The Brussels Post, 1943-2-3, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
WARTIME Ili 0111010
needs of Ontario's war
To meet the powerthe supply T Hydro has increased r 7t50,001l h•p•
ears by tile
industries in the last Four endows
electricity h electrifcontribied Factories
mode °fret" i hlY reduce
This has
our h'9 power to produce war ell r,/'tth ithe necessary ouwlighting
gOntario weapons for con-
quantities of of new power sources is huge
The development ids.of Northern reverse the huge
tinning _ program, that- completion. acts are
will In
flow diversion of water, is "canoe ower projects netts of the Province st a es oftconst power
the final stag O the °:he recent
nearing co-operation during
war effort
The splendid conserving electricity
to cense greatly lhe shat A For
months has contributed ledg the n
and is thankfully is st II critical and
ponser, is needed to produce stilt
conservation continues. and mae still Stilt more poweri war weapons ower res be
seater a victory
on, that samepower
When the victory is woontribute n,
available ndStr industrial, al and h
our ind
provide 66,000 fi•P•
caring completion top 000 ,00
1. Plant n cant supplying •10, roe.
S. Hundreds of P of new Transmission L'
of miles new diversion program.
3 Rapid r ogr summer
q, Rapid Progress an production last into P tion to distribute power. 6q0, 0 h•P• plant
6. 830,000 volt
II1161ii1,;11• Illll .t ,
0.M.E.A. and A.M.E.U.
Annual Meeting
Taranto, Fobruary 9th and 1001
New Credit Regulations
On Drugs, Food, Fuel
Retail purchases on credit for
food, drugs and fuel, formerly ex-
empt from the prices board's con-
sumer credit order, are brought
within the provisions of the order
the board announced on Friday,
Fuel, however, continues to be ex-
empted when purchased under writ-
ten agreement.
The order has been revised, ef-
fective- Feb. 1, with incorporation
en inLktwe
Weston' Restaurant
Home Away From Home
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday
Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6100
(except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00)
or a number of amendments, In a
move to place further curbs on re-
tail sales on credit, •
Wednesday, February $rd,
Car of Wheat and Oats to
Arrive in February
Shipping conditions nncerta n
Leave Your Order for Canada Packers Fertilizer
Before It is Too Late.
D. M. MacTavish
Phone 46
Scripture lesson was read by Wil-
liam Manning, Prayers were read
from the Daily Readings. Rosa An.
demon gave a paper on the life of
Robert Burne George Johnston
gave .a paper on "Opportunity' A
quiz contest was conducted by
James °cartes. The next meeting
will be in the form of a Valentine
social on February 12.
The first in a series of euchres
and dances to he held during the
remainder of the 'Winter to provide
smokes for the men overseas, was
held in the Foresters' Hall on
Thursday evening, Prize winners
were Mrs. Alex 'young and Harold
Walsh. Winner of the door prize
was George Jordan, A lunch counter
provided refreshments. Arthur's
Orchestra supplied the music.
Several Belgrave men are attend-
ing the farm mechanics; course be -
Ing held in Wingham.
Mrs, John Wightman is suffering
from an attack of pleurisy,
Norman Sanderson; Organist, Miss
Emma Sanderson,
A vote of tbanirs was given to Mr.
and Mrs. Hoy for the use of their
home also to the rector and his
wife and to the officials and organiz-
ations by the motor.
The Women's Guild of St. George's
church held the first meeting for
the New Year at the home of Mrs,
11. Itoy on Friday, Jan. 29th. Mrs,
Vwn1, Humphries, president, was iu
Charge. Mrs, Bert Anderson, sec.
treas., read the minutes and gave a
report of last year's work. The sum
a 464.86 was voted to the wardens
in 1941 A good balance is on hand
to start the New Year The year's
work was planned ,and discussed.
There was a good attendance al the
We are sorry to report the
serious illness of a former resident
in the person of Mr Jas. Ballan-
tyne now of Toronto, Trust be vrill
regain his usual health,
Several young people from here,
attended the school dance in
The annual congregational meet- Brussels on Friday night and re-
ing of St. George's church, Walton, port a good time
was held on Friday, Jan. 29th at the Wilfred Hewitt of R. C. A. F.
home of Mr. and MTs. R. Hoy At arrived ,home from British Oeluln-
8 p,m, the people sat down to • a bia on leave with his parents,
delicious hot supper prepares] by Mr. and Mrs, M. Hewitt. He will
the ladies of the congregation. leave for .an Eastern port later.
After the supper the reotor, Rev. M. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Greinge:
F. Oldham opened the sleeting with and little Bernice of Jamestown
Psalm 21 and prayer. He also gave visited with relatives in the village
his report showing that there are on Sunday.
14 families belonging ti the church, Mr Isobel Turnbull returns to
5 adults not included in families, Hamilton this week, after enforced
total "lubber 63. 2 baptisms, 2 holidays, with an infection in her
burials, 1 confirmed, .actual 00311- hand
111•uni0a13te 27„ total utunber el Sun- Miss Elizabeth Fear of Wood-
day services 50, average attendance stock and Miss Elsie Franklin of
16, number of celebrations ..1 holy Atwood, were week end visitors at
communion 9, The Rector expressed
bis appreciation of work done during
the year by the various organiza-
tions and parishioners. Mr, Harry
Bolger, treasurer, gave the Enancial
report, The salary has been paid
in full or all church officials and all
their homes.
Mr, Alex Pearson made a busi-
ness trip to Toronto last- week.
The Women's Institute will meat
on Thursday afternoon, Fab. 11111,
at the home of Mrs. P. Stephenson,
The motto, "School History" win
debts paid. Receipts $504:94, ex- be taken by Mrs. 3. Pestel. The
peflddtnres $462.93. Balance on Hand roll call, something that happened
$12,01, Mrs. Bert Anderson raported
Mr the Women's Guilds thie organ-
ization has had an excellent year
.Contributions were made to the
'Burdens and $64,86 given towards
repairs, etc., tor the rectory and
start the new year with a balance of
$102.34. ,Mrs, Harry Bolger gave
the W. A. report showing all
obligations met. Miss Emma
,Sauderson gave the Sunday ,sehooi
report. This organization was only
started in Sept. but has done well
and is progressing favourably.
The following officers were
appointed: Minister's Warden, Mr.
ae The Red Cross Society hell . its Harry Bolger; People's Warden, Mr,
The 'evtstt order .extends the monthly business meeting in the Bert Anderson Vestry Clerk, Mrs,
provisions et the consumer credit workrooms on Friday afternoon con B. Anderson; Lay Delegate 10 Synod,
policy to include practically all ducted by the president, C, R, Mr. B Anderson; Substitute Dela
forms of credit sales,
Coultas. There was a good attend -
A. 0, Heather, director of eon- ante.
sinner credit for the board said Minutes of the annual cleating
the down .payment on all good's has were react by the secretary, Rev, G.
been standardised at 33% per cent, I1. Dunlop, and adopted. Mrs. A
gate, Mr, N. Sanderson; Auditors,
1111', Wm, Humphries, Mr, Richard
Hoy; Board of Management, The
Wardens, Messrs, Wan. Humphries,
R. Hoy, R. Marks, Harold Bolger,
Manning was appointed as delegate George Pollard, Mrs. S. Hnmplmlee,
This eases the terms under orneryhichMrs. Wim, Hlui/1,011ot, Mrs, B,
antomi:les and farm machinery
to ,attend the ss Anderson Anderson; Caretaker, Mr,
110 urohased blit means strict- eouvention to bee held oral Red Cron
in Toronto on
clay p
er tenets for furniture ;and piano April 0. Mrs. H. McGuire war an. «^--•
buying. 0/301190 2cec int must be pointed alternate.
settled by the 26th day- of the month Letters were read 'from boys over•
followil g the month of poetess. sees .and in Canada, who had re
Stricter 'conditions are imposed for eetyed boxes. One letter was recely-
re,establislahent of defaulted charge eft front the recipient of a ditty
accounts. bag, The branch quota for the
forthcoming national campaign wan.
set at $1,000.
Later the finance committee .mat'
Western Ontario'•
and apponited the following can-
vassers far the district; Chairman,
Most Modern C. it,, Coulter; blast Wawanosh, 12,
, George Taylor; 10, Ronald Coulter
EYE SERVICE and Herein, Irwin; 9, Gordon 1!laytor
and Alex Porterfield; 6, Marvin • 141e•
F. F. I-IOMUTH, P•HM.B., R.0. Dowell, Lewis +Cook; Morris, 2.
• James Mollie; 4, William McMur•
Eyesight Specialist tray, 3. Wheeler; 3, Robert Omitting;
lioignave, harry McGuire.
Phone 118 Harristose The "Coated Murrell Young Pao.
Pte's Union niet in the basement of
(Brussels Phone 26X 2nd the 011101ch on l,rittay evening, Mies
Thursday each month.) 13111). Mcdtenaghan, presided, The
at school. Current events will be
In charge of Mrs. Wardlew. A
good attendance is asked for. 411
ladies are cordially invited to
Word has been received her of
the 'sudden death of Mr_ E. Magic.
of Petrolia. Mr. Magin visited here
ou many occasions and had many
friends in the village. Our syln-
patby goes out to his son Clarence
and- family and ether relatives,
He was a comsin of Mrs, .Geo,
Kreuter and W. T. Spence.
Friday, Feb. 6—B.O.b, Ve, Grey
Town Vs, Morris
Wed„ Peb. 10---33.0.2. Vs. Morris
Town Vs, Grey
Playoffs start Monday, Feb, 15
2nd and 3rd playoff to meet first
Playoff series A; best 2 out of 0.
Playoff series B: best 3 out of 5.
ExportPacke rs
BUYERS --0f All Kinds of
Live and Dressed Poultry
We will call at your place
for any quantity.
Premium prices paid for Milk Fed Chickens
Before you sell your Poultry, call of phone 70X Brussels
Also—A11 kinds of feather's & Horsehair.
We have an expert on our staff who will cull youp flock
Free of Charge.
Phone 70x Brussels, .Ont,