HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-17, Page 2HANDS THAT ROCK THE AIRPORT Cradle rockers turn rock crushers on Cyprus to keep British airfields on that Mediterranean island in top shape. Native women make "little ones out of big ones," then pile, up the rocks for trans- port to the airfield, where steam rollers level the surface. Have You Heard? The choris girl was telling the other girls in the dressing -room all about her birthday party. "You should have seen the cake," she told her companions. "It was marvelous. There were seventeen candles on it—one for each year." There was a disbelieving silence for a moment or two, then her best friend smiled. "Seventeen candles, eh?" she purred. "What did you do—burn them at both ends?" A celebrated vocalist was in a motorcar accident one day. A paper after recordnig the accident, added: "We are happy to state that he was able to appear the following evening in three pieces." The reporter was sent to write up a charity ball, Next day the editor called hien to his desk. "Look hese, what do you mean by this? 'Among the most beauti- ful girls was Horatio Lucian Ding- ley.' Why, you crazy idiot! Old Dingley isn't a girl—and besides he's one' of our principal share- holders." "I can't help that," re- turned the realistic reporter. "That's, where he was." "Nice little wedding, wasn't 'it?" "Yes, and do you know, the bride's father gave them a pound of butter to start out with." Mother: "Johnnie, dear, I was hoping you would be unselfish enough to give your little sister the largest'piece of candy. Why, even that old hen will give all the nicest dainties to her, little chicks and take only a tiny one once in . a while for herself." Johnnie (after watching the old hen for a while) : "Well, atom, I'd do the sante thing if it was worms." What's that stone in Ann's engagement ring, Joyce?" "A rolling stone, my clear. I had it once." Jack, writing to a dealer: "Sir, please send me two ntongeese." He did not like the loolc of this, tore it up and began again, "Sir, please send me two mongooses." This also failed to satisfy him, so he wrote: "Sir, please send me a mongoose; and, by the way, send me another." Daughter -"Tito girl who hesitates is lost." Father—"Nonsense: She's extinct!" For common -.X- ' ordinary sore Fhroat113 4J"1°761 WHAT SCIENCE IS DING PLASTIC GOGGLES A new type of industrial goggle - mask has been patented by the supervising optician at one of the British Royal Ordnance Filling Factories. The mask is made of cellulose acetate sheet about 1-6 in. thick, which has been found to resist lead slugs fired at point- blank range from an air rifle. The slugs were flattened and the acetate was only dented. A goggle -mask gave highly satisfac- tory results when tested against an explosion produced by 50 times the amount of explosive which had been known to cause some of the eye casualties. The new goggles are of a very protective design, but free from curtailment of vision and distor- tion, and as they weigh as little as 2 ozs. they can be worn with- out fatigue. INFLUENZA Against the ever-present medi- cal spectre of another world-wide influenza epidemic, as catastro- phic as that in 1918 which killed some 20 million peolpe, the Brit- ish Lancet and The Journal of the American Medical Association have just sounded a comforting note, Newsweek points out. They declared that even if in- fluenza should again run riot on a global scale, mortality will likely be far lower than in the last war. For in the 1918 out- break most of the deaths were clue, not directly to influenza or- ganisms, but to secondary bac- terial infections of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, for example) for which influenza ball paved the way. Though no really effective treatment for influenza itself has been developed since 1918, there are new and proved remedies for the killing of secondary infec- tions—the sulfa drugs and speci- fic bacterial anti -serums which already have cut their toll. Greetings By Air More than 3,000,000 airgrapli letters and nearly 5,000,000 post- cards were flown to Africa, India and the Near East during the Christmas and New Year season by British Overseas Airways. HOW TO RELIEVE�B PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY If yen aro troubled with itching piles er rectal mammas, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting title condition become &irnn- ia Any itching or soreness or pa1n- fttl passage of stool 1s natur'e's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once, Icor thin purpose get a peelta •e of Ham-Ro14 from any druggist and nee as directed. This formula whfeh is used internally is a Small, easy to take tablet, will (illicitly relieve t}a and sorenress and old In healing the sono.tender loofs. I•lem•ltoid is pleasant to nae, is highly recommended and it seems rile heightof folly for any 0110 to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when Such a fine remedy may be had at surh n small cost. Tt you try item -Bold and are net eltlrely ulensod with the results, your druggist will gtad1Y return your money, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is It obligatory that refresh- ments of some kind be furnished after a wedding rehearsal? 2, isn't it bad manners to let one's mind wander while some- one is tacking with you. 3, If a person asks you how old you are, or what your salary is, or some such question, what should you reply? 4. For what use only is the nap- kin at the dinner table? 5. When it customer in a shop is buying something that is not being worn the current season, shouldn't the saleswoman tell her? G. When asking a person to repeat a remark is it all right to say "What?" or "I beg your par- don, what did you shay?" ANSWERS 1. It is a nice thing to do. The refreshments are usually served after the rehearsal at the home of the bride, or the groom invites the little party of attendants to some eating place. 2, Yes. One should strive to be a good listen- er, though it is often difficult when the speaker is an egoist, or describing in detail his last operation. 3, "There arc some questions that I prefer not to answer." It is only a very rude, tactless person who would ask such questions. 4. Only for wip- ing the lips. It is not for the cheeks, perspiration or the nose. The napkin should be lifted as inconspicuously as possible to the mouth and lightly brushed across the mouth, and then replaced upon the lap. 5, It is better not, unless the customer asks the direct question. 6. No; "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand" is )much more courteous. HOW CANI??? Q. How can I remedy elbows that are rough and unsightly? A. Scrub them every night with warm water and soap, using a soft brush. After they are clean, rinsed, and dry, massage with warm olive oil. Deep up this treatment for two weeks and see the improvement. Q. How can I make beef juice" -- A. Cut fresh raw beef up into small squares and put a few pieces at n time into the potato ricer. Sprinkle a little salt over it and press hard until no more juice runs out. P. How cal I keep overshoes looking neat? A. They can be kept looking neat and clean by wiping them occasionally with a rag wet with an ammOliia solution. Q. What is a good cleaner for silk, satin, lace, or any cloth? A. A paste made of, granulated cornmeal and gasoline makes a good cleaner for almost -any cloth, Cover the soiled parts and leave on for a short time; then brush off thoroughly. This leaves no rings or streaks. When brushing any 'silk goods, use a piece of velvet. Q. How can I eliminate water bugs? A. Pour a small quantity of kerosene, or a weak solution of turpentine (3 parts water to 1 part turpentine), down the drain pipe once or twice a week. U. Se To Praduc Large Hemp Crop 150,000 Tons of Hemp Fibre Needed In 1043 The great need of cordage fibre for our growing number of ships Is reviving an old crop familiar before the Revolution aur} flour- ishing in the days of the clipper ships, which carried it in trade around the world, Pathfinder re- lates, Hemp took too 'much long, hard manual labor, so Kentucky, where 11 especially flourished, gave it up to the peasant produc- ers of Europe. Last year the agriculture de- partment asked for 12,000 acres of hemp, This year it is asking for 350.000 acres (of which 60.000 will be for seed), to produce a do - sired 100,000 tons of hemp fibre for 1943. Not only is that a "war crop," but the Commodity Credit Corporation has arranged for the building of seventy-one hemp mills. Hemp for rope, and also for cloth, has been cultivated widely Shine ancient tlnnes.:al'eek writers described it, and so slid Chinese, long before the Christian era, Iter- odotes described the hempen gar- ments worn by Thraciana es equal to linen in fineness, "MIDDLE -AGE" (OMEN (yrs. gid) HEED THIS ADVICE!! 1f you're Gross, mottoesNklOtVOtls-- suffer hot dashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's Me— try Lydia 51. Ptnkham's Vegetable un Compod, Made esryy eataIl,/ for lumen. Hundreds of'tltouoands re- morltabiy•helped,FORM label dtr6e- tione. Made int Canada. Click Takeo, Out of Nazi Salute So automatic have become the reflexes of the young Nazi that the first thing be does when shot down over England is throw off his parachute, spring to his feet, click his heels and bark "Keil Hitler!" at his captors, John Mac- Cormttek writes in The New York Times Magazine. As a result, Brit- iitll 1nteliigcnco officers have a standing rule that prisoners Must be deprived of their boots before being interviewed. Even the young Nazis feels foolish when he clicks his heels and no sound is audible, DIRECTS PUBLICITY The appointment of J. William Horsey, a leading -figure in Can- ada's food industry, as chairman of the Ontario public relations section of the National War Fi- nance Committee, was announced recently in Toronto. Mr. Horsey, who is president of Dominion Stores, :Limited, is also national chairman of the Cana- dian food industry's "March to Berlin" stamp drive and has for several weeks been active in the organization of the war savings stamp campaign being aggressive- ly carried on by the food indus- try, during the month of Febru- ary. The sale of stamps through over forty thousand outlets from coast to coast in Canada is expected to exceed one• million dollars `luring the period of the campaign. Might Kill Menace With Faster Ships Vice -Admiral Craig Waller in London Daily Telegraph No one, so far as I am aware, has attempted to controvert my claims: (a) That we can practically kill the .0 -boat menace by building cargo ships and tankers of 16 knots or more instead of concen- trating on the shapeless "ugly duckling" 10-knotter. The fast ship would be easily manoeuvred in 1n tight situation and would hold ]ler speed in rough weather. She would deliver her cargo in half the time of the slow ship, and fewer ships, therefore, would be required to do the job. (b) That aircraft are useless either as protectors of cargo ships or destroyers of submarines at night or in thick weather, and, moreover, lack the potent wea- pons •of the ram and the heavy Q.F. gun with which to kill the U-boat. Exports have convinced me that the design and construction of fast cargo vessels and tankers by mass production methods is a . practical proposition, and that with Diesel engines the fuel con - STOPPED rir a drffq -or Moneyback Fur quiekk relieffrom itching of eceemn, pimples, nth. Iete'efoot, eeolessoabies,resbesandotberexternally caused skin troubles, uee fast -acting, cooling, nu - septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Gremdees, stainless. 5ootheeirritetionand quickly stappes renes kelting.35crrialbolilepnwesiq ormoneyyb k. Ask raw.your druggist today for D. PRESCRIPTION. sumption would not be more than 25 per cent per day greater than that of the 10 -knot, Scotch boiler, reciprocating -engine ships now building, The shortening of the voyages would make the fast ship the most economical. Sink 1,000,000 Tons Of Axis Shipping Almost coincident with occu- pation of Tripoli there came a British Navy announcement of the sinking by a British submar- ine of the millionth ton of Axis shipping in the Mediterranean. The Commander of the British Fleet in the Mediterranean, Ad- miral Sir Henry B. Marwood, paid tribute to "this amazing feat, which has certainly contributed to the defeat of the enemy along the African Coast" Spartans in 400 B.C., used wood smoke as a form of gat warfare. SPEAKERS DREAD LOSS OF VOICE Fight off hoarseness with use of Lymoids "Hoarseness is a speaker's worst enemy." writes a Montreal announcer, "Now I dread it no longer because LYMOIDS have taught mo how easy it is to get relief," Carry.a bandy size box of LYMOIDS. At the first sten of throat irritation tickle or cough- ing, dissolve LYMOIDS in tlta mouth. Ther soothing, medicinal oils will quickly relieve your distress and embarrassment. ts.a Most storessellLYMOIDS in handy site 10c and coin, bow. LTMOIDS. 119 I'carl d Srrea,sTor stomps SSIFIED ADVE TISEMENTS- 1i.tNI) ii\STRU)ILNTS WANTED BAND & ORCHESTRA INSTRU- ntents not in use may be turned into cash. Send full particulars to Whaley Royce &. Company, 310 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. RAJIV: CHICKS 1.12L1/ RANGE PULLETS' MANY breeds and ages for immediate delivery. Also day old chicks eaoh week, Tweddte Chicle hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, NO . . . TWEDDLIG'S TIAVE NO monopoly of first class chicks but ... every chick that fails to make a profit may cause the buyer to lose faith in the entire industry. rweddle Hatcheries would like your business, of course, but we enn't do all tho business in Canada, and so, whenever and wherever you buy ehioks, for the benefit of all buy- ers and sellers in the business, we urge you to buy front recog- nized first-class hatcheries. Get a good start. Send for the Tweddi" •nlalogne, price list and contest folder and we're sure you'll agree that you can't go wrong when you buy Tweddlo Chicks, turkeys and older pullets, Tweddle Chick Hatrhories Limited, Fergus, Ont. "URGENT NEED POP MORE :EGGS per hon" says the Government, Do yeti' bit by ordering Bray chicks now whether immediate or Inter delivery. Started chicles ready, also cockerels for• scarce meat markets later. Bray Hatch- ery, 131) John, 1Itunilt6h, Ont. IIT;SLA-ESS ,FOR„ SALE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AND JOB printing plant in shall Ontario town, An excellent opportinnity, a one man shop. Box 403, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1•iX Ac.Kiats'I H SI -LOT' ,IGQUIPPIOD and stocked, trigs Grist 52111 equipped with International. en- gine and Jolliotto grinder, all under one roof. Good house and lot included. Splendid farming district.' Closing estate, Clarence 1fallory, Bloomfield, Ont. CHICKS SEND I!OR OUR RECORD CHART free and catalogue. Six breeds 'chicka and all ages growing pul- lets. Government approved. Savo money, early order discounts. Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction guaranteed. Monitton Poultry Perin, Monitton, Ontario. WAGS 'WANTED WANI'LD HATCHING EGGS FROM Governtnent Approvod and 0.B.S. flocks, all breeds. Guaranteed premium paid. •Write for full par- ticulars. Box 91, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. e'AR11S la A R ht S, SUBURBAN PROPER. ties, north of Toronto. Apply Tt, T3, Mune, Richmond 11Illi, VOItfEGit'S DROWN AND WRITE, h1XCI4L- lent hunters, Males $4.50, fimaios 50.00, yearlings $6,60, Wm. Good- win, Iiagorsville, Ont. POLtT IIAS,M IIALIM.BOIORA h O(1T BALM destroys oftensive odor instantly, 45c bottle, (Manta agent Dorman Drs11 Store. (1110wit. I0011 11141T _.. 1'7 111'N011151) Aviccat 071 5101315 n, 112'5 0, real, trill,. 1tt,o, good tv bn,Idinra, tuul ni' l,',, N. A. I n,toLuui, 15.11. No. „ Hewn1al- vili,, 0), ,, 10, 111'51.1' WANTED MALE WANTED MARCH 1st. THOR- oughly experienced married man for well equipped smalldairy farm on Highway 0, Guelph two miles. New cottage, all conven- iences. MMiIker, tractor & combine. Hydro, milk, garden supplied. State wages, experience, refer- ences. N, J. Thomas, 11.lt. 3, Guelph, D000 FOR SALM a11DEEKENNELS — WALDIi1'.IM, Sask. -Specializing in purebred solid mahogany coated TRISH SlETTERS—clever devoted com- panions. 11110ING u CLEANING IIAVPI YOU ANYTISi NG NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart - meat 15, . Parl`ey's Dye Works Limited, lot i'onge Street, To- ronto. FURS, IRIDES, WOOL SHIP CS YOUR 111DES, 1'`IJRS, Wool, horsehair, Top p'ie`s, prompt . returns. Pearlman & Goldberg, 130 Front Street, East Toronto. Government •Licensed Wool Grading Station No. 22. IuAlnonuSSrrr o SCHOOL L 11 A 1.t N BAIRD1U51SlNG THE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 157 Avenue Road, Toronto, 81151)105,1, IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUPb'111t- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should fay Dixon's ;Remedy. Sold .only Munro's Drug Store, 386 L16i n, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. HEAT) CO1,DS, SINUS, NOSIII DRIP, Grippe, Influenza relieved in five minutes with Vapinol Lnitaian1, 00 treatments 91,00; trial size 25c postpaid, WINDSOR DRUG GO„ 3086 Seminole, \\'miser, Can, 0101rt811 TO INVIINTORS AN (UPPER TO EVERY tNVISNTOL•t List of Inventions and full Infer - mutton sent tree, The Ramsay Co, Registered Latent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, L'ATEN1'S Free Helps For Inventors Everyone with a good idea should promptly secure the Illustrated Booklet "Fortunes Prom Inven- tions," and the handsome form Record of Your Invention," Get them to-day—Ivrea—from W. Irwin Ilaskett, 58 Qheon Street, Ottawa, 5'!O1'Ht,IRSTON11AU0Id & •COMS'AN 2 Patent Solicitors. f5atab11ahe, 1800; 14 .tring West, Toronto, Bobklot of Information on re.. (Oast. MILL[ CANS RENEWED RUSTY MILK CANS It711TTNNI01) Bite new. We also buy old eats. .Montreal Tinning & Itotinning Co. Ltd., Montreal. t'DOTOGII A PIP.' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH no Beal, realm or n1111 HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 0 or 8 exp0'uro film perfectly developed and printedfor only 25c, Supremo quality and service. guaranteed, t MVMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto ISSUE No, 8-43 PATENTS de TILADli1 MARKS EGEIRTON R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney,. Booklet gratia Established over forty years. 62 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. t'oULTRY WHITE COCAIN BANTAMS AND Pekin Ducks, 94.00 pair; Bronze Turkey Hens $7.00 each. Lal; Chateau harm, p'enelon Palls, Ont. PRESS WANTED WANTED PONY CYLINDER PRESS - 26" x 38" and Gordon 14" x 22", must be in good condition. Box 402, 73 Adelaide 1V„ Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED TO 11U Y W11 WANT ATTRACTIVE 014,113 with or without small acreage for cash buyers. Any 'good dis- trict within hundredmiles of Toronto. Scud compioto partiru- lurs with prices at once. No charge of any lcincl unless Ivo sell. Powell and Company, 5 SL ('.lair Plast, Toronto. )53,5,N1' WANTED WANTLID TO PURCHASE—AUTO- mobile Crankshaft and Cylinder Reconditioning Plant. Box No. O7, Merrickville,• Ontario. POULTRY WANTED HENS AND PULLETS \VANTED, good prl1'es. Export Packers, 68 Clinton Street, Toronto—Branch,, Brussels, Ontario, YOi1.0/1110 (10011 PRICES ASSURED, RAISE Cockerels, help meat shortage. Blood tested, heavy typo White Hybrid Cockerels 'Le, payment with order. Prompt slsipmcnt, Live arrival. 1,eraalc Edwards, Watford, Ontario. It MISTIMED N U I:1SLS 111SWST1GREII NURSES FOR GIGN- erul duty, $00 monthly with full maintenance and 305 night duty. Apply to Superintendent, Great War Memorial .l cemi1a1, Porth, Ontario. TRAIN Fon NL'11SP'S APPLICATIONS A 1 E INVITED for girls who desire to train Inc nurses, September 1093, Cornwall General Hospital, Cornwall, wall, Ont lt1065 Ua1 A1'IM P,1TNS SATISFY YOURSELF -- 11VidRY sufferer of Itlieumatte rains or 3'Oourltls should try Dixon's Rem— edy. tem.edy. Sold only STnhro's Drug Stole, 335 111811,, Ottawa. Post- paid 01.00. .'3U1''19RFL'UOtbS 8041511 I,ADI118 0.tt00130,1113 7','''5' 1 SUP1511 flotilla Hair and ospocialyy those who have been dtsappoietod to 361oetrolysts, will Welcoin a the news that Ne 'possess stn ex- elnsivo, safe, new method whist permanently, and oompletely, re- moves any growth of-auperflpous hail', Alight or serious, without any rteurrence whatsoever. Please note particularly that ours is the only method oarrylntg a .written arantocr of "guatespermanency.11 Ke - waren writing, .Lane consultation, 1'red astimatc, DermOLCllinic (8th year In Toronto), 220 Y011g5 St„ To- ronto, '.1111 tGPOlt MILTS TRACTOR PARTS N i3 W ANT, need, 1'or all makes of irottors. General Auto and Tractor Supply,. 12 Frederick St„ ltitohone', Ont.