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Wednesday, December loth, 1942
J${, R O C LJ A M A 11
In accordance with the British tradition and to fall in line
with the towns surrounding Brussels .. .
1 hereby pr.'ociailrr Saturday, Dec. 26 1942
Asking the citizens of Brussels to observe it as such
Signed Dec. 16th, 1942.
R. J. BOWMAN, Reeve.
I have taken over Mr. C. D. Payne
stock of Rawleigh Products and they
may be purchased at Mrs. Gallaher's
House, Brussels.
ROBT. A, ENG2L, Brussels.
Christmas Concert
Melville Sunday School
will be held in the basement of
the church on
Friday, Dec. 18th, at 8 p.m.
Good programme, Christmas
Tree and Santa Claus
A silver collection will be re-
ceived for the work of the
Sunday School
I hereby give notice that the Nomin-
ation of Reeve, Four Councillors,
Three School Trustees, and One
Hydro Commissioner, to serve the
Village of Brussels during the year
will be held at the
Nominations from 7 p+m. to 8 pan
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at following places on
Polling Sub -Division No. 1.
Robert Patrick,iD.R.O.
..I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of Reeve, Deputy Reeve,
and Three councillors, to serve the
Township of Grey during the year
will be held at the
at 1 o'clock p.m.
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at the following places on
Polling Sub•iDivislon No. 1
At School House S.S. No; 4
Polling Sub -Division No. 2
At School House S.S.No. 1
Polling Sub -Division 'No. 3
At School House S.S. No. 2
Polling Bub -Division No. 3A
At A.O.U.W. Hall, Walton
Poiiing Sub -Division No. 4 the hymen "Hark A Thrilling Voice
At Community Hall, Moncrief is Sounding," followed by the Pray -
Polling Sub•Divlsion No. 5 ors by lite Rector Rev. M. F. Old -
At Township Office, Ethel ham. Mr. James Davis read the
Polling Sub -Division No. 6 Scripture Leeson, St. Matthew
At School House S.S. No. 5 2:1-14, The main feature of the
Polling Sub -Division No. 7 evening was a lantern slide lecture
At Com,mu•nity Hall, Cranbrook on, the work of the Anglican Church
Potts to be open from 9 o'clock a.m. in the Diocese of the Arctic, views
to 8 p.m. of the Eskimo, the Ice buts the
J. H. Fear, Returning Officer methods of travel and the work of
Ethel, December 14th, 1942. the church, buildings, hospitals and
Indian residential school, were
shown, 'The ,Bishop, Rt. Rev.
M19NICiPAL NOTICE Archibald Fleming uses an aero-
plane to visit the many scattered
I hereby give notice that the Nom communities in that vast area The
Joe Wilton, Poll Clerk lnation of Reeve, and Four Council- pictures showed the Northern
Polling Sub -Division No. 2— lora, to serve the Township of Lights, the Midnight Sun 'and the
Mrs. Wesley Spelran, D.R.O. Morris during the year 1943. Ice Floes, also the sutt.ply ship Nat
Ben Whittard, Poll Clerk will be held at the cospie, which sails from Montreal to
Polls to open from 9 o'clock a.m. TOWNSHIP HALL, MORRIS Baffin. Land each July. Thepictures'
to 5 p.m. at 12 o'clock noon 'were much enjoyed by those
R. S. Warwick, Returning Officer MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, • 1942 present.
Brussels, Ont.,.December 14th, 1942 , if demanded a Poll will be opened
Stores To Remain Open
Evenings, Dec. 21st to 24th
We wish to titanic alt our friends For your convenience the stores
and neighbours and those that lielp- will be open evenings the ,veek he-
ed in any way, Pisa Rev, Me Hazel- fore Christmas.
wood, also for the flowers, loan of
cars, hi the sudden demise of ;our CARD OF THANKS
beloved nnc•lr,
W, .1, Nicholson,
Lorne and Mrs. Roe.
Brussels hied Cross Soclety
The parcel was very much ap-
Preciated. Wishing all the members
a Merry Christmas and Happy New
United Church W.M.S. Year.
"We'Ala Clirford II, Riley
The meeting of elle W.M.S, was
held in the church ,Sunday school
rooms with the president, Mrs Ham- Anglican Church Notes
ilton In the chair, The officers were Christmas Sunday school social
reinstated for another year. Mrs. andenterlainmeut is to he bald in
A. Beaker was in charge. of the the basement of St. John's Church
study period which took the form of on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd at 8 Pen.
a candle light service with the foe. Henfiyn Sunday school social for
lowing ladies taking part: Mrs. Bell, Christmas is to be 'held at the Moms
Mrs, McTaggart, Mrs. Richardson of Mr, Chas. Laidlaw on Wednesday,
Mrs. Speiran, Mrs. Downing, Mrs. Dec. 23rd at S P. m.
McArthur and Miss Robinson Mrs.
Cousins and Mrs. Nurse gave a CARD OF THANKS
Charming duet, followed by a Christ-
The Harrison Family wish to
mss reading by Miss H. Downing.express their appreciation- for the
The meeting then came to a close. many acts of kindness andexpres•
sions of sympathy extended by
St. John's A. Y. P. A. friends and neighbors during the
recent illness and death of their
St. John's A.Y,P.A. held its mother.
regular meeting in the Sunday
School room of the church on CARD OF THANKS
Thursday evening, Dec. 10th. Miss Thank you. I take this appor--
Myna Bryan, preisdent, was in tunity of thanking the Grey town -
charge. The meeting opened with ship council for the beauttial wrist
watch I received from them.
Wherever I go it will always re-
mind me of the good folks in Grey
Pie. 1] Ross Bennett
at following places on Melville Church W.M.S.
'Christ is the heart of religion; Poiiing Sub -Division No. 1 The W.M.S. of Melville Church
relation to Christ Is the heart At School House S. S. No. 1 held its regular monthly meeting on
OF personal salvation. Polling Sub -Division No. 2 Friday afternoon, Dec. 11. at•3
At School House S.S. No. 9 o'clock, Mrs, S. Kerr presiding. The
�'M.._.e-.. Polling Sub -Division No. 3
meeting opened with Hymn 1.70,
Melville Church at School House S. 8. No. 5 after which Mrs. Meadows read tate
Polling Sub -Division No. 4 Scripture' and Mrs. Matheson led in
At Township Hall Prayer. The minutes of the prev-
Poliing SubrDlvislon No. 6 thus meeting and the annual report
Stone School House S.S. No. 7 were read by Mrs. Little and Mrs.
Pollnig Sub -Division No. 6 li, Thomosn gave the Treasurer's
At School House S. S. No. 10 report. Reports of the year's work
Polis open front 9 o'clock a.m. were also given by the Glad Tidings
to 6 p.m. ' Secretary, Miss G. •Stewart; the
Geo. Martin, Returning Officer Supply Secretary, Miss Mary La.
Be in Church on R.R. 4, Brussels Ont. wont; the Welcome and Welfare
Christmas Sunday. December 14th, 1942. Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Beaker, and the
Mission Band President, Mrs, Wes.
Kerr. Hymn 168 was sung, alter
which the Christmas message was
REGENT THEATRE, given by Mrs, W. S. Scott and Cene
rent Events •were discussed by Mrs.
N, H. Cardiff, Hymn 171 followed
and the meeting closed with the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
I, Tho officers for 1943' are as fol.
DOUBLE FEATURE— lows: Hon, President, Dere, A.
Last Show Starts 8.46 Strachan; President, Mrs. S. Herr;
Joe E. Brown Francis Robinson 1st vice President, Mrs. H. Parker;
So You Won't Talk end vice President, Mrs. 14. II. Oar -
A new Joe E. Brown, in fact there's diff; 3rd vice -President, Miss M.
two of hint—to give you double Hislop; Secretary, Mrs, J. S. Arm.
laughs. Double Thrills! strong; asst: sec., Mrs. W. Little;
—Also— Treasurer, Mrs, R. Thomson; Ass'a-
Thi 1� tl �.OYYY-:1,-ter ��,�r�1 Treasurer, Mrs, W. D. �S. Jamieson;
, ieild ie wr%'iG.
The Old West's most.fascinating Pianist, Mrs. W, 0. Ktmg; Ass't.•
character 'The Mediad' hangs out ,Pianist, Mrs. W. S. Scott; Glad
his shingle in lawless valley, and Tidings Sec'y., Miss Oraee Seewart;
and then the fun begins! Ass't. Glad- Tidings See'y., Mre.
Galbraith; Supply Sec y„ Miss M.
Mort., Tues. and Wed. .Lemont; Literature and LtbrarY
Paris Calling Sec'y., Mra. Thos, Walker Welcome
A tale of the underground work of and Welfare SeeeY., Mrs. J. C. Back-
freedom.Ioving Frenchmen, against er; Press Reporter, Mrs. L. W. Eck -
the 'Nazi regime. Mier; Maslen Band Pres., Mrs.
Starring Wes. Herr; Assistants, Mrs, H. B.
Elizabeth Bergner Randolph Scott Allen, Mrs. Walter Herr; Home
Helpers Convenors, Mrs.. J. Speir,
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat—, Mrs. 3, Yuill„ Committee for visiting
Roalland Russell Janet Blair slak, Mrs. 0. Davis, Mise 5. itielbp,,
My Sister Eileen . Mrs. Ingles, Mise! 8togg Miss
The year's moot riotous laugh Menzies; Committee tor visiting
throWe light on the soreen. strangers, Mrs, Meadows, Mrs, Me.
Dowell, Misty Grant, Mrs, Brewer:
Comind:. Attditoi'1 Mrs. T. Walker, Mra 0,
11 A. M. Christmas Message
12.15 P.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. Christmas Message
The choir will render Christ-
mas music at both services,
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Willson
11 A. M. "Following the Star"
12 Church School and
Bible Claes
7 P. M. "Luxuries We Can't
Come to Church and join in
Singing the Christmas Carols.
Churchof England
Parish of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
4th Sunday In Advent
December 20th, 1942
11 A.M. St.'Alban's, Atwood
2 P.M. St. David's, Henfryn
4 p. M. St. George's, Walton
7 P. M. St, John's, Breesels
Services of Morhing and
Evening Prayer
Sunday -School Smarten
10 A. M. -- Atwood
3 'P. M.'•-- Henfryn
3.30'P. M. • . Walton
10.90 M M, au 1Brussois
Seaforth, Ont.
Magnificent Dope
* ;p e: +r )
,,. ,:, ,P * :F „ *
Mrs. Ada Harrison
A beloved and life long reeldent
of Monerietf in the person of Mrs.
Ada Harrison passed away Dee, et'h
at her home in her 75th yea'• Mrs,
Harrison wee the youngest ,laughter
of the late Win. and Mre. Smith
and lived her entire life in this
neighbourhood, ,:She was a faithful
member of Knox Church, Monorieff
and until sickness prevented her,
taught. a S. S. class and was an
active member of the W.M.S Her
husband Marshal Harrison Pre-
deceased her fifteen years ago. She
is survived by four children, Wm. C.,
Frank, Mrs, Alex Mann (Pearl),
Mrs Kenneth McLean (Lilly) and
seventeen grandchildren. The funer-
al took place on Monday, De a 7th.
from Knox Church, Moncrieff, Rev.
Mr. Hazelwood conducted the ser-
vice. The pallbearers were Jno.
McLean, Wen. Mann, Fergss Mc-
Naught, Wilfred Smith, H. Luding-
ton, Alex. Speiran. Burial took
place in Harvey's cemetery.
Daniel Nicholson
The death of Daniel Nicholson.
well known resident of McKillop for
many years, occurred, on Monday,
Dec. 7, in his 83rd year. He had not
enjoyed his usual good health the
past two months but had been able
to be around until Monday after-
noon When he collapsed while alone
for a short time in the house. Born
in Fullerton township he was a son
of the late William Nicholson, and
came to McKillop a5 a child. With
Letters of Appreciation
For Cigarettes Received
By Boys Overseas
Deer Ty:.
Many thanks for the cigarettes
which you Club recently sent to
me; they were very much n,ppreoiat•
ecl. Good smokes are quite hard to
get• By the time I get hack I
should be a wizard shot with a shot-
gun with all the skeet shooting I'm
getting. (let your share now.
Thanks again and all the best
Sincerely Bill Rowland
Hello Harry;- ,
T want to thank you for the gigs I
received, ono thing we really n11
I trust business is as good as ever
with you and will continue to be.
We are having fairly nine weather
but this damp air goes right through.
Well Harry, thank the rest of the
fellows in the club for me, maybe
one of these days before too lung we
will be seeing you.
So long, Stew.
(Stewart Lowe).
Dear Mr, Allen and Club members:
I reecived carton of rig's. yester-
day. I was sure glad to get them
as I was tent out of smokes. A
millipn thanks for therm. We sure
like to get Canadian eig's. here. So
thanking your Club and wishing
you all a very Merry Xmas .and a
Happy New Year,
Sincerely yours
Gnr. A. 13. Crawford
_^ the exception of a ,short peeled in IMPossibie to forward the cigar-
tbe West, he spent most of hip life ettes to the assignee, So I have had
in Moleillop. He was unmarried, .e_ them distributed amongst the Par -
sister, Mrs, Margaret McLeod. of `: sonnel of the Seventh Field Coy.
Ethel, Is the last surviving member ' R.C.F. Trusting this meets with your
of a fancily or six brothers and three approval.
sisters, The funeral was held Prom ` Sincerely yours,
his late resi[lence, lot 34, con. 13. H. G. Ackland •OSM..
McIeillop, on Wednesday afternoon. _ "'. eve!
Rev. R. G. Hazelwood of Duff's Dear Sirs;
United Church, Walton, officiated. , Received your very welcome gift
Interment took place in Brussels of 300 cigarettes the other gay for
cemetery. The pallbearers were: I which I thank you. We are being ex- .
Wesley Roe, Alex. Patterson, Chas. eeptionally well oared for over here,
Nicholson, ' Adain 'Nicholson, Lett/ the food is 'exdellent •an"quite
Rowland, John. Shannon, Attending plentiful, our billets are the• very
the funeral from a distance were best, we are well clothed, and, our
his sister, Mrs. McLeod, and Mr. and I mail is reaching ns regular, as, per -
Mrs. J. T. Nicholson and Mr. J. H. ; sonally I have not lost even one
Fear of Ethel. latter out of 111, which has been
sent from home, and have received
all parcels and cigarettes, thanks to
I our Navy and the men of the Mer.
I chant. Service, '
Brussels, Dec, 15th, 1942 i The weather over heree Io swell,
The last meeting of the :Brussels ' bright sunshine, which ' makes one
Municipal Council for 1942 wee held I feel good to be alive, so all in all, I
in the Public Library on. the above i think I can safely say that the
date. All members being present I morale of the troops over here is
with the exception of F. Semi's. The ;very high. .
minutes of the last meeting being I am enjoying the very best of
read it was moved by 85. Champion, health and trust that this finds each
seconded by W. Willis that the ! and every one of you gentlement the
minutes be adopted. —Carried.
The following bills were p'•esented Yours very sincerely,
G. McDowell. Dec. salary 70.00 L, -Opt, H. Bowler
R. S. Warwick, Dec. salarY iii
01d Age Pensions
Commission on Births,
Deathe etc.
S. le. Davison, hall coal
Wilton Ss Gillespie, coal
and fuel
Miscellaneous ...,
H. Erskine, commission
Tax Deed •
Receiver: General, cartage
, on scale weights
'.Brussels, Morris & Grey
Telephone, Rentals & Tolls
the icy film on our sidewalks for on tax roll _, 1746.87
some time, it takes may floodings County of Huron, general
and a lengthy freezing spelt to purposes 1120.00
Produce the necessary depth of ice County Highways ,70.56
to make a really good skating Technical School ,.,,. 94,60
surface: Jack Frost do your stuffi— R. J. Bowman, salary 24.00
Price Reduction
On Milk
The retail price et milk in Brus-
sels is now 9c per quart and 5c a
pint. This is in line with the ruling
of the War Time Prices and Trade
Board in regard to the subsidy of 2c
a quart for all fluid milk. Mr.
Cousins of the Brussels creamery,
in •compliance with this order, has
reduced the price of milk here ac-
Shop In Brussels
Ot course it isn't our place to tell
you where to do your Christmas
shopping bet it is a known face that
you can do so in Brussels Just as
well as elsewhere. The stocks are
roost complete, the prices are right
and you have a fine lot of me'ebants
with whom to do husinss. So buy at
home—in Brussels,
Bill Rowland's Flying Partner
.Killed In .Accident
Word from Flt: Sergi. 13111 Row-
land, son of Mr. and Mrs Jno Row-
land of Brussels, tells of the death
of his friend, P.O. Leach, in a flying
accident; He had been a flying
partner of F1t=Sergt. Rowland on
several raids over enemy territory
and had been married only three
weeks previous to his death.
Skating Soon
Skating in the local arena by
Ohrietmas.? Mr. W, Wililamion, in
charge of our local arena, is busy
these days flooding the rink and
iiopiug that the mercury will stay
low enough so that we may have
skating here by Christmas. While
we have been slithering around on
We Want skating by Christmas.
W. Cameron, salary
Provide for W. l�'illie. 'salary'
3 -day Holiday . H. Champion, salary 18.00
Dr. Jamieson, M.0,11. - salary 39,00
,Christlnas They being on a Friday Bank of Commerce, loans
and 'Saturday, Boxing Day, to be and interest 0097.70
Observed here, and Sunday, gives C.N,R., scale rent 2.50
everyone a long holiday week end : Mnuloipal World, supplies , 5.92
to endoy their Christlnas fertivities. Ed. Henderson, snow -plowing 26.00
But don't forget it when you do your Telephone tolls 1,75
shopping next week for with yeur i Moved by W. Willis, seconded by
Christmas abettors, and all, you will 1 H, Champion that the account's as
doubtless need en extraloaf, of read be. paid. —•Carried,
bread and other extras too, tn'ess of Moved by W. Willis, secten'led by
retiree, you partake too lavishly et W. Cameron that taxes amounting
Veer Christmas good things and,' to $70.20 be wrote ofr,eas belonging
have to ,abstain from seting ter to the Village or obvered by Trani. Doleware, on Tuesday, Dec. 1511,
several days in order to recuperate. sient Trader's Licenfre. ,--Carried, to Dr, and Mrs. D, C. Reid (nee
., . • _ There being' no farther bus'noter Margoerits Logan) the gift of a
Look At You ;Abel •^ rho council adjourned, daugbter •(Oarolyn
Boys -
Thanks very much for the smokes.
Kindregards to the boys and sem-
pliments of the season to you ail..
Don Bla'k
Dear Friends,
Many thanks for cigarettes. One
likes to hear froin home, and to re•
calve a gift as this, is a very pleas.
ant way. Merry Christmoe and
Happiest New Year,
L. Sanderson
Brussels Pio. and Game Club,
H. B. Allen, Sec.
18.00 Reoeived the smokes sent me and
18.00 thanks a million. I sure appreciate
18.00 your kindness for they certainly
conle in handy'ltere. May I whsle all
the Season's Greetings.
Yours sincerely,
L: Cpl. Saleman
* F +t
MARKS—On Saturday, Dee 12th,
1942, to Mr. and Mrs, Clifford
Marks, of Morris twp., a daughter.
* s
Beebe —A't Wilmington hospital,