The Brussels Post, 1942-11-4, Page 3Scrap Metal Collection
lF you don't already ldnow that it is u'nlawfu'l to bare more
than GOO lbs, of scrap metal about your place, he it now known,
Francis Dun an
To gather ALL sorap metal (cast Iron and steel) about
your property and have it ready to place at a named spot
on each mile -and -a -quarter tom. where a general
collection will be made at a date to be set later.
Come on folks let's gather EVERY pound don't
leave it lay even if it is under the 500 Ib. mark 1
it is not compulsory to do it that way. You may sell 1t yourself
or give it to any war organization to benefit. , , .
1.�J �tLiLst ?,'��. w L oil',} Vr'cia.`'" fi"I
The > undo a iFactori s
In the Army—
Attack, Thos. 3.
Alderson, J.
Ames, J. P.
Bryne, Harvey
Bell, W. H. Bid'
Bell, E. D.
Bendall, Oharles H
Bewley, Walter
Brothers, Lyle
Bray, E. L•'.
Brewer, J.
Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
East Huron
Produce -
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
Phone 66
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver Oil
to make the hens
lay 'A' Grade eggs
We are
naafi ket for all ithilds
of tOULTY!
"Flock Culling
A Specialty"
Brig Us Your Eggs
Our Motto --
Honest Grade
on every egg
Wim,, o„*,p,.as,,.Mea„artuasos,m,A.m
Cassidy, Plank
Cardiff, Clifford
Cardiff, Wm.
Campbell, John
Campbell, Stanley
Coleman, Ken.
Coleman, Bill
Davidson, Cleve
Dohl, C.
Elliott, Ross
Elliott, George 0.
Elliott, O. S.
Elliott, Diok
Farquharson, W
Fox, Russel
Farrow, Jack
Ganniss, H. M.
Garton, Ed,
Gowing, Carl
Gillis, Morris
Glassier, Stuart
Hall, Deb.
Hall, Russell
Hamilton, R. C.
Harman, Sohn
Hastings, Dave
Harriston, Louis
Hamilton, Allan C.
Holland, Gondoa
Hood, L. '
Hood, S.
Uneaten', H. L.
Hannan, G.
Holland, Gordon
Halley, Jim
Humphries, Stewart
Lamont, Leonard
Lowrie, Everette
Lome, Stewart
Locking, Wan.
Lowry, Tack
Myers, Dr. C. A.
MdOauley, L.
McCreath, Ted.
Mitdhell, Frank
McFarlane, Thos
McFarlane; Walter
McLean, .Arthur
McLaualtliO, K. ,
McDowell, Mac
Nichol, Wilfred
Nichol, Gordon
Nichol, R. Gordon
Nichol, Mac
Nichol, Lloyd
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wm.
Pierce, Roy
Ritchie, Kenneth
Rutledge, Frank
Riley, Cliff.
Rooney, Leonard
Rutledge, Ned
.Saleanan, B,
Sanderson) Lloyd
Snaith, Sas. E.
Stephenson, Mac (Dick)
Tunny, ,Glias.
Thompson, A.
Thompson, Tif,
Thomas, H.
Travis, A.
Whitford, R.
Wbtttard, Earl
Wilson, Stan.
Wilson, Russell
Workman, Lloyd
Wheeler, Glenn
Young, Elmer
Young. Norman, R,
Young, Ernest
In the •k, C. A, F.—
Aryans, Stuart
Black, Bert
Bleak, Douglas
Black, Donald
Bryan, Russell
Oardiff, Clarke
Galbraith, Geo.
Cardiff, Frank
Davidson, Scott
Galbraith, Bowman
Gibson, Harvey
Henderson, Archie
Meehan, Willis, Donald
Murray, Rennetii M.
Parker, Harold
Prost, T. A.
Prost, W ei.
Prest, Robert
Rowiand, Win.
Russel, Lewis
Rutledge, Jack •
Rutledge, Hartley
Scott, Frank
Spedr, Jack
Speir, Kenneth
Snell, Verne
'Stretton, Herb.
Thompson, Norman
Woodrow, Alec
Ward, Ray
Ward, Leonard
Young, Archie
In the Navy —
7✓°bapunan, Joe W.
Dahl, Mac
Prest, Jim
Workman, Gordon
(Canadian Women's
Mitchell, Betty
Bryan, Lorne
Earngey, Dean
Fischer, Wilfred
Fischer, Wmn,
Gillis, 0.
Harrison, Marshall
Hawkins, Herb.
MoDowell, Jack
Pearson, Ralph
Plum, Carl
Plum, Ernie
Pennington, J.
Pollard, Geo.
NOTE—Dhe fallowing are really
Brussels boys who had not resided
here some time previous to enlist•
Ballantyne, Archie
Backer, George
Jetenyn, 3.B.
Parish, Jim
Parish, Earl
United States A.A.C.
i:Oalelnier, Wm. D.
Alexander, Stanley
Ames, Bryan
Bateman, Cecil
Brown, D. S.
Beer, Chas.
Dunbar, Jack
Henry, Stuart
Hamilton, Allan C.
Hewitt, Wilfred
Hewitt, Frank
Haig, Norman
Jardine, Lorne
Keifer, Hal'ltumt
Kreuter, Oalvin
Mills, Sack
Patterson, John
Patterson, Miss Alma
Sleightlrolm, J. A,
Roby, Mervin
Batteries New & Used Tires
Gas, OiI & Antifreeze
Phone 161
Listowel8 On
Army Corps)
Prices Board Order Puts
Ban On New Businesses
No New Enterprise
May Be Established
Except Under Permit
OTTAWA, ,Nov. 2—The Prices
1 'board, hi a native de,>iignetl to peg at
Its pnes'wt level the n,Itmber of hued-
miss estahidshnnents now operating
Iin Canaria, and to .prevent multiply
ing of existing outlets in, view of in-
! ereasingly restricted supplies, order-
ed today that with certain excep-
tient., no new business nuay be
, be established hereafter except
under epc c ial permit. 'Don'ald Gordon,
chairmen or the hoard, said the
view is hold that'• -except in 0 con-
partitively few special cases—exiet-
ing InisinesFee ran adect ateiy handle +
the available supply of goads and 1
services. I
Manufacturers, wholesalers. re -1
tatters and 10 types of service bust- i
1 neMI1:C are affected by the "frees-
i ing" order, whirh prohibits them -1
except under permit—from moving.
to larger quartets. increasing the:
variety of goods in which they are
already cleating or transfering own-
erships. The order became effec-
tive today.
The service businesses covered by
the freezing order are;
Warehousing anld storage; tinder-
telsiln.g loud embalming; laundering
,and dry cleaning; hairdressing and
1 beauty parlor services; plumbing
and heating, painting and decor-
ating; supplying mealy refresh-
ments and Services; renting and
exhibtting moving picitrures slough-
tering, and any mannfectuling pro-
cess performed on a oustam or
commission basis.
Action Is Explained
Tn a statement aocoanpanying the
order, the Prices Board said:
"To permit the •uueontrolled es-
tabirirs:huteut or new businesses might
tin large measure nullify the.efforts
rrow being matte to curtail non-
omessential civilian 'activity„ and here-
by release manpower for the armed
foroels and essential industry.
"'Uncontrolled addition's of lines
or goods -by businesses which dict
not previously handle such, lines
would have substantially the same
effect as the etablishment of new
busdnesees, anal tend to jeopardise
.tire positions of those concerns
which have normally handled such
]dives, Again, new retail outlets,
new warehouses or factories, would
•catuee a further clislplersal of inven-
tories of goods, and under present
,conditions would make for less ef-
ficient ,ond leas equitable distribu-
, Board officials said the order
should 'help existing businesses by
preventing e ,disorderly situation,
which would develop if no control
Man.nfaaturerz, and wholesalers
acre .already required by the beard
to allocate supplies equitably
among their established customers.
Bader the current order, no
manufacturer "shall sell any class
and kind of goods to a retailer,
wholesaler 01' operator of a service
business, to whom he was not pre-
viously sold that class and kind of
goods, unless the seller is satisfied
that the buyer holds a valid license
issued 1)y the board and is entitled,
under the order or by permit, to deal
In such class and kited OF gapCIS.
List of Exemptions
Exempted under the order are:
1. Sales of - newspapers, maga-
zipes or periodicaals;
2. Any undertaking operated by
the Dominion government or any
i)rolmnce or nay agency thereof;
3. Religious charitable, philen-
tlulopie end educational o'ganiz-
ttons: .
d,, Fermor5, hunters, trappers,
gardeners, livestock producers,
poultry producers 01' tlshermlen, in
respect to tine sale of their pro
dutch• in the natural state or after
processing by them, . except when
they operate ea urban, retail place
of brsiness other than a stall In a.
G, Operators ,or private boarding-
houses, in, respect to the supplying
of meals and refreshments;
0. Supplying of goods .or ser-
fiee,e to the Munitions Department
or agency thereof, and the epee,
atm of a new':bitables's, formed end
rnrrying on far smelt purpose; •
7, The sale of goods or supply.
Ing of meals, refreshments or bey.
el'fl11 s in maws or 11185805 with-
in the limits •o3 military establish.
The order provides that. 'manu-
facturers, . and who:irlsalers not
already doing so must net engage in
a'cytndl business, • 'Siinilnu'ly, a re.
tailor May not beconme 'a. whole-.
•sel01' or inennifa.nhivst', The ranee
sondiiton• ,ehliltes to felting on the
operation of a service business,
i '111e11gh n 11eri1iit will he realulr'ad
SCrdp Metal
It is unlawful to have over 500 lbs. of ti
your premises,
You have the privilege of selling your scrap metal (cast -fro
steel) to a dealer, or giving it to any war organization to bene
the proceeds .
As the Warden, and in turn the Reeves, of each towns
been appointed to organize the collection of scrap m
Your Reeve of Grey Township' •
T, C.,Wilson requests that you
Start Now To Co9lect Everyaa)1 d
Of Sc'cp (cast iron or sleet)
MM. ni213.0310M.VIV*SECM...MIMKR.•
Donl't pla00 hot ashes or •c'oals in
Faller 'or cardboard boxes 'When
cleaning out the furnace or 'flro-
place We a gtrdolc way of having a
to transfer a business by sale or , a business which "had to all intents
gift, no permit is 'necessary for an S and purposes reseed operations"
heir to take possession or his legacy, l assert to a person, really .intending
or for a receiver to take possession to establish a new business.
or dispose of a business pursuant Chain and department stores are
to a court order. I expected not to seek to Extend
( their business under present con-
Location Changes Curbed 1 ditions, and oney in the most excep-
No1 businests need obtain a per tiosval cases will permits be granted
,mit to change its location, provid-
ing the move is not to, larger prem-
ises, The intention' of this section
is to, prevent any major expansion
of existing facilities.
Any establishment proposing to not observed as a National Holiday
produce or distribute goods of a ,this year, a committee from the Leg-
ion tnet with the Mayor to make
Piens for a suitable Observance. The
plans made at this meeting were
that the service at the Cenotaph will
not be held this year, In its p1aoe
a service will be held in St. Paul's
Church at 101 am., Sunday morning,
November Sth, Attending this service
will be the Town ,C'ouercil,, 99th
Battery, R.C.A. (R.F.), Winghain
Legion and Auxiliary, Boy ,Scouts,
and representatives of various or-
ganizations are requested' to attend.
Following this 5enwioe the wreaths
will be placed on the Cenotaph at .
12,30 so that those attending other
churches may be pres,en't for this
Poppy Day As Usual
The sale of Poppies will be held as
venal. Poppy Day will he Saturday
November- 7th, The need for funds
• in the Poppy account is as great as
ever and is expected to he even
greater as much work will be earned.
an among the members of the pres-
to such applioants.
Remembrance Day
Owing to the request of the Gov -
element that Remembrance -Day be
different category from those nmr-
mally handled will 'be required to
obtain a permit. It is not expected,
the price board said, that permits
will be granted to take on new
lines unless exceptional cirouan-
etanoes warrant the granting of
permission for such action.
New business velli not be author-
ized except in epedial oirenm-
stauces, but it is recognized that
some areas, whose population has
',expanded rapidly because of war
,aotivities may require more enter -
prizes of some. particular type. In
such oas,eis, preference will be
i ver 1pplioants experienced in the
type of business c'on'cerned.
Arrangements will generally be
approved by the board where bind-
ing comlmibmeoits covering them are
.in effect at the date of ale current
The board's director of li,cen,sing
In Ottawa' will issue the special
permits mentioned in the order.
The board said permits world be ant Teeny. Already this activity has
readily graniteld "in all genudue reached considerable proportions.
cases at sale or gift" but not where Wingham Advance -Times
,, cam; - r,..�r.r,••-�---�
Cruder a recent Order of the Steel
Controller SC -id, it 3s now au
offence to retain more than 000 lbs,
of Scree Iron or Steel.
I have been named the represents
tive of tile. Steel Controller for the
C'ounity of Huron ,and nava delegated
the, Reeves of enols Municipality as
my representative in thein' resPective
Mnu,iolpnlibiee. These men and their
committees are able to advise as to
the disposition, or your must).
1 bespeak for illicae men the
hearty co-aPeratlont of every rate-
paYer in the County so that 'every
pantlicle of scrap metal uma.y be
coile;cted without the exercise of
ilea sift nieaa111•ee. .
' George Armstrong
Warden County of Miran
"ikk. TO O l HT
. I a1 , , rk � R t
Is carelessness the enemy within your gates? An upset
lantern may prove as disastrous as a fire bomb. Matches
where children can get them are as dangerous as a fire
tnaniac. Putting coal oil in the stove is akin to putting a
torch to your house. A car, truck or tractor driven 011 your
barn floor may reduce your buildings to "scorched earth."
Safeguard life and property by practising- every safety
measure. Don't set a lantern down, even on a window ledge,
but hang well up with a good strong snap. Keep matches in
metal boxes out of the reach of children. Don't revive a fire
with coal oil or gasoline. If you must drive a motor driven
vehicle on your barn floor, make sure that the floor is swept
clean of everything flammable.
Life is dear --and buildings almost impossible to replace for
the duration. Furthermore, your farm is one of the food
baskets of the Empire --a vital cog in our Victory machine.
Fight to prevent fires, for your loss is the Nation's loss now.
Fanners' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co'.
'Waikarrtorl, Ont.
Hawick Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.,
Elms Farmers'Miatual Fire Insurance Co.,
Wrozeter, Ont
Atwood, Ont,