HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-17, Page 1ir POST PUBLISHING . HOUSE Wednesday, February 17th, 1942 BRUSSELS, QNTARIO Red Cross Notes 'Euchre and Dance Thu following is a dist of the Well Attended February shipment.. Air Force— .25 pairs socks 15 turtle neck eweatcrs G' tuclolus 10 pre, gloves Army— 20 sleuvless sweaters 10 prs, gloves 10 ribbed helmets 15 prs. socks, 60 steel helmet laps Navy - 15 pre, seaboots 15 pro, seamen's socks Hospital supplies - 3 bed ja.ekets Civilian— Despite the i110lenlellt •weat>ior the euchre sand' dance held in the Brussels Town Ball on Thur.sdae evening was well attended, The affair was sflonsoyd by the local Fish and Cause Club, the c'oeeeds to be 'used to semi cigarettes to Brussels, Morris and G•roy boys who are now serving overseas, '1'he first part of the evening was spent in playing euchre and five hundred, with 25 tables being in play. Prize winners were: euchre, Mrs. F, Russell and Jack Thynne high wlnnere and Miss Veronica Blake and fe, Jamieson consolation awards;. five hundred,_first place winners, Mrs. G. Nurse and Robt 45 Drs, pyjamas Davidson; coos olation,Mrs. T• will have charge of the area lath 17 quilts Wilton and Gibson Willis, of the river. 1 unit consisting of 1 jumper Mr, Jack Thynne announced the dress, 1 blouse, 1 pr. bloomers, winners, and spoke a few word': of ,t 1 their efforts to supply the local On. Sunday the services in Mel - boys overseas with smokes, 60,000 ville Presbyterian church, Brussels, cigarettes have been sent to them. were in charge of the minister. The jFOilowing an intermission for sermon subject at the morning set'- Itlnch, Mr. Thm ye, widely known vice was; "Good Footwear." At at the Kansas Farmer, with his the evening• service the serm0u violin and Mr. K. Ashton at the subject was: "A Voice; Variously As there is no service wool avail- piano provided music for the dance. Interpreted:" Mr, Lewis D. Thenp• LocaiNews c„-,rns Important Notice CARD OF THANKS Ration Book Distribution Mrs. Robert C'orhrene and family Station Books will be lseued every W1t']i 10 sincerely thank ail wlta afternoon 'text week (except Wed- showed en touch .kindness lo ;11.ni In nrsduy) at the Brussels Public 1 their bine of cud bei'eavemsiiL Library from 1:30 to 6 p,ni., also this Sotin'day, Feb. 20th at the same Skating Party 1louits. United Y. P. S. The skating pnhind in th The Chinese Relief Fund ; local 010115 un Fridarlyy even bye the Young People's ;Society or o1 the A nation-wide appeal la b bn=, i Untied Church chew a good crowd made for con tributi0ns to t11e of skaters. Lunch was served, Chinese Relief Fund, Tice Protestant Clergymen of the village are acting Here Lady, Find Out If a5 a cotiimittee with Mr. Pres' as You're REALLY In Love T „•oo. M., n v nrt,a�.,., .., n. 1 sweater. credit to the Fish and Gams ('l tl on At the Churches Knitting quota -- Women's Auxiliary 9 prs, ankle socks British civilian - 10 women's sweaters 20 'girl's sweaters 20 boys' sweaters able at the present time, we have $on from Cornwall presided at the been sent this quota of civilian * * 's * * * * * . * organ and directed the choir: knitting which Is required as s0011 WEDDING I . Rev. J. F. Reycratt of Piston as Possible. ' preached the morning service at * ,0 * 4, * a * * t the United church on Sunday, His A tea, in aid of the 'Chinese Relief McGale—McDonald subject was "The Essence Of For - Fund is being arratnged tinder the Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald giveness," with his text beiur. "He auspicee of the Workroom. The announce the marriage on Feb. 6, ' would not have mercy." Tn the place and date will be announced of their daughter Jean Isabel to 'evening Rev. H. C. Wilson's subject next week, SKATING PARTY Brussels Arena on February 19, 1943 Proceeds to go to Junior Red Cross. ,.; Pte. Pat McGale of Toronto, was "God's. Messenger." Miss Carrie • Hingston sang a solo at the .roan ng I service. Service was Held in St. John's Church at 7 p.m. and the Holy Com- munion administered. The sermon was on the life and tea.ohing of St. Valentine. The text was St.John- -13:04 which 3s often termed the eleventh commandment, "A New Commandment give 1 unto you, that Ye love one another." The ouetont of sending Valentines of an amatory.. nature has crani down -through the ages since the third century. Trust' Piety, Reverence, Love, and maghi- fylug the name of Jesus are char- acteristics which St. : ,Valentine showed in his life. Admission — 15c & 10c SKATING PARTY Melville Y. P. S. At Brussels Arena On Friday, Feb 26th Admission -10c & 15s Lunch Sold at Rink He hath made the earth by His Power, He hath establish- ed the world by His wisdom. and hath stretched out the heaven by His understanding. Jeremiah 50:15, Heinle Church 11 A.M. "The Shield of Faith" 12.15 P.M. Sunday Sohool and Bible Class 7 P.M. "What Will You Do In Worse Days?" COME AND WORSHIP United Church Minister•—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A.M. Morning Worship "Divine Intervention" Junior Congregation 12 Church Sohool and Bible Class 7 P.M. Evening Praise "A Changed Mae"' ALL ARE 'WELCOME a,,.,....,.,.M, �.,... _ ...1•06/10/44,0/00 Church of England Parish of Brussel* Rector. -Rev, M, F. Oldham Septuagesima Sunday February 21st, 1943 St, John's Church, Brussels - 11 A.M. Sunday-Sohool ' 7,P,M. Evening Prayer and Sermon St. George's Church, Walton 3,30 P.M, Sunday -School , u, 4 P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon 8t. David's Chut'ch, 1•ienfryn 2 P.M. Evening Prayer, and Sermon 3 P. M, Senday.Scheol and Bible Claes ..■mow'"^,,.,;,,., Skeoch Dunbar A quiet wedding was solemnized at 100. Adelaide West, Toronto. on .Saturday, Feb. 6th, at 1 p.m., whoa Margaret Ruth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley Dauber, Ethel, was united in marriage to Jamres Hubert, elder son of Mr and Mts. Hugh 'rSkeoch, Fergus. 'Dr. W. M. Rochester officiated. The bride, becomingly gowned in turquoise blue silk faille with brown accessories wore a. corsage of Sweetheart roses with bouvardia She was attended by her sinter, Miss Betty Dunbar, 'Ethel, who wore gold French crepe and brown accessories with matching corsage. a. Mr. Ken.' Ford, Fergus. was groomsman. Following the ceremony a delight ful luncheon was served the wedding party. BORN MARTIN—Pte. Fred and Mrs, Martin, Brussels, on ?,Iourtay, rob. 15111; a daughter. * ,. PAdaMIORR—To Mr. and Mrs, NS' 1.. Palmer (nee Ruth Came an .Stra.clteat) a son. 'William Wee - man, at Weston "Hospital, :Febru-. ary 13th, 1943. REGENT THEATRE, Seaaforth, Ont. NOW SHO'WING— . TM0 FEATURES (2nd show starts at 9.45) Warren 'Williams •Frances Robinson Lone Wolf Keeps a Date New adventures in his 1loadl New tricks up his sleeve! —Also— Outlaws of the Panhandle Starring Charles. Starrett Fighting Mens Rousing Songs. Moo., Tues. and Wed. (2nd show starts at 0.15) Joan Crawford Melvyn Douglas They All Kissed the Bride Roland Young - Billie Burke Allen Jenkins High standard of laugh entertainment. . Next Thurs,,' Frl ,6 ,Sat. Two Features, George Formby Feather Your Nest —Also -- George Montgomery Carole John Sheppard Cadet Girl Lentils COMING— Lady is Willing Positively CHILDREN cannot he ad• mltted to EVENING SHOWS inlets accompanied by an adult, CARD OF THANKS Having acted as Agent of the Howtck Farmers' Mutual Vire In- surance .Company in the Township of McKillop and that portion of the Township of Mullett south of the Grey -McKillop boundary since the fail of 1920. I am forced to re- linquish my territory on .an0otnit of the gas and tire situation and perhaps also my. age. I want to take this oppoittuntty of thunktng our policy holders in this district for the kinclnnas shown ore and sleo the trust reposed in. me diming all these years, - The Directors of the Company have appointed Mr. Wilfred Deltnte of MoKiliop Township to tate care of policy holders in McKilloo and that portion of Hallett Townships, For your information Mr. Dennie e phone number is 913-r-12 Mal{illop and bis address is Walton .No, 1. On behalf of Mr. Delnts T would. ask the same loyal support yon have given me. I might also "take the opportunity to thatrk the policy holders of Corey .and Morris Town- ships for their kindness and 'seppot't and I trust. thatntayebe able to serve them for a time at least; Jaunes Meleadzeani Brussels. Box 1 NOTICE At the recent, meeting or the Huron County Council ]•t .was decid- ed to establish distributing centres for trees for .re-forestrstion. Any- one; desiring trees should pla-e their - order with any member of your Township Cn11n011 or the Township, Merit before Scltu+oh 1st as the orders meat bo ferwaa'ded to time County. Clerk by .March 1st. . He will then order them shipped to the different distributing centres from where they will be' dieeil)uteti. to. the persons having ordered thein, THOMAS C. SAMSON, Reeve, DO YOU NEED— ?furniture repaired, 1pliais ening rite, all Waft well done, Bring it in or phone 31, The Post Print Shen,, and have it called for, - ,Judith Chase, quiz expert, writing in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (February 21) issue of The Dertoit Sunday Times, offer:: a questionnaire through which girls can, by self-apgyaisnl, - find out Whether They are itt love by merely a.nswe•tng a series of questions. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit T'ntes, St. John's Women's Guild The regular meeting of St..Tolur'e Women's Guild was held at the home of Mrs, T. Prest on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 9111. Rev, . M. F. Oldham opened the meeting with Psalm 368 and prayer, with Mrs G. Davie in charge. It was decided to purchase 5 new Hymn books for the choir with a money 'lonatlon from Dr McCutcbeon. It was de- cided also to bold a Pancake :'upper In the church basement on Tciesday, March 9th, also a Skating Party on Friday, March 5th, The next 'fleet- ing will he held at the hone o; Mrs, B. W4nittard on Tuesday, March and, A delicious and tasty lunch was Served by the hostess, Mrs. Prest, and a vote of thanks extended to her for her hospitality, United Church -W:M:S..- The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held Friday afternoeu, Feb. 12th; at the home bf :Mrs. S. Davison, A goodly number of ladies were present, The president, Mrs. Hamilton was in the chair and the meeting opened with hymn 15 and the Loa'n's Prayer, Atter :he busi- ness portion of the - eneetiug, Mrs. Davison, Miss Robinson and Mrs. Buschlin took Charge with the theme throughout based on "The Church, the city and the home,' alestin interesting .' u' a which was both nt beneficial. . Psalnn 150 'was read responsively and Mrs A. MCDnnaa;i ,rend the scripture Laken from Matt. 18:1-11. The hymn "Ilappy the hone when God is there," was snug and Mi's. Thomas led in prayer The meeting closed with hymn 1.5 and the rnizpah benediction. United Church W. A. Mrs..McArthur and Mrs, Brown entertained 3.2 members of the Wo- men's Association -a the United Church on Tuesday, Feb. 16111, The opening hymn was "Bmeath Go Me Breath of God" with tile presicl nt Mrs, Huggins in charge of the meet- ing. The scripture reading Sins given by Miss remota McNauahtcnt and the Lord's Prayer was t,peatoll in unison, The minutia of the last rneet;ng were read anti approved, The treasurer read her report ' A pot lurk supper to be held earl,' in the spring wrnc discussed. A letter from Mrs, Anderson, thanking rho W. A, for the box sent, while She was was react, The singing of "God Save the King" and the hitzltnll benediction closed the nieetiag. A delightful social hour was enjoyed and the follpwihie programme was gven; solo "Mural Of My •C11114 - hood Days." Mrs. Thomas; reading "Growing 010", Mt'e, Tlugginei read- ing "How Do You , Taettlo Your Work" by Miss M, Downing„ Three contests were cottdncted by Mrs. Ida Lowry.- A tasty lunch was served by tite hostesses, DIED DTiiNNISS---111 15c51iltop tawns11111 on, Wednesdoy, Feb. 1.1111, 1913. Maar tilde Forbes, beloved wife of 0110 tato Henry Donnie in her 35t)r. yetis' Funeral will be held from hoe tato 1'esiclei0c, Lot 14, coneessioti 1,4, •MeKifio)1, on .Friday, Feb, 19t11, 19,13, ,Se'viee at 2::60 p.m, in. torment in 1lrussels nemete'31 • IRespected Citizen of Ethel Laid At Rest Crey Township lost one ef. it 111101 t highly rctspeeted citizens when on February 3rd; Sir. Rattier 5. ('uela•une, lensed away at 11+; late I residence at Ethel, after a it edam leg followed by three strokes, 1'.,nt whit•] he didn't recover, The tlecensed was a sun 01' the late Robert and Mrs, i''Ocllane :anal I wns born on Mauch 23, 1366 1„ Patna i Township. in 1396 he was ur.heetl in marriage to - Christina (Stumben of Molesworth. This union was t blessed with two eltiltlren Cameros, of Ethel and :Nit's. Agues 'TrC'reel'Y 01' Wroxeter. The subject of this nntiire. "as at person of pleasing personality who exercised the spirit of ebecn'ful Christlan helpfulness in every em ir- onmont and formed litany sincere friendships, and to those who knew aand loved him best, lie will L: most oilseed. Mo. Cochrane is survived by his devoted wife. two children ani five grandchildren, .Stewart, Jean and Doris Cochrane of Ethel anti sternly and Jean McCreary of Wroxeter. also one sister Mrs. Geo. Robinson of Neepawva and one brotiaer T.ohn of Paris. Funeral services were_ 11010 on Saturday, February 60). In Ethel Presbyterian church et 2,30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Mr, Taylor, pastor of Ethel Presbyterian church o -f which 14A, Cochrane was a member. Interment was made in Mount Pbeueent Cemetery, Ethel. W. H. Love was funeral director. The following officiated is pall- bearers. .Tares Pestelle, Wnt, 'Vic - Ginnie, Cecil Eckmier, Alonza. Hoath, Wesley Somers and Franklin Sleightholm, • HOCKEY SLANTS (By Harris Bell) . Monday, Feb. 15, and its hockey night again. b'lorris vs Town, Both teams were short-handed and had to .borrow players from B.C.S. and Grey. The scoring started early in the first period with Ring uttering, then Lowe followed and then Work. ntau. The Town could .not, seen to organize their players. Again Marin came down to score, Workman getting another then Lowe scored followed by Kings Then Nichol scored for Morris ouly to be followed by Roilee for Town, their first goal, Them RolbeS came back again tor another goal. ,In the seooud period 1 ' • i]1 Morris started again. Currie ie l,�ttt g St followed by Nichol. Then piing scored followed by Lowe. Workman then made a lone rush resulting in a goal. - You sure can't keep an old boy 111ce harry down, Then Riley scared for Town. Morris rate right back, Nichol getting the •a.tuter. Ring scored again followed by Lowe. Curie then made another. count putting Morris too far ahea 1 for Town to catch up. At the end of the game King, Workman and Ntehol seeped for Mnrria whil'.. J. McDonald scored for 'town. Final score: Morris 18. Town 4. Stars, King, ' Workman, J, McDonald, LINEUPS M•ORRInS—goal, G. Stephensol:; de- fence. Lowe, D. Duncan; centre, Ring; wings. Currie, W'rine 00; subs, J Ireland, Nichol, TOWN—goal, Ti, Stephenson; de- fence, H, McDonald, 0, (lillis; eentre Riley; wings. Rollos, J. McDonald; subs, J Willis, D. Willis, Bell, Referee—M, Bae'ker, STANDINGS Morris - 12 Torten B. C. S. 7 - Grey 4 The play-offs are snaring ,p watch fen' 0110 news next week Reporter—W. T3'. Bell - Plowmen Elect New President . Gordon MoGavin, Watton, Chosen; Other Officers Named TORONTO. Feb, 10 — Gordon Ma. Gai'ilr, of Walton, wos elected press - dent of the Ontario Plownrena Association at the annual aeeting Iio'e. eucceetiiig 3, 11. Ketchen, '9 Fergus, - Other ,officers elected wore. W. L, Clark, Gontntey, first vlec- presidant; Walter 'Dnivney, 'Rine• sing, second vice•prosirlent; .f. ... Carol), Toronto, - seeretaryrtan- ager; Clank Voting, uitl'ikar, treasurer. National Red Cross Campaign To the c'ittr n: ut 1Jruvst ls, Gruy and Morris: - are btriatg'asked to contribute 1.2200,50. to the drive which :um t11'nces Mardi I',1, I11Is 15 1114 higher than laid year. Of this t.eoulnt 70';. is vent to the Ontario Lien -ion Torulus, to aysiet 111 carrying an. their work of giving comforts to the : wounded, the prisoners of wir sad ipeople In distress. 'This 'ipli °a; itf authorized by the Dominion Covern- 11e111. President Roosevelt and... Prune Minister Clam'chill t.•11 us 1943 will be a year of ae ten, that they will carry the wEtr to the enemy on every trona Lot us on the house front support them and may 1944 bring peace and victory, I .ani asking the following canvassers to 1.1111 alt you, they are Joing it voluntarily—make it a pleasure for thein, intmease your donation o' last year, by 10% if possible. 'Canvassers will receive their supplies and make their returns to D. M, McTavish's store, . 111 Morris Township.— ' 3 cat„ to centre side road -1I, Gow- ing, ,las, Mair, 4 coo., los centre side road- Thos. Ellis, Wni, Henderson, 5 con., to ventre side road—Jas. Kerr and George Davis. 6 con., to eentre side road --Lorne Nichol, Wnr, Bernard. 7 con„ to centre side road—Richard Gray, George Alcock, Grey Township - 2 son,, to °111olesworth side road-- Selah Breckenridge. Ed. Tohnstou. 4 con., to Renard side -road—George Johnston, Geo. Turnbull. Melville Dennis, 1 con., to Barker's school—Wilfeldf Hoe'. Russel Willbee. 0 Con. to P. Lamont's side road.— Wm. Cardiff, Frank Ring. 9 con„ to Cranhrook side road—El- don Wilson, Wm. McNair. 12 con., to good road --loin .Schnook, Blair McIntosh, Wm, Grant 14 000., to good roars—Wm: Evans. Archie Engel Brussels— North -of River—Harry Clienteles( VWYnm, Little, South of river arid East of main street—Walter 'Williamson, Jos. TCeliey- Soet11 of river and West of main street—JWilfred Cameron, Adrian McTaggart, To save expense, no °Vfiolet re. eelpts will be sent out unless re- quested for income tax, Tours truly, R. 3, . Bowman PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. M. Laycock is visiting at her home near Woodstock, * * W. J. Stewart, Fergus, spent the week end at his house here. Mrs. D. N. McDonald Is recover- ing favourably from a recent opera Hon itr Listowel hospital O r n Mr, and Mrs. Bob Wool of Montreal are visitors with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Wool, Rev. J, F. and Mrs. Reycreft of Piston have been visiting at the parsonage with Rev. H. sod Mrs. \\'ilson, * * 4 Mr. and Mr, Tari, Henderou 'live returned home after two week's loll. bays at Port. Robinson Little Ruth Acte Steles returned with them, * * * Mrs, Win. Clarice, who was taken Orn Listowel Memorial hospital for an emergency appendicitis attention on Delriny of last week Is recovering as well ne cam be expected, n * * Mr. Stewart Kerr bas been trans- ferred 'from Kincardine to G.'derich; at ('..N,R.'Depot, A step up each: move we understand.-• Plenty Of Syrup For AU Infants Plenty of corn syrup hes hoes as surecl Western Ontario mothers .for 1,tie feeding of their infant children. According to W. Harold MoPhi1]ipe. regional prices a,na ?Apply rep^Mente give, an order of the Weeti 10 Prices and Trade Board ,forbids tate use of corn syrup in the cowntleretal mat nfac.h•e of ,any product in Canada. It is believed this wi't release worth -while aanonnts t0 c.on- sinners and sell] work no hardships en iIldllat,ria.l 118ere.' , 10110 , 0011 be suppiled with giMMese, -