HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-12-16, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, Deeeluber 16th, 1942 Iin> George VI. 47 Monday . TORONTO, Dec. 19.-41ls Majesty King George VT was 47 years of ager, Monday and Hon. Albert Matthews, Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, lute sent a birthday message to His Majesty, 'through the •Secretary of State, The message was as follows: "Will our Majesty, on the oc- casion of your birthday graciously Accept from the people of the Prov- ince of Ontario their congratela• tions and good wishes made doubly significant in the light of recent Allies) victories, it is our hope haat health and happiness may at- telid your Majesty and Her Majesty I the Queen during the coming year. I' "(Signed) Albert Matthews, "Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario," 1 12 CplPh>•ation 1943 .l•,lv At Blyth or Wingham j The annual Meeting of the North Huron Loyal Orange Association was held in the Wingliam L.O.L. Hall last week. Robert 'Wallace of Blyth, •County Master presided. The highlights of the evening were addresses by the County Master, and by Rt. W. Bro,, J. W. Carson, Grand Master of Ontario West, and Rt. War. Bro., Robert White, former Grand 'Master of Alberta and at present Chief of the Insurance Dept. of the Orange Association of Canada. Telegrams of greetings were re- ceived from the annual "meeting of Perth County at Listowel, and from the annual meeting of South Huron at Seaforth. The County decided to hold a cele- bration hi. July and selected either Blyth or Wingham as the place. The decision is to be early in tine New Year. The next quarterly meeting will be held at the L,O.L. Hall. Ethel. At the close of the business ses- sion Rt. Wor. Bro. ,Carson conducted East Huron - Produee Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 6b Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell r. Cod Liver Oil Grit Everythig to make the bens lay 'A' Grade eggs We are in the ttnaa 3ket for ail kinds of POULTRY "Flock Culling A 'Specialty" Bring Us Your Eggs Our Motto— OuoMest Grace on every egg WAR^ SAVINGS STAMPS FROM RANKS • POST OFFICES DEPARTMENT STORES • DRUGGISTS GROCERS • TOBACCONISTS BOOK STORES end o her RETAIL STORESad 1 BY OFFICIAL ORDER Beginning Wednesday, December 16th —when sold as fluid milk for human consumption MUST RE SOLD FOR 2c A QUART LESS than the legal retail price now prevailing. BE SURE YOU GET THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS REDUCTION • t+c. a the elections, and installed the: offic- ers for 1943, as )follows: County Master: Harold W. • Love, Ethel. Deputy 'Comity Master: 0..Callag- her, Wingham. Chaplain: Chas. Stewart, Blyth. Rec.-Sec'y: Wm. Peacock, Blue - vale. :.. Fin,,Sec'y: T. A. Grasby, Blyth. Treasurer: Benson Finnigan_ Dun- gannon. Martial: Harvey Hnnkiug. Londes- bora. . Lecturer: Melville Mathers, Blue - vale. Dep. Leet,: Howard Squires, Nile. will rise with the tide. 4. Neither; 8 and S are still 16. 5. Only dead men have widows! 6. Three. You aright have a pair after taking out two stockings. If not, the third one you take ouL mush match either the black or the white stocking already removed 7. Two apples, of course. 8. Her sister. 9. Five dollars, two in merchan- dise and three in cash, 10. How did anyone know Christ i was coming in 649 years? BELGRAVE • were .reported. Mrs. Wheeler thanked all the members for their ' help during the year and expressed her pleasure in the work, Mrs. H. Wheeler took the chair for the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. J. Wheeler; vice-presidents, Mrs. H. Wheeler, Mrs, R. °hamaey; were- tary, Mrs. George Martin; assistant secretary, Mrs. John Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Miller; Mis- sionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. H. Campbell; temperance secretary, Mrs, R. Chamney; associate help- ers secretary, Mrs. A. Visconti Mission Band usperintendent, Mrs. T. B. Johnston assistant, Mrs. Earl Anderson; literature, ' life, Can You Answer • ,-:..„ A large crowd attended the dance membership and gift secretary, in the Foresters hall Friday evening Mrs. J. Michie; supply secretary, These Questions? in aid of the "Overseas Cigarette Mrs. J. A. Geddes; strangers and Fund" Caruthers' Orohestar of Christian 'stewardship sect°L•ary, Holiyrood supplied the music and , Mrs. C. Procter; pianists, Mrs, C. 5 lunch counter furnished refresh- Wheeler and Mrs. J. M. Coultas: menta. baby band superintendent, Mrs, S. Think you're pretty ntact, huh? Mrs, Milton Fraser, 3rd Nimes- Procter; auditors, MIS. J. Anderson Then give these a spin on your and Mrs, N, Keating; press secre- sicn of MO cerebral attended the funer- cerebral cortex and see how you al of her sister, Mrs. Leonard tary, Mrs, N. Keating, , come out. Gates. at Pickering on Friday. Mrs. 1. If three cats can kill three Mrs. J. Michie moved a 1'oLe of Gates was a niece of Mrs. J. A. rats in three minutes, how longthanks to the officers for their Geddes and Mrs. R. Nicholson of will it take 100 cats to kill 100 rats, efficient work during the part year. 2. 1 have two current U.S. coins this village, , in my hand. Together they total The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Angli- The group was arranged in• a can church held a suocessful sale of 85 cents. One Is not a nickel. semicircle for the Ohristmas home baking in the Orange Hall on What are the coins? Thursday afternoon and followed candle -light service which followed 3. A rope ladder 10 feet long with their regular meeting. The The theme was "A Cluisttan World is hanging over the side of a ship rector, Rev. P. H. Streeter, opened The rungs are a foot apart, the the meeting with a short devotional bottom rung Is resting on .the aur- , service. The president, Mrs, ,T, face of the ocean. The tide rises McGill, conducted the business. at the rate of six inches an hour. Minutes of the last meeting were When will the first three rungs be read by the acting secretary, Mrs. covered with water? C. wade, in the absence of Mrs. R. 4. Which is correct: 8 and , 8 are Procter. 15 or 8 and 8 is 15? Mrs. Streeter reported that 5, Is it legal for a man tomarry papering at the rectory had been his widow's sister? completed. Christmas `cards are to 6. There are 10 black ;stockings be sent to Sick and shut-in mem- and 10 white stockings in a draw ' hers of tate congregation. "Holiday er,. If you reach into the drawer Bells" filled during the year were in the dark, what is the minimum returned and it was decide: to number of stockings you rntuit take have the bells again next year, out, before you are sure of having Donations were made to the birth - 41 pair ofstockings that match? day copper contest, a Successful 7, Take two apples from three feature of the year's programs. apples and what have you got? Plans were made for a congre- S. A blind beggar had a young gational social to be held in the sister who dte,d On her deathbed Foresters' hall during, the Christ - this sister said she never had a utas season when treats will be brother. If she was truthful, who presented to the children, was the blind beggar? The annual meeting of the Guild D. A customer hands a cigar, will be; heli) early in January. clerk a $6 hill for $2 worth of The meeting closed with prayer cigars. We latter has no change, by Mr, Streeter. . but he gets some from 1t drug clerk noxa door, who gives him five $l. The Garistmas meeting of the bills forthe $ 5 bill. The customer, leaves with the cigars and 59 in change. An hour later the .drug clerk ru hes in, saying the 55 bill wet counterfeit. Tito cigar clerlt gives him a good $5 bill. IIow ouch did the cigar clerk r osr in motley end cigars? 10, An archeologist has report- el finding a llabylonion coin 1 Minutes of the last meeting were 1 se'cretary, Mas, N. Keating; plan - :narked istil Mrs. J. M. Could marktelling the Coal th secretary, r Mrs, O Mar es Its C. ed 640 B.C.BC, Is he to 11 r b o se eta s N 3 Y V, , truth? � tin, and Mrs, S. Miller gave the t Wheeler.; committee in charge of And here are the answers: finestatement, which showed I church dishes, 'Mrs. It Wheeler, 1, Three minutes, It takes each that the allocation had been ex- MKeating; N, eating.; flower Commit- ' cat three minutes 00 kill emelt rat, seeded again this 7051•, Mr1s. 9, i tee, Mrs, J, A, Geddes, Mrs, (3, Joy - 2. A 60.50111 piece ant at nickel, Procter and Mrs. II. Procter were i dells 'auditors, Mrs, 10, McGuire, The other is a nickel, , appointed to contact the January Miss EL Procter: , 3. ;Never. The ladder and ship meoting, Nine visits to the sick It was decided to have "Holiday Tricky Ones by H. V. CP - Brien in Chicago Daily News as One 1n Prayer." The following ladies read prayers for various countries, lighting a taper for each country, which were arrangedt be- fore a map of the world: Mrs.' N. Keating, Mrs, J, Anderson, Mrs. G. Martin, Mrs, ?;I, Procter, Mrs. S Procter, Mrs. R. Ohamney. Those prayers were interspersed with Christmas hymns. The ntonthly et - tering was received and Mrs, H. Wheeler closed with prayer. rY --- The Women's Association meet- ing followed with the president) Mrs. Stewart Procter, in charge, and opening with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. C, Procter read the minutes and Mrs. J, Anderson gave the financial statement. The president thanked the mem- bers for their supportthroughout the year, marking special mention of the ,co-operation given by all members of the congregation in making the recent fowl supper an outstanding success. It was decided to give $100 to the boat` o. d f stewards, h Women's United Church h Wn sus Missionar y Society and Woman's Association • Rev. G, H. Dunlop conducted the was held.in the basement of the 1 election of officers which resulted church on Wednesday afternoon as follows: President, Mrs, ,,, Proc. with a good attendance. The mils- ter; vice-president, Mrs. J. Weide, sionary, meeting was condnet':Al by Mrs, J. N, Coultas, Mrs, A. Vincent; the President, Mrs, J Wheeler, The ' secretary,, Mrs, C. Procter; assist - "First " ant a re ar Pitst Nowell,. was sung, allowed s c t y, Nits. A. Manning; by m'at'er by the president. treasurer, Ml's, J. Anderson; press , Bells" again, next year and a corn- mittee was appointed to maks and distribute the bells. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and benediction by Mr, Dunlop. • * . • • • • • • PEOPLE WE KNOW • * * * • s r. • e Mrs. M. R. Oldham returned home on Friday evening after spending. the past month with her daughter Mrs. R. E. Vanlluskirk in Toronto, • • Mr,s D. Hastings and s,rn David and Mrs. II. Bowler and Kenneth were Toronto visitors this week. * * * 'We are glad to report `hat Mrs. A. C. Dames, who has been receiving treatment in Toronto is well enough to be back in .Brussels, Misses Gladys Davidson, Elizabeth Backer and Mary Backer of London were week end visitors' at their homes. s. • • Mr, W, B. Strachan, Tortnto has ,been visiting with his mother. * * • ;Robert Elliott, son of Mr, and Mrs, 13.. lfllliott whoa h s' been very ill, is improving. ' • s • L.A,C. Win, Prest, who rscently graduated from No. 6 17 F.T.S., Pr'in'ce Albert, Sask., Is spending two weeks' leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Prest, b v * IiiPs Mildred Whittard, who was in the Palmerston hospital is visit- ing at her home here for • a :while. • * * Dr. A. W. L. and Mrs. Gilpin have just finished several weeks course a:ol are now full fledged "Air Raid-' Wardens and first Alders." They are ready if called upon, Mr.s Carrie Dunbar spent a day ix London last week. : • • Mr, Tom MnFadzean spent the week end at his heme hero, is in London at present. • * • * * • WEDDING McConnell-- Wlllls• *- A quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse, Listowel, on Saturday, Nov- ember 21, at 3 o'clock by the Rev. Kelly, when Mildred, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence. Willis of Grey Township, was united in -mar- riage to Mr. Harvey McConnell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Mc- Connell, of Minto Township. The bride was becomingly attired in a street length dress of gold shade silk jersey and was attended by her sister, Mrs. Russell Hall, who wore a dress of teal blue crepe, Little Mildred Hall, niece of the bride, made a charming little flower girl dressed in pale blue velvet. Tho groom was supported by Mr. RusselHall, Atter the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's parents where a wedding dinner was served' to a number of friends. The young couple later went op a short honeymoon to Kitchener and points south, The bride's travel- ling costume was a green coat wick box fur trimmings, green hat, with brown aecessories. A host of good wishes follow the young couple to their home on the 2nd. ` Conoaesion of, Minto Township, "Ha! her" laughed the recruit. "You can't fool me. I know they've got potato -peeling ma-, chines in this army," "Yes, smart chap," replied the sergeant, "and you're the latest model t" IsYour Liver F IninqYou? Are you sick and tired out every morn- ing — always constipated — can't eat without pain and distress? Your liver is poisoning your system—permanent health may be the resuitt • Your liver is the largest organ inour body and most your o o, t important to your health. It supplies energy to muscles, tissues and glands. If unhealthy, your body lacks this energy and becomes enfeebled—youthful vim i m digs ppcara. ours out bit Again your liver p c to est food get rid of waste and allow proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order proper digestion and nourisliment stop—you're poisoned with the waste that decomposes in your intestines. Nervous troubles and rheumatic pains arise from this poison. You become constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. The whole system is affected and you feel "rotten," head- achy, backachy dirty, tired out—a ready prey for sickness and disease, ',Thousands housands of people art never sick, and have won prompt relief from these miseries with "Improved Fruit -a -tines Liver Tablets;' The liver is toned up, the other organs function normally and lasting good health results. Today "Improved Fruit-s•tives" are Canada's largest selling liver tablets. They must he good! Try thein yourself NOIl" let "ikuit•a•tives" out you hack on the road to lasting health-. reel like a new person. 25; 50c. "III since 12, Always Fine How" Since I was twelve I suffered from constipation and never felt well. I started taking "Fruit's-tfv'as and I can truly say they flava mo wonderful relief. Every one e shoal ry d „ trye&'and it-a- tiv time and 0 1 enjoy ifs as f re now. I have never boon sick for years. Mrs. Florence Williamson. Montreal, Que. "Run Down For Years, e0 Hu Perini 0 1 u Health I was badly run down and terribly tinO wa .Mydl and I waspoor and I was always con- stipated. Frult• a-tivo ester made mea better nd th there l nothing Hoo It for making you wall and giving you now pep and energy,. After years of bad health Frult•a-tIves" made me Teel fine. rt Mr. Roy bagmen*, Chatham.OnA