The Brussels Post, 1943-1-27, Page 4BUTTER CONSUMPTION
It has become necessary to reduce the current rate of
consumption of butter, and accordingly changes have
been made in the dates on which (brown) spare "C"
coupons of the current ration book may be used.
Spare "C" coupons 10 and 11 may not be used for the
purchase of bunter. Coupons 1 to 4 inclusive, have
already expired.
Expiry dates for spare "C" coupons 5 to 8, inclusive,
have been extended to aid consumers in stretching out
the butter allowance over the period from now until
February 28th,
Each coupon will continue to be good for the purchase
of one-half pound of butter and will be good only on
the dates specified below:
Good for purchase Not good for
beginning on; purchase after:
5 and 6
January 18th February 28th
7 and 8
February lst February 28th
March 1st March 14th
The result of this is to reduce each individual's
allowance by 2 2/3 ounces per week during the
temporary period.
R 7 W
Exeter Reeve Elected
Warden of Huron County
GODB,RICH, Jan. 2t—Benson W,
Tuckey, reeve of Exeter, was elect-
ed warden of Huron County, at the
opening of the January session of
the Huron County Council, on
Thursday morning, The meeting
had been postponed for two days
because of the prevailing storm •
The newly -elected warden, wh,
is oue of the youngest members,
was chosen in a caucus of Liberal
members, following the timeliest.
miredcustom in Huron, of whom
there is a majority in this year's
council. The nomination vas uu-
aniwously endorsed by the whole
council Other aspirants far the
honor were Reeve A. le. MacDonald,
of Ashfield; S. H. Whitmore, of
Tucizersmith, and R. R. Redmond
of East Wawanosh, who was the'
Warden Tuckey was escorted to
the dais by last year's warden,
•George Armstrong, of Hay Town-
ship, who presented him with the
boys to the county, congratulated
hire and expressed the hope that
peace would be established and vic-
tory come during his term of office.
The warden, after thanking the
council for the confidence placed in
him, extended a welcome to the
seven new membera and expressed
;regrets th t there fao no representor
tion present from Blyth, Reeve
Alonzo McCann, of ,Stephen hope
was .absent through illness,. He said
1942 had been an eventful year,
which marked the entry of Japan
and tTnited'States Into the War. He
referred to the west coast being
threatened, but with the Milted
Nations taking the offensive, the
report from the theatres of wee Were
more eneoureging. The reeve. how-
ever, warned that it is Our weakness
tobecome too complacent .in victory
Our motto "Nothing matters bet-
ut;Victory" 18 a good one, so let ue
back it asp by increasing our war
Urges Victory Bond Buying
The warden said that under
present conditions the county can
do little in the way of construction
but merely carry on with mainten-
ance, and buy Victory Bonds,
which will be :set aside for re•
establishment and rehabilitation
after the war.
Mr. Tuckey urged the appoint-
ment of a strong agricultural com-
mittee to further strengthen pro-
. filmdom Farm labor will be. a
"severe problem but Japanese taller
will no doubt be available.
The county highway account --is
in better condition than in years,
and Warden Tuckey felt that a pay-
as-you-go policy might be assumed
in order to keep free of debt in the
The question of accommodation
at the county .home would have to
be considered, Warden Tuckey said
"The county is in a healthy condi-
tion and I hope 1043 will be a suc-
cessful and victorious year:"
Judge T. M. Costello adnninietered
the oath of office and gave a brief
address. -Rev, Rtohard Stewart con-
ducted the invocation .service.
* 0
Notice to Creditors
ALL personas having claims
against the estate of Janes Thynne
late of the Township of Morris in
the County of. Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the seventh day of
August, Asia. 1942, are notified t.t
send to J. H. Crawford Wingham;
Ontario on or before the 30th day of
January, AD. 1043 full particulars
of their Claims in writing. Ironed'
lately after the said 30th . day of
January, the assets of the said
intestate will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard Only to Cicala of which the
administrator shall then have
11ATPuD thls llth day of Janizary,
A,D. 1943.
Wingliam, ()Mario,
Solicitor for the Administrator,
We were sorry to hear Mrs. Jas.
.Tolulston's father had passed away
on Sunday summing at Auburn.
Mr, and Mrs, Sperling Johnston
and sons visited on Sunday after-
noon with Mr, and Mrs, Stanley
Galinger and family,
Miss Viola Blathers is spending a
while at the Mame of Ms. Jas,
Moses, Many congratulations to Mr,
and Mrs. ,res, Moses ever the
arrival of a baby daughter.
Mr, Chas. Johnston aoont the
week end at his ]route on the 1st
line and left on Monday morning to
work in a factory at Woodstock.
Miss Emma Johnston spent the
week end wtth her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Richard. Joltueton, 1st line.
Macy congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs, Graham Campbell on the
arrival of a baby boy on Monday,.
Miss Lula hedger left on Monday
to train for a nurse at Clinton hos-
Mrs. Lillow hoe received word
that her son, Leading Aircraftsman
John M. Liliow, R.C,A.F,, Moncton,
New Brunswick, has suffered a
broken aulale bone,
Moat of the rural schools, were
closed the greater part of last week
on account of the severe storm,
The attendance at Blueaele school
was small,
The plane which made a forced
landing in a field on. the farm of
Turnberry, two weeks ago pas been
taken to Wingham.
At the morning service in Knox
Presbyterian church Rev. 1c. G,
Fowler had for his subject, "Sing-
ing at Midnight," from the story of
Paul and Silas while they were in
prison, showing this to be evidence
of the presence of God,
The annual congregational meet•
ing was announced for Friday af-
ternoon, January 29,
Rev. C. Tavener conducted the
regular service in the Unite3
church, speaking' from the -text,
':The Mantle of Elijah Fell Upon
Elisha," The attendance at both'
churches was small, owing to the
bad •conditions of the roads.
,Oharles Johnston, let concession.,
Morris, who has been working at
Fergus for some time has been
transferred to Woodstock. He will
enjoy a few days' visit at his
home here before taking over his
new duties.
The roads are getting broken after
the severe storm, but the snow plow
is sadly missed around here.
We were sorry to hear that Mr,
John McIntosh. had to be rushed to
Listowel hospital last Thursday,
for an operation, We wish hint a
speedy recovery.
The annual tweeting of the Presby-
terian church will be held Monday
afternoon, Feb, 1st. We hope for a
good attendance.
Stoker :face .Dunbar of Liailfax
is spending a few clays at his borne
here. On account of uo trains his
visit has been shortened. Ito leaves
on Wednesday.
'The high school pupils trim . here
are boarding in at Listowel at
The Sympathy of the' community is
extended Mr. and airs, Vance .Balzer,
9th con„ In their recent bereave-
We are sorry to report the
accident on Monday afternoon as
Mr, Robert Cochrane and Mrs.
Cochrane 'were coming into the
village the cutter upset on a rough
epot and threw thea. out, Mr, Coch-
rane was dragged by the horse
quite a dietauce and hail 1138 leg
broken below the knee, Dr C. R.
Richmond had hhn removed on a
stretcher to Listowel Memorial 1-los•
pital bi trait. Latest reports are
the break wasn't as bad as expected,
It was set and Mr. Cochrane was
brought home the same night and ip
resting fairly comfortable at his
Mrs, Simpson McCall is very •311
at the present time.
Walton Man Invalided
'Rome From Overseas
Sapper Gordon holland has arriv-
ed hone from England, He was
Invalided •home aboard a hospital
heat and had been in England about
two years, He Is a son of the
late Mr, and Mrs. Moody Holland
and Itas one brother, Robert Holland,
who was discharged from the army,
Mrs. David Watson of Walton
With her niece, Mrs. ,Simpsoe Mc
(Intl; 7th line, Morris Township;
Earle Coutts, R,C,N:V,R„ Who has
been stationed at Victoria B.C.,
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs An-
drew Coutts,
O assified Ads
One cutter and oue set of sleighs,
phone 77.1'-4 Mrs, Alec Wood:ow
15 cords of hard body wood, green,
144nc11. Also 4 cords at dry wood.
ApiIY to Rev, M. F, Oldham
A Calf,
Lloyd Kernaghan,
Turnberry St, North
Swamp, on gravel road, 3 miles
North of Brussels, good wood,
Crawford Strachan, Brussels
PHONE 25-r-3
A pair of Purebred White York-
aitire sows carrying first litter due
to farrow about Feb, the 8th.
phone 256 Wm, J. Grant '
Tenders will be received until
Feb. 10th for 20 cords of body hard•
wood, beech and maple not less
than half maple, 12 or 14 -inches Ling,
to be delivered at Duff's Un'ted
Church, Walton.
Robt. McFadzean, Sec,
for 16 cords of hardwood leech or
maple, 14 inches long, body wood.
Tenders to be in by Feb, 1st 'or S.S.
No. 3, Grey.
phone 21-r-9 Carl Jaoklin
_ Sec -Treas.
The trustees of U.S.S. No. 11,
Morris are asking for tenders on
Ten cords of Beech and Maple wood
1.4 inches long to be deliverel at
the school, Tenders to be in the
hands of the board, Chairman Roy
Bennett, not later than Jan'. 30th,
Lowest Or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted.
phone Brussels 82-r-4
cockerels suitable for breeders
Barred Rocks, New Hampehires
'White Legit -erns. Good price paid.
Also flocks to supply hatching eggs
for 1943 hatching season. Flocks
culled and bloodtested under Gov-
ernment Supervision free of charge.
Guaranteed bonus paid for eggs with
additional premiuhns. Write 3't" full
particulars, Also wanted to pur-
chase, pullets.
-Twaddle Chick hatcheries Limited
Fergus, Ontario.
East Huron
- Produce
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
A,:^ ne 66
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver Oil
to make the hens
lay 'A' Grade eggs
Weare in the
market for all kinds
"Flock Culling
A Specialty"
BringYour Us Yo ur Eggs
Our Motto—.
Hottest Grade
on every egg
Wednesday, January 20th, 1943
If you need a Tractor, Plow, or (Cultivator we recetved a car
load on December 31st. Don't miss this opportunity.
We have therm in stock.
CSI it3o
6 Good Used Cars
'42 Ford Sedan, '40 Plymouth Coach. '38 Plymouth Sedan,
'37 Ford Sedan, '35 Ford Coach, '33 Ford Coach.
These cars are in New Car Condition and well tired.
No reasonable offer refused. Buy one now and get your
New License and Ration Book.
1934 Chev. 2 ton 158 -inch Wheelbase
1935 Dodge 2 ton 158 -inch Wheelbase
These would make excellent milk trucks
Horses and Cows
We always have horses and cows for sale.
L. and W.
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone 161 Listowel, Ont.
(By Harris Bell)
Friday night is hockey night for
Brussels anis on Friday last another
double-headers was played, The first
game was between High ,School and
Town, The scoring started early
with Relies counting then Roller
tarns back for another followed by
G. •Scott for bhe school, J. McDonald
baf0led •Gillis for .another, Then Bell
hooked one in followed by Relies
again. Riley counted and - this
ended the first half of the game.
In the second period Bolles got the
puck and again scored, Then
High 'Sell poi buckled down and
Scott got another. Then Layrook
scored followed by Bell and then 1.
McDonald counted for town. G.
Baeker then scored followed by J.
McDonald who was playing smart
hockey. Then Mao Baeker scored,
making the score at the end of the
game. Town -7, High School -7.
In overtime Mac Baeker oliened
the scoring for school but Rolles
carne back to tie it up, S'o the
score remained High School -8.
Town -3, The three stars being
Gillis, J. McDonald and Rollos.
The second game starred Morris
and Grey. Morris opened the
scoring with Currie getting rim goal.
Then Workman came :back, G.
Nichol flipped one in for Grey's first
goal. Then Workman scored again
followed by Currie, Nichol again
scored for Grey followed by G. Blake
for 'Gray. This ended the first
period,'" To the second period Lowe
'scored for Grey followed by Currie,
Then Workinan scored and again
Lowe poked in another. Grey Inds
were fighting hack eagerly hut it
all seemed in vain. Then Nichol,
Grey's doe counted and came back
again to seor0, G. Blake scored
another for Grey and the action. was
greatly Increased, Morris was
straggling their best to hold them,
Nichol scored again but it wasn't
enough, the bell rang to end the
game. !Score, Morrie --8, Grey -7.
Three stars, Nichol, Lowe, Cecile.
•LlN,E-U P8
1st game:
High ,S'ohool—goal, H. Gillis„ de-
fence, Laycock, R. Lawless; centre,
Scott; wings, G. Baeker, Bell;
i snubs, Willis, M. Backer,
Town—goal, G, Stephenson de-
fence. H, G'owing, H, McDonald,
centre, Rollos; whim, Riley, 1. Me.
Second Game—
Morrie—goal, G. Stephenson; de.
fence, Glowing, H, Workman; centre,
H, Gillis; wings, Currie,' Lowe,
* * *
.For the rest' of the schedule, one
game only on each hockey night,
Monday, Salt, 25 and another big
gnmte, Grey vs. I•Iigh Selrooi,
:54 High School opened the soon.
Ing with Bell getting the goal,
Then George Baeker got another.
Then Nichol scored for Grey. That
ended the ftrst hale In'the second
half High School scored with 13011
getting the counter followed by a
beautiful counter by G. Baeker,
Then Nichol scored again for Grey
followed by G. Blake, then C. Earl
scored, tieing it up, I plight say
there were numerous penalties 'in
the first period, on bath 'sides Be-
fore the end of the game Laycock
snored to make the final score, High
School -5. Grey -4.
Three stars; G. Baeker, fa.. Blake
and K. Ashton.
B4O.:5'—goal, i•1, Gillis; defence,
Ashton, Laycock; centre, Scott;
wings, G. Baeker h. Bell; Sobs, M.
Baeekdr, D. Willis, R. Lawless,
Grey—goal G, Stevenson; de-
fence, Gard, Blake, G. Blake; centre,
Nichol; wings, C. Bari, J. Blake;
subs, G. Work, Sleibslnthoim, L,
Blake, L. Wheeler.
Watch for the next game!
Reporter- 'W. Ha::is Bell
Word has been received of the
death in St. Catharines of 'Mrs.
Walton Roberts, fo eneriy Misa
Annie McDowell, of Belgreve, and
her infant baby, Mrs. Roberts was
a. daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs.
Harvey McDowell, of East Wawa -
nosh, and a granddaughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell.
She was in her 33rd year, About
five years ago she was married and
had since resided in St. Catharines,
Besides her husband, she is surviv-
ed by two sisters, Mrs, Wallace
Sholdice of St, Catharines, and Mrs..
Orval 'Graham of Toronto.
Trinity Anglican ohuroh held
their annual congregational meet-
ing in the church. Ellie rector,
Rev. 1e, H, Streeter, was in charge
and opened the nteating with
n yor.
The minutes of the last annual
meeting were read by Alex Mel er•
nay. The financial statement was
given .by R.okert Procter, anal the
Sunday settee' report and financial
statement was given by . Mrd.. R.
Procter, The financial, etateineot
of tlte Ladies Guild was read by
Mrs,. R. McCrea
The officers elected were: rec.
' tor's warden,. Cooper Netilery;
people's warden William Ilrydges;
lay delegate, Cooper' Net'hery; sub-
•siituto, William Brydlges; vestry
clerk, Alex McBurney; treasurer,
Cooper Netttery; sidesmen, Richard
Procter, Olaire VanOamp, Jack
VanCenn, Ralph ,McCrea, Alex Me-
Burney; auditors, Robert I•Iig[gns,
Herman Nethery.
Personals: Jack A1'rnstcong,
Braenpton, with his parents,
and Mrs, D. Armstrong; Mrs D.
Armstrong with iter sister, Ws, T
A, Roberts, 'i ordwich,