The Brussels Post, 1943-1-13, Page 1POSTYPUBLISHIA HOUSE •Wednesday, January 13th, 1943 BRUSSELS, COVTAR66 DUNCAN OF MORRIS Retires Gracefully but Promises to fle Heard From Again Reeve Francis Duncan of Morris township, who lIas, retired ternpoiar- ily from County ,affairs, was le luwu 011 Wednesday attending his last committee meeting. Although he has been eleven year's In the Town. ship Council, be served only three years as reeve, He quit because be bad promi-evil the present reeve. elect, Cecil Wheeler, to step dowel if Mr Wheeler has aspirations, and he kept his word, Mr. Dnnean, callose parents came from Glasgow and settled in Morris sixty-eight years ago, Is a men of many parts. He has played every gaane except hockey and played it well. He was outside left ' on the famous Brussels football team that won the W.F.A, championship two years, He is a good Highlat,d dancer and step -dancer, o good story -teller, the life of every party, a good legislator and a good farmer. He freely admits the fanner b leaking the best money right now that he ever did., Ho says he knows some farmers who are payiva tl3eir hired man four dollars a day to hold them and it is paying the farmers , to do so. That is making some kind of history. Mr. Duncan is fifty-seven years of age and talks Gaelic. He thinks a ' man's best assets are his Mende and that is why he cherishes his County Council associations. . He will be heard from again. -Goderich Signal -Star I ff Now Is The Time Here Is The Place— Prolong the lite of your scissors, knives and saws by having them put in first class working order. Will call for them (phone 31) or leave et '.l'he Post print shop, for itmnedtate atten tion. DANCE In Community Hall, Cranbrook Friday, January 22nd mule by McNair's 5 -piece orchestra Red Cross Booth in the hall. Admission -25c Everybody Invited. ',Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God" Melville Church 11 A,M; "Losing and Finding Life" 12.15 P.M. Sunday School and 13ib1e Class 7 P.M. "Half -Baked" COME AND WORSHIP United Church Minister -Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A.M. Morning Worship "The Importance of Little Things" Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P.M, Evening Praise "Breaking, The Vicious Circle.' WELCOME TO WORSHIP Church of England Parish of Brussels Rector, -Rev. M. F. Oldham 2nd Sunday After Epiphany January 17th, 1943 11 A,M. St. Alban's, Atwood 2 P.M. 'St, David's, Henfryn 4 P.M. St. George's, Walton 7 P.M. St. John's, Brussels Services of Morning and Evening Prayer Sunday -School, 'Sessions - 11 A.M. Brussels 8 P.M. Henfryn 3 P.M. Walton 10 A.M. Atwood Annual Meetings-'Bruaseis In church basement Tues., Jan. 18th, at 8 P. M. Henfryn at Mr. J, Wilson's home Frl., Jan. 22nd, at 8 P,M. Walton at Me, B. Anderson's home Thurs., Jan. 21 at 7 P.M. MORRIS COUNCIL Council Met Jan. 11. 1913 The Connell met of the above date with all the members p :rsent The Reeve, Cecil Wheeler pre;ietl, The minutes of the last ]nueting were road and adopted on motion o1 C, ii., Couiles and Jas. iVliuhie, Moved by Harvey Johnston seconded by U. It, Coultas teat Geo .Martin be reappointed Cleric and Hockey Slants by Harris Bell BRUSSELS COUNCIL ] 0 y Brussels, Jan, 111 lt, 1;143 S:t r • 0 The Statutory meeting of the nrsmGTl:VW:fI,L',h l.-w.MUWuvM1'W.WtJ,TSJ.:huTWar+�,r.,cu,c'a„[fo,mrNmvr.-awYv:4Y1N.:w:.X.'-^..-.,gnu va'4GW,v,+W raFNann aCY"..,sM..•W.al`Zw+,NW,c.actives.t^saan.ruvTmwnh,h-.,cYW,�+t.Vl 'w-,wn¢.+.�m.T.n,�:,t:,<xT w:.-U,!':Y Notice -- All aecOUnts owin:, to Joules Thynne must be 1''e'brthary 1, 1940, 111 the trawl' of *the estate, Jack it.i:t. No, 5, 11russels Ont, Ula late paid by adlnllllli- Tbynne, Nelson Higgins, Treasurer Names For Honor Roll tarried, Gladly Accepted Moved by C. 11. Coultes 41couded At The `Post' by Harvey Johnston that John M. It is expectetl that the ]Honor roll Craig be appointed to tile Bmrtrd of will appear again next weex and Health. -Carried, any new names will be greatly The following road patrolmen 'appreciated, We already have were appointed: No, 1, Ross Alcon; several to be added •and hops to No. 2, Jas. Johnston; No, 3, Arthur have them in their proper places by l;dgar; No. 4, Robt, Turvey: No, 5, then Milton Fraser; No. 0 Char War- wick; No, 7, Jos. Iuill; No, 8, Thos. Town Officials Named Ellis; No, 9, Sam Alcock; No, 10 Changes were made at the last Lorne Nichol; Nu, 11, Clarence Council meeting, FIarold Thomas. Hollinger; No. 12, Richard Alcock; who returned from overseas after No. 13, Chas. Nicholson; Nm 14, the Dieppe raid, is to take over the Edward Bryans; No, 15, Thos. duties of chief or police at a salary Br'ydges; No. 17, Chester Ri ltoul; of $75 per month, Gordon Ito - No, 18,- Harvey .Brown; No. 19,.Dowel now receives a salary of Walter Sellers... $40.00 0 mouth and retains the Moved by C. R. Coultas seconded assessing, tax collection and weiglt- by ,las, Michie that Ilarry Adan(s be master parts. He has held the above appointed tile maker for the Town- position for approximately 20 years. ship. -Carried. R. W. Warwick, Clerk, salary :$85,00 Moved by Harvey Aohnston sec- a month, an increase of $5,00 per untied by Wm. Speir that the con- month.. Dr. W. D. S. Jamieson, troct for printing be given to R. as Medical Health Officer; Rev. H. Kennedy for 1943 for $95.00. C, Wilson, a member of the library -Carried, board; .P C. Ben,sou, legal "afivlser; Moved by C. R. Coultes sit:ended J. Monteith, Stratford, auditor. by Irarvey Johnston that we ad- The duties of George Campbell vertise for applications for the have been dispensed with. position of Assessor at a salary of - .-- - $100.00, -Carried, W.M.S. of United Church Moved by Jas. Michie seconded by Holds January Meeting Win, Spear that Chas. Sohnston and 4' The regular meeting of the Robs. McKinnon bo auditors for W,MjS- of the United Clinton was 19.13 at the same salary. -Carried. 'held on Friday, ,tan, 81,h, at the home •Moved by C. R. Coultes seconded • of Mrs. R. Cosens. The president. by Jas. Michie that Nelson Higgins ' Mrs, Hamilton, presided and the be reappointed school ata=ndance meeting opened with the hymn officer. --Carried. "Standing at the Portal" and prayers Moved by Tas. Michie n !conded offered by roux membea's The bust by Harvey Johnston that the meet- nese portion consisted of the ing 011jon1'n to meet again '1n Feb, minutes and terasurer's report and 8, 1943, at 12,30 non, Ca"ried. reports of the year by the sscretar- The following accounts were les 1of the various departtaents. paid:- Psalm 27 was mead responsively Municipal World, supplies .... 8,61 followed by hymn 148, A very Post Publishing house, interesting paper entitled "The City, ballots 8.00 the Church and Education," Meyer- Jno. McGill, surveying on ed by Mrs. Strachan was given by No. 1 Turvey Drain 3,00 Mrs, Wilson. A reacting l'y Mee: Jno. {t'aig, D.R.O. 4.00 Richardson and a solo by Mist, Geo. Noble, Poll Clerk 2.00 1Iingston were enjoyed by all The S.S. No, 1, rent 4.00 meeting closed with a hymn and Geo, Martin, Returning _ benediction. .At the close of the Officer 15.00 regular meeting a delightful tet,. was S, S. No. 9. Rent 4.00 served and fees for the comle3 Frank Bell, 13,11.0. 4.00 year paid in by the members atter Jos, Bewley, Poll Clerk .,.,,2.00 which a hearty vote of thanks was S. S, No. 5, Rent 4.00 offered to the hostess for hat, hos. Thos, Brydges D.R.O. '. 4,00 pi.tality. riot. Yttill, Poll Clerk 2.00 Jas. Kerr, D.R.O. 4,00 At the Churches Sam Alcock, Poll' Clerk ..,2,00 S.S. No. 7, Rent Chas, Bosman, D.R.O. Robs. McMurray, Pallelerk S. S. No. 10, Rent Ralph Shaw, D.R.U. Harvey Robertson, Poll Clerk A, H. Erskine, taxes 822.97 A, H. Erskine, taxes 378.02 Mrs. Gross, relief . 15.011 Fred Logan, aftercare 7.00 Municipal World, 4.00 Services on Sunday in Melville 4,00 Presbyterian church, Brussels, were 2.00 conducted by the minister, Rev. S. 4,30 Kerr. The subject 01 the moving 4,00 sermon was "Tete Kingdom of God," 2.00 a'nd the evening sermon was based on "Critically Ill," The services in the United clmrcln an Sunday were conducted by time minister, Rev, H, Wilson. 'en the morning the subject was "Tbe Re- anhscriptions 9.15 wards of Christianity." The subjent Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. of the evening- service was "Refus- ing to Pace Facts." A duet was sung REGENT THEATRE, by Misses Margaret Jewell and SeafoTt)I Ont. Ruth Wilson, s � ,On Wednesday, Jan. 0111, the NOW SHO'WING- Desperate Journey Errol Flynn Ronald Reagan Raymond Massey Bomber crew crash-lands In the heart of Germany! And off they go on a 5 -man commando raid to Berlin ! read the Scripture lesson and Rev; and back! ..A once-ln-a-lifetime ad- ; fi C. Wilson o1 the United church venture! I gave the sermon. The offering was given to the World Evangelical Mon., Tues, and Wed. Alliance, George Brent Jean Sennett The services in St. John's church, Twist Beds Brussels and St, George's, Walton Comical, confusing, oompllcated life ' on Sunday, .tan, 10th were le keep- ing with the season of Epllipilany when the rector Rev M. F. Oldbam Next THURS., FRI., SAT, peeaohed on the visit of the Wise Brian ,Donlevy Macdonald Carey Men to the infant Jesus. The gifts . Wake Island I of gold, frankincense and myrrh all Robert Preston had a significant meaning. Gold 448 Marines . , , In their 14 -day stand I typified that Jesus is to be Icing. against uncounted thousands 01 franklncense, that prayer and praise Japanese ... Wrote in letters of fire are to be offered in Hie name, and an Imperishable chapter In the I myrrh that He was to die 20' the history of the United Nations' sins of the world. In Epiphany Season Ole Missionary wart of the' COMING- us- i ehreh is stressed, Service wa Metican Spitfire sees a Ghost hell In St. David's, Hentryn, at festival of the Bphiphany, rho second of the Annual Week of Pray- er Services was held in St, John's Anglican church at • 8 p.m. Rev, M. F, Oldham was in charge, Rev, S, Kerr of the Presbyterian church In a modern apartment house. Falcon Takes Over 8 p.m. ., NOTICE— Thu 59th annual meeting (1 the Policy holders of the: Pima emitter, Mutual Fire Insurance Coumauy will be held in the Forester's Hall, Alwoial, on 'fuesrlaY, the 20th day of January, 1943, at two o'Cloclt, for the purpose of receiving the rep .0(1 of the Dil'(cicrs and Auditors, and disposing of the saute, ;'o: the election of officers, and any mile' business that may conte before the meeting Ladies' Aid of Melville Church The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Melville Church was held on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. Seeker with sixteen ladies present. Mrs. Deluder our new president, was in the chair and opened the meeting with prayer Seorel'ary's and Treasurer's reports were read and adopted. After some discussion it was decide to • nrtinue with cent -a -day collections for the coaling year. It was decided to have a Pot Luck Supper In connec. tion with the Annual Meeting to be held oa Friday, Jan. 15, at 7 o'clock, The offering was then taken and the meeting was closod by repeating the Mizpah Benediction after whiclh a social .half hour WAS enjoyed, ~ Card From Prisoner of War The following card has been received ,by the Brussels branch of the Canadian Legion from Thomas 'Bendall }oho is now a prisoner of war in Germany: • Sun„ 25th, Oct, 1942 Dear Sia':- J'ust a few lines to let yon know that any address has been changed, just in case you should be intending to send more cigarettes, If you should wish to• send anything you may do so through local branch of Red Cross, Sorry that it da so t short a note but it can't he helped. Address on front. Thomas Bendall Getangeneunummer. 96703 ; c Lager-Bezeichnung, M,,Stammlager ViII 13 f ;Deutschland (Germany) Friday Ilii[ht wound up 'i lir rwo „;x111(0 "f Brussel;, League wi 015 sec' 111 Willey) (mother) 7'1 first game: 11,C.S. es, Town, wa;; treat display 01 our hon" (alto) 1n the now half, 'Tina opened lb scoring with A. Roller: Hewitt.; aide by O. Riley, Bolles ant Miley cans back. 1x01 with Riley getting th counter. 1130111 Bolles mil Rile 0111111' bael( to bang in the th1: 1 gna Bolles from Riley. In the ;;.'con hall, 11.1',S, changed their' position S1111 Graeme Scott collet (11 school's emit goal assisted by Lay coetc. ,holt relied back again fo another counter lroen II. Bell Th ;'ams was getting really warmed in now and Bell belted In another fro Laycock and Scott to make it 3-3 Thou (town eonle the line again with Bell longing in another from Scott B.C.S. then look the lead, A change of lines end Don W111is the (T.N.T.) kid took a long shot from the blue 1111a and outwitted goalie Bill Stephenson to make it 51. It Looked bad for the town but Bolles came back fast with bis flashy wing - Riley and made it 3.4, Infinite Gillis the B,C:S, goalie With only 3 minutes left to play Mao Eseker, ploying defence, shoved a loans pass through to Laycock who passe'i to Scott and Scott pushed it back and Laycock 'tallied the final counter just before the bell. Laycock and Ashton played good hocltey, back- eheckeel and kept the puck rolling all the time. The three stuns of the game were Riley, Laycock and Don Willis and also K. Ashton Tor his smart defence work. Final snore 6-5. 0 a e e 1,. d F'. r rn --Carried. • Brussels iVluuioipal Council Nae held at. 11,00 a.m. on the above date. All members being pres,>!i1 w'th the exeeptiuu 11f I'6'. 11'iIiis, 1r)iIuwiilg the taking el the oath of ()Mee it W118 11101/1M by W, Oameron, second- ed by F. 1I. Saiuis that the codicil now adjourn to ma1 meet at 8.00 ti „ in the Public Library. -Carried. The first regular monthly meeting of the Brussels Municipal Council was 11011 un the above date :n the Public Library. All members were present, 'Phe minutes of the last meeting being read it was moved by W. tlan eron, seconded by 11. B. Cousins that the minutes be adopted. a. 4; s. Morrie and Grey skated to the ice for the second battle and the scoring took an early start with Bill King getting the first for, Morris. King came right back to snake it 2-0 and then Donny Currie toothed for the third goal, G. Nichol for Grey scored and it was 3-1, Nichol came right back to make it 3 2. In he second half Morris again scored. Currie getting the counter thea Bing made it 5-2. J. Blake a' Grey 'ookie made it 5-3 and L. Blake nine back to snake it 5-4. J. Lowe stored the last goal, before the ball or Morris to make the final score 6-4, The three stars for thi.e game were King, Niehol and goalie 5', Stephenson, the Grey net -minden', :s ,n 4. LINEUPS B.C.S,- Goa.l, H, 01111s; Defence, M. Baelz_ r, K. Ashton. Centre, Graeme Scott; Wings, M, Laycock 'Ii. Bell; Subs, 11, Lawless D. Willis, TOWN - Give Away $1',400 To War Charities The Teeswater Agricultural So - elegy gave $1,400 to War Charities in 1942, being all surplus cash from , the year's efforts. Since the out. 0 break of war the Agricultural So- ciety has given $1,504,20 to the Red Cross. This was made up of 1,157,20 in 1940 and 1941, $47.00 during 1942 plus the last 'rdonatiou of $205.00.: In 1041 the Home Boys' Funs re- j R Goal, B. Stephenson; Defence, H. leDonald, H. Gowing; Centre, A. ones. Firings. 0, Riley. Jack Me. mired $300.00 and another dona- D tion of $800,00 in 1942, making a G total of $500,00. The above amounts coupled with :: G the $500, to the Aid to Russia, and 1 $300, to the Salvation Army, brings W up the grand total of 82,504.90 that 0 Teeswater Agricultural Society has 1 M given to War Charities sines the outbreak of hostilities. D It's a grand achievement, and Culross and Teeswater people are Go justly proud of this patriotic 0 sa'criflee on behalf of the Agrtcultur• ni Society. t 0 w onald, REV - Goal, S. ,Stephenson; Defence, ord. Bloke, G. Stevenson; Centre, G. Nichol; Wings, J. Blake, G. ork; Subs,'Geo. Blake, Ron Gerd - I.,. Blake. ORRIS - Goal, G, Stephenson; Defen ia, D. uncap, L. Bryans; Centre, B. King; V rings, 7, Lowe D, Currie; Sults, H. wing. fticials-J. Lowe, 0. Riley. e, a 8 We hope to see a good crowd for ile next game Wednesday, Jan, 18 ome n.nl boost your favorite team! Tt'etch for snore hockey news next eels and the schedule. Reporter W. H, Bell. Until next week Happy Storing oys1 Airman Receives Commission Mr. and Mrs, John Rowland re- -Teeswater News, Four Candidates Seek Honor At Opening Of Session On January 18 GODERICH, Jan. 9-tSeveu new B members will take their sea`s on the Huron County Council when it begins the January sessio't an Tuesday, the 18th. The new reeves are; Cecil Wheeler, Morris town ship; Alex Watson, Colborne1 Hoe - old Moffat, Tum'nberry and Deputy- Reeves eputyReeves Thomas Love of Stephen 00(1 Jlames Inglis of Howlett. Me is the Liberals' year for choosing the warden, for which there le likely to be a tour -corner- ed light. It is believed 17 ,Liberals have been elected anti 12 0 ,serva- tives, Last year there we -a 14 of the former and fifteen of the lattter. Those seeking the wardenship are Reeves Alex MacDonald, Aslm- field; B. W. .I'iuclteY, Exeter; Ray- mond Redmond, East Wawanosh, :anti S, 13. Whitmore, Tnekersmiih. 'Contributions in Cloderioh to the Canadian Aid to Russia Rhea, have coached a hotel of approximately 0 F t a O eived a cable saying that their son, light Sergeant Bill Rowland, of he R,C.A.P., overseas, has received commission and is now Pilot Repairs Made— * you have 'broken furniture or repair jobs to be•done in the line of carpenter work just phone 21, The Post end ask to have it done, Prompt service. Charges moderate DIED LOWRY -- In Brusaels on Tuesday, January 121111, 1943, Walter A. Lowry, hi his 66th year. Funeral will take iflace from his late home WilliamSt, on ?ridgy, The following account, we's Pre' Belated:- Geo. Campbell, Dec, salary .. 5.00 y G. Sanderson, weigh - master, 1942 30.00 Brussels, Morris & Grey Telephone Corent and tells 11.50 D. N. McDonald, coal 2.40 Jno. Gibson, plower repairs 1.15 C. N. R,, freight 1.85 R. W. Kennedy, printing ,..,,, 35,00 Bickle-Seagrave Co„ soda ,40,13 Municipal World, supplies .,, 4,14 Geo. Blake, wood 13.00 Brussels Hydro, street lights 99.00 hall lights 1.41 Library Grant 600.00 R. J Bowman, registering deed 2.65 CI. Sanderson, Fire Dept. supplies 8.2;r 0, Sanderson, fireman's salaries 24.50 Relief for December , 18,00 Moved by F. M. Semis, seconded by 'W. Willis that the account3 as real be paid, -Carries. Moved by W. Willis, seconded by W. Cameron that the Tax Poll be returned to the Collector for 1 • month. --'Carried. Moved by W. Willis, seconded by F. Souris that R. B. Cousins and W, Cameron be the Street Committee and 10. Semis and W. Willis be the Fire and Finance Committees, --0irried. Mow.). by R. B, Cousins, seconded by W. Willis that we accept the j report as submitted by Dr. Jamieson; M. 0. 13 -Carried_ Moved by W. Willis, seconded by F. M. Saints that By Laws No. 1, 2 and 3 be read the third time and finally passed, -Carried. Moved by W. Cameron s=.conded by R, B. Cousins that the deet Mon- day night of each month be Council meeting night. -Carried. Moved by W, Cameron, seconded by R, B. Cousins that there being no'further business that the Council adjourn. -Carried. Note - ,By -La -v/ No. 3' is published else- where in this paper. 13Y -LAW No. 3, 1943 By -Law No. 3, 1048 of the Village of Brussels, in the County of ' Huron regulating the parking of motor oars on the streets within the Village of Brussels. WHEREAS it is expedient for the snow -plowing of the streets, that the parking or cars be regnli'ed THEREFOR the Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels enacts as follows:. 1. No person sheU park or allow to be parked, any motor oar or truck on the streets of the 'Vil- lage of Brussels Por a time longer than twenty-four (24) hours, Every person who is guilty of a contravention of this by-law "hall incur a penalty not exceeding $5,00, exclusive of costs and in ease of non-payment of the fine and coats, these may be oollected by distress and sale of the goods and chattels or the offender, Passed in open Council this 11th day of January, 1943. Orangemen To Gather At Winghan On July 12 Winglmam will play host to district Oraatgemen on the twelfth of duly this year, Rev, E, 0. Goilagher and Joshua Scott, representing the L.O,4, were present at the last sitting of the council. The council agreed to gtve every suppers Possible, free eeneessiona and use of ,Tgnutry 150, ,Service at 2 p. m. the town park and arena in 01,50 of $800, Jnterment in 13rdssels Oemetery. rain,