The Brussels Post, 1943-1-27, Page 5Akt SPEAK *74.!N DISTINCTLY, DIRECTLY INTO THE MOUTHPIECE Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone . is part of a vast interlocking syr. tem now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which pro. duction efficiency, may depend. OTHER "WARTIA1E TELEPHONE TACTICS" BE SURE have the right numbyouer ... consult the directory. ANSWER promptly whew ths ® bell rings. BE BRIEF. Clear your Roe he the next call. 1 \\ USE OFF-PEAK bores for your Long Distance Calls. These e6,04stlpi boa ..5look ere. rdl, tbol are nary larporrnar. GREY The Farm Forum of S.S. No. 1, Grey held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wan Evans with an attendance a 17. The sub• sect of disousoion was Credit Unions. The general oonclusion reached was brat our eoorts should first be dir- ected to building .up a more active Federation of Agriculture orgauiz- atlon and the organization of Credit unions would follow quite easily. .Mrs. Harold Spoil' took charge of the games and lunch was served. The ue:ct meeting will be held Monday, Feb. let at 820 p,m, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Speir. 'Everybody welcome: The 10th of Grey Farm Forum held their meetings as usual despite the roads and weather conditions. The January18thmeeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jas, Smith with the usual attendance. Tire topic .was "A National Health Plan' 'and Mies Mabel Coutes was in charge of the games. The January 25d1r .meeting was held at the ]tome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull and "Credit Union" was the subject discussed. After discussion, cards were played null! lunch. The next meeting to be held Feb. lst at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tomball. CRANBROOK Mfrs. Otto Ohrs+trom and daughter Donna of Detroit are visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. N. Cameron. Coder Murray and Mrs. Parton of London anent a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. N, Cameron, Look At Your Label -- • Export Export Packers BUYERS—Of All Kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry We will call at your place for any quantity. Premium prices paid for Milk Fed Chickens Before you sell your Poultry, call of phone 70X Brussels rho'—Ail kinds of Feathers & Horsehair. We have an expert on our staff who will cull your flock .Free of Charge. Phone 70x 3r.rs ed, 9 Ont iSOMatirtairzaanIVOMONftal When in Ustowe -® EAT AT �. Weston's Restaurant Home Away From Home Wee BELL & BENSON r P ns BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell B.A. C. Jose h Benso B.A. (Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6100 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) THE BRUSSELS POST t'eopie Urged To increase Savings The objective of the Natiomul War Finance Committee is for every Canadian to Invest 12172% o" inure of Ids of her Income in VAtory Bonds and War Savings Certillt,ates• Residents of this district, who have not tuveeted for the War - effort to this extent are urged to try 10 In, crease their savings, as the now is argent. Victory Bonds are the best luvest- meat. In Canada. They mu Its used for banking purposes, and the hanks will lend money at a lower rate of interest on this typo. 01 loan than on any other. The marketability of the Victory Bonds ,is also stressed. Bunds purchased during the first Victory Loan Drive can now be marketed at 3101.00 for each 3100. bond, while those bought. during the, second drive can be marketed at 3100, ,Bonds bought during the Third Viotory Loan drive can be. marketed at n very small discount. War Savings Certificates, of course, are always worth one hundred cents on the dollar. The extremely strong market which prevails for Victory Loan Bonds is evidence that the purchasers have made one of the soundest investments in the country today. 'Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates should only be sold or redeemed in cases of extreme urgency. It is pointed out that a resident in an eastern Ontario town is baying the maximum (3480.00) number of War Savings Certificates each year, and cashing thein after six months. He felt he was making a contribu. tion. to the war effort in this way, but of course was mistaken, It is emphasized that the only contribu- tion is to keep the boads and centiflpates for the duration of the war. "War Savings are your ; savings. For your benefit maintain and safe- guard them"—is a. good slogan to follow. • Urge Huron Council To Consider Salaries GdOLDERICFI, — Huron County council on Thursday 'afternoon passed a . motion introduced by Reeves R. J. Bowman and Turner that the executive committee 'consider the sessional pay ani pay per day. of county councillors; also warden's salary and those officials who are not eligible for cost of Irving bonus" The following representatives were named to the respective high school boards: J. F.' Daly to Sea- forth, George Lawson to Exeter, Ralph Munro to Goderich Collegiate Institute Mr. Meredith of the Department of Reforestation urged the . council- lors to procure evergreen tree* for Oso as snow fences. These can bo. procured free an a motion was in- troduced that treeasstributlon do townships be left with the agricul- tural committee, Committees Are Struck The following were appointed a striking committee: Reeves N. R. Dorrance, P. Pass)nore, R. 08. Turn- er, R. J. Bowman, V. D, Falconer, The striking committee reported as follows; Executive. Reeves Arm- strong, Shaddiek, Passmore, Baker, McDonald; legislative, Reeves Weir, Wheeler, Blyth, Alexander, Inglis; ilitance, Reeves Frayne, Mc'.Jann, Blyth, Reid, Ferguson; education, Reeves Evans, Moffatt, Love, Rath - well, Smnyth; property, Reeves Wat• son, Baker, Evans, Weir, Aleta.tler• county Immo, Reeves Passmore, Bakker, Falconer, Ferguson, Arm- strong, Children's shelter, Reeves Dor ranee, Rathweil. Tuckey; agricul- tural, Reeves Wilson,, Alexander, Rathwell•; MoCaun, Frayne; pollee, Reeves, Falconer, Dorrance, 'Turner, warden's, Reeves Turner, Arm- strong, sBownian, Passmore; Wat- son; equalization, Reeves Weir, Wil- son, Frayne, Reid, McDonald; Hu- ron county library board, Reeve. llowntan; criminal audit, Reeves McDonald, N, W, Miller and Judge Costello; road committee, Reeves Sbaddiek, Redmond, Whitmore. Financial Condition,Good. Tho report of Monteith and Mon- teith, county auditors was tabled. They complimented the council. on the excellent financial condition of the county, Makes Claim, Against County. A statement of claim against the county wasread from Mrs 11 r,ne 9 W. White and seven childre1 nndei' the Fatal Accidents Act, for $25,000 daniages and costa" of tile action arising out of the death of her hurt band, Merwood W. White, who wars Mitred while. in the pursnauce of Ids dunes as turnkey of Huron county jail. She claims negligence en the part of the county In falling to provide mane try , *Welt the turnkey mild have "mitered trre"'"ar7 block safely, It was referre 1 to the I' warden's committee. Married Men in February Call -Up Western Ontario will be culled upon to contribute about 1,400 men for compulsory military training during February, Cali-uP quotas have ranged at'ounrl this figure for the past four months. Method men In the 19 to .25 -year• old age brackets will form a portion of next month's call-up, as wet: as men who have Just turned 1;t and university students who have failed to make passing grades in their studies. There is some possibility that a suplenental'y quota will be added l0 de February call-up, These addi- tional quotas have been adde 1 slur. big the past two months to equalize Slight shortages in previous months. While there has been no official comment as to how long the supply of eligible married men from 19 to: 25 will last in this division, indica- tions are that a call-up extension to' other classes may be in the offing. The supply of sten up to 25 years who were married prior: to July, 1940, ie said to be definitely limited. A. recent announcement from Ottawa that the draft of 18•year-olds Us not in prospect points to 'the possibility that married men aver 95 years will form the next group slated for call-up. Tea Ration Is Unlikely To Increase TORONTO Any increase in the present one -ounce weekly tau ration is "unlikely .at the present time,' because the bulk of 1943 imports will not he available uutil the Indian crop arrives next fall. L.' Akerman, managing director of the Empire .Tea Bureau, said today. At the. same time, Alterman said in a year-end summary of the tea situation, supplies "seem assured" for the future and the shipping situation ie promising. 'Any increase in the present' ra- tion during the near future would entail the risk that landed stacks of tea might become exhausted be- fore •rite Indian tea arrives," the summary said. "It ib thus. esSen- tial that the one -ounce :ration be maintained until a surplus suffi- stent to bide supplies over Live dan- ger period .is built up." Coupon rationing, started last August, had redured tea purchases or ',Canadian homes 55 .per cent. and 'reduced total annual cousume- ion-Onoluding requirements of the armed forces, reetam'ants, and commitments to N'ewfoundlaud—to 25,000,000 pounds. "It follows, therefore, that if ex peoted supplies for 1943 material. ze, a substantial surplus of tea will eventually adctun'ulate," saivl ' the armies report. Anticipated supplies include tea tocks in Canada, small shipments it route and Canada's quota under he international tea allocation lan arranged by bhe British Food Ministry. All future imports of ea will be made by the Commodity Staibiility Corporation. Akerman also announced tate re- ults of a Dominion -wide survey Mowing that only two per cont of ea -drinking families have stopped uying tea. Fifteen, per cent. of housewives insider the present tea allowance dequate, Fortrfour per cent, ave resorted to weaker brews in n attempt to stretch supplies. HOGKEV SCHEDULE OF THE LOCAL LEAGUE riday, ,Pan, 27—B.C.S. Vs. Morris Grey Vs. Town on„ Feb. 1—+}3;C,S, Vs. Town Grey Vs. Morris i'riday, Feb, S—B,C.S', Vs, Grey Town Vs, Morris ed,, Feb, 10-13.C,S. Vs. Morris Town Vs, Grey ,Playoffs start Monday, Feb. 15., 21111 and 3rd playoff to meet first Playoff series A: beat 2 put 0f 5: Playoff series B: best 8 out of 5, f _b s e p e t b c a h a M W OKO FOR YOUR LAVER o You can't be completely Well if your liver isat't well, Your liver is the largest organ in your body and most important to your health. ltpours nut bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy,allows proper nourishment to teach your ood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You become constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. You feel "rotten"-- headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time. Thousands have won prompt relief with Eruct-a.tives.' So can you NOW. Try "Feet-a.tiyes" Canada's largest selling liver tablets. They must be good, You'll be delighted how quickly you'll feel lite a new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50c. Wednesday, January 20th, 1943 Car of Wheat and Oats to Arrive in February Shipping conditions uncertain Leave Your Order for Canada Packers Fertilizer Before It Is Too Late: D. M. MacTavish Phone 46 HONOR ROLL Those merited wit! s4 are o erseas. In the Army Alcock, "Buster" Alcock, Eric *Alcock, Thos J. *Alderson, J. W, Bell, W. H. 'Bid' Bell, E. D. Bennett, E. Ross *Bendall, Charles H. *Bendall, T. A. Bewley, Walter BMWs, Harvey Brothers, Lyle Bray, E. C. Brewer, X. *Bowler, Harry Burchell, Fred *Cassidy, Frank *Cardiff, Clifford *Cardiff, Wm. Campbell, 'Bobs' *Campion, John - ' Coleman, Ken. *Coleman, Bill *Crawford, A. *Davidson, Cleve *Doll, Charles Doti, 0. *'Elliott, Elliott, George 0. )Elliott, 0. 9. Elliott, Dick Evans, Lyle A. *Farquharson, W. A. Farrow, Jack *Fox, Russel Fuller J. S. *Garniss, H. M. Garton, Ed. *Gillis, M, *Glassier, Stuart Gordon, Sack *Gowing, C. B. *Hall, T. Deb, *Hall, W. R. *:Ball, Gordon Hamilton, R. 0. Hamilton, Allan 0. *Harman, J. K. Harman, G. *Hastings, Dave Holland, Gordon Hood, L. Hood, S. *Hunter, Glenn A. *Hulley, G. R. Humphries, Stewart *Lamont, L. *Lowrie, E. C. •*Lowe, S. Locking, Wm. Lowry, Jack Mann, Eldon *McCauley, L. E. McCreath, Ted. McGutcbeon, Frank *McDowell, M. H. *McFarlane, T. N. *McFarlane, P. Walter McKay, Arohie *McLaughlin, Ii. McLean, Arthur Mitchell, Jack *Myers, C. A. (Dr.) Nichol, Wilfred *Nichol, G. 1, N4chol, R. Gordon Nichol, Mac Nichol, Lloyd *Palmer, Jim *Palmer. Wan. *Pierce, Roy R110118, Kenneth *Ritchie, Kenneth *Riley, Cliff, Ross Meehan *Rooney,, Leonard. *Rutledge, Prank Rutledge, Neil *isamderson,. J. L. Salmon, E, ScottMcLean *Ssnith, David Bruce Smith, Jas. E. Stephenson, Mac (Dlek) Thompson, A. *Thompson, Mel, Titenia5, H. Tlitvls, A. 'Fumy, ,Ohaa. } *Whittard, Ross F. y'Wltittard, Earl Rrhar, Gn *'riseneel, 9. W. Workman, Lloyd Young, Elmer *Young, Norman R. Young, Ernest In the Ft, C. A. F.— Black, Bert Black, Douglas Bryan, Russell Bryans, Stuart *BlaDon A. Campbelck;l, Stanley L Cardiff, Clarks *Cardiff, Frank G. Davidson, Scott Galbraith, Bowman *Galbraith, J. G. Gibson, Harvey *Harrisosu, L. W. *Henderson; Archie. *Huether, H. L. Machan, Willis McRae, Douala *McKay e Mitchell,AliFranncC. *Murray, K. M. *Parker, H, S. *Prest, T. A. Pierce, Stewart Prest, W M. *Prest, R. H. *Rowland, W. E. Russel, Lewis Rutledge, Jack - Rutledge, Hartley Scott, Frank Sellers, Elmer W, Snell, Ve *Speirs John Speirs Kenneth Stratton, Herb. Thompson, Norman Ward, Gordon T. Ward, Leonard Ward, Wray Wilson, Russell Woodrow, Alec Young, Archie, In the Navy — *Chapman, Joe *Doll, Donald M. Elgin Smith Prost, Jim Stiles, Buster *Workman, J. G. C.W.A.C.-- (Canadian 'Women's Army Corps? Mitchell, Betty Sanderson, Merle Rejected— Fischer, Vvm. Gillis, 0. Harrison, Marshall Hawkins, Herb, McDonald, Harold McDowell, Jack Pearson, Ralph Plum, Carl Plum, Ernie Pennington, J. Pollard, Geo. NOTE—The following are really Brussels boys who had not .resided here some time previous to enlist- ment:— Ballantyne, Archie Becker, George *Serntyn, J. R. '*;Melntyr'e, Bert *Parish, Jim Parish, Earl United States A.A.C. Ecicmier, Win, D. Bess, Gordon ETHEL HONOR ROLL Alexander, Stanley Aures, Bryan Bateman, Cecil Beer, Chas.... CoFred Browle,n, b. S. Cunningham, Lawrence Dunbar, Jack Hamilton, -Allan C. Hialig, Not'man Henry, 'S''tnart Hewiltt, Wdltr'ed Hewlbt, Frank Jardine, Lorne Tones A. J. Hoffer, : Halbert, Kreuter, Calvin Miohel, W111ard Mills, JaOk Patterson, John Patterson, Miss Alma (Nurse) Perdue, Everett Raby, Mervin lapwell, ,111. Speh'an, Motion Sleigitttolni, 3, Ar