HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-11-11, Page 4Car of® CShingles a - car to arrive a% ov. 1 th If YcuWant Shingles owl or for nexteummer get them (,.E S A -7,p c -.. n n <ti t gua.rantee n f rth r delivery. 0 0 It GREY A very enjoayble evening was spent recently at the home at Mr, and Mrs. J. J. McCiutoheon, when a large number gathered to spend a flew hours with them before their departure for Listowel where they will make their home. After a short program Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon were presented with a silver tea service and tray. a chair and a tri - light lamp. The following address was read by Mr, Alex. John•ston:- Denr Mr. and Mrs. McCeuteheon: It was with deep regret that was learned of your intention to girt farming and that you would soon he moving away. To many of us 'here tonight, you have been. a part of the community as long as we cant remember and we just rant thing of it without you. There are also anew here who remember when you came, as strangers almost twenty-eight years ago to the farm you have lived on ever since, During these years you have proven yourselves a good ighbour. Yon have taken part in our social affairs and often open- ed your home far our entertain- ment. You have been a true friend in time of sickness and in every way shared both our joys and our wrr0Ows, We trust that you will find a congenial atmosphere in the neigh- borhood to which you move and we hope that you and the members of your family will'often be back amongst us. Please accept this chair, lamp and diver tea service as an expression of our wishes for health and pros- perity to you both in the year's to conte. As you use them may they bring book 'pleasant memories of yonr friends and neighbours an the the 2nd Con., of Grey. Signed—Alex Jiotunston Dave McLennan John Fraser Win. Balfour Both Mr, and Mrs. McCuthcheon trIt9 ESlxs• Now is the time to clean out all the old, clothes around the house. Rags can be a put to a hundred uses, Wool rags are particularly valuable. Don't waste a thing. Keep turning all the scrap metals, rags, paper and bones in your house into war production material ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES ,� t`rY h,�ltiR! Yyutt .;np e5 .?mss'. 1 ':�)y_Axkr ,R i'�•{; THE BRUSSELS POST thanked their friends for their gifts interested to the welfare of the and the rest of the Queuingwas Federation would make it a point spent ht dancing, to be at Clinton on November 18. The Speakers for the afternoon The Grey Township unit of the are De. 13 Barton. Deputy Minister Federattow aC Agriculnturue held of Agriculture; W, Porter, Editor, their annual meeting In the Town- ship ;]'lull, Ethel, Friday evening Nov, G and a good crowd attended. Mr. Milburn secretary of the Ont. Federation reviewed the activities of the organization as .follows; To regard to the beef 'situation he stated that the present beet policy at the government is the result of the finding's of the advisory com- mittee of the Federation o1 Agri - mature to a large extent. Though this policy is not all that might be desired it is a vast improvement on What we had. The advisory nom• ntittee, in view of the hog shortage in Ontario. have recommended that the 'Government guaurantee, free freight for feed grains for the duration, ceiling prices on grain 15'e were sorry to hear TlTr. Robt, maintained. the right to control McClennan is •suffering from Lum- after the war to prevent bankruptcy, , bago in his back and still in bed, We The Federation is being given a , hope he will :soon be better again, definite part der the selective service, Mrs. Arthur Shaw visited for a administration also the Federation few days with Miss Bessie Moses. has been largely responsible for 2nd line. the steps being taken toward Nation health services. Mr. Milburn stressed the value of the Farm Radio Forums very strongly as they provide a very effective method in obtaining farm - era,' opinions on any important question on short notice. Every type of .business Is working toward consolidation into a very few hands. Agriculture consists of both labour and capital and is never radical in its methods and is therefore the best foundation for a better day. The government has been surprised to find during the pant. several years that a cross-esetion of farm opinion is much Meme reliable than their own statistics, Any group in the township who would like to organ- ize a Farm Radio Forum may call on the President, W. J. Turnbull for assistance. The following officers ET .1' i EL were elected:- President, W, J, Turnbull; Vice 'President, .Stanley Machan; Directors, 'S.S, No, 1, Douglas Hemingway, Bert Johnston, Win. Smith, Clifford McAllister, Wm. Campbell, Geo. Hutchison:, George Menzies, Russel Knight, Orville Har. rison, Dick Whitfield, Leslie Earl, Watson, Brown; Walton, Harry Bolger; Cnion No, 3, Muff Elliott,. Innrmers Advocate, Loudon; W. Ill, I-Iesltinsa secretary Canadian Fedora, Hoe . atul also a member of the National Selective, Service, Ottawa. This pronnises to be a meeting well worth your while to attend. BL J EVALL Mr. Wm, Elston of the 99th battery a.t. Iistowel spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tilston and sons, Rad line, The McEwen families of Detroit and Wilfred of Montreal attended the funeral of Mrs. Alex McEwen on Thursday afternoon at Bluevalo United Church, We are glad to hear Miss Etta Agar returned home from Wingham hospital last Wednesday and feeling better. Mr, and Hrs. Chas. Johnston and sons visited on Sunday and sons with Mr, and Mrs, Couper Nethery and daughter near I3elgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Emma spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Sperling Johnston and sons, - Many cmrgratuluations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClennan, over the arrival of a gr'andauughter, Monday of last week. Don't forget Ebenezer and Brown- town Christmas tree on Dec, -8th. `'"'ednee'day, November 14th, 1942 The Women's Institute will meet on. Thursday afternoon, Nov. 19th at the home of Mrs. W. C. Stevenson, The motto "What Kind of Peace Would 'Make Goad World Peace' will he taken by Rev, 11. Snell, Roll Call a verse containing the word Peace. The report of the Conven- tion recently held at Kitchener will be given,, All ladies who are inte'r•- let the committee know. MORRIS . The ,mystery teas in connec- tion with the Women's Institute have got startecl and are proving' to be quite a success soy persons whether members of the Institiute or not v1ho would like to attend any of the teas teat the comntititee know. Mr, G. Albert Iireuter of To- ronto: who visited 'ivitit Geo, and Itt's. ICuauler for a few days leas gone to' London where he has accepted a position. LA'C 'Clark Cardiff who has been home on leave tor - the past ten ,rays has returned to Prince Edward Island. Mrs, Cardiff and Ronnie returned with hint. We are glad to 'know that little Bobbie Alexander who was quite :sick for a while has recovered ansl is able to be out to play again. The ladies of the Preebytorian Church held a quilting at the home of Mas, Cecil Eckmier last Thursday afternoon. The Sacrament of the Lords' Sapper was dispensed in the Prtts- byterian Church last .Sunday after. noon, The W.M.S. of the 'Presbyterian Murata met last Tuesday afternoon at tho home at Mns. Hockwell with had no well informed organization 15 ladies present. The meeting to speak for them and bo, protect their interests. Therefore be it re- solved that the Morals unit at Huron County Federation of Agriculture t'ecoinntewded to lather township units in that county that each Township forte a hog and beef pro - ;lateens section of the Federation. And that the county form a hog and, beef producer's section of the Federation: anti re00tttmensl to the Ontario Federation of Agrliultnre that a hog and beef section of the Federation be formed with an execu- tive. All of these sections to or - prize for the purpose of staying production and marketing of hogs and beet products in order that con- fidence and, systematic plan of pro- tln'etion, Marketing and processing can be resolved, that will be fair to all con:berr:.otl and that, will Protect the right of hog .and beef producers, And further in, order to finance the above proposed organ- :Mations a. levy or collection of 14 et 1% be deducted by the processor :and turned over to. the Federation. They lib turn finance and promote the wolik of the organization, The directors ,of the Morris branch of the Federation of Agriculture met in the Township Hall on Mon- day, Nov, 9th at 8.3'0, with the President, Wm, .Speir in the chair. Tho minutues of last meeting were read, then a discussion was carried ouregarding the Beef and Hog pro- ducers' organizations and it was .de- cided that the Preslklent Mn', Speir present this resolution' at the Annual Meeting in Clinton on. Nov. 18th, et 10 am, and 1.80 p.m. Mr. Wm. Speir and Earl Anderson were ap- pointed as delegates to this meeting. It was also decided to hold Morris Township annual meeting on Nov. 3Q, in the afternoon. The following is the Beef and Hog sesolutios: Whereas it is felt the present method of financing the Federation of Agriculture is inadequate to oarry out efficiently, the demands placed upon it. And due to the disrupted and unsettled condition of the hog and beef industries brought about by the war conditions and since hog and beef producers havei operated in most cases as individuals and have The exeoubbve tor Morris Town- MORitUS .,., .,,. 4 thenej SU ship .would eppt•eciate if all farmers Don't Take Chances! This Winter Protect The Cooling System of Your Car With BMA NEVR-F'EZ ANTI FRE ZE Safe * Reliable Non -corrosive Economical ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW. at St. Helenas, Mrs, Bremner gave a prayer on the social action to be 1 undertaken as •a result of this pro- grams. The meeting closed with prayer, The December and annual meeting with the election of officers will be held at the home of Mrs. Patterson. Lieutenant Franklin, and Mrs. Lawless visited at the home of Mrs. 1 I,arvlees parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bremner. opened by singing 'Hymn: 420. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Oxtolby. The Roll Call was answer- ed by a verse containing the word hope. "Gori save the King" was sung. Prayers were offered by Mrs. S. Dunbar, Mrs, Pear and Mrs, Alex- ander. The toluic, Marry Magdalena, was taken by Mrs. Stanley Dunbar Psalm 74 was sung. Mrs. McInnis gave a temperance reading from the 'Glad Tidings. Arrangements were Made dor the Thankoffering. Meeting to be held, soon.. Tho meet- ing closet, by singing Hynnn• 8.99 and closing prayer by the Presi- dent. After the Meeting .lunch was served ,and a social haute* wait speOtf, The November meeting of the W.M.S. and the W.A. of the Ethel Chitral' was held at the home of Mps. M, W. Howitt, • The opening exet, arses were 9olnen by Mee Mamie Hammitt. Tlii theine for November was, ,Se,elri1tgEcon'onlic Security. or Tits Church in the 'City, was taken by Mmes. Snell, Mrs. ITewitt'i•eatl the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved b9 Mrs, Menziee, A nominating eoinmvtttee was eho5en for the an•nnal Meeting in; December, 'Mrs, Alex . Pearsolt gave a very rune report of the Sectional meeting * * 0 r 5' * 0 * 0 PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * * 8 ? 0. * K Mrs, D. Denman attended the Bryans-Fallis wedding in Toronto recently. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs, Robt. McAllister, * * Mr. Tom 'McFadzean, who is at. tending Technical School in London, was home for the week end. v rt Miss Ver'la Fischer, Hespl,er, spent the''eek end at her home here. * * »' Mph, Robt. Ferguson of Ingersoll spent a couple of weeks with her sisters the Misses Felton and other friends. • * * Mrs. Root. Strachan has been en- joying a few weeks visit with her slaughter in Toronto. * A Al Miss M. Potts of Guelph, was' a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. D, R. Otfnunlegham Last week. * 4. 0 Mrs. A. R. Kennedy of .Stratford, was •a. week end guest at the home of her son R. W, 'and 'Mrs. Kennedy. * Sapper Harold Thomas, who has been, home on an extended leave re - 'ported for duty at London on Mon- day afternoon. * * a Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas, Raspier, were week end visitors with their parents in. Brussels and Morris 14r. H. 0. Moir of Seatorth was he guest of Rev, M. F. Oldham on Bentley and gave the address at the morning service in St. John's Church. * * * Jack B. Kennedy, oldest son of Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Kennedy of Southhampton was recently awarded his wings as Navigator in the R.C.A. F„ at Quebec. He also received his commiselon. He is now Pilot Officer Navigator J. B. Kennedy. Jack was born 21 years ago in the Cranbrook manse. A younger brother, Pilot Officer William Kennedy has been in Egypt since April. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Aex. MacEwen The funeral of the late Mrs. Alex. Macl0wen was held on Thursday af- ternon.fronr the United church, con- duetnd by Rev. Campbell Tavener. liming the service Ross Smith sang "No Burdens Yonder."' Fol- lowing the service the body was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs, W. J. :Holliday, at •Brooklin, where burial will take place on Friday afternoon. The pall bearers wore J. L. MacEwen George Mac- Ewen, .Allan MacEwen, Alex Mac- Donald, Kenley McNaughton and Oliver Campbell, Relatives attend- ing the funeral inelnCied: Mr, and Mrs. W. Fryfogle, Mrs. Alex Smith. Mrs, Wix and James MacEwen of Detroit and Wilford MacEwen Montreal. Pala Negri's Tempestuos Life Story The famous screen actress, Pohl Negri, who defied fate in a search for love, .Is telling , , . in her own words , , the story of her tempestuous life . , , in The American Weekly with The Detroit Sunaiday Times. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times for the latest instalment of "Love Was My Undoing," by Pole, Negri, township, Hollywood's 'Queen of Tragedy"" }Ql�� ayeyry. I ?'ie s Sped 1 At adieu. 1 Car Load of Ford Tractors, Ferguson System Implements arrived last week. This car load is all spoken for. Get your orders in early. We expect another car Load but cannot guarantee how many we will get. We have the permits here. Take advantage of this opportun- ity of buying yourself a real tractor. ' Economical and easily operated. We keep a stock of Good Used Cars. Now is the time to btuy. Some choice drivers and general purpose horses. 3 choice trucks 1 two wheel trailer erndettOuleettlemillInavamissia T tick t� L. a,,d W. Jackson of Phone 101 rs Ltd. weLOnt. 1i:t •