HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-17, Page 4MS. Jennings
proudly goes
to school!
MRS. JBNNINGS had been just managing to
keep her fancily going. But things were look-
ing brighter at last. Now with the children.
able to help with the housework, she had
applied for the post of school teacher .. .
and had been accepted.
But that meant she needed suitable clothes
and clothes cost money.
She took her problem to the manager of
her bank. On the strength ofher ability and
character, he arranged a loan of $80. And so
it was that she was able to take the position
and greet her first dass proudly. She paid
off the loan after six months at a cost in
interest of only $2.40.
This is a true story. Only the name has
been altered. It -is typical of hundreds of
human dramas in which the bank manager
has been privileged to play a helping role.
War's requirements have increased immensely the work of
banks and bank staffs. At the same time more than one-third
of our experienced men have enlisted. Bank early. Pay small
bills by cash. It helps.
Tlie C'Htitti E D ''1BAN K S` .1 C A
Classified Ads
For sale—
Small kitchen range.
phone 40•r-14 W. L, Somers
For sale—
ie young Plgs (suckers/.
phone 67X 1r. Dennis
For S'aie-
1.1 little pigs ready to wean; 3
head of stockers and 2 ia1 heifers,
phone 40-r-4 S. 13. Elliott
:Itawleigh Products can be pur-
chased at Mea. G. Gallaher's House,
phone 5S Robs, A. Engel
For 'sale -
2 cutters, also if you heel .any
.implements for Spring work come
in and see us.
phone 51X J. W. Fischer
A girl or woman for housework in
Toronto.. Good room and board and
350. a month.
Apply Export Paokers,
604 College St,, Toronto
For the Caretaking of Cranbrook
'Cemetery, Specifications may be
seen on application to See: Treas.
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sasily accepted: Tenders. to be in
the hands of the Sec -Trans , not
later than Fab. 22nd, 1943.
John J. Schnook, Sec.-Treas.
Cra.nbrook Cemetery Board
Meeting Feb, 10, 1343
The Council met on the above date
in the Township Hall with all the
members present. The reeve pre,
The minutes of the last aieetine
were read and adopted on motion of
I3arvey, Johnston and Wm, Spear.
Moved bY C. 11. Coulter s 'oneed-
by Jas. Michie that $2,00 dog t.tx be
refunded to Russel Bone. • --00. ted,
Moved by James Michie seaondad
by C. Be Coultas that nlemhershtI
fee of 35.00 be pall to Ontario Good
Roads Association and else that
the reeve attend the Convential. to
be held in Toronto on Feb. 21 and
25, Carried.
;Moved by Harvey Jolmtat•oe sen
ended bY James Michie that the
auddtcr's report be adopted as read.
Carri etc
Lyle Hopper was the unanimous
'choice of the council for assessor
'for 1943.
The following officials. were ap-
-.pointed for 1943; -
Pound iteepees--Jas. Tohtieton,
Jas. Campbell, Graham •Campbell„ 11,
Mc]tfurray, J, Bowan, Lyle Hopper,
Geo, Bone; Went. McMurray, 4v, Pttie,
J. Clark, W. Bernard, Victor Young,
Robt. Bird, Bernard Craig, Arthur
McCall. George Wilson, George 551
Arthur, Wm. Coekerline.
Sheep 'F>'aluetors-Wallace Agar,
Gilbert McCelhnn,
Fence Viewers—North West, Har-
old Procter, Russel Jermyn, George
Coulter; North hast, Jos. Shaw.
Robt, Forrest, John Warwick; South
(test, Albert Nesbit, Themes Laid-
law, Archie Scott; 'South 'Gast,
,Meuno Jackson, Simpson McCall,
Thomas Miller Jr,
'Weed Inspector—Robert Mioftle, '
eileved by Jae. Michie smelted ,by_
V(>im, Speh' that the meeting etjourn
to meet again on March S, 19.13 et
.p.m. •—Ce 'riot
The following accounts weer paid:
:fleeted Bose, clog fax refund a 2.00
A teacher to begin duties March
let for S.S, No. 9, Morris, apply to
Clarence Martin,
R.R. 2, Blyth
Brussels phone 17-r-23
Good Roads Association,
membership fee 5.00
Ontario Hospital, Woodstock,
3. B. Phelan 46.00
General Hospital, Stratford,
Mrs. Annie Nethery 18.00
lreese:ls, Ivinrris & Grey
Telephone Co., toll .25
Chas. Johnston, auditor's
salary 25.00
Robs. Msltinnon. auditor's
salary art postaee .. 27 00
Ar. 'Crawford, M.0,H. 21.00
(r,- vii Wli Pe1Rr. 11.0.FI. 3,00
Jahn Craig, 13.0.H. 3.00
Geo. Martin, B4O.H, `3,00
A, H. Erskine, taxes 11.00
A. 81. lersktue, taxes 92.12
Fred Logan, aftercare 7.00
Mrs. G'at'es, relief ....s. ..15,0'0
A. 18. Erskine, taxes 589,73
George C. Martin,
N0Ti8—Anyone desiring trees for
relorestatfon should place theft
order with any member or the
Council or the clerk before Much 1.
The 1,1.1',AV,O, meeting will be
yield et the home " of Mrs, Andrew
Coutts on February 17. Boxer will
be parked for the boys overseas,
The last IT.T1'rb'V,O. nicotine wen yield
at the home of 311', Herbert, Kirkby
with 10 ladies present, Mrs. Edward
Tlt'yans gave a demonstration. •
Mr. ;fames McDoeaid •Inst with an
a,rcldent and had two bones broken
In his collar bone.
Mrs. "Robert Scott of. Morris is
improving after bol' severe illness
in Scott Memorial hospil.al. Senfo'tli.
Men of 30, 40, 50.
NIP, vim, VIGOR, Subnormal?
Ant normal pop. vim, algae, vithittyt
Oata'ex clonic Tabtots. ConfatnP
aide to normal pep aftero 300140 or190
Clot a epeclai Introductory stet, Cee one
(fad Try this lid to normal (3031 and ale
teeny. For Salo at ala 1"" 1 r .l d•: r
Western Ontario's
Most Modern
Eyesight Specialist
Phone 118 Harriston
(Brussels Phone 26X 2nd
Thursday each month.)
Directions For
Gasoline Rationing
OTTANA, February 17th—Gasoline
for farm trucks will be rationed,
but a farmer who does not teen a
truck will be giver an extra allow-
ance for his passenger car according
to his proved individual needs, the
Munitions and Supply Department
has announced.
Tender a new rationing system,
which becomes effective on Aorit 1,
every not -commercial vehicle will
be granted a basic .Category "AA",
ration book containing 40 coupons,
which will permit each suet)
vehicle, on the haste of 18 miles to
the gallon. and at the Presort unit
value, a basic 2100 miles of driving
between April 1, 1048, and March 31,
Those who are eligible, mil can
prove 'their neetl of :a preferred
category, will be "allotted .d fixed
member of extra coupons for their
vocational needs 'luring the year
ending Mores 311, 1944. These extra
(Tepees will conte in books • labelled
"Sponial." which will oontale a
maximum of 60 coupons each. Only
one such ",Special" book, or eoalon
of a book, will be issued at a time,
and berme the ease histo'y of each
preferred category owner will be
under censtutnt review by the
Regional Oil Control Office where
the extra allowance wets obtained.
"The 1942-1943 category ear owner
now 'holds. 'anti the mileage he has
driven duirng the present rationing
year, will have no bearing on the
allottneitt he will ;get. for the new
rationing year," said 011 Controller
G. R. Cottrelle. "instead, the new
allowance will be based cit the indi•
rddlnal needs of eac11 minerin
relation to the grnvltx or the oil
shortage with which •Oanncin, r!r likely
to he faced curring the coming year."
The Controller emphasized, 111 t.lyds
connection, that the use of the pre-
fet'rarl category symbols. "A" "B,,
"0" "I)", mid "10', is only for the
roiidc.nee of the Regional oil Metro]
managers and the enhircement
offlners, "Two gars in the siume
rategnry will not necessarily re-eeive
the sante aliowance, he said, "Pur
Pirample, tine huller of stn 'A' ,nny he
Permitted only 1,000 miles or ' vara'
Wednesday, 'February 10111, 1943
W� .e
Complete Utilization os Canada's Manpower
and Womanpower is Essential to Victory
!'rational Selective Service Civilian Regulations slim at complete
utilization of manpower and u'au1anpotver. Workers and employers
are verged to assist the war effort h)• cnrryiug theta out. All civilian
regulallmts have been eoesolidated and revised. 11111111 features
now being ns G)Ilurvs:—
i:n)ployees: Regulations cover per,oc, of
•.d„er sex renin 10 to 01 years old, except--
itvin';al employe timed services; and
i fishing. fish pioce. inom luultoughie, trapping;
yrnen; nurs s. .school teachers;, dogteeth.
,,.: and � students worl:lite idlereh0ol; 10111•
fayre, in respect of Plitt -lime employment; and
rc r,ue. employed for 8 days Or less in e
-1lemlar week. Agricultural worked:, lee covered
i;• special previsions, rue by the general pro -
as also are "technic 11 personnel.”
fs'rrlpl.)yers: Any person, final or other ern-
dosere, with one or more "covered" employee
,',a,'1OYE1tS ;l'!UST—
(al Refrain from (lieu -sine 5nieloynlcrd with
prospective employee unless under permit;
th) rlo( (3' the nearest employment office of
elailiinal employees needed; (e) secure perm's -
doll from an employment office to advertise for
ieorl:ere; ((I) notify the employment office of
intention to diu•hai'ge or lay of employees, or
to ralnin employees when•not required; (e) give
niplcyecs 7 days' notice mtlere a Selective
eel'viee Officer permits a reduction, or males ill
the building construction industry; (7 dugs'
notice is not rerjuired unless an employee has
already been einployed for ole month, or after
fire, explosion or other calamity, or on terming•
lion of work b)' weather. Whether preceded by
7 days' notice or not, separation from employ-
ment requires written notice):
UST—(a) Register for work at the nearest employ-
ment office if out of work 7 rlays (full -Lime (e) require a peeio0 in an age class albite,
eludehousewives a
aee not
military lrrellwcl
eluded); care permit from a Selective requireuployersto leasemalpetsfailing
Service Officer if
going to Toole for work; (() re- to furnish evidence of not conlTitveuing military
(rain from advertising for a job unless Selective ea11-up; (c) authorize payment of transportation
. Service Officer approves; (d) give 7 clays' notice and special. allowance in morale cases; (dl
if wishing to quit a job, unless authorized by authorize anyone to leave euploynleut to take
Selective Service Officer to give less • notice more essential work.
The Jnregoing ie nue an oxer., or on,1,pr.nn reprod,wrio„ el Nnt(onot .So o:t(ue Soru(c, 1:(,)itan Rehr.
Wiens. For (ernrmnr(a„ or reiinee apply to nnnrnst amp(n}•nous nn,l S,(errinc Srred.•o (Wire.
(separetiotl form, hut, not 7 (lays' notice required.
if in leading construction or joining the forces) .
are covered byspecial" provisionsPerson0 re•
garde(' as "workers in agriculture' Inay accept
employment ou(side that Ind mery to 0 maxi-
mum 01 (10 days 151(1)10 1) calendar year •wi(hout
permit, but only outside !urban munlc•ipaiities
of user 3,000 population; otherwise agricultural
workers must seenre a Selective Service Permit
may only accept employment under special
::re required to work outside Canada.
Penalties are provided for non-com idioms -
with Regulations or orders issued thereunder.
Appeals against. directions. may be made to 11
Court of Referees.
(a) (live persons unemployed tor 7 clays, 01
un port -tine for 14 days, !direction to accept
work; (b) exercise discretion in issuing permits
to seek work; (c) authorize employed peewee
to transfer to more essential work, and suhse•
quently 10 be re -instated in origiued employ-
ment; (d) reduce the 7 days' notice period rot(•
sistent with Regulations.
A. 31.vwNAMARA
IlU v'1 nister1 MITCHELLA.
of Notional selective 3errle,
'Minister of T.aUour•
t)'1"I':1 tt'.y, .I,tNL'.Uttia, !uta
same category
may be allowed Regional Office which approved the
• t • eonunerciai .application. At the ;
In the preferred categories. as outset of the new rationing year,
under the old system, will conte ; the owner of each •oomutercial ve-
hicle will be told how many units he
Meiners" without trueke, rural1 under- will be allowed, and wall, be granted
takers, certain doctors, 'and some two caiupou books," each cont tieing
no more. than 100 units. .When he
uses up his first book, he Will send
in the cover to the Regional Oil
Control Office where his, applieatiol
others whose needs are essential
in a. country at war.
'tette new system, unlike that or
last year, will call for strict ration• was approved, and if eligible, may
ing of ,all commercial vehicles, in- bo supplied with a new boolr. or
eluding tarsus trucks, within two , portion of a book, At this Regional
classes'. Tho first, "Transit" will • Office the book will be recorded on
cover ambulances, buses, taxis, and a multi -card 'tabulating index, from
drive -yourself oars. The second, which the Office will be able to
"Services," will be sub -divide 1 into determine at a glance how much
four categories; "General (10111. each commercial vehicle in the
manila" "Limited Commercial," district has been using. Where the
"Commercial Motorcycle," and operator has exhausted his yearly
"Other Commercial." allotment, he will receive no more
Under this rationing of com-
mercial vehicles, the owner will have
hie allowance paired down to bare,
essential needs, and thus will find It
necessary to eliminate unnecessary
trips, drive slowly, and be every
other way conserve gasoline.
Fanny truck's, will Are classed as
"Limited -Commercial," and will be
'allowed no more, and perhaps less,
thane 1.24 to 374 unite per year as
cording to the weight of the vehicle
when empty and the proved emeire-
meets of the owner.
The new plan will make 1t me
necessary Por the preferred category
apglioant to 'decide what '•afregory
he play expect to receive; instead he
will f111 out either a "Commercial'
or a "Special" form, and will be
granted whatever allowance may be
L1 will 'abolish the etassi0e:talon of
passenger cars according to weight,
acid thus will end She provision
tender which a higher allowance was
granted for heavier, more eostly
It will mance mandator Per every
truck and car to hear a windshield
sticker, Indicating • its category.
Cars, belonging to ARP workers- and
elnployen drivers under the War.
'Mane Tledustria.l Transit Plat, Will .
bear reepeetively either an "Alt)'"
BF n "WIT" sticker,
Like that of the Bottler of a pro -
ferret eategery, flrn case )f ears
corntue eiaT vehicle owner will he
tional driving, whiie another in the 0onstently under .review 1.Y ; the
To obtain his Category "AA" book
the mote' vehicles owner will secure
an application form from his near-
est Post. Office. He will 'submit
Reis form, together 'with a registra-
tion fee of 31 and his 1943 vehicle
licence, to the nearest issaer of
licence plates, who will testis the
"AA" hook.
The owner of a passenger vehicle
(other than a commercial meter -
cycle. bus, taxicab, or drive -yourself
ear) who is eligible Me reason of
ocoupathion to apply for a preferred
category will proceed as follows:
1. From his nearest Post Office he
will obtain application forms for
both Category "AA" and the pre -
Veered category.
2. Re will secure hie 1943 motor
licence plates.
trona raooc..c ,
3. He will obtain his Category
"AA" ration book from the Licence
Plate issuer, •
4, Atter it is properly completed
he will mail his preferred category
application Corm to the neatest
Regional Oil Control Office, along
with his motor vehicle permit.
Commercial motorcycles, buses,
taxicabs, and drive -yourself me, 89
well as 1111 types of trucks, . wilt be
classed as commercial vehicles.
The 15111 of Grey Farm Forum
held their meeting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. 17. R. Knight on Pebru,
any 8th wiLil usual atteurance. The
subject for discussion was "Taking
stock of farm lite." The Pehruary
15th meeting' was held at the home
of Mr. and Mi s..701m Mcllonal.d and
the et/Meet discussed was "Tho
Farm as a producing unit." after
lengthy discussions at' both of these
meetings a num'11or of contests and
community singing were held. Lunch
was served by the hostesses, The
next meeting February 22nd is to be
held at the home or Mr, .and Mrs. T,
Te6tI/9 y5pedda/!
t i t�j � Y �i lr
STA t.}'3: , jar
WP Rt of Fowl- :n