HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-3, Page 9THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, February 10th, 1993 RATION BQQK No. 2 —HOW. AND WHEN i0 GET IT For the convenience of the public and to ensure speedy distribution, New Ration Book No. 2 will be issued locally at the following distribution centres. ADDRESS DATES HOURS Brussels library, Brussels Feb. 20, 23, 27 1.30 toy6 p.m. The new Ration Book will NOT be Mailed to you. It must be called for. Before you can secure the new Ration Book you must fill in and surrender the application card in the back of your present Ration Book No. 1. This card should be left in the Ration Book for the distribution officer to tear out. If already detached, it should be brought along with your present Ration Book, so the name and serial nwnber may be checked. You do not surrender your present Ration Book as it contains Coupons yet to be used. CARNET DE •' RAT iONNEMENT• 14 DEO. ItE dhe Rall.n R MmnsiRnl 9 ^ N.m.db�aoi. Ju Canty'py,u,nl_Vararra,,..r on,o• - *dims. beokneld reprlittee. _ t..-....-.•• Aare .._ •••• • _ ......_. -.. ARe, r oo 4a.cw ao u um _.� Aso It cUuler 16 IS. IN THE BACK OFAPPLICATIONPRESENTR OUR RATION BOOK MAKE SURE ABOUT. YOUR SERIAL NUMBER Your name and present place of residence (in the case of children, the .esidenee of the parents) must: be printed clearly in Block Tetters. Make sure that your serial number, including letters and figures as shown on the front cover of Ration Book No. 1, is clearly written on the application'. card. This serial number, including the two letters before the number, is your ration book identification for the duration. Residents of Rural Areas may apply on behalf of their neighbours, providing Ration Book No. 1, and properly filled in application cards, are presented, In the case of residents of a town or city, any senior or responsible member of a house- hold may apply for new Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household, providing Ration Book No. 1 and properly filled in application cards, are presented. Children under sixteen will not be allowed to apply for new Ration Books, either for themselves or other members of the family. RATION ADMINISTRATION TH.E••WART:IME•:r PRICES A"DE -BO'ARD CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR REFERENCE. LRB. 2 Repair Farm Machinery In haying time last year a farmer lost ten hours of time and made two special trips to town for repairs when a mower broke down. A small casting, which costs less than one dollar, was lost in the nay field and operated tbe o the mower could not p until it was replaced. This delay could have been avoided and valu• able time saved for •a cost of one cent, as the delay was caused by a Listowe — EAT AT Weston's Restiuran.t:, Home Away From Home BELL. & BENSON BRUSSELS ONTARIO' Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablic Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) : ' Wednesday,; and Saturday afteineons). BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS. Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) allowed the castrng to fall off the mower, If this pin (tat been in- spected and replaced before the haying season started, the hay crop would have been harvested earlier with less labor hours and at a low- er cost, observes W. i(albfleiscn, Ag- ricultural Engineer, Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Nekt summer many last minute re- pairs will not be poseible due to con- ditions caused by the war. Provision has been 'made for the production of a large volumeof repair parts, bort all dealers may not have all the parts whioh may be required at a moment's notice, Because oe citffi• °trifles in transportation and .in estimating the requirements of each district, It It necessary to order repair pants early so that the enachinery dealers can place the required parts in stock. Both labor and money can be save ed by 'Ordering repair parts .now and by thoroughly overheating machin• ery and egnipunent this winter, To determine the repair parts Which aro required every machine should bo inspected, After the first order of parts are obtained the macltiuea should be overhauled and all additional repair parts metered so that they sae be need when the machines are being assembled, btot.only should field ina°hlnery be overhauled, but It Pumps, grlpdere, teed hoPPens and othisr such equip- ment are reconditioned now, labor can be saved next summer. Binder Twine For Farmers Only, Says Munition Order There is good news for the fann- ers of ,°auade in the new Order on hard fibre rope issued recently by the Department of Munitions and Supply, This Order provides that no bard fibre shall be used In the making of tying twine, upholstering, and skipping ropes among other things, It also points out that binder twines may be used only for binding and tying agricultural crops' (Canada is facing a serious short- age of hard fibre, as the math source of supply of these fibres was cut off w+lien the Japanese over -ran the South Seas. Manila repo that has no further use provides flue eaivage, • Woim,out hay fork rropes, halter ropes. i5 fact any rope fibre that has outlived Its usefulness will be accepted at the Salvage Depots. Rope is needed for the Navy. Mer- chant Merino, and for military 5111- poses. fin the army Canadian hemp is used for .the pulletbroubghe em- ployed for cleaning rifle and mach- ine gin barrels, Rope is also used in the making of insulating paper for odaper-wiring, an essential ma- terial in electrical worst op airplanes and °titer war equipment. (ar of Wheat and Oats to Arrive :in February Shipping conditions uncerta i1 Leave Your. Order for Canada Packers Fertilizer Before It Is Too Late. D. b:. Mac' avish Phone 46 A Recipe For War Butter With the rationing of butter the press has been beseiged with re- quests for recipes for war butter, Recently the St. Mary's Journal Argus asked its readers to respond to the demand, and recently that nevyspaper reprinted the footow,in g, which is declared to be the best idea yet developed for making your weekly ration go twice as far it is sent in by, Mns. George Parker of Motherwell. and is known as "Magee Butter Spread" Here It is: If you have an electric heater, you will think nothing of whipping 11J a Sound at a ttme of the eteeer or if you are doing it .byd, using a rotary leater,, ,. ,y double beater is' bests;' -wars, Parker advises using Just a half pound of butter at a time. Wow go ahead as follows -1 envelope (1 tablespoon) plain un - flavored gelatine; 14 cup cold water;. 1 pound good butter (at room temp- erature); 1 16 -ounce can of evapor- Will Hitler Scrap The Eiffel Tower? Famous Structure Would Yield 7,000 Tons of Metal Is .the Eiffel Tower about to fall into the hands of German wreckers? Last week a Paris dispatch printed in Sweden asserted that the world- famous landmark "has rusted be- yond repair as the result of neglect" if the Eiffel Tower ,has really fallen to disrepair this has happened against the desires of most Freneh- men, says the Stratford Beacon - Por they know that every 51." Yea3>s. the towering pride of ParisiaLs 1,w�.11een painted by 69 daring workmen" wee t,,,eaiteeeeiter refused to wear safety belts (a1-" though at least five were killed co • each job). A year ago the German 1 invaders talked covetously of the '. tower's 7,000 tons of metal. The rust story sounds suspiciously like a Nazi lie spread as a forerunner to the destruction of the best known a:ted autlk (at room temperature or feature .of the Seine landscape. fresh milk—see below) a little salt, Built for the Paris Exposition in 4 Measure gelatine into a howl and 1.889, the Eiffel Tower ha•s been -? pour in the cold water; allow to called "an up -ended bridge that -, soften for five minutes. Plane ever went nowhere except into the heart trot water and stir until the gala of bourgeois France." A1s tine is dissolved. Cut butter into Gustave Eiffel 'himself or, small pieces and .aflow to stand at mitted: "1 know it is atrocio there it is, and there it stay so all 984 feet of the -...E1 stayed—its massive toes du, below .the 'bed sof the 'Seine and its" head lifted serenely into the Paris haze. The builder slept soundly in the tower while the German planes of room temperature or in a warm place until softened—but do not melt it. Combine milk and dis- solved gelatine. Gradually 'whip into the butter, using :1 rotary beater or an electric mixer. 'lien the milk .mixture is very thoroughly beaten in, add salt to taste, if desired. (The milk may separate the last- war attacked the City of a little, in whioh case :ontinue L'hht. He read poetry there heating until all is mixed in) while the shaft swayed four feet 4 Yellow food coloring may he added, f in the wind and the Summer ,1 if ,desired. Keep In refrigerator lightning leaped and crackled in when not In use. TSO there YOU are, the fretwork. Both the man and ladles, If anyone of our readers the tower looked down cynically has a different or similar recipe, on riot, royalty, rand tour1bre ,. To- , t The Post will be glad to publish it. gether, for decades, they calmly`" -7-" ---7'' survived the demands of highly 3 "Weis mon troaity" come tumbling down. } * E� u By Jame, 1940 when the Boche came again, Eiffel had been dead for 17 years, but his tower saw the German panzers .arrive and int wore, in shame, the hated swas- tika. (Greedily the aggressors eyed the metal loot, but hesitated to rub salt into the bleeding wounds of the French masses. And so the Eiffel Tower was spared—for the time. But now its end may be near. Tt will be so easy—and so typical of Hitlerienl--4o find an excuse. In the rust that is eating into the structure, to destroy the tower, and steal the iron scrap. - ar e is but �I And+i Tower ,cep A11 Dionoes Now Livitig Together Although the new Thome home now funder construction will not be .00m•pleted before March or April, the Dionne family has been re -united with its famous quin- tuplet daughters for several weeks, Keith Munro, business manager for the Quints, said last week, When original plans calling for a Christmas reunion of the Quints with other members of their family broke down because of construction delays in their new home near Callender, Ont., Pape Dionne moved his family out of the now historic frame farmhouse in whioh the little girls were -born Frees the road to the Dionne nursery -4,* �vhueh the Quints have lived �sin•ee they e' eec- three months old. The move was made r, Iietly shortly after the Quints and their parents returned from a trlp to Toronto during which they macre several appearances In air] of Canada's Third Victory 'Loan. The Sisters of 'the Assumption, supervising the health and educe- tional welfare of the Quints. have established their quarters In what was formerly the staff house adjacent to the nursery, Three c1 the four ,sisters are teachers and the other is a nurse. artistic people that s- e Inners Get Break edit Order Crecllt the ns for the purchase of farm machine y have been made easier in aconsumer'reekeded credit order announced 'ffe s, leek by the 4Tsartime Prices and Trati'b`esl3oard. The down payment on Yarn] mach leery Inc been set at one-thiri the cash -price. The trade-in cannot be considered as the down payment and must be deducted teem the balance. Farmers ere allowed two years. for payment in full. Exhort Packers BUYERS—Of A11 Kinds of • ' = Live and Dressed Poultry . ro . We will call at your place •415:7,5' o for any quantity. , $ a. p.5% % a n Premium prices paid for Milk Fed ChioiF, 0 1-+ o Before you sell your Poultry, call of phoned : X Bi t els Also—All kinds of Feathers it q sef ll t e, We have an expert on our staff who All catgOxir in Free of Charmo b-, 003'''"'d 0. } E; Phone 70x Eln,4,141k u, o m fel p �' n�" .c^.00,w 6. °tire ,,,di law ' . P G•