HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-3, Page 40
'Those named with
are r terseas.
the Army—
Alcock, "Buster"
Alcock, Eric
*Alcock, Thos. J.
:-Alderson, J. W,
Bell, W. H. 'Bid'
Bell, E. D.
Bennett, E. Ross
*Bendall, Charles H.
*Benda11, T. A.
Bewley, Walter
Bryans, Harvey
Brothers, Lyle
Bray, E. C.
Brewer, Y.
*Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
*Cassidy, Frank
*Cardiff, Clifford
*Cardiff, Wm.
Campbell, 'Bobs'
*Campbell, John
Coleman, Ken.
*Coleman, Bill
*Crawford, A.
*Davidson, Cleve
*Doll, Charles
Dohl, 0.
*Elliott, W. R.
Elliott, George O.
Elliott, O. S.
Elliott, Dick
Evans, Lyle A.
*Farquharson, W. A.
Farrow, Jack
*Fox, Russel
Fuller T. S.
*Garniss, H. M.
Garton, Ed.
*Gillis. M.
*Glassier, Stuart
Gordon, Jack
*Gowan,. C. B.
Grainger, Stanley F.
*Hall, T. Deb.
*Hall, W. R.
*Hall, Gordon
I•Iamilton, R. C.
Hamilton, Allan C.
*Harman, J. K.
Harman, G.
*Hastings, Dave
Holland, Gordon
Hood, L.
Hood, S.
*Hunter, Glenn A.
*Hulley, G. R.
Humphries, Stewart
*Lamont, L.
*Lowrie, E. C.
*Lowe, S.
Locking, Wm.
Lowry, Jack -
Mann, Eldon
*Mee'auley, L. E.
McCreath, Ted.
McCuteheon, Frank
*.McDowell, M. H.
*McFarlane, T. N.
*McFarlane, P. Walter
McKay, Archie
*McLaughlin, K,
McLome Arthur
Mitchell, Jack
*Myers, C,• A, (Dr.)
Nichol, Wilfred
*Nichol, G. I.
Nichol, R. Gordon
Nichol, Mac
Nichol, Lloyd
*Palmer, Jim
*Palmer, Wm.
*'Pierce, Roy
Ritchie, Kenneth
*Ritchie, Kenneth
*,Riley, Cliff.
Boas Meehan
*Rooney, Leonard
*Rutledge, prank
Rutledge, Ned
*Sanderson, J. L.
Salennan, E.
Scott McLean
*Smith, David Bruce
Smith, Jas. D.
Stephenson, Mac (hick)
Thompson, A.
*Thompson, Mel,
Thames, IL
Travis, A.
Tunny, Chas.
*Whtttard, Ross F.
*Whittard, Dart
Wheeler, Glenn
*Wilson, S. W.
Worklnan, Lloyd
Young, Elmer
*Young, Norman R.
Young, Ernest
In the K. C. An F.
Black, Bert
Black„ Douglas
Bryan, Russell
Bryans, Stuart
*Black, Don A.
Campbell. St'mley I.
Cardiff, Clare,
*Cardiff, Frank G.
Davidson, .Scott
Galbraith, Bowman
*Galbraith, 1. G.
Gibson, Harvey
*Harrison, L. W.
*Henderson, Archie.
*Huether, H. L.
Machan. Willis
McRae, Douala
*McKay, Allen C.
Mitchell, Fran&
*Murray, K. M.
*Parker, H, S.
*Prest, T. A.
Pierce, Stewart
Prest, W M.
*Prest, R. 11.
*Rowland, W. D.
Russel, Lewis
Rutledge, Jack
Rutledge, Hartley
Scott, Frank
Sellers, Elmer W,
Snell, Verne
*Spear, John
Spear, Kenneth
Stretton, Herb.
Thompson, Norman
Ward, Gordon T.
Ward, Leonard
Ward, Wray
Wilson, Russell
Woodrow, Alec
Young, Archie
In the Navy —
*Chapman, Joe
*Doll. Donald M.
Elgin Smith
Prest, Jim -
Stiles, Buster
*wcrkmau, J. G.
(Canadlan Women's Army Corps;
Mitchell, Betty
Sanderson, Merle
Fischer, Nem.
011I1s, 0.
Harrison, Marshall
Hawkins, Herb.
McDonald, Harold
McDowell, Jack
Pearson, Ralph
Plum, Carl
Plum, Ernie
Pennington, J.
Pollard, Geo,
MR. T. A. PUMPHREY is a war worker. He
began to feel dizzy, nervous and all in
always constipated. An inactive liver was the
cauSC--Fruit-a-lives quickly made him well.
Buck up your liver with Fruit-a-tives, Canada'r
Largest Selling Liver Tablets.
Dear Sir,
Received cigarettes and I am
very grateful for the smokes 1 have
received from your Club. Would you
convey sincerest thanks to the
persons responsible,
Sincerely yours,
Spr. W, Farquharson
* *
Wed„ 6 Jan, 43
Fish & Game Club,
Received the parcel of 300 cig-
arettes today, thanks a lot, they
arrived in good condition and I need
not say that "smokes" are always
welcome over here.
Pleased to be able to report a
clean bill of health, trust that you
gentlemen can say the same, and I
will take this opportunity to wish
all club members and families, all
the very best for 1943.
The food here is 100%, both in
quality and quantity and we are
being well cared for in every
respect, so I cannot nomplain Again
thanking you for your gift.
I remain,
As Ever, Harry.
F a •
A. card was also- received from
Everett "Chuck" Lowry with just bis
name and address on it. All that can
be discerned from this is that he is
getting his smokes too.
* *
Dear Friends, -
Your parcel of 300 cigarettes arriv-
ed to -day, Thanks very much.
dt is hard to realize that you have
snow at home, as it is still warm and
no frosts for some time over here,
Everything is quiet over here these
S am in the best of health.
Will be home before next Christ
mar by the looks of the war these
Welshing you the best of every-
thing throughout the coming year.
Spr. H. M, Garniss
NOTE -Th a following are really
Brussels boys who had not resided
here some time previous to enlist.
Ballantyne, Archie
Backer, George
*Jermyn, J. R..
*McTutyre, Bert
*Parish, Jim
Pariah, Earl
United States A,A.C.
Weenier, Wm. D.
Best, Gordon'
Alexander, Stanley
Ames, Bryan
Bateman, Cecil
Beer, Chas.
Cole, Fred
Brown, D. S.
Cunningham, Lawrence
Dunbar, Jack
Hamilton, Allan C.
Haag, Norman
Henry, Stuart
Hewitt, Wilfred
Hewitt, Frank
Jardine, Lorne
Jones, A. T.
Keifer, I•Ialbert
Kreuter, Galvin
Michel, Willard
Mills, Seek
Patterson, John
Patterson, Mies Alma (Nurse)
Perdue, Everett
Raby, Mervin
Sapwell, E.
Speiran, Elsdon
Sleightholre, J. A.
Crassifned Ads
11 pigs,
phone 18-r-10 'Wm. Murray
Pair of ladies' C.C.M. Skates and
boots, size 6 (black),
apply to Mrs. 'rhos, Miller
phone 37, Brunsele
Diec c fur muff left in wrong cutter
on Saturday. Owner may have same
by paying for this ad., and calling at
the Brussels Post for it.
A teacher to begin duties March
1st for S.S. No. 9, Morris, apply to
Clarence Martin,
R.R. 2, Blyth
Brussels phone 17-r-23
For 16 cord of green beech and
staple wood, 14 inches long, to be
delivered at the United church by
March 1st. Tenders to be in by
Feb, 15th,
x *.
In a letter received by his mother,
Roy Jermyn, serving with the Can-
adian Army overseas, expressed his
thanks to those responsible for the
things he received in 'the parcel
from the Legion and for the cig-
arettes from the Fish and Game
cockerels suitable for breeders.
Barred Rocks, New Hampsbires,
White Leghot'ns. Good Price paid,
Also flocks to supply hatching eggs
for 1943 ]latching .season. blocks
culled end bloodtested under Gov-
ernment ,Supervision free at charge,
Guaranteed banes paid for eggs with
additional premiums. Write fee full
particulars, Also wanted re pur-
chase pullets,
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited
Fergus, Ontario.
Earns High Post
G. 31, CARTE% recently named
assistant passenger traffic manager,
Eastern Lines, Canadian Pacific
]Railway, in a promotion from the
est of general passenger agent,
Eastern Lines. Mr. Carter makes
Itis headquarters in Montreal,
Jas. A. Bryan's,
R.R. 5, Brussels
15 cords of hard body wood, green.
14-incb. Also 4 cords of dry wood.
Apply to Rev. M. F. Oldham
Tenders will be received until
Feb, 10th for 20 cords of body hard-
wood, beech and maple not less
than half maple, 12 or 14 -inches lug,
to be delivered at Duff's Lrn'ted
Church, Walton.
Meet. McFadzean, Sec.
In Memoriam
Of, a dear husband and father,
Charles Querengesser, who died
suddenly Feb. 3rd, 1 year ago 1942
He bade no one a last farewell
He said good bye to none
The heavenly gates were opened
Ain't a loving voice said come.
Gone into that light thet shines so
Gone from earth of sorrow and care
Resting those band* that did their
Gone dear,husband gone to rest
Lovingly remembered by wife and
family and grandchildren,
East Huron
- Prodee
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
h obi
Br re ale
HOG acid U.
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver Oil
to make the hens
lay 'A' Grade eggs
We are in the
market for all kinds
"Flock Gulling
A. Specialty"
Bring Us Your Eggs
our. motto—
Honest Grade
on every egg
If you need a Tractor, Plow, or Cultivator we receive
load on December 31st, Don't miss' this opportunity.
Wo have them in stock.
al tl
b Good Used Cars
'42 Ford Sedan, '40 Plymouth Coach, '38 Plymouth Sedan,
'37 Ford Sedan, '35 Ford Coach, '33 'Ford Coach.
These cars are in New Car Condition and well tired.
No reasonable offer refused. Buy one now and get your
New License and Ration Book.
1934 Chev. 2 ton 158 -inch Wheelbase
1935 Dodge 2 ton 158 -inch Wheelbase
These would make excellent milk trucks
to ,'res and Cow
We always have horses and cows for sale.
L. and W.
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone 161 ListoweL Ont.
Mr. end Mrs. George Hetbering-
ton visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Milton Smith and son, end line.
Miss Janet Robertson of Brus-
sels spent the week end with her
mother and brother, 1st line.
Mrs. Melville heathers and
children spent a couple el days
with her mother, aunt and other
friends in Turnberry.
Miss -,lean McClennan spent the
week enol with her parents Mr, and
Mrs, Robt. McClennan and Scott,
Mrs. Rim Johnston returned
home on Sunday after speeding a
week with her mother and attend-
ed the funeral of her father on
Wednesday at Auburn.
We are sorry to hear Mrs. Wm,
Robertson is not as well as her
many friends would like to hear
Miss 17. Gawley and pupils lnov
ed in 'the new school at Browntown
on Monday morning,
Mrs. Robt. Turvey spent last
week with Mr. and Mars. Lloyd
'Purvey to help nurse their little
daughter Joan who passed away
'Mayday might. We extend -our
sympathy to them,
Personals; Spence McKinnon has
returned to Waterloo after a, holi-
day; Miss Lela Agar, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mors. Wallace
Agar, 2nd concession of Morrie has
left for Clinton where she will cuter
the hospital as a nurse -in -training;
Mrs. Alex McCracken is with her
(laughter, Mrs, Harry Goll in Morris,
The annual congregational meet-
ing of Knox Presbyterian church
was held on Friday afternoon in the
Sunday act col room,
Rev, F. G. Fowler opened the
meeting, A hymn was sung, alter
which the scripture was real and
prayer was offered, Mr, Fowler ex-
pressed his appreciation of the co-
operation on the part of the differ-
ent organisations and thanked the
leaders for the interest they were
showing and the efforts put 'orth,
J. O. Higgins was elected to pre-
side for the business meeting and
Olive Scott acted as secretary. The
report of :session, Presented by
Archie Messer showed that death
bad removed four from the congre-
gation during the year, Mrs. Anson
Shaw, Mrs, Mex Moffatt, Alexan-
der ]4lutetard and James Th-; nue.
There were three baptisms. The.
membership at present is 103.
The secretary -treasurer, Miss M.
031ve Scott, presented the Beneficial
statement showing revenue from
the envelopes, the .anniversary of.
tering and the 'glvinge to misslon5
had exceeded the Previous year
The seoretaree Mrs, Archie
Messer, preplu ed goodreports for
the 1341tsstenary Soofety altd the
Ladies' Aid Society. The Women's
Missionary Society met all fleanclal
pbllgations and the Ladies' Aid has
a nice balance on hand,
The Nielson Band. Sunday
school and Young People's Society
show activity and interest which is
encouraging for the future welfare
of Nie congregation.
Peter S. MacEwen tendered his
resignation al trustee after .faithful
service for many years, W. 11. Mc-
Kinney was elected to Till the vas-
ancy. Other members are John
Mundell and Peter Moffatt, Burns
Moffatt, William Mundell, and W.
H. McKinney were elected to the
board of management for a term
of three years.
Following a discussion ou the
question of havinb the Belgrave
congregation join with Bluevale
and Eadies the vote showed the
congregation to be in favor. Mait-
land Presbytery will arrange the
final decision.
The meeting closed with the na-
tional anthem and Rev. F. G. Pew -
ler pronounced the benediction,
And what did he send yo my bonny
From the old, old town of Prague.
From Prague be send me the ribbon-
ed shoes,
Far my dancing shoes, the ribboned
i From the 01a, old town of Peague.
An.d what did hie send you, my bonny
From Oslo over the sea,
Front Oslo he sent me a fur -lined
So soft and so good, my Iuv-11ned
From Oslo over the sea,
And what did he send you my bonny
From the riches of Amsterdam
From Amsterdam he sent me a
From the riches of Amsterdam,
And what did he send you my bonny
Frons Brussels in Flanders en red
From Brussels he sent me the shim-..
merimg lace
To sat offmy face, the shimmering
From Brussels in Flanders se red.
And what did he send you my bonny
From Paris, the city of light
Frain Parte he sent me a silken
A dreaming caress, Alt silken dress
From Paris, the city of light.
And what did he send you, my bonny
Froin the deep deep Russian Omer
From Mesta he sent me my widows
weeds. -
For Ole funeral feast, my wid'ow's
My widow weeds, from the deep,
deep, Russian, snow.
Signed —ppr. G. R. Miley
Cdn, Army Overseas.
Have diose odd lobs Tri the line of
ca.rpen•ter work done now, Phone 31,