HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-10-28, Page 6Modem ESE By Roberta Lee 1. Is it customary for a house guest to bring his hostess some kind of gift? 2. Would eight or 10 persons be too many to stand in a receiving line? 3. Is it necessary for a man to thank a woman for a dance? 4. What would be the very small- est menu one should have for an after -theatre supper? 6. Does a bridegroom usually give his bride a wedding gift? 6. What is a good fruit course to serve for luncheon? 7. What would be a good toast foe a man guest to offer to his hostess? ANSWERS 1. Yes It is often done, but not absolutely necessary. The bread- and-butter letter Is really all that is expected and required, 2. Yes; there should not be more than four persons in the receiving line. 3. Yes; at the end of the dance. If It has lasted only one minute, or 30, the man should say, "Thank you." 4. One hot dish, such as chicken a la king or creamed oys- ters, a nice salad, and coffee. 6. Yes; it is customary for him to give her a gift of jewelry. 6. The most popular fruits are grapefruit, melon, or a mixture of fruits out into small pieces. 7. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our hostess, the wife of a very lucky man" HOW CAN!? ' By Anne Ashley Q. How can I keep the bird cage alean? A. Place five or six thicknesses of heavy white paper, cut to proper shape, in the bottom of the bird cage. Each morning a paper can be lifted out, leaving a nice clean floor. Q. How can I make a good paste? A. Take onehalf teaspoonful each of starch and flour and add a little boiling water; let stand for a moment, add more water, and stir and gook until thick. Thin paste will spread smoothly, stick well, and will not mold or discolor paper. Q. How can I keep kitchen knives sharp? A. Knives that are to be kept sharp must be stored properly. Fit them into a grooved box, Knives become dull if they rub against other articles. Q. How can I make poached eggs firmer? A, Add a tablespoonful of lemon juice to the water In which eggs are to be poached, and it will make them firmer. Q. How can I wash mirrors so that water will not get behind the frame? A. Be sure not to wash the mir- rors or glass with a very wet cloth, or some of the water may pene- trate back of the frame and injure the glass. just use a good, damp ohamois for this purpose. Blind Helping Build Bombers Some Turn Out More Work Than Sighted Employees Blind workers are helping build fighting and bombing planes at the Lockheed Aircraft factory, and their boss says that in some re- spects they are better than sighted employees. Eleven blind men and two sight- less women have been engaged in a placement test in the Lockheed plant for more than a month, and some of them new turn out more work than their fellows, due to higher power of concentration. "On some of the more difficult operations the duality of their work is above average," said C. L. Pel- ton, Lockheed superintendent of fabrication. "In every case with- in a few weeks the quantity of their work equalled or exceeded that of sighted persons on the same olio. - diem" Guide dogs bring the sightless workers to the plant each morning, threading their way through tite intricate aisles and buildings of the main Lockheed factory. There the dogs doze all day beneath their masters' benches. q. Miss .Hazel Hurst, Sightless pre- sident of a foundation for training blind persons at Monrovia, worked &t every job before selecting a ,blind worker to be placed in it. The number of Jobe they sax por- f0r111 with safety will alWays he limited, she said, e BBC Warns France To Be Prepared The BBC warned the French again that it was important now as never before for every French. man to be prepared for opera- tions by the Allied air forces, navies and armies. The French were advised to keep away from German headquarters and bar- racks, rail centres and repair yards and the fortified coastal zones. Nazis Desert On Journey To Front The Polish Government in London said it had received con- firmation of desertions by Ger- man officers and men from trans- ports crossing Poland to the East- ern Front. It said these desertions have become so frequent that the Ger- man authorities have been obliged to organize a special control sys- tem, Deserters who discard their military equipment and buy civil- ian clothes are said to reach Ger- many by applying to German labor offices recruiting workers for labor in the Reich. WHAT SCIENCE IS NM ICE INDICATOR ON PLANES There's a little gadget which has just been perfected that likely will make next winter's flying easter for the boys who pilot Allied bombers. it's an ice Judicator. It isn't impressive -looking. It weighs about five pounds and looks like a handful of telephone cord connecting two small black boxes, a dial and a plastic disc, It does these things: 1. It tells when ice starts to form an the plane. 2. It tells how thick the ice is. 3. It can switch on a d0 -icer. Iu abort, it means the bomber pilot has one less thing to worry about. It sounds very simple, But ac- tually the young scientist who lo - vented the gadget, Dr. Waldo Kliever, put the complicated new science of electronics to work to make it. It's the first time anyone has been able to measure the rate at which ice forms on a plane. Until now, the co-pilot has had to do the worrying and trust his own judgment. If you've ridden a sleeper plane, you've seen him at night come back into the cabin and throw his flashlight beam along the leading edge of the wing. He was looking for ice and trying to determine how thick it was. The indicator starts with a small disc set into any surface of the plane which wants watching. This disc is linked to a dial on the pilot's dashboard. When ice forms, the dial's needle swings to the right, and as It swings 1t indicates just bow much ice is outside on the wing. It isn't a gadget that measures dropping temperatures like a ther- mometer. It doesn't touch the ice. It simply registers "ice" because the ice changes the character of the electrical "field" around it. SOLOMON ISLAND HOT SPOTS SAV® OLEVUGA eSSLANW -eo Snit TANAMBOGO7 OAVUTU o` 0 [koala, U.5, POSITIONS aha, NJAPPOSITI0N5 MILES 0 20 Sealark Channel AIIRFIELD; •?tet, GUADALCANAL rsLial RUASURA MANUA CP 4.01y \i c1t RABAUL ALAMAUA BOUGAINVILLE''h UI�N SHORTLANDo t4" JAP BASES BOMBED BY AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN FLIERS 'I JAP ATTACK 04 PACIFIC OCEAN 0 The maps above Solomon Island area norbhern shore of G enemy is massing f field at Lunge. Th the Solomon group Australia Mal Own Optic Australia is now ma optical glass, urgently such instruments as 1 . field glasses and othe eye -aid used in modern years ago Sydney deal could not be done be optical glass was a tII handed down in ldrend man firms. Now a large works is making on a optical gins which noenee "equal and in so: superior to" the best o made in Europe. n of John nd Mrs. W. cry 111 im has been of (Brussels 'aright sue- s who has Walton. Mr. Stewart guests at the ounce Lay - mer preach- that L. 17. nt across a day over e men may C. as com- if Brooklyn, jug her par - Walker 1-r duties tLj Clinic R• - Russians Using Wooden Bomber Russian fliers are using a low - sliced light bomber made of wood and fabric for accurate night at- tacks upon Axis positions around Stalingrad, accoeding to the twiny newspaper Red Stat'. The plane is en improved model U-2, with a speed of only 60 to 90 miles an hour, Red Star said. It is 1'epot•ted the Germans used to laugh at the type, which they leaned the Woodpile, but that mockery had turned to fear. Red Star saki the 11-2 could Lake off anywhere teens() of its light OOnstrnoticn of woodwork and lin- en, raid silently with more precis- ion than e, dive -bomber and laird on a field illuminatedonly by a flashlight, The crews ware liaclared able to honi(u Houses held by the Gentians without hitting neighboring build - lugs in Ttussianhands, efr SANTA ra ,j3ABEL .14ts a tt` tithe (.3 the Dread jl air - )n 1 es NOTIltNpaily !eanand In the these es are eluding except es was 1 to eco- ar metal, seeseerealeaseesss y piece CANADA'S WAR j the lack The silver three penny piece, although seldom seep, is still be- ing struck, although the majority go to Scotland where there is a big demand for them. Before the ban there were about 2,000 million pennies in Britain, an average of 40 per person, `BLUE COAL' RAISES STANDARD OF HEATING COMFORT Thousands of families will tell you that 'blue coal' is the best coal you can use in these days of careful spending. Titat is because this dependable, even -burning an- thracite gives you more heating value for every fuel dollar you spend. It burns slowly, steadily and economically, It 11113 year home with uniform beat and saves you worry, trouble anti dollars over the healing Season, Let your near - sal 'blue coal' dealer tell you bow easy it is to heat your home the 'blue coal' way and save 1non3y, ton Phone him today. ' Have You Heard? The landlord of offices ten- anted by a final of Scots lawyers whose lease Was about to expire wrote to ask whether they were going to continue 111 occupation, Their reply Waal "Dear Sir, We are, Yours truly—" Not appreciating this effort in economy- of words --unci paper— he wrote again to demand whether or not it Was their intention to remain. The answer was: "Dear Sir, We remain, Yours truly" The landlord is not trying again. A milkman inducted into the army wrote back home from camp: "Bessie, I sure do like this army life. It's so nice to lie abed every morning until five -thirty." "On the day on which my wed- ding occurred—" "You'll pardon the correction but affairs such Its marriages, re- ceptions, dinners and things of that sort 'take place. Only cal- amities occur.' You see the dis- tinction?" "Yes, I see. As I was saying, the day on which my wedding occurred—" Teacher (pointing to deer at the zoo): "Johnny, what is that?" Johnny: "I dont know." Teacher: "What does your mother call your father?" Johnny: "Don't tell me that's a louse!" "Are you positive that the de- . fenclant was drunk?" asked the judge. "No doubt," growled the offi- cer. "Why are you so certain?" "Well," replied the officer, "I saw him put a penny in the patrol box on Fourth Street, then look up at the clock on the church and shout: "Gowd, I've lost 14 pounds." • Candidate: "How did you like my speech on the agri- cultural problem?" Farmer: "It wasn't bad, but a day's rain would do a heap more good. The musketry instructor was giving a squad of recruits their first lesson on the rifle. "Your rifle is your best pal," he told them. "Treat it as you would your mother, your sister or your sweetheart, . . rub it over with an oil rag every morning." "I hadn't been talking to the fellow for more than five minutes when he called me a fool," "What caused the delay?" Things Are Really Getting Very Hard Brother, things are really get- ting hard. Shortly, there is to be no more steel for springs in beds, chester- fields or over -stuffed chairs. Presumably after a night of sleepless tossing in worry over the slump in steel production, one of the experts of the Munitions De- pertinent decided that the metal whish had gone into his bed- spring might better have been us- ed for guns or tanks. Actually, there was nc ban yet on the use of steel in springs, ex- plained a Munitions publicity man, because the order hadn't been signed. ' No signed order --so no news, was the way he looked at it, with an eye to protecting the sanctity of Monitions' thousandth or so press release, "Anyway," he asked querulous- ly in after.thorght, "do we have to have chesterfields, and with springs':" Over 850,000 pounds of sun- flower seeds were shipped from Uruguay in a recent month, 00. Canadian Courses for Canadians Across. Canada are thousands of Shaw Graduates who have attained to fine, well- ppaid positions and noteworthy euacaesoe iaBadness,t!uoughShawspro id Shaw Horne Study Courses Provide pruo- ileal; thorough and ofiioinnt instO( tion. Stenoiraphlo General Aocounlonl(0.0,5 ) Secretarial Stationary Englnooring Bookkeeping Higher Amounting Cost Accounting ShortStory Writing Chartered Institute of Secretaries (A.0.1.5.) 1VritaJor Catalogue. Shaw Moeda, Dept. 15 Bay and Charles Ste. Yoram°, Ont PLEASE 5011NTION THIS ]'APER Relieves MONTHLY FE ALEi , IN Women who suitor pain of Irregular periods with cranky 00 VOU5nesa- 3u0 to monthly functional disturb' dices --should Rud Lydle. 5. P1 tk- hat is Vegetable Compound Tae els (W th added iron) fiery of/active to rel eve such distress, Plnkham's Tae lets made emceeing/ for worsen, help Mild up resistance meting; such annoying symptoms. Follow label crh'ections. Made in Canada, No More Brass adges For Army Metal To Be Conserved For Making Munitions No more brass will be released for the hat badges, tunic buttons, buckles, and web equipment of the Canadian armed forces, the muni- tion and supply department an- nounced recently. Metals Controller George Bate- man said the shortage of brass now is so acute that it must be conserved by the services as well as by the civilian. Enough will be saved by his ruling to make 26,- 000,000 6;000,000 .303 rifle cartridge cases per month. Instead os brass, a hat badge made of a plastic will be standard issue in a few weeks. John Eaton of Toronto, director-general of the general purchasing branch, hold- ing a sample, said "it is black in color, neat as a pin, and so tough that even a strong man could not BOOKS ON ALL SUBJECTS MEDICAL ROMANCE, HUMOR, EDUCATIONAL, PSYCHOLOGY, I3est Sellers, etc.! Rush stamp for catalogue. WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS, Box 24 TB, Regina, Sask, break it with his hands," The metal parts of the web equipment will be steel, coated with a black flaish. "As for the turtle buttons," said Mr. Eaton, "a final decision has not been reaohed by the services, The buttons must match the belt buckle, and the buckle will be made of a plastic, or of the same black -finished steel that will go into the web equip- ment." quip- ment" Officers as well as N.C,C.'s and men will be affected by the new ruling. What substitutes the (ffio- ere will use will be determined by the armed forces, said the depart- mental statement, but meanwhile the badge suppliers have some stocks on hand and new officers will not have to wait for their uni- forms. ETTEll RECORDS are REQUIRED to meet today's Merchandising problems. Payroll Records are NECESSARY Worry and expense preparing Government Returns can be eliminated by using a RAMSAY SYSTEM Designed to fit your needs, and your purse—From $6.76 to $70.00. Write for Details RAMSAY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 200 Bay St. - Toronto - Dept. 314 CLASSIFIED ADVE ' 1SEMENT ACCORDIONS WANTED ACCORDIONS WANTED Best prices paid for piano accordions, twelve to bun - tired and twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. bioslenl instrument .Department Toronto AGENTS WANTED . WANTED NOW! LOCAL AGENTS in country and town spare Erne. We operate a six hundred acre nursery — stock the best in fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses. Write Pathan) Nursery Co., Toronto. ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGY! AMAZING TRIAL reading. Send birthdate and dime. "Delmarr", Box 22, Cres - rent, B.C. AU'rO81011LLES—USED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2548 Yonge Street; Head Office, 012 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone EY. 2181. BABY CHICKS ATTENTION—POUL TRYKEEPERS —your Bray Chicks for delivery this fall should be ordered now. Hatching regularly. Have you our Pall Service Bulletin? Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Ham- ilton, Ont. ItUILDING LOT BUILDING LOT, 86 x 130 FEET, ON Eleven Highway, Bracebridge, Muskoka, good drainage; water and lights pass by. W. Mayes, Rracebridge. DYEING C CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for tnrormetion. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Fangs Street. To- ronto. FARM 'EQUIPM111NT SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST— Melo tie Cream Separators, new and rebuilt; Metotte Magnet and Premier Separator Parts; rebuilt Pull and Semi-Dlesel Engines - 18 -22 H.P.Blackstone, 20-.,5 H.P. Deutz, 20 10.P. Marshall, 20-26 01.F, Feirbanke; Pumps and Wat- er ,Systems' Coal and Wood Stoves; rebuilt Lots Mills, Grind- ers, Parra Hammer Mills, Lister Gasoline Engirds; one only new Super 102 Massey -Harris Tractor; one only New Idea Manure Spreader; one New practically new G Mowing Machine; Cement Mixer; Turnip Putper; Hay Rake and Binders; Lister Diesel En- gine and Marshall Engine Parte; neW Washing. Machines; Paint Special—Greys and browns at 31.25 per gallon, S. A, Lister, Stewart Street, Toronto. p'ARRIS WANTED WAITING CLIENTS FOR FARM and small acreage In all parts of Ontario; guaranteed solo 10 a few days if, price right. Renton Realty, 624 Mt. Pleasant Toronto. FEE)) A11I,L CHOPPING AND FP1.ED. .MILL, Good line business in good farm- ing community, A. G; Kristine, St. Pia rys, Ont.... b'OO'I' BALM BAUMelial A GOUT BALM 808310ye offensive odor instantly, 45o •bbttle, Uttewe agent, Denman Drug Store, 01 lawn. MEDICAL LASS;. CHANCE. AT REDUCED PRICE 701.3 TIIE READIIRS OP TI'Ita paper cut out this nd and receive two boxes' of Mo1'Je8c17's Nerve Remedy for 31.00, andfind tato strength flow bade In yob .and be ral'ht' to go. Don't delay. Orford l3. Morlsecy, 637 Main St., Saint John, N.B. FARM FOR SALE 260 ACRES, NICELY SITUATED, one of the best farms in Guelph township, In pink of condition, plenty water, excellent gravel. This farm has never been rented. Would make ideal dairy farm. J. McAninch, Guelph, Ont. R.R. 4,.' Iron SALE SCARBOROUGH TOWNSHIP — 15 miles from Toronto -150 acres, 2 Houses and 2 Barns, ;10,000.00. Must sell to close estate. Pub110 Trustee, Oegoode Hall, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN MAIRDRESSINO- THE ROB- ertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS — EVERY SUP- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MEN WANTED FIFTEEN MEN FOR TANNERY labour, one Third Class fireman and two Fourth Class firemen. Apply Employment & Selective Service Office, 131 Sixth Street, New Toronto, Ont. NEW EMBOSSED PICTURES NEWEST THING! ! BEAUTIFUL embossed pictures, assorted sub- jects, including rellglous—small, 21,00; medium, $1,25; large $1.50. Postpaid. A real gift. (25ealere write). Ace Art Serviee, Toronto. - OLD RUGS RESVOVEN NEW RUGS, NEW RUGS MADE PROM old. Dominion Rug Weaving Com. tanto 0641 hooka ZSt• W., Toronto, PATENTS PET 14IIIRS'l'ONEAMIE & COMPANY. Patent Solicitors. EustabIbebed 1890;. 14 King W est, Toronto, Booklet or Information on re- quest. PATENTS & TRADE MARKS EGEERRTON R, (.ASE, REG1STEItnD United States, Canadian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis, Established over forty years, 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto, PERSONAL QU1CI( RELIEF FROM ECZEMA and other skin diseases with No. 5". rt works wonders. Stone 15011 promptly, heals slain quick- ly. Ellk's Medicine Co., Box 284, Dept. 16, Saskatoon, Sask. Pla1Lti(iNAL OPERATIONS AND ILLNESS avoided. Why not enjoy life? In- quire. No obligation. Stamps appreciated. Nature Laws, Box 872, Brandon, Man. 1' I1rlTtif:R A P111' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Te. 11 eit1, stein, or 111.8 • HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mail Any 5 or 8-.expesure flim perfectly developed and printed for only 06e, Sdpretne quailiy and fast service gen n steed, IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station .1, Toronto 08111152(8 AT I O I'AINS TRY 1T! 077E117 SU.FFE1tleR or Rheurnatia .reins or Neuritis' eholitd try Dixon's! Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid;1,00. _. 51I0it7'II,INI) GREGG SHORTIIAN.D SYSTEM. of Champions. .caught In loading sahoels, Gregg Publishing Com- pany, Toronto, Ontarle. ISSUE 44--'42 -