HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-11-4, Page 5Notice to Creditors In the estate of MAI9TIN MCNAIR, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Hurons gentleman, who died on or about the :aoventh day of September, A.D, 1942, TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particudars and proof of same to the undertai.gnee executors or to their solicitor ou or before the fourteenth day of November, ArD, 1942, upon .which bate the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets with regard Duly to those claims which they shall then have received. DATL'`D at Brussels this twenty- seventh wenty,seventh clay of October A.D. 1942. john. McNair ,Toho Alexander Petrie Executors by their solicitor C. TOSEPH BEN. i .SCE Brussels, Ontario, acting .for 1 Elmer D. Bell who is absent on Aetive Service, Notice to CrPclitors In the estate of ;PORN WRIGHT late of the Village of Brussels in' the County of Huron, Gentlemaan, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of September, A.D. 1942. TAIXI] NOTICE that an parties hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail partfculams and proof of same to the undersigned administrator or, to his solicitor on or 'before the four- teenth day of November, A.D. 1942, upon which date the said adminis. tnator will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which he shall then have re- ceiver'. DATED at Brussels this twenty- seventh day of October, A.D. 1942, Walter R. Huggan Administrator by his solicitor C. JOS0+7PH BEN- SON, Brussels, Ontario, acting for Elmer D. Bell who is absent on Active Service. East Huro - Produce - Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 66 Brussels ROl''iand POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everything. to make the hens lay 'A' Grade eggs We are+iin the market fur all kinds of POULTRY! "Flock Culling A, Specialty" Bring Us Your Eggs Our Motto— Honest Grade on every egg NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given eo all persona having any o1'ainl egainet the estate of Sarah Cricle late of the Village of Brussels, In the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 21st day of Tanual'y, 1092, to send saute to the undereignecl on or be- fore Saturday, Nov. 14th, 1992, as on and after that dale the adminietrator of the said estate shall proceed to matte distribution of the assets thereof, having regard only to the elnems then Bled. DAied at Goder••lclt this 21st day of October A.D. 1942, R. C. Hays Goclroricb, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects WILLIAM GORSELITZ Lot 21, Con. 5, Grey Township FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th Positively No Reserve as the Farm Is Sold. Wm. Gorsalitz, Wm. M. Scott, Prop. Auctioneer Auction kale Household Effects of the. Estate of the late Georke Hanley, Brussels on SATURDAY, ,NOVEMBER 7th AT P.M. 1 Solid Walnut Book Case 1 Oak Dining Doom, Extension Table 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Kitchen Table and Kitchen Chairs I Large Leather Chair 1 Upholstered Rocking Chair ( 1 Mahogany Commode 1 Solid Walnut Dresser l 1 Walnut Bed with Springs and Mattress 1 Oak Bed with Springs and Mattress 1 Fern Stand Washing Machine and Wringer 1 New Williams Sewing Machine 2 Large Size Rugs Quantity of .Rag Carpet 1 Large Kitchen Range 1 Quebec Heater Stove Pipes Dishes Kitchen Utensils Garden Tools 2 Trunks 1 Table Lamp Curtains Quantity of Wall Paper Quantity of Paint Numerous Sundry Items. TERMS CASH Property Sold Subject to Reserve Bid — Terms Made Known Day of Sale. Harold Jackson, Robert Patrick, Auctioneer Clerk NOTICE ! Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List Voters List, 1942, Municipality of the Village of Brussels, In the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with .Section 8 of the Vot- ers' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at the Village of Brussels, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality at Municipal Elections, and that such lists remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all votere to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeals being the 14th day of November, 1942. Dated this 15111 day of October, 1942, R. S. WARWICK, Clerk of the Village of Brussels. FOR SALE— Buy your automotive and radio supplies at The Canadian, Tire Corp,, Store, Campbell's Garage, Wingham. Large stock always carried., er, r --.,.'-- L. and W. Jackson Motors Ltd. GENUINE FORD PARTS & ACCESSORIES Batteries. New & Used Tires Gas, Oil & Antifreeze HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Phone 161 Listowel. Ont:. ADMINISTRATORS SALE of Property and Haueehoid Effects ESTATE OF SUSAN CRICH At the Premises in the Villaga of Brussels, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14th at 1.30 P.M, The Property consists of a well but Red Brick House with a good cella Well, Barn, Electric lights Etc and 5 acres of good level land, at th same time all the Contents will b sold, including in prt , , 3 beds, springs and mattresses 1 Feather Bed 3 Commodes 1 Bureau 2 Dressers 1 'Dining Room Table 6 Dining Room Chairs 5 Rocking Chairs 1 Arm Chair 8 Kitchen Chairs 4 Upholstered Chairs 1 Organ 1 Parlor Table 2 Settees 3 Chairs to Match 1 Heating Stove 1 Cook Stove 1 Stove Mat Quantity of stove pipes, 7 -In. 1 Corner Bracket 1 Hat and Coat Rack 1 Cupboard 1 Kitchen Cabinet 2 Kitchen Stands 2 Kitchen Tables 1 Parlor Table 1 Sewing Machine (Singer) 1 Side Board 2 Couches 1 Electric Radio 1 Electric Lamp 1 Electric Toaster 1 Maple Sap Pan 1 Velvet Rug 9x12 Linoleum 9x12 1 Scythe 1 Lawn Mower Quantity of Dishes Glassware and Bedding Many other articles not mentioned. Terms, On Property (subject to a reserve bid 20% to be paid at time of Sale, balance in 30 days. Terms on Household Effects etc., Cash. James MoFadzean, Administrator T. Gundry & Son, Auctioneers. Hays & Hays, Solicitors, Goderlch, Ont. It r, e e Classified Ads FOR SALE— A bunch of Pigs ready to wean, plromel6-r-4 Thee. Pieroe LOST-- A OST—A blue and white bag with child's mitts on Sattumday night. Finder please leave at Post, FOR SALE— 6 H,elfers iml calf for sprang; 3 Cowee due in Tauuary; 1 Cow due enid of December; some feeding Steers; 1 driving mare nod cutter, phone Brussels 13-r-10 Alex. Bn'yeem, Belgrave, Ont, NOTICE - Ethel butcher shop will be open all day Ober Nov. 3rc1, 1942. We appreciate your patronage. phone 22-r-5 E. Thompson FOR SALE— Regmleterecl Hereford Bull No, 145413. 11 months old, sired by 0.A:C. Bull, Donald 88. apply phone Brussels 10-1•-26 Melville Mashers, R.R. 1, Wingham FOR SALE— Frame building, 12 test by 18 fleet, pine novelty siding, nearly new, 1 oak farm wagon. phone 25-r-5 Carl HemingwaY FOR RENT Piety acre farm next Cemetery owned by Mrs. Margaret Slealitsky, Apply at otSee of ELMIDR D. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. zr WANTED— Pullets all ages and breeds, also Yearling hems, also White Leghorn and Bleak Miniorca cockerels suit- able for (breeders. Also wanted Socks to supply us with ,hatching eggs for 1943 season. Flocks culled and hlood,tasbed free. Guaranteed bonus paid with esbtil.tionat premium, Write .for full details, Tweddle C•hd,elc Hatcheries Limited Fergus, Ontario, FOR SALE -- The Gammago black on the West Edda of Tua'nberty Street, Brussels, consdetng of H. B. Allen's Drug Store, The Scotch Thistle Restaurant and Clare GrocerLong'sy Y S o q Store. r. apply Mrs. Rbse Gammen, Box 351, G•rinieby, Ont. Notice -- Tenders will be received by the undersigned till Saturday, Nov, 7th, 1942 at 2 o'elook P.M., for the repair of the 6th Coneelesion dradn, Ettelotte certified rlt•eett° for 10% of the Tender, . See plane, and speoiiieations at the Clerk's office at Ethel, No tender h'e'cessarlly accepted, J. H, Fear, Clerk lt�thoi, Ont, THE BRUSSELS POST TO THE CITIZENS OF HURON COUNTY At this time, the Campaign of th Third Victory Loan draws to a cies As County Cluadrmmn', it is gratifying to note the splendid effort put for on the part of one, metnher of th entire organization, and also for th gealerol reaspons.e of the citizens Huron lCoun'ty, —the County of which we are all so proud. Our citizens leave always respon•cle nobly to any patriotic appeal, B the response to the different appeals it is quite evident that we will con tine to unite en am all-out wa The need for the monies, raised in tilts `Tined Victory Loan is very great, which is well knlown to all and it is only by eveny last person making the greatest effort that we shall utimately achieve Victory, The more money that is available in, the hands of our Government, the great- er will be the, exhileaacnon in our War Program and the sooner will dawn the day of Vietory. Let us then keep up the good work until the last day of this. Campaign when, I believe, every municipality will have raised its quota and gone over the top. • I appeal to all cdtlzens of Huron County to stop ankl Consider if each and every one dins done his or her best so that we cam; prone to our boys in the Arany, Air Force, and the Navy, that we at home ,wee nacklmg them up by supporting them with. the nm ee.essamy war equipment to beat off the enecy so that Canada will be spared the fate that leas befallen so many other nations. May we follow the example of our Soldeens in the different training camps en, the County who are sacrificing their all and buying Victory Bonds to their limit. A. J. Mcbwrray, County Chainmen Ve nes ar of Western Hand and 1.5 • Cwt. ®1. Maell nvain:ly DE lintestene, bone 1uea1 an salt can, be mixed with the grafi • mixture. Because green feed d P yi h ;�i a d Gang Is Blamed tr For Car Thefts not available for winter feeding e alfalfa or .Clover hay or mamgels t e, small amounts will prove useful As a prevention, for rickets, o0 th liver or pilchard' oil is. recommended e These Dile will also prove effectiv e as a cure for stiffness and crippling of However, In thiat •awl in fact al matters concerning hog feeding, i will my better to feed a balanced ration and keep the pigs in; good 7 health rather than. to use correctives after trouble has developed. ar Even Distribution of Supplies n • rl e 1 t Sought By Wartime Board Although there is bound to he fewer corsnuner goods this season, , The Wartiane Padres and Trade Beard is making eure that what is available will .be faerly distributed. According to a new government order, if a manufacturer bas, for example, only 60 per cent of the stooks that he hod last year, each of his cuatomters will be permitted to buggy only 60 per cent of the amount 1 of his last year's order. It is expect- eg ed that this will result do an nit- atble dis,trtbution of ava.ilab1e sup- plias, .ancl will make it impossible for the supplies to. 9111 into the hands I of only a few duals. Special arrangements are made to meet the demands of centres having very much larger populations than they had in 1941. WINTER FEEDING OF PIGS AND HOW TO OBTAIN BEST RESULTS (Eexpsrtmental Farms News) In the winter feeding of m'amket hogs more •care, and abortion are needed' than iu sum mer preelection. The pigs .are. generally housed under less natural conditbons end there is not the saane variety of fee4l0 as in summer. Thus, nnianagesuent and feeding of the pigs are Importantitems. Management iuoltudtee the provision of dry, clean, reasonably warm quarters with scope for exer- cise. Fending 011151 take into con. sideration the fact that the pigs oeuly get what they are fed andint thus, for proper development, a 0010- Wets. properly .balanced feed mix- ture ix ture is n.ecesaary, stapes Edward B. Fraser, Animal Husbandry Division, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Lionising of the winter pigs need not be elaborate, However, it is essentlnl that the pigs have a dry warm draught -free bed. In a wenn barn the .bed limy be a corner of, the pea which is boarded off so that it can be properly bedded with straw. In a 00141 barn a sleeping berth is tlesireble in order that the pigs have a warm place to sleep. The wise feeder also makes sure that emetic - lent pen space Is avallaibie for the pigs t:o exercise freely. Proper feeding wins. to be the most important item in. 00000ss6nl whiter pig p5O IOtiom, First of ally a suitable, well !balanced Peed mixture is necessary, ancame must be taken in feeding It. TTtuder most conditions the Common grains, oats, ;barley and wheat will be the basis of the feed mixture, Wheat is being more conuluonly defied nowin teed mixtures for market hogs. In order to make rapid, and economical game, food a protein sluppissien,t With elle grain; Skim -milk and buttermilk ate ideal for 11119 pea pose eti 41 .tete 'bo three pounces ere feat with each peund Of pain, !Lacking rill, tankage, eslt ureal or mixed peetein, bml9entrabe 000 be 'nee'd. ii crntls and vitamins are alto impel -Wit in winter pig fa4ditlg, A silnlr10 trine l miXtet'e coilnp'.rised WINGHAM, Nov. 2—Police are se arrhiarg for two men. In this area who are believed responsible for a num, eu• of czar thefts, traced from north of Toronto to 1Luoknow. Tw:a of the three cars stolen have been recovered at Bluevale and Wnigham while the third car is still being hunted. The missing ear, a Graham Paige, has license ratnrber 74T1. First .knowledge of the series of thefts was the finding of an aban- cloned car Saturday at Bluevale, six miles south of Wing9nam, be- •hrging to the mayor of Orange - I ville, At the time of the theft the ,car had a full tank of gas. Saturday evening two Winghtem 1 men reported to police the attempt- ed theft of a oar belonging to A. J. Walker, of Winighem. Tee two I would-be thieves were thwarted in I their get -away when; the engine of ,the stolen, car stalled as they were Pullivg away. The same night, Mayor J. H. Crawford, of Wingham, reported his car stolen. It was later recov- ered eeowerect at Luckaow, • HANDY FOR WIPING PANS 0111 newspapers are handy for wiping grease, pans before wasbing' theme,, 'Cut papers 'into seven-inch squares and spike, on a nail near the 1 kitchen sink.i GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.25 Including Shampoo Permanent $2,00, $2.50 and 35.00 including finger wave_ and shampoo Telephone 55x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAURANT VITAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIESeSNAPSHOT GU I 1.11 Well chosen accessories will aid you to getting better snapshots such as this one. NATURALLY, every experienced photographer has his ideas upon the subject, but I think everyone will agree that there are four basic photographic accessories 'which Should be owned and used by every advanced amateur photographer, These are: an exposure guide, a filtert en a a hood, and p d a tripod. l Why so many? Well each has Its use, and whether you own a fairly moderate outfit, or one of the latest and finest cameras, ye ell fled that each can help you to better picture making. Take an exposure guide, for in- etanee, It doesn't make any differ. ence whether it is a Photoelectric exposure meter, or a ten -cent pocket exposure calculator, it will take the guess out of exposure and prevent poorly exposed—and thee wasted film. A itltei' recommends itself because it has a pronounced effect on the duality a your pieta es. State pee- pte think it' ttlediUth yellow filter definitely steps up the gtiality of outdoor snapshots because it makes clouds stand out attractively and darkens the general sky tone. And I agree with them. A filter Is a worthwhile, inexpensive investment, A lens hood, bf course, never seems especially vital, but it should be included 10i ymo • kit because t performs a two -fold •service. First, it prevents extraneous light from striking and entering the )ens. And 000ondly, it thus gives brighter, cleaner pictures without any trace of the fog or lens flare which occa- sionally is apparent in snapshots. Finally, there's the matter of tri- pods. Their outstanding mutiny is that they give you steady exposures without the slightest trace of fuzel- nose due to camera movement„And that's really important, Get one, put it to work, and you'll find that, lilco the other photographic accessories mentioned, it will help you produce better pietut'es Mere coneisteittly, 404 ,loll. van Guilder 4