HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-12-23, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday. December 23rd, 1042 On this Christmas Eve of 1942 we pause to extend to our ,friends and customers Best riV ishes for a Very Berry Christmas and Greetings for a Happy and Peaceful New Year. A. GREY The Christmas entertainment field in ..5. S. No. 3, last '14retinesdaf evening, Dec. 10th, was a decided success. A splendid program of dialogue. recitations and also chores To One And All A Merry Christmas And All Good Wishes For The New Year C. Zilliax & Son AND STAFF HARDWARE PHONE 40 LISTOWEL The Store 'With The Stook by the pupils, was splendidly pre- sented to an appreciative audience. .A. tree laden with lovely presents and oranges was given the children by Santa Claus, Miss Colwell, the teacher and Miss Wheeler the music teacher received many complements on the success of the evening. Mr. Jas. Deitner very capably filled the chair. Glen Wheeler, London, is enjoying his holidays at the home of his parents, S. and Mrs. Wheeler, An enjoyable evening was held iu Barker's school 6th con , for the Christmas program given by the pupils. Miss Little and Mr. Arnold Earl, music teacher spent no little time in the training of the pupils. The tree was enjoyed by the child. ren, lunch was also served. Rev. Mr. Snell makes a splendid chair. in an, alTO ALL OUR i CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS PLEASE ACCEPT OUR eta Heartiest Good Wishes For a Merry Christmas and a a Happy New Year Stanley Rutledge ltihib7�Fit7t+'tk7a'h�' 1aV$t��73fhit+➢hiiStYt�11797t11aAtdt]:,7tbt3t3tt�ia"iAi4+�iii�h'IrA++f From every one of us here to every one of you there 55 we send this message. A Jerry Chrisla?2as and ac Happy New Year Export Packers St Staff Db a a*Std:evre+, a7.A1C aw: K--P.,V magi€ rear ti trite cr ttp� 1 ti �' f:1Pii^ot6'�i�t�t �+loi utg'�$t^:L�+'ytF, wIEtP,te4t?.,lC Extr Train Services FOR .t XM NE YEAR'S /MUSSELS S WIARTON OW.EN SOUND DURHAM — SOUTHAMPTON — KINCARDINE .•.- PALM ER.STON TO STRATFORD -- LONDON — GUELPH HAMILTON -- TORONTO SUN., DEC. 27 Lv. Owen Sound 4.40 P.M. Ar. Palmerston 7.05 P.M. Lv. Durham. 5.50 P,M. Ar. Palmerston 6,55 P.M. Lv. Kincardine L.v. aRUSSELS Ar. Palmerston •-Connection at Ar, Stratford 8.40 PN, Ar. Ar. Landon .......... 9.45 P.M.Ar. Ar. Toronto 10.10 ;NG ttr0 , Lv. Wiarton 4.30 P.M. 4 0 Ar. Palmerston 4.55 P.M. Lv, Southampton 4.50 P.M. bG Ar, Palmerston 6,50 P.M. 4.15 P.M. 6.40 P.M. 6.40 P.M. Palmerston -- Guelph 8.45 P.M. Hamilton , ,....., 10.55 P.M. P.M 'G V(i 0: CANADIAN NATIONAL See Time Tables For IntcrmediateStops Ahd All Other Services. ir(.c 'P.2.137 ' is 1 ice :" ko' mku iiitueniossiositmeavoionamit MORRIS Presentatton— ..A. pleasant evening was spen'. at the home of Mrs, Alex Mustard, Dec. 16th, when her son Stanley was presented with a wrist watch and cigarettes on the eve of his departure to join the Royal Can- adian Navy. Mrs. Mustard and Miss Lena were each the recipient of a hand satchel as a little remem- brance from the community, prion to their removal to Lucknow whore they will ma,ite their home. The following address was presented to 0t:anley; Dear Stanley, 'We your friends and neighbours have met tonight to bid you fare. well and wish yon, 'good luck" on sour way. While we deeply regret the eir- cumetancos that make it neeessary for our young men to 10040 their homes and go to the deofnse of the Empire yet Stanley, we wan, yen to know we are proud of the fact that. Youare willing to renounce, the romforis of hone and give 70111 ali, o help defend cur Canadian shores and keep the flag of liberty flying OM our native land. We are glad to spend one more pleasant evening with you before you leave the second 'fine of Morris and ask You to accept this wrist watch as, a small token of our esteem. May it serve to remind you tlnit you are often in our thoughts, even tho the tide may bear you far. Gird on your armour! Be faithful At drill or at rest. 'Whatever it be never doubting, God's, way Is best, Out in the fight. or on picket Shand firth and true This is the task which your master Gives yon to do, ;Signed on behalf 'of Community, Alex Shaw Roy Sellers Fleming Johnston, Campoll ILabetrtsoo Morris Cout cit December 16, .1.1142 The Connell met on the above date in the Township hall with all the members present. The heave presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Cecil Wheeler and /antes lvTiciato, Moved. by Neil Wheeler, seconded toniroa by Harvey Johnston that the rate• payers or ,S.13: No. 8 be notified in regard to Debentures and given an opportunity to pay cash or left on debenture. Those paying cash must 11117 to Treasurer of school section not: Inter than December 28, 1942. —Carried Moved by C. R. Coultes seconded by ,Tames Michie that tho meeting adjom'n. The next meeting to be on January 11, 1943 at; 11 a,m, Curried The following accounts were paid: Blyth Standard, advertising $ 8.00 Munieipai World, information George 'iffa.rtin, revising voters' lists 'Marl Anderson, attending; court Village of Blyth, bivlsion Court Hydro Electric Commission Walton street lightn 60.00 Tielgrave street lights ,87,00 Mun1eipai World, supplies „ .80 Department of I#ealth, insulin fns. Mcl,aclxean, Tnsuranoe 4,30 A. H. Erskine, feera fart collecting taxes . ,., 78,68 P. Dittman, salary , 109.00 .50 42.50 6.50 20.00 5,64 J, Michio, salary 65,00 11, ,Pohnston, salary 05.00 C. Wheeler, salary 05.00 C. R, Coultes, salary 05.00 George Martin, salary 222.75 George Martin, postage 25.00 George Martin, drain 25.00 Nelson Higgins, salary 154.00 Nelson Biggins, relief officer 25.00 Nelson I•Iiggins, attendauee officer 12,00 Nelson Biggins, financial statement • 10.00 Nelson Bigigns, stamps, stationery, etc. 10,50 Iluron County, county levy 14775,05 BrusesIi Telephone 2+311.04 Blyth Telephone 780.00 Nfcllidlop Telephone 12.00 Fred Logan, aftercare 7.00 Mrs. Gross, relief 15.00 George Alcock, Lamont Drain 130.00 Jos, Shaw, fence -viewing 3.00 Johan Warwick, fence. viewing 3.00 Harold Procter, fence viewing .....s. ,...,8,00 Ivan McArter, oaretakng , 15.00 :Brussels Post, contract of printing 95.00 Walton Library, Grant .,,,,,,6.00 George Martin, Clerk, Ottawa, Decensl er 21, 1942 EFFECTIVE NOW I ,: Tbes bitter On and after Deeenll)et' or buy butter at retail proper coUpOns. Brown coupons, Nos. Ration Book Number public, are to be used for Each Brown coupon, entitles the holder to 3 5 7 9 NOTE: during Nos. Coupons for butter, like Tea (the red and green by, or in the presence employee. If desired, All Brown ..Rimed I!TTE ATU E : ! Y COUPON a *Ilion is one-half pound per person. per week. of to 11 "Spare 'C'" Can be ]natter. good on a definite bate and . . . and Can be used only as given below. different from that a11tpi, Tea, where coupons have for 21st. it is unlawful to sell Brown Coupons, Nos. 1 without the surrender of the used for the purchase of Each coupon becomes 1 to 11, "Spare 'C' " from expires on it definite date 1 now in the hands of the within its prescribed period, this purpose. • The system for butter is Nos. 1 to 11, "Spare 'C'' ing to Sugar, Coffee and buy one week's supply. Only no specified expiry date. F inter When Butter CoarlitaBus 13ec0191110 11Jseabile — .and Expire Coupon Coot' for Purebuse Not Coed Number beginning on i'urchaeo curter 1 • December 21 January 3 2 December 28 January 3 and 4 January 4 January 1.7 and 6 January 18 January 31 and 8 February 1 February 14 and 10 February :15 February 28 11 March 1 March 14 Brown Coupon No. 2, "Spare 'C' " will be good for use only a 7 -day period—December 28 to January 3. Brown Coupons 1, and 3 to 11, "Spare 'C' ", can he used within 2 -week periods. those for Sugar, Coffee and butter coupon sheets with their retailers, so that coupons) must be detached the latter may detach the required coupons when of any seller of butter or his delivering. consumers may lodge their Tempo.rar, fiatl;iora Cards Coupons on Temporary Ration Cards issued to members of the forces on leave, visitors to Canada, etc., are good after December 21. Mutter' floldirigs ixceeding More Than One Pound per Person Must: lie Reported and Coupons Surrendered Consumer6 or non -registered boarding houses tity of butter in possession of such persons having inI their possession the equivalent of represents more than the eleven brown more than one pound of butter for each coupons in Ration Book No. 1, which will be person in the household, must before January good for battier, they roust in their reports 3, 1943, report their holdings to the nearest office of this Board. They Hurst forward with undertake to detach from future ration their reports the number of butter coupons books, additional butter coupons equal to the representing their butter holdings. If the quail. remainder of the surplus. Special Notice to Retailers - On and after December 28, retailers must establish their right to purchase new supplies of butter from their suppliers by turning over to the supplier currently valid ration coupons equivalent to the poundage of butter ordered from the suppliers. kE 'WARttM'E PRI: ES' All;i RADE BCjAR.D. :.. .. .._ .. ... ..:. ,' ..:,.,. SR1W .TII'ERE ARE HEAVY PENALTIES FOR BREAKING TIIESE REGULATIONS iiitueniossiositmeavoionamit MORRIS Presentatton— ..A. pleasant evening was spen'. at the home of Mrs, Alex Mustard, Dec. 16th, when her son Stanley was presented with a wrist watch and cigarettes on the eve of his departure to join the Royal Can- adian Navy. Mrs. Mustard and Miss Lena were each the recipient of a hand satchel as a little remem- brance from the community, prion to their removal to Lucknow whore they will ma,ite their home. The following address was presented to 0t:anley; Dear Stanley, 'We your friends and neighbours have met tonight to bid you fare. well and wish yon, 'good luck" on sour way. While we deeply regret the eir- cumetancos that make it neeessary for our young men to 10040 their homes and go to the deofnse of the Empire yet Stanley, we wan, yen to know we are proud of the fact that. Youare willing to renounce, the romforis of hone and give 70111 ali, o help defend cur Canadian shores and keep the flag of liberty flying OM our native land. We are glad to spend one more pleasant evening with you before you leave the second 'fine of Morris and ask You to accept this wrist watch as, a small token of our esteem. May it serve to remind you tlnit you are often in our thoughts, even tho the tide may bear you far. Gird on your armour! Be faithful At drill or at rest. 'Whatever it be never doubting, God's, way Is best, Out in the fight. or on picket Shand firth and true This is the task which your master Gives yon to do, ;Signed on behalf 'of Community, Alex Shaw Roy Sellers Fleming Johnston, Campoll ILabetrtsoo Morris Cout cit December 16, .1.1142 The Connell met on the above date in the Township hall with all the members present. The heave presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Cecil Wheeler and /antes lvTiciato, Moved. by Neil Wheeler, seconded toniroa by Harvey Johnston that the rate• payers or ,S.13: No. 8 be notified in regard to Debentures and given an opportunity to pay cash or left on debenture. Those paying cash must 11117 to Treasurer of school section not: Inter than December 28, 1942. —Carried Moved by C. R. Coultes seconded by ,Tames Michie that tho meeting adjom'n. The next meeting to be on January 11, 1943 at; 11 a,m, Curried The following accounts were paid: Blyth Standard, advertising $ 8.00 Munieipai World, information George 'iffa.rtin, revising voters' lists 'Marl Anderson, attending; court Village of Blyth, bivlsion Court Hydro Electric Commission Walton street lightn 60.00 Tielgrave street lights ,87,00 Mun1eipai World, supplies „ .80 Department of I#ealth, insulin fns. Mcl,aclxean, Tnsuranoe 4,30 A. H. Erskine, feera fart collecting taxes . ,., 78,68 P. Dittman, salary , 109.00 .50 42.50 6.50 20.00 5,64 J, Michio, salary 65,00 11, ,Pohnston, salary 05.00 C. Wheeler, salary 05.00 C. R, Coultes, salary 05.00 George Martin, salary 222.75 George Martin, postage 25.00 George Martin, drain 25.00 Nelson Higgins, salary 154.00 Nelson Biggins, relief officer 25.00 Nelson I•Iiggins, attendauee officer 12,00 Nelson Biggins, financial statement • 10.00 Nelson Bigigns, stamps, stationery, etc. 10,50 Iluron County, county levy 14775,05 BrusesIi Telephone 2+311.04 Blyth Telephone 780.00 Nfcllidlop Telephone 12.00 Fred Logan, aftercare 7.00 Mrs. Gross, relief 15.00 George Alcock, Lamont Drain 130.00 Jos, Shaw, fence -viewing 3.00 Johan Warwick, fence. viewing 3.00 Harold Procter, fence viewing .....s. ,...,8,00 Ivan McArter, oaretakng , 15.00 :Brussels Post, contract of printing 95.00 Walton Library, Grant .,,,,,,6.00 George Martin, Clerk,