HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-3, Page 1THE BRUSSEL$
Wednesday, February 3rd, 1943
ObituaryPlan t4 Attend Euchre,
Mrs, M. Wineber was
(By Harris Bell) g a week """`' r
Wednesday, Tan 27 and here' we end visitor in Wiugham Euchre ',• ar Five Hundred
go again, Morris vs, Town, Morris H * * !!! * w *. * * e * V Hundred t
started olk the scoring with BUJ Icing A Wood mads a bueiness trip to " Neo r " "� AND "'" Ada Grace Searle
counting Youowed by Lowe, Then Toronto cast week,
'Currie broke, loseand scored follow -
owed by Lowe again. King again
scored and Mame back Yor another.
This made the Tow:: team lnolc very
side, Then George Beeker scored
two fast goals, snbetittittng • for S.
McDonald. In the second -half
Belles *cored another or Town
while Kirg scored for Marris, follow-
ed by -Currie, Then Lowe Ripped
an•olller la, It sure looked like
Morrie was on a scoring splurge.
Goalie G, W. Stephenson was
virtually blinded by Pucks. Currie
thea drove two more in followed by
King. Kinggot two more before
the end of the game, The final
score, Morris, 15, Town, 3. Three
stars, G. Baeker, B. King, D. Currie
Morris—goal, G. Stapheneon; de -5100 attended the B,C.S. dance on
Pence, 11 Gowing, W. Warwick; Friday evening,
Miss Idella Bryaes was a recent
visitor in. Toornto,
* 0 *
Miss Sean .Stephenson, Mllverton,
accompanied by a friend, was
week end guest at her home here.
* * *
. mos, L. L, Cardiff went to Toro
Wednesday, to be with ber bulb
who is in Wellesley hospital, rec
ening froth an operatiou,
Lieut, and Mrs. S. A. McGinnis of
Toronto have been spending 'a few
days with the Tatter's parent,, M1•.
and Mrs, W. S, Scott of town
n, * *
Miss Verta Fischer, Raspier, was
a week end visitor at her home She
centre, King; wings, Lowe,,, Currie;
* i ,!
subs, D. Duncan, M155 Margaret McLean, Wingltam,
Town --goal, B. Stephenson; de. a'as a week end guest with her
fence, H. McDonald, TI. Cawing; sister, 1vAs P. M. Saneis alai she
centre, Rolfes; wings, Beaker, Riley;
subs, none
Friday, San. 29, Grey defeated
Town 22 to 4, but this game ilei not
necessarily have to be played,
attended the B.C.S. dance on Friday
fi ,F
was reported in a meeting c
the St. Marys' soboot board the
a. former Brussels boy, Alex Spar
Watch for more news next week. 2i11g, was nnanimouely elected
Reporter, W. Harris Bell. chairman of the Board of. Trustees
for the St. Marys nubile seheals
This will he hid fifth tern of office
011 the board.
Sponsored by The Fish & Game Club in aid of
N .v.
• LBrusSels Town Hall
Thursday, February;'' 11th,
Cards to start at 8,30 p.m. sharp, Dancing afterwards
You have heard how the boy( appreciate the smokes,
Here's your chance to help.
Thursday, Toil. 11th -is the night
A. former resident of Morris and the Breese% Town Hell is the
township, Ade. Grate Searle, died - place to go for a big night's enter -
at 'her home In Calgary, Alberta. on taininent and your presence will
Saturday, .January 80'th, show that you haven't forgotten the
The death of Miss .Sean came as boys overseas, who are doing their
a shock to her friend% and ; "bit," representing this oommunIty.
relatives here for she had bean in The part we -can all play is to turn
her .usual good health until she out and enjoy an evening of euchre
.:anfferecl a stroke on the Tuesday or five•Itundrecl and dance "or only
previous to ber demise, 35c. The Ptah and Game Club are
The deceased, who was iu here sponsoring this affair and will use
01st year, was born on the 10th.. the proceeds to send smokes Lo boys
concession of Morris township on overseas from Brussels, Morrie and
Sept, 23rd, 1382. She was the 't Grey. Th.e number of boys over
daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs,' there is growing and the Maida are
John Searle of Morris and had , getting ,low, Cards and letters of
lived there until she went to the appreciation for the smokes Dome
West twenty-three years ago, back and more appear in another
She is survived by one brother, column of title issue. Is that not
Wesley Searle of Morris towns1uo enough to entice everyone of us
and six sisters, Mrs, Duncan Tohn- to continue helping • to mate it
Lo `i NSton (iiliza), . Walton; Mrs, Sarah possible to send a carton once a
�V' esys items Richmond, Walton; etre. Mary month to each of our boys o,erseas.
Young, Blyth; Mrs, Robt, Short.
�•-� ".. A-� ��..--- �a � � eeez = ; reed (Susie), Walton; Mrs, Wm. Delightful `Dance
New Browntown School
Ready For Classes Now
• Brownstown, or 5.S, No. 4 Morrie
hens its new school completed and
t the pupils will move in shortly
t SluceSeptember classes .have beeu
held in the neighboring J6benezer
Cinirch, The district has reason
to be proud of the new, ,ip•to-date
• beading.
ANTED—Applications will be received for
the position of Assessor for the
Township of Morris at a salary of
cue hundred ($100.) per year,
All applications must be in not later
than 2 p.m., February 3, 1943,
George C. Martin,
Cleric of Morris Towaship.
Furniture repaired, nphals eriag
etc, all wot'ic well done. Bring it in
or phone 31; The Post Print Shep,
and have it called for. -
A Skating Party will be held
Friday evening, February 5th
under the auspices of
Morning Star Rebekah -Lodge.
Admission ---- 15c & 10c
Euchre and Dance
Morris Township, Hall
Friday, February 5th
in aid of
'Russian Relief . Fund
Cards to start at 8.30 pan.
Ladies to bring sandwiches
- oramar
Then he said unto .them, "Go
your way, eat the fat and
drink the sweet,and send
portions unto them for whom
nothing is .prepared, for this
'Is holy unto our Lord, neither
be ye sorry; for the joy et
the Lord is your strength."
Nehemiah '8:10.
M �1ville Church
11 A, M. "The Breast Plate
of Righteousness"
12.15 P.M. Sunday School and
E3tble Claes
7 P. M. "A Voice Variously
United Church
Minister,—Rev. Hugh C. Wliaon
11 A.M. Morning Worship
"The Challenge Of Our Day"
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 P.M, Evening Praise
"What Think Ye of Christ"
Church of Engiand
Fairish ,of Brussel;
Rector. -Rev. M. F, Oldham
6th Sunday After Epiphany
;February 7th, .1943..
St. John's Church, Brussels. -
11, A.M. Sunday,School
7 P. M, Holy ,Communion
and Semen
St. George's Church, Walton
3.30 P.M, Sunday -School
4 P, M. Holy Communlon
and Sermon
St, David's Church, Henfryn
2 P. M, tidy CamrMunlon and Sermon
3 P. M. Sunday.Scheol and
* r
Mr. and Mee, Tos. Welsh of Olds,
Alberta were visitors at the' home
of Mr. and Mrs. B. Pollard, last
week. They were former resi-
dents of the 0th con,, • of Grey.
This was Mr. Welsh's first visit
-Here since be went West, twenty-
wenty11in'e years ago.
* s, *
Wendy, the two-year-old daughter
of MYTr. and Mrs, Alvin Ru'l'dge had
the misfortune to sprain here shoul-
der on Saturday. She was Laken to
the Winghatn hospital whore an
ex -nay revealed her injury.
Pte, Orrie 181liott is visiting his
s ♦ s
Congratulations to Mrs. James
Cardiff, who celebrated her 88t11
birthday on Monday, A large num-
ber of her friends called during' the
afternoon to extend their good
wishes. , Mrs, Cardiff, who was
born In Shakespeare, leas restart in
Brussels for the past Oct years. She
is doing her bit in war work- having
kelt 100 pairs of socks for the 'local
Red .Cross branch,
,Christie—Seigmlller •
On Tuesday evening February 2,
Mr, Russel Christie of Paisley and
Miss Marie Seigmlller of Walkerton
were united in marriage. The Wed-
ding took place in the United church
parsonage and the words were
spoken by the Rev, Hugh Wilson,
Mese-Wilson and Ruth .Wilson wit-
nessed the ceremony, -
Seafortb, Ont.
•(21 show starts 9.15) "
Hush.. Don't let ;A'merica's t
war secrets beoome
The Talk of the Town
c Gary Grant . -Jean Arthur it
Ronald Coleman
Dangerous Walking
Walking on the sidewalks oC our
mein street bas been a hazardous
iniiderta:king these last few ' days.
Some have shovelled, others have
not and in soros places tate shov-
elling that has been done has left
them fu an even worse eouditiou.
This unevenness topped by slippery-
nese and a. film of light snow
combine to produce some bad Mils
for pedestrians. It is a wonder
there haven't been broken bones
Bones and Fats
To Be Collected
This Saturday, Feb. MI and the
forst sSatiurday of each monrh,.
there will be a house to house
canvass in the village of Brussels
for bones and fat. Save hnnee
and melt all fats and pour int a
wide mouthed tin with cover, and L. 17. Cardiff, M.P. for North based his remarks .on the story of
glue them to the snhool Children j Huron, was Inspect to Wellesley The Good Shepherd, who eared
who will San. The collection is hospital!, Toronto, on SaiurtiaY, for 'Mee lambs of His bock," Rev,
made ender the auspices or the 1 where he underwent an emergency F. G. Fowler , offered prayer. A
liagal salvage committee and Adie operation for appendicitis. Mr, favorite hynn 01 Joan's at. Sunday
proceeds will be given to the Red Cardiff was attending the current sicemol aim' Mission Band, "Jesus
Cross. Housewives do your pard .session of parliament at Ottawa Loves Me" was sung and Jack.
Bones and fat are necessary for when be was seized with the attack McMichael of Listowel sang "God's
the els. acture of vital Tomorrow." Among those who
war necessitating an immediate opera•
materials.ls. aneats and brother Wowne,
on. Ile is reported to be racovsr. erne floral tributes were, her par-
her grand
-- • Ing favourably.
At the Churches parents Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Fear (Kate) Blyth and Mrs. Rose
Visitors From Canada Sponsored by B.C.S.
Won't Need Passports410.1(10 of Calgary.
p The body will he brought from The Palmerston High Snhool
OTTAWA, Tan, 20—Canada was Calgary and funeral services will °ic'hestra Provided the music for
rejoicing at news from Washington be hell on Friday, Feb, 6th, 19s3 the annual dance of the Bruesels
that passport requirements for from the hone of .her brother-i'i- Continuation School which wee held
Canadians entering the United law, Robert Ohortreed, lot 19, eon in the Town Hall on Friday evening
cession 9. Morris township, at 2
lifted. pm. Intermeutgtvill take place in
01 was estimated that the rule Brussels cemetery. Rev. M1 nnnihering almost three hundred,
would permit a 50 Per cent redue Hazlewood, Welton, of the 'United enjoyed an evening of 'iellghtfui
tion of clerks in the passport citechurch, with which the deceased
flee here. was identified, wily officiate. The hall was attractively ctec•orat
' Pallbearers are, all nephews, Pd in the school colors, p i-gte green
New Oven Installed Barry Bolger, Wm, Brown, George and gold, with the, school crest used
Fear, Archie Young, Walter Shur - effectively, The committee numbers
A new oven was y las led in the reed and Irwin Richmond. responsible for the decorations were
WI. Willis B'aS6ac last week by Josephine VanNorman, Margaret
theToronHenderson Maehinety Co , of : Elva Joan Turvey Gipson, Miss
set?. lin, Idella Bryans
foi'meto. It Is larger than the one Bltievale and the surrounding altd Graerue Scott.
formerly need having a capacity of •enuunnnity was saddened on Wail Lunch was served during the
31 haves. The proprietor stated stesdaq morning, January 38tH. evening with Isabel Cardin:, Dorothy
that no gas fumes escape frothe when St was learned that lavaTurnbull, Mrs, Wilton, Jean Mee
now oven. The heat is more evenly Joan, only daughter of Mi, and Donald, Toe Stiles and Harris Bell,
distributed through, this type of Mis. Lloyds G. Turre had passed being the committee in chafgc
oven, Mr. Willts is fortunate to y Those on the invitation committee
seSure it at the present (hue, away •during the night, Toa-( vas
born in Bhtevale three -and -one -halt were Helen Armstrong, lee •onica
CARD OF THANKS years ago and had beef: well until Blake, Miss Smith, Graeme Scott
It. ,is with the deepest appreciation about Mus year ago when it • was and Bill Wilson. ',,
that the take this opportunity of found that she was suffering from• The elimination dance winners
and -
extending our heartfelt thankq. to Ceneamia. At times It looked as were Miss Marion MoDonal'I and
friends and neighbours who were so if she had fully recovered, then she Leslie Jardine.
kind to ns during our recent be- *quid have another attack even Congratnlsti•ons are due both
reavement, She is deeply mourned by her par -
more severe until it proved fatal,.
atal, teachers and students .Yor the
Special thanks is extended 1.0 Rev. . capable management of their social
Wilson clod the pall -bearers their
cots and one brother Wayne. The par -
kindness and help. Those acts of funeral service was held from the
kindness will long be remembered. home of her parents nn Saturday, Finance Conunittee Report
Mrs. L. Roles and Alice afternoon and was attended by a Of Local Red Cross
host of sorrowing relatives and
L. E. Cardiff Suffers ' friends, . The service was conduct-
t5udden Attack ' ed by "Rev, Campbell Tavener who
for less than 30 -day stays had been
The students and their guests
On Sunday the service in Melville
Presbyterian ,Church, were In charge
P the minister. The sermon
subject for the morning service was
Truth that 'Girds for the Fray," At
he evening service the eertnon was.
The Good News of Salivation."
At the United Church the subject
1 the moulting was "Seeking and
Finding." Messrs. I3, Sullivan, 0.
usehtin and L, Wheeler sang a trio.
the evening 111e subject was
%Bitter Waters Made Sweet." Mise
C, Hingstou took the solo part in
he anthem.
Mon., Tues.. and Wed. In
(2nd show starts at 4.15)
The sScreen's great cavalcade
of Melody( t
featuring the
Added Feeturette.'
Children At . War
The acemnpanying report just
handed in, is that of the finance
committee of the local Red Cross
and should have been included iu
the reports_ published last week,
We hell ten teas during the
year, proceeds $171,2
Received donations from
schools, S.S. No. 1, 3 and 6,
This money was raised by
concerts and sailing tickets
on a quilt 61.00
in Feb,, carnival proceeds .,37.37
Tickets on several articles 18.85
In Feb. and March, pictures
Turvey, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald ,
Injured jean
Fall Jtemingtvay, Mr, and Mrs. Carl pictures shown by Mr.
Barbara an Thylnte surfaced a i Lewis ' 1,85
Hemingway, Mr. end M sr 130001,1„130001,1„severe injury to"iter head when elle Concert put on by Walton 16,45
Hemingway, Mr, and Mrs, Bartram
was knocked unconscious in. a fall Brussels school concert .,,,.,,,, 10.01
5haty and the boys, Mr. unci Mrs, 37 00
at the arena u Tuesday evening.Commtmlty 0oncert
II!arald Vodd•en and Brunk, A7'r,
A doctor was summoned to the arena Majestic Institute concert 12,76
and Mrs, Borden Cook and Karen,
to attend her and site was later re.Seaforth l'natltute concert ,,, i2.56
Mrs. Oliver Hemingway and Fant,
Card moved to elle borne of Mrs, A. lly; 5ititl}, Donnie and . Marian partlea 157.00
eVaiSSomerB where site hoards. It was In April bake sale anti tea .,,20.,31
ILemdngway, Teacher and Putiils of
several hones before site recovered Donations during the year
oonsciousnoss. Barbara Jean ip ., No, 3 Brawntown, Mrs, W, H, by Maieetic Institute
Iterr and Mary Sielen soil Stanley
the danglutsr of Mr, and Mra Jaoic 8th of Grey
Darling ;and familly, Intarmegfl
Thrum of Morris township and is n 3rd of Mortis
wee made 11 the
Brussels student cf the Brussels Oonttnuetion 6th of Mortis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
school. cemetery, The pallbearers were
cot, 6..111, mice -of -pennies
her four uncles, Oswald, Carl and Oct, 8, dance and sale of
Bertram ' I•T'em�ing'way and Ross tclrete on wood donated
a Tea
St. John's A. Y. P. A. Aid to Russi
The regular meeting of Si. John's Successful. Function t tuvaY. by Be N, McDonald and
Y.P.A. was held in the church The tea, held at the home of Mrs. Bingo, by the Legion ,,,,.,,, 145.00
estry on Weil,. Jan, elth nt 8 p,m, 91, Wineherg on Friday last, in aid DIED Dec, 10111, tag day 14.30
8. Roy Kennedy, vine-pres„ was of the Russian Relief Fume, was a OL1Vltbll — in Grey Townnhlp, on
charge of the meeting, Mies most suo0essl:fl function socially 'Tuesday, Febtuary 2nd, 1948,
Bien .MeCutcheo:tl read the scrip- and financially," RThe proceeds were John R, Oliver, in his 87th year,
nae lesson and Rev, NI F, Oldham most gratifying the sum of $!10,00 Pummel will be held. from 111, late Walton :'Honor Roll
e opening prayers, Mrs, le, Hem being realized. To. those wiio "attend- residence lot el, concession 16,
dy gave a very instructive paper ed, and to those who sent donations, (troy Twp,, on Thitraday, February
the subject of "Practical helping to slake the affair a sue-' 4th, 1913, service at 2,30 e. at, In -
brie -Nanny" Which was much cess, sincere thanks is given by the ; sternxent In 73russels. Cemetery.
Predated by all present, Plans hostess, Mrs, - 105. Wineherg and her
Next THURS., FRI., SAT, Mr
(2nd show starts at 8.45) 1d
Hands Across the Rockies t
Starring—alit Elliott 111
Action roars across the weer: ne
In this thrilling adventure. of on
Bill Hickok. - 0
—Also— app
15.01 .
Total proceeds $879,21
Jane ,'Withers. Jackie Cooper q
Her First Beau to
Yankee Doodle Dandy ma
Positively no childreh edrnitted to col
evening ishows ,unless ao*ompanied M
by en adult. Mc
ere made for a sleigh rids party committee Mrs. W. Little, Mrs,, W. Don't forgot the boys overseas --
the Nonce of Mr, and Mre, Wm, Williamson and Mrs, R, Phutill, deposit your donation in any of the
MNsCnteateon on Wed„ Feb, 10th, Their (11501 a is also given to the jars placed In all the stores for the
I those Intend/11g to go are to 8th line of Grey for their grant 1 cigarett fund.
et ett,the rectory at 7.30 pen. The donation, The ladies pouring tea -
ctor 0001ed a spelling match wore Mrs, S, herr 'of Melville manse, NOTICE
loured by a geography match, Mrs, pi, C. Wilson of the 'United Haws, scissor and knives sharpen'
re, 0. Cowing and Mise Helen church parsonage and Mrs, M, P. ' ed, Bring thein in to the Poet
Onto/Wm were the oaptaina, ' Oldham, of, St, John's 15000030, Printing office,
It is the wish of the residents
of Walton that they have a list in
the Honor Ra11, Isere it is and
after this week will appear with the
regular Honor toll,
in the Arm).
Coutts, W,:.1,
:''Bennett, Ross
Humphries, Stewart
Marshall, Barry
In the R.0.A.F.
Mare1iall, 1010n.k
in the Navy
Coutts. 11101