HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-12-23, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
WishingAll Our Readers and
Wednesday, December 23rd, 1942
In accordance with the •British tradition and to fall in line
with the towns surrounding Brussels .. .
1 hereby proclaim Saturday, Dec. 26 -- 1942
Asking the citizens of Brussels to observe it as such
Signed Dec. 16th, 1942. i
R. J. BOWMAN, Reeve.
We express our sincere gratitude
to the Brussels Red Cross for their
gifts to us. We appreciate their
Pte, Orrie Elliott
Pte. Dick Elliott +�
"There is born unto you this
day in the City of David a
Saviour which is Christ the
:Melville Church
11 A, M. "Herod and the
Christ Child"
12.15 P.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. "The Name and the
Christmas Music at Both
U nited Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"New Habits or New Life"
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Ciao
7 P. M. .Evening Praise
"What Have You In The
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F.- Oldham
Christmas Day, Dec. 25th
St John's Brussels -
8.30 A.M. Holy Communion
10.30 A. M. MorningPrayer,
Holy Communion and Sermon
Sunday After Christmas
Dec. 27th, St. John's Day
11 A.M. St. Alban's, Atwood
2 P.M. St. David's, Henfryn
4 P. M. St. George's, Walton
7 P. M. St, John's, Brussels
Services of Morning and
Evening Prayer
Sunday School Sessions
10 A. M. — Atwood
3 P. M. — Henfryn
3.30 P. M. — Walton
10.30 ,e• M. Brussels
I My sincere thanks to the ladies of
the .Brussels Red Cross for their
gifts. They are much appreciated.
Pte. M. Thompson
..I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of Reeve, Deputy Reeve,
and Three Councillors, to serve the
Township of Grey during the year
will be held at the
at 1 o'clock p.m.
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at the following place. on
Polling SubaDtvislon No. 1
At School House S.S. Nod 4
Polling Sub.+Division No. 2
At School House S.S.No. 1
Polling Sub -Division No. 3
At School House S.S. No: 2
Polling Sud -Division No. 3A
At A:O.U.W. Hall, Walton
Polling Sub -Division No. 4
At Community Hall, Moncrlef
Polling Sub=Divisioh No. 5
At Township Office, Ethel
Polling Sub -Division No. 6
At School House S.S. No. 6
Polling Sub -Division No. 7
At Comorhunity Hall, Cranbrook
Polls to be open from 9 o'clock a.m.
to 5 p.m.
J. H. Fear, Returning Officer
Seafoi-th, Ont.
Rosalind Russell Janet Blair
My Sister Eileen
The stage hit that convulsed broad.
way and the Nation.
MATINEE—Xmas Day, 3 P.M.
Mors.; Tues, and Wed.
Henry Fonda Lynn Bari
Don Ameche
Magnificent Dope
He was just a dope front a jerk.
water town . .. They laughed When
he walked In ...and you .Will tool
Next Thurs., Frl. & Sat—
George Washington Slept Here
Jack Benny
Gay Sisters
To Arrive This Week
East Huron Produce Emporium
to Everybody in Brussels
practice the lit Aiost care in
avoiding fires of any des.
Issued by
Firerchief G. Sanderson
vertjiers A Ver
Local News Items
Final Notice
All outstanding accounts must be
Paid by ,Jan. 1, 1943, or they will be
put in a collector's hands and costs
added. •
Orrie Elliott
1 hereby wish to thank the people
and council of Grey Township for
the lovely wrist watch, 1 certainly
appreciate it, and will always have
pleasant memories of my boIne
Pte. Wheeler, Glenn A.
Mr; and Mrs• Hervey McCutchem
and family wish to express their
appreciation cor the many acts of
kindness and expressions of sym-
pathy extended by friends and
neighbours and Rev, Oldham, during
the death of their little daughter.
The weather may not be Sunkist
but Grewar's hove barhist Oranges,
No seeds, full eoloul juice and at
new low prices. Taste the differ-
ence. See Grewer e ter Sunkist
Oranges. insist on. them.
Melville Ladies' Aid
The annual meeting of the Ladies
Aid of Melville Church was held
at the home of Mr•.S. J. Gibson.
Eighteen ladies were present The
To the Grey Township Council;•
Please accept MY thanks for the
"'1st watch given me. I do aP•
predate it and it will always remind
"100 of the people 1n Grey Tbwnsr Ip.
Signed Eldon Manr
11 Engagement Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. S. 1'. Drvison nn -
pounce the engagenree; ,it ;= lir
elder daughter, Edna. Mee •.':off
Sebringville to Gunner David Pear-
son Young of Debert, Novi Scotia.
'elder son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Feting, Sebringville, too marriage to
take place at Brussels Untied
Church on December 29.
Cpl. Ross Elliott Writes
About Cigarettes Received
As an exanmpie of how the boys
in. England appreciate the smokes
sent from the home town is given In
' a' letter received by Bevan Elliott
atom his on Cpl. Ross Elliott in
wjIt he writes "t have just re-
ed to -day, 30 cartons of cigar-
4itte9 from the Jar Fund and was I
ter glad to receive them. That is
t ren the money they get in the jars
laced in each store that you folks
t your pennies in. It doesn't
s em much at the time but it ce.r-
4i'n1y means a great deal to the
boys, over here. Tell the lads
Thanks a Million"
delebrate 60th
singing of a Christmas Carol opened
the meeting and was followed by
the Lord's Prayer repeated in
unison. Reports of the secretary
and treasurer, also the Annual Re
ports were given. The election of
officers for 1943 was held and
resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs, , L.
W. Eel:miler; vice pees., Mrs, J. C.
Baeker; sec., Mrs, J. S. Armstrong;
asst sec., Mss. W. Little; . tress,
Mrs. W. 8. •Scott; asst-treas., Mrs.
Allen; sunshine committee, Mrs,
Sannis and Mrs. Logan; flower cam -
veno', Miss Isabel Lowrie. It was
decided to discontinue the sending
of sunshine boxes except in cases
of serious sickness. A vote of
thanks was extended Mrs. H, Speirs,
retiring president, for her efficient
leadership for the past 2 years.
I hereby give notice that the Nomin.
atlon of Reeve, Four Councillors,
Three School Trustees, and One
Hydro Commissloner, to serve the
Village of Brussels during the year
will be held at the
Nominations from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at following places on
Polling Sub•Divislon No. 1.
Robert Patrick,ID.R.O.
Joe Wilton, Poll Clerk
Polling Sub -Division No. 2—
Mrs. Wesley. Speiran, D.R.O.
Ben Whlttard, Poli Clerk
Polls to open from 9 o'clock a.m.
to 6 p.m.
R. 8. Warwick, Returning Officer
Brussels,Ont., December 14th, 1942
I hereby give notice that the Nom
Ination of Reeve, and Four Council•
Tors, to serve the Township of
Morris during the year 1943.
will be held at the
at 12 o'clock noon
if demanded a Poll will be opened
at following places on
Polling Sub -Division No, 1
At School House 8. S. No. 1
Polling Sub -Division iso. 2
At School House S.S. No.
P0111ng Sub -Division No. 8
at School House S. a. Ne. 6
Folling Sub.Divielon No. 4
At Township Hall
isoping Sub•DIvIelon No. 6
Stone School House 6.8. No. 7
Pollnig Bub-Dlvtelon No. 6
At Shoot House 9. S. No. 10
Polis open from 9 o'clock nen.
to 5 p.m.
(Seo. Martln, Returning Officer
R.R. 4, Brussels Ont.
Docembet pith, 1912.
Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations are the order of
the day for Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Nichol, who on. Sunday, Dec. 20,
cele'bra.ted their 60th anniversary
of their wedding. ,Saterday evening
their neighbours gathered at their
Mime to 4tAnd a' social hour with
then and in the course of.the even-
ing they 'presented the bride and
groom of 60 years ago with an. Alad-
din tainp. The following address
was read by Wm. Bernard, the
presentation being made by Thomas
Congratulations Mr, and airs.
Nichol! on this very special a,ecas-
ion of your Diamond Wedding Anht 1
We seldom, if ever before, have 1
had in our midst a couple who have
reached their sixtieth. year ofl
married life and so we felt that we
could not miss this opportunity of
congratulating you and showing
our appreciation for your year* of
service in our community.
To all of n.6 you have been good
friends and good neighbors and to
show you the esteem which we have
for you we would like you to ac-
cept this gift, With it go our
wishes for many more years of
active, happy life for you both.
We want you to use this gift and
may it add to the pleasure of your
coining years.
Aud now to a grand old couple we
say again, "(Congratulations and
Beet. Wishes for a happy future!"
Friends and Neighbors
While being taken completely by
surprise Mr, Nichol thanked elle
neighbours and frieude for their
kind thoughtfulness. The honoured
couple were also .remembered by
their grand -children in Toronto by
a beautifulbouquet of gold Chrys•
anthetnuns as well as many cards
from friends,
erry Christmas
Mrs, Margaret R. Clarke
The learn of tern. leereeee: it.
Clarke, beloved wife ftieree,,i late
David (lathe, oerurred eft l.s.:'^oaths
of her brother -In-law, Me4'
.Steiss, on Friday, Dec, 1SfIII
79th year.
Deceased was the eldest
of the late Alex and Rachea1 1. '
art, one o1 the early 'neer
families of this district. Mrs,.diarke
resided all her life on the
Stewart homstead, the 16th ('on.,,
Township of Grey. She was the
only living member of this family.
A sister, Mrs. Louis Steles, (Mary
Ann) and two brothers, Mathew and
Alex predeceased her several years
Mrs, Clarke was a life member of
the Cranbrook Presbyterian. Church.
The funeral took place on Monday
the 21, with burial at the Bnissels
cemetery. Bev. Mr. Taylor offdiat-
ing. •
The, pallbearers were: Messrs.
Archie, William and Alex Mann.
Laren Taylor, Russel Knight and
Wilbur Turnbull.
Florence Bette McCutcheon
The community was shocked to
hear of the sudden death of Florence
Bette McCutcheon, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey elc-
Cut.cheon, on Thursday, Decen,her
17, 194'2.
Bette was In her sixth year and
never had very good health; suffer-
ing from glandular trouble since
her birth.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
mother and father, one brother
Clarence and two sisters, Mary of
Hamilton and Helen at home,
The funeral service was held
from the home of her parents on
Satm•clay, December 10. Rev. M. F.
Oldham, Minister of .St, John's
Anglican Church, officiated. The
pallbearers were uncles o1 the de-
ceased; M), Robt, Craig; Mr, '4Vm. '
.Sholtltce, .Mr, Wm. McCutcireou and
. Mr. Mac Scott.'
Manly beautifue floral tributes,
. Were carried, by five_ the little
girl's cousins, Burial was in the
McCutcheon Cemetery,
* >t *
}TGG --,In Morris Township, o0
Tuesday, Deeemeese 22nd: 1942,
Ma>7 Mason, beloved Wife of
Joseph Hogg in her 69th year,
Funeral held 3n. sn her lake resi-
dence, lot 28, concession 3, Morrie
township, on. Tiluu'eday; Decemieer
84th, 1942. Service at 2:00 pen,
Interment in Brussels cemetery.
et *
MI0HEL- an Alexander Nlari,.o and
Ooneral hospital, 'GodertCli, on
Sunday, Dec' 20th, 1942, William
E. Michel in hie 06th year,
Funeral held fron 'tate home of
his aon411.107, R. 'Vodden, 1Nfain
Street, Ethel, on Thuesday, Dee.
24th, 1942, 'tar. Ethel United Church.
Service at 24.310 p.m, Interment
Mona 1Pleaeatttt, (Amatory,
Miss Verla Fischer, Hespler Is
holida.ylug at her on here.
Mrs, N. Thompson and son Frank
have been visiting in Toronto.
Mr. Fred Fischer, Hamilton, was
a week end visitor wibh his brother,
J. W. and Mrs. Fischer.
Pilot Officer Bowman GGalbralth
has been posted to Orlando Dorida,
where he will take advanced train
nig rn Ail' Lrome uo3Ltrer,
Mrs, Ned Rutledge, who has been
in Nova S'ootia with her husband
for the past few months returned
hone last week. Pte. Ned Rutledge
returned with her and is spending
his furlough at. his frame.
Mr.:and Mrs, W. Earngey .(now of
Fergus) wish a Menry Ohr'stmas
and Happy New Year to their 'many
friends and customers, while in
business to Brussels,
Dr. W. D. 5, and Mrs. Jamieson
abterded the Murray -Bather wed-
ding in Arthur Presbyterial' 01101011
last. Saturday. Miss Barber is a
niece of Mrs. Jamieson,
Christmas Concert
The %lineal Christmas Concert of
Melville Smrday .School was held in
the church schoolroom or Friday
evening of last week when a delight-
ful programme was presented by the
children with :Rev, e. Kerr as
(Bailsman, The opening number
was a: favourite Christmas Carol,
"Away' in A Manger" and was
followed by recitation by Agnes
;Bishop; chairman's address, Mr.
Kerr; recitation, Jean Smith; Can-
tata, by miliary classes ",6evewSll
to the `Toys"; recitation, Ross
Smith; Busy (Little Maids, 4 little
girls; Doll Iir111, ghee of inter•
mediate grade; Song, Donald and •
Bruce TOdgar! Duret, Mary i.,oa
McFarlane and Margaret Cardiff;
'Ohristmas with the 1Lnggles'", a
short play; Duet, June Work and
Jean Matheson; llroeulation class by
Miss Littles class; two part song
by Miss Iiinig's, class, Christmas
Carol "0 Little Town Of Dente.
hem Evergreen 1:85111, Senior Girls,
The programme was climaxed by a
1 visit from Santa Clave who este-
' bated goodie, to the cltilelre11,
Should Be Heeded
Instructions received by Fire Chief
Sanderson 'and issued by The
k;ptlminion Power Controller, includes
hq following, which is understood
'Abe the law: No Christmas trees
'eleeChristmas decorations shall be
lighted except during the period
December 24 to January 1, inclusive
and only permitted within the home
or buildings in connection with
churches and religious orgeniz-
A timely reminder at this tithe
might be the fact that inspectors
have been appointed, wittlizt this
local fire brigade and tla t;F ]lay+e•
the power to enter public places and
ebeck on any hazards they may
Brussels very rarely has a fire
which is lucky! .But, just what does
happen when afire starts, always
remains to be seen after it is over.
The majority have been ehimney
flees and were easily controlled with
extinguishers and when a bigger
fire has occurred, a real good job,
was done by Chose who volunteered
to help put it out.
At this particular time with two
big fires fresh in mlod, one at
Boston another. at St. John's New-
foundland, where so many lives
were lost, ought to put any re.
spens1))1e parties to thinking: With
warnings, both in the press and on
the air, from the fire niarshali, as
web as investigations all over the
country, testing fire escapes. hazards
and fire -fighting equipment is it pot
time to do the same here?
As recently as last Sunday a call'.
was sent in from Mr. Laeler's home'
and had•it not been for promer-
action on the part of a few who
happened to be out on that cold day,
might have proven very disastrous.
The small 'chemical tanks' were
frozen, the fire truck wouldn't start
due to the extreme frost of tl.e night
before. Chas Davidson's transport
hauled the big chemical tanks to the
In another column on this page
you will find a request from Fire
(thief 'Gordon Sanderson, asking
everyone to he careful, especially at
this' season with many Christmaa
decorations, wrapping paper, efc:,,
around the house, they are all very
inflammable, Also that a periodical
check be made of cbimneys and
stove pipes around which 'decor-
ations are often ,hung, And very-
eryoften decorations are hong arouna
electric light fixtures. Do not do.
this either, Don't go away .for
Christmas dinner and leave the
drafts turned on your stove. 'Fire
endangers others' as well as your_
A donation of $10.00 from the 6th
of Morris is acknowledged wlt.h
Tesono of $12,6.5 was realized
from the play presented b9 ilia
Women's Fustitute of Seafortlr in
the Town Hall recently,
The workroom will be closed for
two weeke to be opened again on
January 6,
ecenllber shipment:- 12 turtle -nick
sweaters, 17 tucking, 3 prs. whole
mitts, 16 prs. gloves, 8 aleevless
sweaters, 1:5 prs. sea boots, 15 prs.
seamen's socks, 8 p•8rs. heavy ser-
vice socks, 60 prs. service sociis, 20
steel helmet caps, 13 alternative
caps, 0 aero caps, 10 ribbed helmets.
159 towels, 331 aunts, 35 pre. child.
ren's pyjamas, 1 boy's suit, 3 child.
t`en's tans; 2 boys' outfits each • 0011•' ,
stating of 1 pr. shorts, 1 pullover. 1.
pr, stooksinga; 1 girl's outfit of 1
skirt, 1 walst, 1 pr, bleetnere, 1
In Meni►oriain
110100.39-111 memory of hired N.
Hodges, who passed away .five,
years agb, Dec. 2211d, 1937
Peacefully sleeping• resting. at last,
The world's . weary troubles and
trials, are past
In silence he suffered,' in . patlenee;
he bore.
Till (led called hins,'toone to stiffer
no more.
!Wet' r'on)embered b,7 ails ,wife
Mary and daughters Maalicr 'and'
Lbrnq, "m"4".
We express our sincere gratitude
to the Brussels Red Cross for their
gifts to us. We appreciate their
Pte, Orrie Elliott
Pte. Dick Elliott +�
"There is born unto you this
day in the City of David a
Saviour which is Christ the
:Melville Church
11 A, M. "Herod and the
Christ Child"
12.15 P.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. "The Name and the
Christmas Music at Both
U nited Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"New Habits or New Life"
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Ciao
7 P. M. .Evening Praise
"What Have You In The
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F.- Oldham
Christmas Day, Dec. 25th
St John's Brussels -
8.30 A.M. Holy Communion
10.30 A. M. MorningPrayer,
Holy Communion and Sermon
Sunday After Christmas
Dec. 27th, St. John's Day
11 A.M. St. Alban's, Atwood
2 P.M. St. David's, Henfryn
4 P. M. St. George's, Walton
7 P. M. St, John's, Brussels
Services of Morning and
Evening Prayer
Sunday School Sessions
10 A. M. — Atwood
3 P. M. — Henfryn
3.30 P. M. — Walton
10.30 ,e• M. Brussels
I My sincere thanks to the ladies of
the .Brussels Red Cross for their
gifts. They are much appreciated.
Pte. M. Thompson
..I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of Reeve, Deputy Reeve,
and Three Councillors, to serve the
Township of Grey during the year
will be held at the
at 1 o'clock p.m.
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at the following place. on
Polling SubaDtvislon No. 1
At School House S.S. Nod 4
Polling Sub.+Division No. 2
At School House S.S.No. 1
Polling Sub -Division No. 3
At School House S.S. No: 2
Polling Sud -Division No. 3A
At A:O.U.W. Hall, Walton
Polling Sub -Division No. 4
At Community Hall, Moncrlef
Polling Sub=Divisioh No. 5
At Township Office, Ethel
Polling Sub -Division No. 6
At School House S.S. No. 6
Polling Sub -Division No. 7
At Comorhunity Hall, Cranbrook
Polls to be open from 9 o'clock a.m.
to 5 p.m.
J. H. Fear, Returning Officer
Seafoi-th, Ont.
Rosalind Russell Janet Blair
My Sister Eileen
The stage hit that convulsed broad.
way and the Nation.
MATINEE—Xmas Day, 3 P.M.
Mors.; Tues, and Wed.
Henry Fonda Lynn Bari
Don Ameche
Magnificent Dope
He was just a dope front a jerk.
water town . .. They laughed When
he walked In ...and you .Will tool
Next Thurs., Frl. & Sat—
George Washington Slept Here
Jack Benny
Gay Sisters
To Arrive This Week
East Huron Produce Emporium
to Everybody in Brussels
practice the lit Aiost care in
avoiding fires of any des.
Issued by
Firerchief G. Sanderson
vertjiers A Ver
Local News Items
Final Notice
All outstanding accounts must be
Paid by ,Jan. 1, 1943, or they will be
put in a collector's hands and costs
added. •
Orrie Elliott
1 hereby wish to thank the people
and council of Grey Township for
the lovely wrist watch, 1 certainly
appreciate it, and will always have
pleasant memories of my boIne
Pte. Wheeler, Glenn A.
Mr; and Mrs• Hervey McCutchem
and family wish to express their
appreciation cor the many acts of
kindness and expressions of sym-
pathy extended by friends and
neighbours and Rev, Oldham, during
the death of their little daughter.
The weather may not be Sunkist
but Grewar's hove barhist Oranges,
No seeds, full eoloul juice and at
new low prices. Taste the differ-
ence. See Grewer e ter Sunkist
Oranges. insist on. them.
Melville Ladies' Aid
The annual meeting of the Ladies
Aid of Melville Church was held
at the home of Mr•.S. J. Gibson.
Eighteen ladies were present The
To the Grey Township Council;•
Please accept MY thanks for the
"'1st watch given me. I do aP•
predate it and it will always remind
"100 of the people 1n Grey Tbwnsr Ip.
Signed Eldon Manr
11 Engagement Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. S. 1'. Drvison nn -
pounce the engagenree; ,it ;= lir
elder daughter, Edna. Mee •.':off
Sebringville to Gunner David Pear-
son Young of Debert, Novi Scotia.
'elder son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Feting, Sebringville, too marriage to
take place at Brussels Untied
Church on December 29.
Cpl. Ross Elliott Writes
About Cigarettes Received
As an exanmpie of how the boys
in. England appreciate the smokes
sent from the home town is given In
' a' letter received by Bevan Elliott
atom his on Cpl. Ross Elliott in
wjIt he writes "t have just re-
ed to -day, 30 cartons of cigar-
4itte9 from the Jar Fund and was I
ter glad to receive them. That is
t ren the money they get in the jars
laced in each store that you folks
t your pennies in. It doesn't
s em much at the time but it ce.r-
4i'n1y means a great deal to the
boys, over here. Tell the lads
Thanks a Million"
delebrate 60th
singing of a Christmas Carol opened
the meeting and was followed by
the Lord's Prayer repeated in
unison. Reports of the secretary
and treasurer, also the Annual Re
ports were given. The election of
officers for 1943 was held and
resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs, , L.
W. Eel:miler; vice pees., Mrs, J. C.
Baeker; sec., Mrs, J. S. Armstrong;
asst sec., Mss. W. Little; . tress,
Mrs. W. 8. •Scott; asst-treas., Mrs.
Allen; sunshine committee, Mrs,
Sannis and Mrs. Logan; flower cam -
veno', Miss Isabel Lowrie. It was
decided to discontinue the sending
of sunshine boxes except in cases
of serious sickness. A vote of
thanks was extended Mrs. H, Speirs,
retiring president, for her efficient
leadership for the past 2 years.
I hereby give notice that the Nomin.
atlon of Reeve, Four Councillors,
Three School Trustees, and One
Hydro Commissloner, to serve the
Village of Brussels during the year
will be held at the
Nominations from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at following places on
Polling Sub•Divislon No. 1.
Robert Patrick,ID.R.O.
Joe Wilton, Poll Clerk
Polling Sub -Division No. 2—
Mrs. Wesley. Speiran, D.R.O.
Ben Whlttard, Poli Clerk
Polls to open from 9 o'clock a.m.
to 6 p.m.
R. 8. Warwick, Returning Officer
Brussels,Ont., December 14th, 1942
I hereby give notice that the Nom
Ination of Reeve, and Four Council•
Tors, to serve the Township of
Morris during the year 1943.
will be held at the
at 12 o'clock noon
if demanded a Poll will be opened
at following places on
Polling Sub -Division No, 1
At School House 8. S. No. 1
Polling Sub -Division iso. 2
At School House S.S. No.
P0111ng Sub -Division No. 8
at School House S. a. Ne. 6
Folling Sub.Divielon No. 4
At Township Hall
isoping Sub•DIvIelon No. 6
Stone School House 6.8. No. 7
Pollnig Bub-Dlvtelon No. 6
At Shoot House 9. S. No. 10
Polis open from 9 o'clock nen.
to 5 p.m.
(Seo. Martln, Returning Officer
R.R. 4, Brussels Ont.
Docembet pith, 1912.
Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations are the order of
the day for Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Nichol, who on. Sunday, Dec. 20,
cele'bra.ted their 60th anniversary
of their wedding. ,Saterday evening
their neighbours gathered at their
Mime to 4tAnd a' social hour with
then and in the course of.the even-
ing they 'presented the bride and
groom of 60 years ago with an. Alad-
din tainp. The following address
was read by Wm. Bernard, the
presentation being made by Thomas
Congratulations Mr, and airs.
Nichol! on this very special a,ecas-
ion of your Diamond Wedding Anht 1
We seldom, if ever before, have 1
had in our midst a couple who have
reached their sixtieth. year ofl
married life and so we felt that we
could not miss this opportunity of
congratulating you and showing
our appreciation for your year* of
service in our community.
To all of n.6 you have been good
friends and good neighbors and to
show you the esteem which we have
for you we would like you to ac-
cept this gift, With it go our
wishes for many more years of
active, happy life for you both.
We want you to use this gift and
may it add to the pleasure of your
coining years.
Aud now to a grand old couple we
say again, "(Congratulations and
Beet. Wishes for a happy future!"
Friends and Neighbors
While being taken completely by
surprise Mr, Nichol thanked elle
neighbours and frieude for their
kind thoughtfulness. The honoured
couple were also .remembered by
their grand -children in Toronto by
a beautifulbouquet of gold Chrys•
anthetnuns as well as many cards
from friends,
erry Christmas
Mrs, Margaret R. Clarke
The learn of tern. leereeee: it.
Clarke, beloved wife ftieree,,i late
David (lathe, oerurred eft l.s.:'^oaths
of her brother -In-law, Me4'
.Steiss, on Friday, Dec, 1SfIII
79th year.
Deceased was the eldest
of the late Alex and Rachea1 1. '
art, one o1 the early 'neer
families of this district. Mrs,.diarke
resided all her life on the
Stewart homstead, the 16th ('on.,,
Township of Grey. She was the
only living member of this family.
A sister, Mrs. Louis Steles, (Mary
Ann) and two brothers, Mathew and
Alex predeceased her several years
Mrs, Clarke was a life member of
the Cranbrook Presbyterian. Church.
The funeral took place on Monday
the 21, with burial at the Bnissels
cemetery. Bev. Mr. Taylor offdiat-
ing. •
The, pallbearers were: Messrs.
Archie, William and Alex Mann.
Laren Taylor, Russel Knight and
Wilbur Turnbull.
Florence Bette McCutcheon
The community was shocked to
hear of the sudden death of Florence
Bette McCutcheon, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey elc-
Cut.cheon, on Thursday, Decen,her
17, 194'2.
Bette was In her sixth year and
never had very good health; suffer-
ing from glandular trouble since
her birth.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
mother and father, one brother
Clarence and two sisters, Mary of
Hamilton and Helen at home,
The funeral service was held
from the home of her parents on
Satm•clay, December 10. Rev. M. F.
Oldham, Minister of .St, John's
Anglican Church, officiated. The
pallbearers were uncles o1 the de-
ceased; M), Robt, Craig; Mr, '4Vm. '
.Sholtltce, .Mr, Wm. McCutcireou and
. Mr. Mac Scott.'
Manly beautifue floral tributes,
. Were carried, by five_ the little
girl's cousins, Burial was in the
McCutcheon Cemetery,
* >t *
}TGG --,In Morris Township, o0
Tuesday, Deeemeese 22nd: 1942,
Ma>7 Mason, beloved Wife of
Joseph Hogg in her 69th year,
Funeral held 3n. sn her lake resi-
dence, lot 28, concession 3, Morrie
township, on. Tiluu'eday; Decemieer
84th, 1942. Service at 2:00 pen,
Interment in Brussels cemetery.
et *
MI0HEL- an Alexander Nlari,.o and
Ooneral hospital, 'GodertCli, on
Sunday, Dec' 20th, 1942, William
E. Michel in hie 06th year,
Funeral held fron 'tate home of
his aon411.107, R. 'Vodden, 1Nfain
Street, Ethel, on Thuesday, Dee.
24th, 1942, 'tar. Ethel United Church.
Service at 24.310 p.m, Interment
Mona 1Pleaeatttt, (Amatory,
Miss Verla Fischer, Hespler Is
holida.ylug at her on here.
Mrs, N. Thompson and son Frank
have been visiting in Toronto.
Mr. Fred Fischer, Hamilton, was
a week end visitor wibh his brother,
J. W. and Mrs. Fischer.
Pilot Officer Bowman GGalbralth
has been posted to Orlando Dorida,
where he will take advanced train
nig rn Ail' Lrome uo3Ltrer,
Mrs, Ned Rutledge, who has been
in Nova S'ootia with her husband
for the past few months returned
hone last week. Pte. Ned Rutledge
returned with her and is spending
his furlough at. his frame.
Mr.:and Mrs, W. Earngey .(now of
Fergus) wish a Menry Ohr'stmas
and Happy New Year to their 'many
friends and customers, while in
business to Brussels,
Dr. W. D. 5, and Mrs. Jamieson
abterded the Murray -Bather wed-
ding in Arthur Presbyterial' 01101011
last. Saturday. Miss Barber is a
niece of Mrs. Jamieson,
Christmas Concert
The %lineal Christmas Concert of
Melville Smrday .School was held in
the church schoolroom or Friday
evening of last week when a delight-
ful programme was presented by the
children with :Rev, e. Kerr as
(Bailsman, The opening number
was a: favourite Christmas Carol,
"Away' in A Manger" and was
followed by recitation by Agnes
;Bishop; chairman's address, Mr.
Kerr; recitation, Jean Smith; Can-
tata, by miliary classes ",6evewSll
to the `Toys"; recitation, Ross
Smith; Busy (Little Maids, 4 little
girls; Doll Iir111, ghee of inter•
mediate grade; Song, Donald and •
Bruce TOdgar! Duret, Mary i.,oa
McFarlane and Margaret Cardiff;
'Ohristmas with the 1Lnggles'", a
short play; Duet, June Work and
Jean Matheson; llroeulation class by
Miss Littles class; two part song
by Miss Iiinig's, class, Christmas
Carol "0 Little Town Of Dente.
hem Evergreen 1:85111, Senior Girls,
The programme was climaxed by a
1 visit from Santa Clave who este-
' bated goodie, to the cltilelre11,
Should Be Heeded
Instructions received by Fire Chief
Sanderson 'and issued by The
k;ptlminion Power Controller, includes
hq following, which is understood
'Abe the law: No Christmas trees
'eleeChristmas decorations shall be
lighted except during the period
December 24 to January 1, inclusive
and only permitted within the home
or buildings in connection with
churches and religious orgeniz-
A timely reminder at this tithe
might be the fact that inspectors
have been appointed, wittlizt this
local fire brigade and tla t;F ]lay+e•
the power to enter public places and
ebeck on any hazards they may
Brussels very rarely has a fire
which is lucky! .But, just what does
happen when afire starts, always
remains to be seen after it is over.
The majority have been ehimney
flees and were easily controlled with
extinguishers and when a bigger
fire has occurred, a real good job,
was done by Chose who volunteered
to help put it out.
At this particular time with two
big fires fresh in mlod, one at
Boston another. at St. John's New-
foundland, where so many lives
were lost, ought to put any re.
spens1))1e parties to thinking: With
warnings, both in the press and on
the air, from the fire niarshali, as
web as investigations all over the
country, testing fire escapes. hazards
and fire -fighting equipment is it pot
time to do the same here?
As recently as last Sunday a call'.
was sent in from Mr. Laeler's home'
and had•it not been for promer-
action on the part of a few who
happened to be out on that cold day,
might have proven very disastrous.
The small 'chemical tanks' were
frozen, the fire truck wouldn't start
due to the extreme frost of tl.e night
before. Chas Davidson's transport
hauled the big chemical tanks to the
In another column on this page
you will find a request from Fire
(thief 'Gordon Sanderson, asking
everyone to he careful, especially at
this' season with many Christmaa
decorations, wrapping paper, efc:,,
around the house, they are all very
inflammable, Also that a periodical
check be made of cbimneys and
stove pipes around which 'decor-
ations are often ,hung, And very-
eryoften decorations are hong arouna
electric light fixtures. Do not do.
this either, Don't go away .for
Christmas dinner and leave the
drafts turned on your stove. 'Fire
endangers others' as well as your_
A donation of $10.00 from the 6th
of Morris is acknowledged wlt.h
Tesono of $12,6.5 was realized
from the play presented b9 ilia
Women's Fustitute of Seafortlr in
the Town Hall recently,
The workroom will be closed for
two weeke to be opened again on
January 6,
ecenllber shipment:- 12 turtle -nick
sweaters, 17 tucking, 3 prs. whole
mitts, 16 prs. gloves, 8 aleevless
sweaters, 1:5 prs. sea boots, 15 prs.
seamen's socks, 8 p•8rs. heavy ser-
vice socks, 60 prs. service sociis, 20
steel helmet caps, 13 alternative
caps, 0 aero caps, 10 ribbed helmets.
159 towels, 331 aunts, 35 pre. child.
ren's pyjamas, 1 boy's suit, 3 child.
t`en's tans; 2 boys' outfits each • 0011•' ,
stating of 1 pr. shorts, 1 pullover. 1.
pr, stooksinga; 1 girl's outfit of 1
skirt, 1 walst, 1 pr, bleetnere, 1
In Meni►oriain
110100.39-111 memory of hired N.
Hodges, who passed away .five,
years agb, Dec. 2211d, 1937
Peacefully sleeping• resting. at last,
The world's . weary troubles and
trials, are past
In silence he suffered,' in . patlenee;
he bore.
Till (led called hins,'toone to stiffer
no more.
!Wet' r'on)embered b,7 ails ,wife
Mary and daughters Maalicr 'and'
Lbrnq, "m"4".