special", and each such book will contain not more than 60 coupons. Only one "Special" book, or portion of such book, will be issued at a time, and hence the case history of each special category applicant will be under constant review. Under provisions of the rationing order, the Oil Controller will have the right to re- fuse any application for a special category, or to suspend any ration book for an infraction of the regulations. Every motor vehicle, other than a motor- cycle, must bear on its windshield a sticker indicating its category. After April 1, service station attendants will not be permitted to serve gasoline to a car which does not bear the sticker which corresponds to the ration book submitted at the time of the purchase. To obtain a gasoline license and ration coupon book, secure an application form at your nearest Post Office. Study the form and follow the instructions contained therein. When you receive your ration coupon book, guard it carefully. I't may not be replaced if, because of your negligence, it is lost or stolen. Do not leave it in your car; keep it on your person at all times. THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNiTIONS AND SUPPLY HONOURABLE C. D. HOWE, Minister W15 -5 - BELGRAVE E A. quilting was held at the homy of Mrs. George Jordan when a quilt made by the Junior Red Cross Society of the Belgrave School was completed. Tlie regular meeting of the Home and Sehoal Club of 5.5. No. 5, Morris was held• in the school. The first part of the evening was spent playing Lost Heir and euchre. Health was the theme tit the program, which was Conducted by the president, James Ivliehie The meeting opened with a song accompanied by Donna Van Camp• The. minutes were read by Mrs. Hari Anderson, The topic, "Our Health Program," was given by Mise Dorothy Holley. 'Elbis *tea tot• towed by a demonstration of eaet- glees to music by the senior gtris, (went on au usual; Cutting alit and Amin and a choral reading by the jun- iors. A henith quiz was conducted by Muriel Anderson dnd Donna Van Camp, 'with Gordon Wa1sa and Bill Granby as captains. Gor- clan Walsh's teats won. The losers were given raw carrots and the winners candy. Audrey .adersou and Amy Smith were -in charge of a Dorothy Dix contest. Lyon Findlator and Mrs, Roily Marks were the winners. The Young Peoples Union of the United Church held a sue'cesafui social in the church basement on Friday evening, • The program commenced with a half-hour spent in group singing which was fol• lowecl by games and a couple of good contests. Lunch was served. ;Despite the stormy weather of i the past week, Red Cross work i marking was done at the work rooms on Friday, Ladies of the third line of Morris held Vikings at the homes of Mrs, Nelson Hig- gins and Mrs. Gordon ' Biggins. Ladies of the fourth line held dtcill- ings at the hothe of Mrs. William Kelly, and Mrs. John MOGilis. Personale: Miss Beth Brydge, daughter of Mr. and Ma's. bFt111ta.nt Uryclges, has returned from Wing - ham hospital, where she under, went an operation for appendicitis: Miss Jane .Armstrong . with her aunt, Mrs. :Archibald Roberts, Fordwlcht Aircraftsman 'Ken nen. i Wheeler, Montreal, with .his par - ants, Mr. and MTS. IL Wheeler; k'lying Officer (Richard Irwin, Mont Jolt, Quebec. with his par- ents, Mr. •and Mrs, .hernia lrwtn, loth concession, feast 'Wawanosh, When in Listowel — EAT AT .- We to 's Restaurant Home Away Franime vntteasomentt &deo ¢h*Pr ni** uo - taraii BELL 48,4, BENSON! BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (ekcept Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) (016.11.2 * * • * da * $ Obituary * 4' 4. '1 a: * * * Mrs. Isabella Bielby I0111LP1iT1.LD. -- T.ho funeral of Mrs. Isabella Bietby, who died on Ja»nar'y 23, was held on Monday, January 55. ,Service was held in St. P4vn1's United Church, of which Mrs. Bielby Was • il member, con- ducted by Rev, W. Owen. Mrs. Bowie was organist. In spite at' the stormy weather many people as- sembled to pay their last respects ,Mrs. Bielby will be missed in the community as she always took part in church and eolnntnnity enter- prises. ,Silo took a very aotiv' in- terest in the W.A. ailtl W,MS. of St.Paul's, and was for nlahy' years teacherofthe junior Btble class. Born in Brussels, Ont., MSS. Biel' by carne; to Kolftelrl no a: brlie jSI18. Her httsband, Mr, Richard Bielby, died in January, 1017 but the continued to supervise farming opmrntlone until hei' death, ,She leaves ane brothel', James lieu of Ontario, 'Burial took pla.en in the old T,akeeido Cemetery. BLUEVALE Mr. Allan7Barnard of Kitchener spent the week enol with his permits Mr, and 111rs, 10. Barnard, Mr. Spence McKinnon of Waterloo spent the week end with hie parents Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. McKinnon Miss Janet Robertson of. Brussels spent the week end with her mother all brother, 1st line. - M1. and Mrs, ,Sparltng Jobuston and sons visited on Sunday with Mr. and • Mrs. Carl .iohnsten and daugh ter. Miss Aileen McKinney spent the week end with Mr, and ATVs, Wallace Agar and fancily, 2nd line, The YYning reople'e Union of the United church enjoyed- a St. Valets: tine's social in the 'Sunday school 1 room on Friday evening, ,The pro- gram consisted of musical ambers, readings, games and contests. Re- freshments were served. Coniittunion service was held in j Knox Presbyterian church Sunday morning timid -tided by the pastor, -.. ..n. Rev. F. G. Fowler, He spoke on the text, "'Ye are all the children of 1Vorineeday, Februery 1911:, vai+ noel Iristrh:t 31ou's Huron (.1w,wasCounty War held >h'ednesday evening In lite Sunday wheel ream of the initdd, rlturrlt and a.lthungh the weenier avongs Campaign was had and the roads worse Bier` ,aur,.• of 4S'ur twin :. Cori! ic.ci.terr Iwere 8;5 present- James C. Shea^er, fur the mouth of December in Herta a5rieu1turai representative fur County mounted •to 518,124, which Huron vouuty gave au iuT �restanow is a reduc'tion from the auwuut ,n and pre:14We address on "The Task ; lovember when the stiles amounted Iof the Fernier, Now 01111 Attar the X14.544 Total asitia fur the yearI R'arh " Mr, Shearer gave fact, showing Edus•tfun of 555,5335. Intim tJre tofu1 that farmers are producing much ' sales of 52-13,182. fur the year 1811. j more than during the last wa" and 1 ,th addition to the above ' tion I this lo being done under greater were three thousand dollars wartlt clitilcultles flue hor1 as tues sd labor and the greatertothe desmandstage 5otit r 1 tlofu'ougWhoutl theSavhlgCountyStain the uutnliolt Yarm produce. This is one of the , of December. Some of these Stamps major problems the farmer has l0 1 would b0 included in payment for the address. ' believed Lila most of these statues Rev. C. Tamer led In a ?int; -sone 1 would e1.111 be !u the process of and the Blnevale mount orgon band culleetion a;; eu•!i $Lamp would bare 1942 an:munled to 5187.11.47. a t. face. A good discussion "chewed i some or the Certificates, but It 14 rendered severe] selections. A vote of thanks was a: ranted Mr, Shearer and the band, also Mr. Tavener and Rev. F. G. Fowlee for the use of the churchee for the meel.Ings. The next meeting will he hlkt on March 4. Celebrate Golden 'Wedding A soelal event of Interest to ik place in Wingham Monday, it is of special interest to many i3Iuevale friends. it was the occasion o" the 60th anniversary of the marriage of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Diment, life- long residents of this district Mr. Dimeut was born in Waterloo coun- ty .and when six years of age came with his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. John Diluent, to their farm on the Blue - vale road. Mrs. Diment is a, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs John Geddes of Morris township. Rev. A. Y, Hartley, minister of Bltlevale Presbyterian church performed tb0 .marriage ceremony. They settled on the Diment farm and cantinued to reside there for 30 years. When they retired they moved to • Wing - ham and continue to reside there. Both enjoy good health. Mr. Diment to be combined with fifteen - ethers before they could be tufued in for Certificates. Brussels, Walton and llihel sold 5412. in War Savark, Statttpe ler month of December as cow invert with 5888. in November. it was announced last weep that Mrs. Mina Howard of I3elgrave - svomld be conducting a - programme over Radio Station CKNX at * Wing- ham on Saturday, February 13th a.t 1:15 P.M. ft is regretted, that Mrs. Howard was unable t0 carry out this progmamme as arrange•I but she will, however, be putting on her programme later in the month, Due to very bad road conditions, the Radio programmes which have been arranged by the schools each week, will be postponed for a couple of weeks. Thee programmes will be put on by the schools making the best showing in the sale of War Savings Stamps. The small schools will have an equal chance with the large schools to be included on the programmes, as credit is given to each school for the average amount subscribed by each pupil, The is in his wet year and Mrs. Diment programme presented last weal: by is to her 75th year. They have Mr. Gray of Blyth was excellent, and it is expected to have many more three daughters, Mrs. W. IT. (!fiery) such interesting programmes. Gurney •of Wingham, Mrs, Hubert (Annie) Scott of Kingsville and' hti-s. Lester (Carrie) 'Saunde's of I Detroit. They have three grandehil- ' dren, Pilot Officer Harry Posliff, The annual Pancake Supper at Fingall; Cameron and Mary Scott St. John's Church will be held on of Kingsville, and one great grand- Shrove Tuesday, March 9th. child, Constance Lynn Scott. Pancake Supper ' GET VOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.25 `•Including Shampoo Permanent 52.00, $2.50 and $5.00 Including Anger wave and shampoo Scalp treatments with steamer very beneficial for dandruff, dry hair, ,oily hair and etc, 6 Treatments Including Shampoo and Finger Wave 55.00. Telephone 66x )'or an Appointment iRENE PEASE-' OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAURANT • LOOK OUT FOR YOUR LIVER! You can't be completely well if your liver isn't well. Your liver is the largest organ in your body and moat iniportanito your health. It pours out bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourislunent to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You become constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. You feel "rotten"-- headachy, hacksaw, &cry, dragged out all the time. Thousands have won . prompt relief with "Fruit•a-lives." So can you NOW. Try "Fruit-a-tives" Canada's largest, selling liver tablets. They must be good. You'll be delighted how quickly youll (eel like a new person, happy and wall again. 25c, 50e. Car of. Whezt and Oats to Arrive in Febn is y Shapping conditro uncertain Leave Your Order for Canada Packers Fertilizer Before It Is Too Late. aaaaaaaa D. God by faith 111 Christ Jesus,' The yonhg people of the Brown- iown district enjoyed a claims In tit0 new Browntown school oh Fri- day night, Mosta wtls supplied by J. Warwick, J. Thynne, S. H. Smith, Mrs. Williams Brewer and Miss M tn'tel' Smith, A. collection - Was taken Ili aid of the Canadian Aid to Russia Fund, 71 aanonntecl to &bloat $20, Rummel Bernard, 0011 'ar Mr. and Hies. Edward Ttarnnrd has revolved a promotion end is note n flight ser;entit, Ste hes been on move) duty with the Royal Canadien Air ; Force at Snnvnerside, Prineo T7d- *relic TSland, for the !1St row� months and i #a 10 !tie ri'eAlt over. 600 polus tri the air. The opeeing meeting of the B1110. acTa k- ash Phone 46 1 11 Export Packers BUYERS --Of All Kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry We will call at your plane For any quantity. Premium prices paid for Milk Fed Chickens Beforeyou. sellbrussels your 1'ouitry, call of phone 70X Aiso—A11 kinds of ,Feather's & Horsehair. We have an expert on our staff who will cull your flock Free of Charge. Phone 70x Brussels Ont,