HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-11-4, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, lkieve, er 4th, 1942 A al "CS les BRUSSELS N etc ry Bon • ,"'Ati ^.° ri PLAY "Damsels In Distress" three -act comedy by Londesboro United Church in Brtissels Town Hall FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 13 under auspices of St John's Anglican Church The Ladies' Guild and W. A. of St. George's Chwch, Walton will hold their annual Bazaar and Hot Supper in Walton Community Hall on SATURDAY, NOV7th Bazaar will open at 2.15 and supper served from 4.30 - 7 P•in• •x,Nults 35c Children 25c 'caring your friends and enjoy the afternoon Rev. M. F. Oldham, Rector. There will be Euchre and Dance FRIDAY, EVENING, NOV 6 ocal News ite * * * * 1 Red Cross Dance and Bing, Victoria Hall, Jameatown W EDDING Draws 'Large Crowd Ladies prease bring sandwidies. ,..........—s---.4..144/.11.5..301+14124165.16.0•050•01... S4MOSSIO/1.1411entasumwrozwaral+..aum THOMPSON—PARKER A "big night" was held last Frula; Admission, Adults 20c * Children under 12 FREE NOTICE * Atten-tion ! Miss Vehna Wheeler of Belgave is All proceeds for War Work. The Busy Bee Club of Eben- ezer, Browntown, are holding their annual bazaar on Nov. 11, 'at the Ebenezer Church at 2 o'clock. Consisting of quilts, aprons, children's clothes, flow- ers and many other articles will be offered for sale also hcane- made baking will be sold and af- ternoon tea will be served. Is Your Subscription Paid ? 11111111/1111111,111=1•11., BINGO ! •••=1”.M1111111 Under the -auspices of the Fish and Game Club. •Commencing at 8 o'clock. in the Store formerly the Radio Shop Saturday, Nov. 7th All proceeds for the "Cigarette Fund." GOOD PRIZES "The Lord Is .good, a strong- hold in the day of trouble and He kvoweth them that trust Him." Nahum 1117. Melville Church 11 A. M. "The Message of Jonah" Fourth sermon in Series on the Book of Jonah. 12.15 P.M. S.unelay School and Bible Class 7 P. M. "The Sim of Waste" COME AND WORSHIP United Church minister—Rev. Hugh D. •Wilson 11 A. M. Morning Worship "For the Ten's- Sake." Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P.M. Evening Praise "The Kingdom of God" "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." Church of England Parish of Brussels Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham 23rd Sunday After Trinity November 8th, 1942 ST. JOHN'S BRUSSELS 10:30 A. M. Sunday -School 11.30 A. M. morning Prayer and Sermon ST. GEORGE'S, WALTON 10 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11.15 A. M. Sunday -School ST. DAVID'S,: HENFRYN 2.16 P. M. Sunday -School 8 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Preaoher at all Services Mr. H. G. Melr of Seaforth Chairman Laymen's Associa tion of Huron Deanery. NOTICE ! • To Whom it may 00/100111 1 am not responsible for any debts or nets of any kind incurred or con• s- mitted by Duncan Harold Ferris. D. N. MoDONtALD. J C. Blackstone, piano tuner and organ repairer will be in this district this week. Orders taken at the Brussels Post or phone 119 Blyth. REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING... Ray Milland Paulette Goddard Reap The Wild Wind (Technicolor) The sweep and color of violent Key West of the 1840's scenes of bold piracy on the' high seas . .. the gracious drawing rooms and beauti- ful gardens of old Charleston .. all 'these provide a perfect background for the thrilling double love story. Mon., Tues. and Wed. Captain of the Clouds In Technicolor Starring James Cagney Dennis Morgan . Brenda Marshall A technicilor festival for the eyes, a powerful stimulant for the spirit, and rare entertainment of every brand rolled into a fine aviation story. This alt Canadian picture goes mill. tary when the boys, after listening to a Churchill broadcast Joln the R.C.A.F. Next ThUrs., Frt. & The Spoilers starring Mariana Deltrich Randolph John Wayne Coming— Remember The Day thinking of taking 4. limited number of music pepile in Brussels. Will these who are interested please eantmundeate with Miss Wheeler., Phone 14r-10 Church Notes The Wingitam and Dietrict General Ministerial Society met on Monday morning at the United Church Par- sonage. The meeting was addressed by Dr. C. J. L. Bates, returned Missionary from Japan. Fire At Jamestown 1. fire of unknown origin broke ottt in the upstairs apartment of Allan lercKeterer, Jamestown merchant, wake:1g theresidents at eve o'clock on Monday morning. Neighbours from the eurrourding farms gather- ed quickly ,and fought to 'bring the flames under ,control before the fire spread throughout the whale isund- hug. Due to dray efforts the fire was extihguished, though eonlider- able, demege was clone Th the stair room's. NOTICE 1 Mrs. W. M, Sinclair left a few things in ileaold h.ame, a hand- some chair, upholstered in green velvet,it has a round back with two tassels also a wicker rocking chair, a levermower amid some pictures which I value. Anyone having ,thetn, or knowing of their where- abonts, please write me and tell me where: to liedthem and I -will be greatly obliged. Address me: - 63 Kensington Ave., 'South, Hamilton, Ont. Bluevale To Hold Service On Sunday evening, Nov. 8th at 720 p.m, a service will be held under the auspices of Bluevale LOt. (765)„ In Bluevale United Church, The speaker will be Mr, Leslie H. Saund- els or Toronto, Past Grand Master. Mr, Saunders is a member of the .Salvattion, Army also member of Toronto city council for Ward one; a veteran of the last war and Editor of Protestant Action—memlbers of the •order are asked to meet at 7.06 p.m. at the lodge room. Special music by 'Belgrave United Church male quartette. Everyone welcome. Contemptible Sneak One of the natiest actsof thievery that has been brought to oar at- tention in soltne time took place in this village recently. Money, placed In, the containers in at least two business places, to go to the Brussels Ilish anld Game tOlub ',Overseas Cigarette Fund" was stolen:. Steal- ing of any kind is meet reprehensible but when a snealathief stoops to stealing the money contributed by the public to provide smokea for ,011T own boys serving overseas we call it downright contemptible, It is supposed that when the business- men ,o,f the places where it took place were absent, or basy, some person, or persons, took advantage of the • Opportunity to steal the meney, We Scott hope their ,cionsciente fuvotions enough to continually reminid them that because of what they did some soldier has fewer clgerettes. •••••••••.TA ...••••••••••••••••••• ^•-•••—•• !POULTRY Take your Chicks, Hens, Geese and Ducks to Samis for the Highest Market Prices,. F. M. SAIVIIS Phone 80, Brussels PLAY "Damsels In Distress" a three -act comedy will be pre- sented by the Londesboro United Church in The Foresters Hall, Belgrave Friday, Nov. 6 at 8.30 p.m. Under the auspices of Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave Admission, Adults 25c Children 15c Grey Township'Federation of Agriculture will hold their annual meeting in • Township Hall, Ethel Friday evening, Nov. 6 • at 8.30 p.m. Mr. V. & 'Milburn, Provincial Sec,'of the Federation will ,be the guest speaker. Social ~ling to f�Uow Leaks' king batcis • The Veholeisitigris .r.r4i/na..8“11, Friday evening, October 30th, Illuevale manse was the scene of a quiet wedding, when Ivy Bertrice Please * Parker was, united 10 marriage to • All veteee,`q ATP 411111,0(.1 10 * Pte. Charles Melvin, Thompson, O meet at the Brussels Town * * Hall, at 10.40 A.M, on Wed- * * nesday, November 11411, and * * mate+ to the. Cenotaph to * 1 place wreaths In memory of * * fallen comrades of the last * O Wan* Jos. President Brussels Branch * Canadian Legion * * * * * * * * * Victory Loan Report Lateet inreurnatien on the Victory Loan received frown Ottawa states that the consulative total of Canada's 'itied Victory Loan at close of business on leflantclay reached $661,- 2181,700. This compares with cash total at $579,151250 for the same period in the last loan ansi indioates that the 750 million minimum may be r each ed School Notes The Executive, have decided to timid an open Literary 'Society meet- ing iv the Towni Hall on the eventing 01 November 20, at which, the public is welcome. Diplomas, medals and shields will be presentee and a short concert by the students. f The newcomers to RCA. were in - Rioted lest Fridley and -Hor the pres- ent week are wearing their renovat- ed uniforms, The results of the first round of target shooting by all students above Glade 9 produced thefollow`ng four highest scores cot of 50: - Melia Bryans, 40 Ruth McDonald, 40 Saha Spivey, 34 Doug. Gemmel', 36 Former Resident Heads Active Organization In reading. the Peetth Courier we learned that 1'. W. Burchell, a form- er Brusseis resident, Is the newly electe,d president of the Canadian Club of Perth, which appears to he a motive argenization. At a recent Auction Salle and Bingo held under their atuspices the sum of $1,400 was realized, to be used for the• soldiers' comforts fund of the Perth Red Cross. - Livestock, produce, wood, articles used and unused, from the town and five neighboring towns:hips were donated end auctioned at the tONV41! square. The auction, realized $1300. to pnovitle Chriletmes boxes for district boys. In the evening a bingo game held in the Wien hall, realized an additional $150, for thesame fund, In.: auctioning the above mentioned . wood the en- thusiastic auctioneer, to meet the demand, 'unwittingly .sold 5'. W. Burckell's winter supply, which was piled close ter the regular supply. Cnnfirmation Service St. John's Church On Sunday, Nos, let at 7 Pm., Itt. Rev. C. A. Seager, MA,, D,D,, of London, Ont., Lord Bishop of Huron Dieeese, paid his annual visit to St. John's Anglican, Church for the purpose of administering the Apos- tolic Rite of Confirm,atiom Twelve candidates were presented by the Rector Rev,. M. F. Oldeneme- Mrs. Elisabeth ,Cathertne Sawyer, Mrs. Annie Isabel Pollard, Mr. Earl Max- well Somers Mr, Roy Wilson Kennedy, Mr. William Elmer Ella - colt, Samuel lames Maack, Kenneth Ross Fischer, AustreY Jean Alcock, Margaret Frances Workman, Harold lieward Drives& MoCateheont Donald kingh lefclOutcheoxi, • Forest Grant "Wilitterd, •- The Bishop delivered a, powerful and eloeuent oldness on, the. Penne- mence ,and infinence of the Christian Church hasinig hie remarks on our Lord's oonvereation. to It Peter in St. Matthew's Gospel Oh. 16 venae 18.20. His ,Lordeltip pleaded tor 'continual, support of the Church bY all peoples mkt to retain vital con- nection with it through Publie Wor- ehip and the Searietment, .raor9 was an attendante of' 188 at sties servloa Welters( Were Present, teem 1St, George's,' Waken; St. ,,d*nrryln and theiocai eherglee tore, 4 , youngest son of Mts. A. Thompson, Brussels, Bev. F. G. Fowler of- ficiat ed, The bride and groom were aecompanied try W. E. and Mrs. Willis, Brussels. Nicholson - Cook A quiet but pretty autumn wedding took place om Saturday afternoon at the United Church Parsonage when Wm. G. Nicholson) of Belgrave and Alive Edna Cook of Westfield were united in the bonds of matrinrony. Rev, H. c. Wilson, performing the ceremony. The happy couple were attended by LAC, C. It, /kneed Crawford of Goderich and Miss Zella Cook of Wingham, the bride's sister. The bride wore a gown of powder blue with ,brown accessories and a corsage of tea roses. Following a inlet trip to southern points in the Province, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson will take up their rest- dello° on a Harm at Belgrave, United Church Anniversary Services Largely Attended Tbe United .Church was fortunate this year in securing for the Anni- versary speaker Rev. C, J. L. Bates, M.A„ DD,, a returned missionary 01,0M, Japan, Dr. Bates spent forty years In Japan and during the past thirty years hes served in Education- al work, being associated. with the Univeneity of Tokyo as President. in a very able address given at the morning service Dr. Bates ques- tioned the right of .any nation to call 1188101 Christian and emphasized the evil of InsdiriFdualiere. Talaing as his text "The Kingdoms . of this world are bectene the king_ dams of our Lad and of his Christ," Dr, Bates asked: Is it true.? Is it becoming true, The church was well filled at both services. . The mete for the day was ex- ceptionally fine. The choir was assisted in the morning service by Miss Doris Ferguson iof Seaforth A male quartette consisting of Messrs Thomas, 'Strachani, Lloyd Wheeler, Clifford flusdhbln and john Bates took part in: both services. Miss Mary Zit:nailer rendered a, violin solo during the eventing offeritig. Holloween Damage No one objects to the youngsters having fun, 011 Hallowe'es. Candies and other goodies are readily and cheerfully handed out to the young spooks and gobline, who call at our homes. Pranks, such as removing steps and gates, upsetting wood- piles and soaping windows, which cause considerable inconvenience and work, are endured, by most people, with tolerance and under- standing when they pause to recall their own youth and Hallowe'en, but when it comes to destruction of property, particularly in wartime, by girls and toys well on in their teem and who undoubtedly know b:etter, it is conedderee the work of hoodlums who have no respect tor the property:of othets. The fact that the greater part of the damage was done during the early hours of Sun' 812' morning doesn't improve the situation but makes it worse In the opinion of most people, We under. i in the Brutesele Town Hall. A deuce, to the tousle ofthe Kirkby end Watt Orehestra was well ,attended anti took place upstairs while down.. stairs a, large nunther enjoyed the popular game of Bingo. During the course of the evening the draw for the 3 lots of wood, con - tattling 2 verde each, was made. Mr. D. N. MeDonald, having donated Or*, wood, took the platform and ,ailed on Sapper Harold Thotmas. one of the wounded heroes of the Dieppe raid„ to make the draw. The three names drawn were: Lawrence Plant, Jamestown and Jack Bennett, Wal- ton bath took their pikes of wood; Alex Brewer also won and took the cash, of which the winners bad their choice. Iiumediately after the draw a presentation of a purse of money to Sapper Harold Thomas, whose home was 'burned while overseaa, Adrian McTaggart read the following ad- dress:- . Bruseels, One, Oct. 80, 1942. To Mr, and Mrs. Harold Thomas. ." and Family: We' take thee opportunity of ex, pessing our heartiest thanks to oye. Herold for your brave fight for home and native land, You„ Mrs. Thosnas, kept the home fires burring even after having your houe. beer gutted by fire, you did rot give in, but set out to have It repaired before Harold came home. We cannot all go in training for Overseas wartime. Some are too' old, and some are too young. Others• not acceptable to the Medical Board - But we canat least give our blessings anal our thanks to one. that has returned. Pleese accept this gilt. . . - When, the war is over and Hitler is dead, He will go up te heaven with a crown on his head. But the "Lord" say:s.No You go down. below. • He's ail dressed up and no Place. to go. Signed on behalf of the Business Men and friends. i Mr. Thomas made a suitable reply, thanking all for their generous gift. Reeve Robb. Bowmen: made a few brief' remathe and thanked all for their suppeet. A hearty cheer was tendered Pte, and. Mrs, M. Thompson who were united in marriage at previous to coming to the hall. The Bingo, sponsored by the mere - bees of the "(Mal branch of the Can- adian. Legion was well patronized. 011 the whole e, geed time Wag had and the sponsors of the different Parts of the affair are to be congratu- lated, especially Mr, McDonald and the Legion. The ladies of the Red Geese had a booth and served sand- wiches rind ellocolate milk. The finance committee take this means Of thanking Mr. D. N. Mc- Do,nalti,- who besides donating the wood. paid all expenses entailed, and the Legion, as well as others who helped to make the affair such a big success. As the following statement denotes; - Selo of tickets on, wood, donated by D. N. 1Vicillen,alel - 71.76 Bingo, sponsored by Legion, $ 40.00 Sale of tickets for dance ..,... $ 15.70 At the booth $ 48.85 TOTAL $201.10- ' a. . Decoration Order Has Bean Changed stand that the school was broken Christmas Trees And Chi -W- 001 some damage, clone there as •mas Decorations Inside The Weil as the damage done 'elsewhere Home To Be Allowed Which was visible to church goers Tile Brass:els Hydro CO*111miSe Sunday morning. If the ones whose manes are lcnownand their toniundes wane rounded 11p and made to go eroond and repair the desnage they (tone it allot teach them et iesam, and give them some reepeet for the property of others. W e had hoped that year the Young people of Brussels, having. appeals over the air as Well as ,reari them it the prints, asking that no Mnperty he damaged this yeai, Voted heed 'them mid shot. the Middle that their lioesess the mental capaoity to aPPreciatit the meted of reetreint In their Halits*.e"en pranks; We are disappointed that the fin ehettid beligW lit a 014,0101- 001 flnet diistredA aur yemiligJaJbc mission have advised this paper thet •the festive period Deeember 24th: 1912 to ;Panuetry dst, 1942 inelltsiva will he A, period when horees eau ' brighten up indide as am order whioh was Previously tested by the Hydro Electrie has been altered to allow ;Christnnas Tree and Ohrit3treas decorations, ivithini the home for the above named period. '11its .change does not however in - Win& iigliting of Christmas trees on the home of home; or any other deo- onations not stitlictly wlthth the house. Tice order does not allow dirriet- Taos tree lighting or Glirfettneadecer. atiens in stores or any,,' other Place except within the &IOC