HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-3, Page 2CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Facing the enemy with the determination of youth the pilots of the Russian air force, regardless of personal risk, are slowly but surely whittling down the vaunted Luftwaffe. Modern Erg By Roberta Lee site 1. When a man does not be- lieve in tipping and is eating in a place where tipping is customary, what should he do? 2. Is it necessary that all men in a wedding party wear the same kind of clothes? 3. If a girl has not been gt.ing with a young man very long and his folks invite her to have din- ner, should she accept or refu,e? 4. If a lean finds it necessary LP introduce himself, does he nut the "Mr." before his name? 5 isp't it poor form for a guest to app'aud vociferously fcr an encore at a private entertain- ment? fi. II a luncheon guest expected to remain all afternoon? Answers 1. FIe should give a tip, and then in the future eat in places here tipping is not customary. 2. Yes. 3. There is no reason why ••he should not accept, unless the young man is becoming too ser- ious in itis attentions, which she does not want, and she thinks it might be inferred that she too ,vas serious, 4. No; he usually says, "I am John Black," or "My name is Black," unless his title is used in addressing, as "Dr. Black." 5. Yes. One may applaud, of course, but not in an attempt to bring the performer back for an encore. 6. Never, unless she is an inti- mate friend of the hostess and has been especially requested to do 30. HOW CAN I? ? ? Q. How can I clean pans that have been scorched by food ad- hering to them? A. Sprinkle soma baking soda into the pans and allow to stand for a while. They can then be easily and quickly cleaned. Q. How can I clean gold •or silver lace? A. Brush over the gold or sil- ver lace with alcohol. If it is re- movable, it may be cleaned by boiling in salt water. Use two tablespoonfuls of ' salt to one pint of water. Q. What is the best way to wash rice? A. The easiest way is to place it in a sieve and let the cold water continue to run through until it comes through clear and free from starch. Rice should always he washed before using. Q. How can I restore black silk? A. Sponge the silk with clear, strong, cold tea. Iron while the silk is still damp. Q. How can I remove ink stains from clothing? A. The Chinese method is to wash the article with boiled rice. Rub the rice on the stain as you would soap, and wash with clear water. If the first application is not effective, repeat the process. "Richelieu" to Fight With Allied Navies Vice -Admiral WlRiaJt1 Glass. ford, Jr., head of a United States mission to Dakar, said the 35,000 - ton French battleship Richelieu et Dakar .would he refitted and "within a few months will be a top notch ship fighting with the Allied navies." He soid a number of American divers and technical exports had arrived at Dakar to supervise re" habilitation of the Richelieu, damaged b British attacks earlier in the war, and other warships at the West African port. This work, he said, is paving ° the way for "establishment of Allied naval operations at Da - Have You Heard The weary -looking man stopped before a shop window which had been hired by the Humane Soci- ety. In the centre of the window was the picture of a large, furry animal with a woebegone expres- sion on its face. Underneath was a placard: "I was skinned to pro• vide a woman with fashionable Ears." For a moment the tired ex- pression faded from the man's face. "Ioor old chap," he muttered. "So was I." Uncle: "Come, Johnny, let's go back to the house." Johnny (on first visit to the country): "Wait just a minute, uncle—I want to see the end of this stream, go by" In a liner striking heavy weath- er in mid -ocean, some of the pas- sengers were very uncomfortable. Watching a miserable -looking man who was bending over the side of the ship, a fair young thing turned to the woman at her side. "Your husband is a poor sailor, is he not?" she said. "Cer- tainly not," said the woman, "be is a rich stockbroker." Policeman (to tramp sit- ting on top of oak tree): Hey What are you doing up there?" Tramp: "1 don't know; I must have sat on an acorn." Horace Greeley (the great American editor) always insisted that the word "news" was plural. and demanded that it be used as such. Once when he had sent a reporter out of town on a story, he wired: "Are there any news?" The reporter, following in- structions, wired back: "Not a new." Mistress: Why don't you keep the baby quiet, Kate?" Kate: "I can't keep hint quiet, Ma'am, unless I let him make a noise." A little girl of five was enter- taining while her mother was get- ting ready. One of the ladies re- marked to the other with a signif- icant look, "Not very p -r -e -t -t -y," spelling the last word. "No," said the child quickly, "but awfully s -m -a -r -t." First Cannibal: "Ana I late for dinner?" Second Cannibal: "Yee, everybody's eaten." Nazi Diet Coarse But Still Adequate Food Position Far From Deltical As Substitutes Used Germany's diet is much poorer than that of wartime America, but its food position :is far from crit- ical, the United States °Mee of War Information reports on the basis of data reaching the Board of Economic Waa'fare and other Government agencies, Despite the Nazis' thorough milting of the produce of the oc- cupied countries, the German diet is coarse, monotonous and lacking in such edible foods as meat, aid - mill fats and white bread. Food production in Axis -held Europe in the 1942-45 crop year will fall short of ordinary civilian requirements, it rues said, but it is not expected seriously to impair the German war art. Although the Germans are sub- stituting less valuable vegetable protein for scarce animal protein, the substituion is not expected to diminish by a considerable amount the physical powers of the people this year, Less Grain and Fruit • United States Government data indicates that the German diet will be only slightly worse this year than last, with shortages of fats and livestock remaining the sore spots in the Axis food eco- nomy. Both the European grain and fruit crops were cut last year as a consequence of bad weather, and the fish catch — affected by the blockade, the ship shortage and danger of mines—is still below normal, it was said, but practically every country in Europe reported an increased potato crop. Axis sugar stocks are consid- ered only slightly less than those of the pre-war years, while Get' - man vegetable production and im- ports rose sufficiently in 1942 to enable Germany to increase her per capita vegetable consumption by more than 60 per cent. U.S. Will Pay Out $3,516 Every Second About that $100,000,000,000—• the amount of President Roose- velt's new budget — here are a few ideas on how big that sum is: Divided equally, it would be $819 for every man, woman and child in the United States, The Treasury will have to ay out an average of $8,516 every second, 24 hours a day, Sundays and holi- days included. Approxiriiately 120,000 Ameri- can women are now engaged lis transportation work, SEES IN DARK With these goggle -like electrical glasses, Rose Mainiere of New York can read in the dark. Bat- tery -powered bulbs in each eye frame supply enough light for vision at close range. Sweden Prepared To Defend Country WUAT SCIENCE IS POINC PLASTIC RAZOR A "simplastir" razor, its it 1s called, has been designed of meet army requirements, The blades, of course, are still of the finest steel, The average metal taior weighs two ounces; the new plas- tie razor only three-quarters of an ounce, It requires 125 pounds of brass, steel and zine to make a thousand metai razors, but only five pounds to make a thousanl plastic razors. These five pounds go into a small screw at the top o4 the handle. Since about 12,- 000,000 metal razors are pro- duced annually in normal tines, it follows that a million and a half pounds of fine total could be saved by making razors of plastics instead of metals. Sim - plastic is 0,1 acetate cellulose. NEARSIGHTEDNESS Children like to read the fun- nies with their heads down. Dr. Frederick A. Woll (Columbia) disapproves of the habit because it is one of the chief causes of nearsightedner.. When heads hang down eyeballs are stretched, so that the distance between the re- tina and the lens is increased. One Austrian physician went so far as to harness a class of chil- dren so that they could not get too close to their work. Result: A reduction in the percentage of nearsightednss. Dr. Well prefers to enlarge the print' so that when a funny is brought close to the eye the field of vision is narrow- ed. Children then hold the book away in order to take -in a whole word or phrase at a glance. Prime Minister Per Albin Han. son warned' the Swedish Parlia- ment of the possibility of an at- tack on Sweden and said "beyond' any doubt we will defend our- selves." He cautioned against the possibility of false ord'er's being issued, as happened in Norway, and said if an attack came every- one would have to join in de- fending the country, the only re. maining neutral nation in North- ern Europe. The newspaper Dagens Nylloter said the country "must be ready to meet blitz attacks, especially by enemy air forces" and added that "Swedes have enough cour- age to face reality, even the real. ity of war." THROAT IS PREY TO MANY AILMENTS L moids' Quick Act(on Praised by Thousands "LYMOI tS aro oaring to aha throat and relieve the hacking cough.' So writes aToronfo ,.'evident. Thatunvelidted testimonial is supported by thnieondv /of othersufferers from throat ailments who have found quick relief with LYMOlDS, Use LYMOIDS for throat irritation, hoarse- ness and coughingp. Ito blond of soothing medicinalollsehouldbrfngquiekrelief, L.0-4 Mast stores sell L'YMOIDS in handy site 10c and 25c boxes. If unobtainable send 10c in stomps or coot, to LYMOTDS, 119 unobtainable, Street, Toronto " I DLEgmAI/11Na1" W ( 3s. gid) . 9 HEED THIS AbVICEI1 If you're cross, 1estless NElWOUh-- sua'er hot flashes, dlaziness—caused by thio period In a woman's 1100-- try Lydia E. Plnkhatn's Vegetable Compound. Made aspqeolaalp for Woman,. Hundreds of thousands re- nkablyhIAtelari label dime. Wm. in al Future of Arctic Full of Promise The future of Arctic Canada, both commercially and spiritually, is full of hope and promise, said the Right Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of the Arctic, in a recent address. He predicted that the Arctic way would be the quickest and safest route to Great Britain, Europe, Russia and, Asia, and the most popular after the war. Bishop Fleming was enthusiastic about the development of air fields by the United States Army, declaring that from it would come a great opening up of the Arctic. The Arctic is short of many things, food supplies, particularly canned goods, radio supplies, spare parts for engines and com- mercial planes, he reported, but ifs. amid..cool.. sweet smoke the Eskimo exhibits considerable. ingenuity in substitutes. Bishop Fleming himself has wroked among the Eskimos for 34 years, and found them hgihly intelligent persons. Stiff Tests Taken By Navy Divers A diver in the navy fust not have a cold in his head, a hang- over or take a drink before he dives, Petty Officer C. E. Mc- Burney, 23 -year-old ex -machinist from Ottawa, now an ordnance artificer in hte Royal Canadian Navy, said recently. He told of tests taken below the surface i.cluding sawing a six by six tifber in two or sling- ing a scaffold underneath a small boat. "But the pay-off,' said MaEur- ney, "is the breathing test to see how long you can stay conscious depending only on the air in the diver's suit. I stood it for six minutes; one guy did nine," he said. HOW TO RELIEVE. PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you ate troubled with 11011105 piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of lotting this condition become chron- ic. Any Itching or soreness or pain- ful passage of stool is nature's %Yarning and proper treatment should be secured at once. Icor this purpose get a package of Flem-Rold atom any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sord tender is litghlye recommended sand tit to the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. if you try Hom-Rola and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money, $cratLin&9 oneylink For quick relief fromitohiog of eoacum pimples, alb. loto's foot, scales, malice, rashes and other artcrnally oaused.okin troubles no world-famous, sooting, anti. aptfs, liquid 0.15. D. Prescription. Orens,less, atamlc,. doodles irritation and quickly stopsinteoso beak Ask Your itchigdruggist today 35a Minibottle roves 0, 0. PRESCRIPTION. LOGS AND BOLTS WANTED POPLAR — BASSWOOD — WHITE BIRCH For making essential wooden pails to release Metal— for War Purposes. If you can supply quantities of good stock by the carload' write at once for our specifications and cash prices. Keenan Woadenware Mfg. Co. LIMITED • OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO SSIFIED TISEMNT AUTOMOBILES—USED 515111) UA1tS WITH UOUD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited,. Used Car Lot at 2840 Tonga Street; dead" 01000, 882 Mount i'leasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. MARY CHICIC5 FIFTEEN BREEDS ALL AGES, growing chicks same prices. Cat- alogue. Fairview Is ar m e, St Marys, Ontario. R. 0, F. SIRED BARRED AND White Rocks Chicks, govern- ment approved bloodtevted, mod- erate prices. I. M. Hanes, JerseY- ville, Ont. BRAY CHICKS, D, START - ed, ed, immiat delivery— no matter when YOU want yours, order now. The food front On115 for 00151 steam ahead for' poultry - keepers. Bray Hatchery, 180 John St, N., Hamilton, Ont. 'PROVEN FORMULA FOR GREAT er profits: Start with Tweddle Chicks early. A15 signa indicate that the 'already record-breaking demand for poultry meat and eggo will be still greater. You are at good prices. h Youritpiofits will depend largely Upon the quality of the chicles you buy, Tweddle chicks are healthy—aturcly with fast chance tor a heavy return on your investment. Adequate re- ward for your expenditure of time, money and labour. Buy Tweddle Chicks early. Also tur- keys and older pullets.. Free catalogue, price list and contest folder. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. I'L'SINESS. FOR SALE Vl'EEIC510 NEWSPAPER AND JOB printing plant in small Ontario town. An excellent opportunity, a one man shop. Bos 468. 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. FARM 21EILP WANTED OPPORTUNITY FOR .ASSISTANT Farmer middle age, single Pre- ferred on farm near Toronto. tipertonce with horses desirable. Goocl wages and advancement With bonus. Write giving age, exporlence and one reference in Toronto violnliy. Box 67, Station caucitS BEND FOR OUR RECORD CHART fee end catalogue, Six breeds chicks and all ages growing put lets. Government approved. Save Money, early order discounts. Prompt 4ellVertos. Satisfaction guarantee Monkton - Poultry Pam,Monkton, Ontario, • FAln12S ]r ti R NoSrrDt forthof Toronto. App Apply Ii, Kane, Richmond Hill. 5t'ERn1YJ 8 BROWN AND WeITTE, 7OXC16L- Tent hunters. Males 54,20, females 53,00, yearlings $1.00. Wm. Coed - win, TSageravllle, Ont, _.. .„ 1)0(18 1•'(Jtt SA1,12.. 1100,261'4 T(1 VNT11 4 ••-• WALD7-710TM gunk. Sperl,llzhtg in Purebred Rol Id innhn nnY rortto,l 1814131 $141"I'1'ai;+-. -, (ever dovdtati • cont., pmiim,s, . DYEING & CLEANING RAMA YUU ANYT111NU NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 1.1, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 707 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FARM FOIL RENT FARM FOR RENT ON THE HIGH - way between Elmwood And Han- over, Out,, approximately 160 acres on lots south part 28 and 84, concession 7 and 8, Brant. Krug Bros, Co. Ltd., Ches]ey, Ont, FAROS HELI' WANTED MARRIED FARM HAND, EXPER- lenced mixed farming yearly en- gagement, separate house, good wages. Harold Prldham, Palmer- ston, Ont. Fool ' HALM BAU+MEEIS.A FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, -46e bottle. Ottawa Ottawa, agent. Denman Store,Drug FOIL SALE BARGAIN B 0 0 I 011' GAMES, tricks, puzzles, only 10e. Catalog Included, free. EMPIRE NOVEL - ties, Peterboro, Ontario. FU1tS, HIDES, •WOOS, SHIP TES YOUR. AIDES, 113115, Wool,T•Ioreehttir. Top prices, prompt returns. Pearlman & Goldberg', 180 Front Street, East. Toronto, • Government Licensed Wool Grading Station No, 22, HAIRDRESSING 8021001, LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding dassee, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, Terentc, 081ODI0AL STOPPED — 13acltaclie, Idoadaolie, Moult -mile pains, Diz- Maass, Smarting, Burning from IfidnY, Liver, Bladder disorders Constipation. Soverlgn Brand ITarb Juice Compound, largo bottle $1.00 mailed pootpoid, Write to -day. Windsor Drug Co,, 28:85 Seminole, Windsor, Canada., A T1tIA1,--l2VEILY SUFFERER R O1r Rhotitnatlo Paine or Neu i'Itis ehoald try Dixons Remocla, Mun- ro's Drug SLere, 886 IAlgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid : 51.00. ' MEAD COLDS, SINUS, NOSE DRIP, Grippe, Influenza 'relieved In five minutes with Vapinol Tri ialdnt, 60 treatments.1.001 trial size Ole Postpaid, WINDSOR DRUG CO., 8086. Seminole, Windsor, Can, MINK I1Olt SALE eiLICT, DIONSELY liITRRED, COAL biopic mink, Eaetern•Yuos lcon cram. These are garment type animals with clear colo', good size, and outstanding all round tltlality. Low prises, satisfaction guaran. teed. 0, H. Sprague, AVahainun, .Alta.. OF1rt71t 'b0 INVENTORS A OFh']uit TO EVERY INVION'1'Uli List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay 410" Registered Patent Attorneys, 272 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada,, P HIJ tic iaiHAP11 Y DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Ileal, Rain, or Hadi HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mali Any 0 or 8 exposure film pertectl7 Supreme and quality ated nd ffastinservice guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto PATENTS Free Helps For Inventors Everyone with a good idea should promptly secure the illustrated Booklet '-Fortunes From Inven- tions," and the handsome form Record of Your invention." • (.let Xuskett, d63 Queen Street U Irwin FIOT111IItSTUN11AUUH et COMPANY Patent Solicitors. 16stabiteneo 1806; 34 Ring West, Toronto. Booklet or Information on re- quest,. PATENT'S, & P13ADE 61AIUCS EGERRTON 12. CASE, REGISTESUOID United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty yours, 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. PLANT WANTED WANT.h11) TO PURCHASE—AUTO- mobile Crankshaft and -Cylinder Reconditioning Plant. Box No, 07, Merrick vSilo, Ontario.' POULTRY WRITE 00020238 BANTAMS AND Pekin Ducks, $4.00 pair; Bronze Turkey Hens 57.00 Mach. Log Chateau Farm, T'eneion Ont. i5sIaUtllAT'1C PAINS HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and: Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good 50 - suits, Munro's Drug Store, 381 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. • PRESS WANTED WZ NTx t88"UNY CY INDE O x233085 must be in good condition. Goo- 502, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto: 70:1111111'8 VIEW IMPROVED WHITE GIANTS. finest fotlndatioittock. For meat 001 Inc, 58.00 pair. -11oy Blehup,: ;Hearst, Oolarfo. SlAM.t'S. - BOOKS 8TAATP COLLECTIONS, T10010 Li- braries, used,. Occult, hand- writing, State reilulremonts, One Dollar up, 1',0. 73ox 801, Ottawa. Cantina. Of approximately 1,000,000 men and women in Canadian war planta toward the end of 1942, more than 600,000 had never worked before in industrial planta and had to be trained for their specific Sobs, 3 ISSUE No, 6---4