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Brussels Red Cross
"A Poor Married Man'
Presented by the
Seaforth Women's Institute
In Brussels Town Hail
ednesday, Dec. 9th
At 8.30 P. M.
Admission 25c tat 15c
Come and Help the Red Cross
The choir of the United church
Walton are presenting a Christ-
mas Cantata "The Secret of the
Stars" lin the United 'Church on
December 11th at • 8 . o'clock
under the auspices 'of the Wo-
men's Association 25c & 15c
,KAY -1n iS'trattord HosT)iti1 un
Wednesday, Nov. 25th to Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Kay - A Son. •
Remember the week -day to
keep it holy. On Sunday look
up and on Monday lilt up.
Melville Church
11 A.M. "The Prayer .of .God"
12.15 P.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
7 P.M. Special joint service
in connection with Education
Week. The praise will be led
by a choir from the school,
The offering will be devoted
to the work of the Red Cross.
(J sited Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Great Expectations"
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Glass
The evening service Is with-
drawn that all may join at
Melville Church in a service
to recognize the importance
of Education.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector: Rev. M. F. Oldham
Second Sunday In Advent
December 6th, 1942
10:30 A.M. SundaySchool
11.30 A. M. Holy Communion
and Sermon
Set of lantern slides on the
Arctic shown in S.S. room on
Wed., Dec. 9th at 8 p. m•
7 P. M. Annual Educational
Service in Melville Presbyt-
erian Church.
10 A. M. Holy Communion
and Sermon
11:15 A.M. Sunday -School
2:15 P.M. Sunday -School
3 P. M. Holy Communion
and Sermon
More Names To Be
Added To Honor Roll.
The following names tram Brus-
sels are to be adcied ba the Honor
Roll and next week will appear in
their proper places:
In The Army—
Smith, David Bruce
Campbell, 'Bobs'
In The Ethel Honor Roll—
Vedder, Lorn5
In the list, which appea'•s on an.
other page 'of this issue, will be
noticed those marked with * are
Front time to time special mention
has been made, both in the daily
press a.nd on the air, of different
communities being so well . repre-
sented in the !armed forces. The
Honor Roll, consisting of the names
of those serving in the armed forces
from Btuesels, Morrie a:'d Grey,
shows that this comvlunily isn't
exactly in the back seat. There is a
total of 188, of which 70 are from
Brussels, as well as 18 rejected, who
offered their services but through no
fault of their own have not been
accepted and 5 whose home was
originally in. Breasts..
Card of Thanks
r wish to thank the Brussels
Legion for the Christmas parcel
they sentme. ,Tt was much apprect-
Gunner Dari. Whittard,
Seaforth, Ont.
Robert 8um'mings Priscilla Lane
In Alfred Hitchcock's
Suspense! Hounded through 3000
miles of terror! Fleeing from Los
Angeles to New York . , stealing
precious moments of love , .. stalk•
ing a Power they must destroy --or
be destroyed.
Morn„ Tues. and Wed.
Henry Fonda Gene Tierney
Rings On !Her Fingers
A story of those who believe in any
method to "get rich • quick" and of
the power of love to overcome pest
Wednesday, December 2nd, 1942
Local News
St. John's Guild
The Women's Guild of St. David's
Church, Henit'Yru held the lira meet-
ing or the seascu at the holm. of
Mrs. Wnt. Baker 1,: T3the1 on .lues-
illy, Nov. 24th. The thne was spent.
in glinting. It was decided to hold
regular monthly meetings. The
hostess served supper at the close
of the meeting, Mrs, Melvin (iarno•
Chan was in charge. The next meet-
ing will be held at the theme of Mrs.
!Campbell Henderson an. Wednesday,
Dec. 1611e
. --'Free Movies
The Wslter Rose Poultry Farm
gave a free showing of films lu the
. Brussels Town Hall, 1>;reileesday
'evening of last week, sponsored by
the Purina Feeds. company. The
Mine were both instructive and in-
iteresting. They covered a variety
i of subjects on the care and raising
of stock from baby chicks to the
laying stook. One interesting film
showed lee process of an egg, the
formation of it in the hen's body.
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat,-,
Robert Stack Diana Barrymore
Eagle Squadron
The throbbing, pulseracing drama
of those young heroes who did not
watt to be stabbed ih the back
and of the women who followed
them' into the wart •
in. This Our Life
To Cream Producers
Commencing ncin with the month of Dec..
ember -and continuing tS rough the
winter months.TheCreanaery will close
every day at 6 o'clock.
Including Saturday.
Anglican CShtirch Notes
The services in St. Jiohn'q and St.
George's Churches on Sunday were
in keeping with Advent S,ir.;lay.
In this season the prominent thought
the Second Coming of. Christ oc-
oupiee thief place. The 'prophecies
of Wet, 7,ecblaria.lt and Malachi
and John the Baptist show the
characteristics of the Coming
Saviour and the great thought of
Clod as Judge is prominent.
Concert And Dance
Largely Attended
A large crowd attended the con:
.cert and dance in the Brussels Toivli
Hall on Friday evening. The even-
ing's entertainment was sponsored
by the War Workers of the 6111 Con.,
cif Grey an•d. the 3rd of Morris, :the
programme was presented by the.
Tack sisters of Palmerston Rete en
,terta;ined their audience with Scotch;
numbers, dancing and acrobaticefi
At the conclusion of the programme
dancing wine enjoyed to the music of
Brewnle Five Piece Decimetre. The
refreshnnetet booth was well patron-
Shower For Newlyweds
On, Tuesday evening, Nov. 24111.
about seventy -live friends and neigh -
bones gathered at the Orange Hall
in Brussels In honor of Mr. and Mrs,
Charlie Storey, ne'tt+,lyweds. They
were presented with a shower of
miscellaneoius gifts which were boot
beautt2ul and useful. The evening
was spent in dancing and music
Lunen end coffee .were served, The
music was,. provided by (irl and
Harvey Jaalriin accompanted by
Lloyd Pease and Ross Cardiff with
the accordian and ;month organ, The
groom's father, Mr. j, H. Storey and
sister- Mrs, Elmer Dale, pian ed • a
number of old tinge &antes. The
bride's' father R. Alcock and Mrs,
Mary ,Crawford also assiste 1. An
enjoyable- time was had by all.
Many good wishes follow •them to
theta.home itn Collingwood.
St. John's A. Y. P. A.
The A.Y.P,A., of St, John's Church
met on Thursday evening, Nov. 26111.
in the S. S. Roont al 8 pm The
President, Miss Mina Beyans was in
charge. Miss Golche Fischer read
the •S'eriptnve Lesson and the Rector, •
11ev, M, F. 'Oldham conducted the.
;prayers. The main feature of the
'eventing was a lantern, slide lecture
on Brandon Diocese, Manitoba, and
the worlt of the Bishops' Messengers,
These are young women licensed
and ordained by the Bishop to con-
duct services, teach ;Smiday-Sehou1
anal to do parochial visiting where
no clergyman is available. Pir.tul'es
o8 the 13ieluap, Rt. Rev. Wilfred, W.
H. Phonies; D,D„ )St. Matthews'
Cathedral, Brandon and other
oliuraltes in the Diocese we"e ehowh.
Walden Diaoese consists of the
Wes:teen. half .of the province of
The lecture was ;given by the
Rev. M. lie Oldham 'whc related 1118
experiences in Walden Diocese at
Minlota and, in fttt'Appell0 ' DlOcese
at Robert In 118116.
Tt eves 'decided to have • another
lantern Slide leetere ata 'Wed eleee.
when the *retie Diocas r' 'ifi ark
1' will he depleted. •
Special Church Service
On: Sunday evening, Dsoeinber
Cie 6th there will ice a special ser-
vice In Melville Church, with. all
three tongt•elSLtians, Ignited, Augil-
eau and Presbyterian sharing In
this service. The chair will l,' (otu-
posed of young people from lints•
ends Continuation School end will
be under the leadership of M" Lay
cock, the Principal of the school,
For a number of years this special
service has been held in Bruseuls.
the churches taking it in tura. As
in the past few years the offering
will be given to the Red Cross to •
help this organization In carrying j
on the splendid work it is doing. It •
le hoped that the people or Mussels
and the surroundln;g country will
keep this service in mind and where
possible, be present next Sunday
Council, 19
t Horan County
fo the Buying Public t
The Following Stores
Will Remain Open
Thursday Afternoons
During the Month of
Downing Shoe Store
Long's Grocery
Allen's Drug Store
Elliott's Grocery
Brussels 5c to $1. Store
Wood's Store
Chapman's Harness Shop
Leach Jewellery Store
Santis' Produce Store
Red Band Store
4 (By Council Bard)
Some three days past in aft''rilc•ou—
twas ou a Tuesday -4 remember,
When wailing winds and naked
woods showed plainly, it was bleak
'Pete Hurou County. Council here bad
met for business ohrat together,
And with open mind and sparkling
wit, tftey brightened uo the
gloomy weather.
Imagination lent her charms. philo•
sophy was standing ready,
And keen -eyed judgment hand to
hand, with common sense serene
and steady,
Eckmier's Grocery And ]teener grew their search for
D. McTavish Store thrift., and deeper dug they for
D. A. Rann Furniture Store that treasure,
evening. The Arcade Store _ 'Till sharper grew their suhtle wit.
F. 'R Smith, Drug Store • and still Increased their mutual
Recent Bride 'Honored Coleman's Restaurant
Friends of Mrs, M. Thompson
They tallied of county problems
of last
(nee Miss "Bud" Parker) gathered ,++++•4!.1 mostly, and discussed the country's
at hes home on Wednesday evening • war position;
week in tabour of he,' recent The above is a list of merchants
who paid lac each to convey the 'They brooded o'er earth's giant ills,
marriage, A delightful evening
message and if others are open for and grieved o'er m•an'•s enslaved
was spent in playing earns and condition,.
social carat During the evanlug irusiness they can thunk them for
mock wedding wee performed with the advertising.
Miss Helen St. Marie as the bride,
charming In an old fashioned gown
and late curtain veil and an enorm
ous boquet of prickly -hawthorn ,
berries. The natty groom was
d, * is :s ,& *
..e 5
The Warden he was in tbe chair,
with c'ansMen tious mind and
! strong,
m :, . A man with tact and talent rare, the
' diplomatic George Armstroug.
Mrs. James T. Rost His was the soul of kindliest thought,
Mrs, A, Logan and the humorous
his was the eye of keenest vision;
urentrmy was performed by miss . Charity Ann Friendship, beloved
wife of James T. Ross, pasted away His was the mind of deepest. reach;
Jessie Little. Immediately follow- his was the voice of calm deteston-
ing Mrs. C. Borho read the arum- at the home of her daughter, Mrs, H.
('ii nipion, •au Thursday, Nov, 26th
in her 81th year. 'Ste hal been Our worthy Clerk was ever near,
confined to her "ed for the past 5 we could never get along without
months. him,
The deceased was horn iu Loudon With such a mellow voice anti clear,
township on Feb. 24th, the daughter and that's what we all litre about
of Thomas Friendship and Mary him'
Little. .She came, es a bride, to His duties call for common sense
Brussels fifty-eight years ago and cud we have it there in Norman
had resided here ' ever since, her
husband having been in business With judgment sound and vision
here' tor many years. They had clear, a most resourceful sort of
celebrated their Galdeu Wedding
anniversary on the 15th et May, I Hefaller; can be hnl.ertairilecl too,. and oft
1:934. For the past four years Mr. , contributes to our fun can.
and Mrs. Ross had lived with their eery time he takes the tloar, to
daughter Mrs. Harry Champion, talk on Aducation,
lentil her health would not permit
Our Treasurer, too, the true and
ponying address: -
Brussels, Ont
Nov. 8th, 1942
Dear Bud: -
Here's to Bride Bud! In your life
may there lurk! • -
Just as mach pleasure as this holds
of worst.
Bright es a pin be your futuremy
Small as its point may your sorrows
May your •hon•eynaoou with•vtse tints
be lit;
Some clouds are crow shale, may
yioiurs be nit
Here are some hints which I'd just
like to name,
Darning hub's socks saves his darn
ing the same,
This is no yarn which. ran trying tri
'Twixt youand hubby have none
button in.
Love's like a needle—true steel and
bright -shined;
Needles have one eye and lose Is
quite blind.
Here, then, is luck! May your -joy
ever growl
Dont have things sew -sew, but all
thhlgs just so.
Gracious! Shiver my Mimi
When a girl's menial her life just
Your Friends
The recent bride was peesented
with a handsome coffee table, a
ntadeira luncheon cloth and ser-
viettes, a 'bread box, tea kettle and
glass rolling pin.
Mrs, Tluonipson thanked iter
'friends for the gifts and their
kindness, Lunch was served and
the guests departed, leaving behind
their hearty Wishes tor a hftppy
wedded life,
Christmas Parcel Already
Reached Destination
The first letter of appreciation
received by the Brussels Braasch of
the Can.adien Legion arrived this
ween from Mac Dall, It Follows:
Canadian Legion,
Brussels, Out,
Dear Sirs
The winter is coming at sea as hell: McClure, Seefortlt; Mr, and,
well as on land, witb, winter, nobles Mrs, Wan. McClure and Mr, S. Me -
Christians and it is rite to get Oinu•e, McKillop, Mrs.. john McClure
and Miss 'lb1hel McClure, Whit•hroil;
Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Ross, Winglam;
Mrs, Time take and Mr. and 14Ire.
+lie lake, Nato; Dias, Edward
Squall, • 'Winghaln;'. M.r. Douglas
Miele, Walton and Mr. Norman
Sehaff 1' of M}I.choll. ,
t'lur -veleta thanks is exteetled to
our friends and neighbors for the.
Mac Doll ; many eats of kindnesa louring the
it tbe late Mrs, Ross was en in•
dustr1aut, and energetic wo"irer. y")r
Years she was known as a success•
ful gardener, having one 'et the
finest vegetable gardens in the
A large circle of friends and ac
grlladntanceS were grieved to learn of
her death.
She leaves to mourn, her husband
James Torrance Ross and one
daughter Mrs. Barry Champion
(Mary Lilian) one brother, James
and a sister Mrs. A. It, Currie, both
Predeceased her. From Goderich Town, Bob Turner
came, tall end straight and • nix
feet three;
He really was in "forty-two" the
tallest member we could SSP.
In debating he Is smart and clean—
. a most substantial mum and able,
tried, au energetic roan and fair,
We always felt well fortified. lrhen
we hail Harvey Iilrskine there:
At figures he's an adept true, with
syetentaxie Weeyeeabout him,
And when he says a thing is so. not
one al us will ever ever doubt him.
The watchdog of our County turas,
with his books in always good
And that is why we always, and, the.
County in a sound position.
A private funeral, conducted by
Rev. S. Kers of Melville Presbyter-
ian 'Church assisted, by Rev. F. G.
Fowler of l31uevaIe, was held from
the hone of It Champion on Safer -
day afternoon, Nov, 23t11 at tin .15.ln.
Interment was made ie, llrussels And we give to hent attention keen,
cemetery, • when he's up and ieans across the
Pallbearers were Robt, 13ownian, table,
It. J,' McLauchlan,Walter William- 2Tie arguments come apt and quick,
son, John Simmons, Lorne Bekrtier quite positive afraid of no man,
and Charles L. Ar'rnstrong, Anel that he proved to ns ane 'day
The many beautiful floral tributes in discussion with R. S. Bowman,
were fragrant: symbols at the esteem '
with which the deceased wen . re. And Goderieh sent a •Depitty the cool
guarded and expressed sympathy for and careful Johnnie Baker,
the bereaved. A. specially tactfel man Is lse, as
Friends' end relatives attending smooth as anytuidertaker.
the funeral from out of town , were, With common sense and .; vision
Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Hunter, Detroit; Clear, he makes but mighty hew
Mrs. J. I3, ,nay, and Mr. L. 11I, m•istaltee,
Pringle, Toronto; Mr. Thos, Boss, For with prudent canteen for his•
(lileeley; Mr, R,pbI:,, nos; arnd Miss guide, he always thinktshetore be
Gladys leosa, 'Kincardine; ,Miss speairs;
A really 'thoughtful type oe man;
with pountenan5ce serene and
But though he has the pensive brow,
ite for a joke was alwaytu ready.
Dketer sent es Is Reeve, and We
really have been very lucky,
To have as our associate here, the
smooth and polished Benson
Tuckey, •
At home a hustling sort of 'iron, and
always, running into luck,
Where he has a systematic' Irian, and
apera,tes' full many a trunk,
In debating he is smooth and slick,
a.really most efficient sacra e
mita we gave to him attengo1 quiet,.,
(Continued on inside rage,)
permits with warn thhuge . to weal'
and good things to eat end other
things' that come .111 very uaef111.
They remind us that we mal be
away but still ere :bot forgotten by
the 81111(5 et tame.
1 received your parcel just a fee/
clays am end would 11104 to thank
you for all the . good things in it,
they are really appreelated.
' Sincerely,
illpess etMsa :. T. Rossi and. for
Melville Sunday Scnoul Cltristnlas their expresaions of Sympathy at the
'tlonoert, Will he field >n Friday even, i time 01 lien'death.. aAso for the bean•
ing> »o(•te'mber tine 18, in the ehureb trifid Bowers. , •
basement, i ,las, '.l'. Row riti.d b4ttnily.