HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-10-28, Page 5Scrap Metal Collection If yea don't already know that. it Is unlawful to bans' more than 500 lbs. of scrap metal about your place, be it now linown. THIS IS A CALL FROM YOUR REEVE OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP. P p,' aneLL ea To gather ALL scrap metal (cast iron and steel) about your property and have It ready to place at a named spot OM each mile -and -a -quarter Rom where a general collection will be made at a date to be set later. Come on folks let's gather EVERY pound don't leave it lay even if it is under the 500 lb. mark 1 It is not compulsory to do It that way. You may sell it yourself or give it to any war organization to benefit. , , , uOY C39ir E ant Be Mav`i-hIIYfg Ta'reit TeAa mita iL Factories NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Sarah Crich, late of the Village 09 Brussels, iu the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 21st clay of January, 1942, to send same to the undersigned on or be- fore Saturday, Nov. 14th, 1942, as on and after that date the administrator of the said estate shall proceed to make distribution of the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims then filed. DiA,bed at Goderieh this 21st day of October A.D. 1942. R. C. Hays Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, FOR SALE— Buy your automotive and radio supplies at The Canadian. Tire Corp„ Store, Campbell's Garage, Wingham. Large stock always carried. i Easy Hron Produce Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone (lb Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everytbig to make the hens lay 'A' Grade eggs We are- 'lin- tl a --- snarket for all kinds of IPO'ULTtr Y! “Flock Culling A. Specialty" Bring Us Your Eggs Our Motto— Honest Grade on every egg BELGRAVE George Higgins:, 1S -year-old son. of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon I-Iiggin.s, 3rd lire of Morris, 'net Pith an unfortun- ate nfortunate accident, when he was kicked on the knee by a horse. The injury was so severe that he was taken to a London hospltad for treatment. The Laymen's Aslentation of the Deanery of Huron has planned a month of special services in all churches throughout the deanery. The cainpaign has been arranged to be of particular interest to the men of the church. The executive of the association appeals to every man in every parish to sign up in the army .of Christian witness against the armies of evil. Iu, a.ecordamce with this plan, W. D. Sutton, principal of Alexaudma• school, London., spoke in Trinity Anglican church S'unclay afternoon, and gave a woncierfwl address on the growth of Christianity since the days of Christ, ' Misses Dorothy Wade and Beth Brydges sang a duet. To Form A.Y.P.A, A meeting of theyoung people of Trinity Anglican deurclu was helld on Tldclay evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Riolnard Procter. The rector, Rey, P. H. Streeter was in charge of the meeting, Mrs. R. Procter acted as secretary. A reso- lution was passed to organize an Anglicans Young People's Associa- tion., and the following officers were elected: President Miss Dorothy Wade; vice-president, Alex Neth• erg; secretary, Miss Beth Brydges; treasurer, Miss Marion Nethery; organist, Miss Shirley Nethery; program committee, Miss Shirley NOTICE ! Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List Voters List, 1942, Municipality of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with .Section 8 of the Vot- ers' List Act and that I have posted uv at my office at the Village of Brussels, 1942, the Bet of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality at Municipal Elections, and that such lists remains there for in- spection. And I herelby call upon all voters to bake innmediate proceedings to have any errors or omissionsoor- rected according to law, the. last day for appeals being the 14th day Of Novesnthee, 1942, Dated this 15th day of October, 1942, R. S. WARWICK, Clerk of the Village of Brussels. L and Jckson Motors Ltd. GENUINE FORD PARTS & ACCESSORIES Batteries • New & Used Tires Gas, 00 8z Antifreeze HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Phone 161 L.istawe(, Ont ICOBAC l:dR A IVI I{ I't,;Om, smOKI Nelile>'y and Claire VanCamp. Meet- ings will be held every two weeks. A em eessful 'bingo and dance was held in the f'oreeters hail with An Ibur's orchestra supplying the music, xroceetls are to go for cig- arettes for local boys on active ser- vice oversoae. Personals: Mee. Phillip Baker and daughter, Mites Annie 13ulcer, Wing - ham, with. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wiilehrsom; Mrs. 'Harvey Watson, Loroton, with her sister Mrs, Wil- liam Dunbar; Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Armstrong, Kitchener. with rela- tives: Mr, and Mils. Lloyd FIutton and Mr. asd Mrs. George Johnston in Toronto; John Armstrong, Lou- don, ; with relatives and friends Jack and Gibson Armstrong, Brampton ecu New Hamburg, with their parents; Mise Velma Wheeler with relatives in London. Clifford Logan, Brantford, at his home here, Mrs, J. A. ,Brandon with friends ie Winghamc. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Geddes and Mrs Robert Nicholson with relatives in, Blue - vale. Mr, and Mrs. James *Leaver, Winghani4 with Mrs. John Coupes, Sr„ Mr. ahtl Mrs, William Johnston, Bluevale, with Mrs•, J. A. Brandon. BLUEVALE Mr. Russel Barnerd of the Air Force spent a few days with his parents Mr, and Mrs, IOward. Barnard and family. Mr, and Mrs, Robt, A>itcheson of Ripley visited for a few -clays with Mr, and Mrs, Robt. MicClenman and fancily and other friends on the 1st litre, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Emma visited on Sunday after- noon, with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Sohn - sten. 1st line, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mothers stud fancily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Bosnian and sons. Mr, Norman Barnard, of Kitchener Went the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Edneard Barnard, and also Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston .and Mr, and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and family spent Sunday there. Mrs. Wm, Abraham and eon 'Ross visited on :Samday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Motleenan and Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Aitcie'son. Mr. Ernest Ohurchili of Lemington spent the week end with Mr. an Mrs, 1Vm, Falconer and Mrs, Fr Chumchill. WALTON The E.F.:W;O. met at the home Mrs, Geo. Dundas on Get. 21st, 112 R. Stimpson gave suggestions Preparing petteninial bor'dees. Mr Oster was guest speaker. The ne meeting will be held at the hone Mi's, J, Bewley. The Women's Guild of St, Georg Chnroh, Walton, entertained 1 Woutelt's Guild of St. John's Clare Brussels at the honie of Mrs. Mortesoai, Walton on Friday evens Oct, 93rd. A very pleasant eveni was spent and the President, Al Wm. Humphrey of. St. Georg Guild, Walton welcomed the visitor and presided over the followin Programme: Piano solo by Mi Emma :Sanlderts.on; solo by Miss Is belle •Davidson; Sacred solo by Mr iDarnigi•e; Piano instrumental by Re' M, F. Oldham; 4Commuulty semen was also indulged in, A Duteli Auction, of pair of pillow •slips made and donated by Mrs, G, Muldoon wag held. Mr. Jmo. Fischer was auction ear. A tasty and delicious lunch was served at the close of the event ,and a cordial vote of thanks given to Mrs. A Morrison, The Annual Sapper anci Bazaar of St, George's Chuneh will be held on Saturday, Nev. 7th, Rev, L. 0. 'Hellos, Dean of Resi- desoe of Huron' JOollege, London, Preached an impressive sermon in St, George's Church last Sunday a.m. Visiting preachers from London Meoupied the pulpits throughout Huron, Deanery, Service next rS`anday in• St. George's Church at 9.30 a.m., Nov. ist, On Nov. 8, Mr. H. G. Mier of S,eatfolitir„ President of Ituron Dean- ery Laymeets Aseoriatton will preach at 10 a.m. Brussels and Mloncr'ieff Atixiliaries of the W.M.S. met at Waiten on Oct, 15, Mies Knox presided and opened the meeting by the use of hymn no, 1 atter which Mrs, Bryans led in prayer. Pea•Im 145 was read by TL&E BRUSSFIL S POST of welcome were extended the glints by Mrs. A. McCall while Mra, Nelson Reid rendered the solo "Nies• to the Heart of God," Mltig, Broadfoot offered prayer. Rev. Reba Bern whom we were very pleased to have present was introduced by Mrs, Gordon McGavle, Her stirring message, was from John 16:7—"IL ye abide in ane and my works abide in you, ye shall asic what ye will and it shall be done." The church, she stated needs to know how to abide. The eenclitions of the world today will never be right until every- one abides. A vote of appreciation was offered Mies Hern and the 'notion, was seconded by Mrs. Coutts, Lunch was served and a soeial hour spent together, Classified .Ada FOR SALE— A quantity of Table Turnips. phone 57X 17. Dennis FOR SALE - 60 year-old White Leghorn Hens. phone 11-r-1 Earl Sellers FOR SALE— One hand washer with wringer, ph!on0 49-r-9 Mrs, R. W. Whitftid FOR SALE— 22 Oxford lewe .Breeding Lambs, 8 Pigs 6 weeks old. phone 82-r-4 Roy Bennett FOR SALE— - Frame building, 12 feat by 18 feet, pine novelty siding, nearly new, 1 oak farm wagon, phone 25-r-5 Carl. Hemingway FOR RENT— Fifty acre farm next Cemetery owned by Mrs. Margaret Skalitzky. Apply at office o2 3LMER D. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. 'WANTED -- To purchase pullets all ages, and breeds. Get our paying prices before selling. Also wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for 1943 season. Flocks culled and blood tested free. Good prices paid. Write for 'full details,—Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario: FOR SALE— The Grammage block on the West side of.Turnberry Street, Brussels, cansdstng of H. B. Allen's Drug Store, The Scotch Thistle Restaurant and Clare Long's Grocery Store. apply Mrs, Rose Gammage, Box 351, Grimsby, Ont. Weci/teethe October 21st, 1942 Scrap Metal Collection It is unlawful to have over 500 lbs, of this vital material on your premises, You have the privilege of selling your scrap metal (oast iron and steel) to a dealer, or giving it to any war organization to benefit by the proceeds , , IT MUST' BE MOVING TOWARD THE FACTORIES As the Warden, and in turn the Reeves, of each townsrip have been appointed to organize the collection of scrap metals . , LET'S TRY ONE BETTER, BY GATHERING UP THE SMALLER LOTS AND HAVE IT READY TO TAKE TO PLACE WHICH WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER FOR ORGANIZED COLLECTION. Your Reeve of Grey Township • - T, C. Wilsons requests that you Start Now To Collect Every Po ,, d ; Scrap (cast ;von ors ,0) STEL Geglnning Saturday, Oct. 31st the Ethel Public Library will be open each Saturday afternoon from 1 to 6 pm. The "children's, story hour" will be resumed at 2 pen. The reasonable membership fees of last year still prevail, The library now has about 1000 good hooks of popular authors and also a splendid eoltee- tiou, of the best magazines. The cblldren's section will be greatly augmented shortly. If you are not already a nnaanber of the library, come in and bring the childern, Many from here attended the Anniversary Services at Cranbrook Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Keneth MotnLeate of Wingham delivered two fine addresese. Personals— Miss Elizabeth .Fear of Woodstock spent the week end at her home here. L.A.C. Stanley Ale>.r-tlec of Trenton bad a few days with Mrs. Alexander and family lately. Mr. W. McCreath was home to Kincardine over the week enol. Tpr, Larne Jardine of Camp Borden was a visitor with his par- ents over the week end. They motored Min back to Camp Borden on Sunday and spent a few hours there. Mr. Lorne Vodden of Hamilton visited . his sister over Sunday, Mrs. Cameron Cochrane, Mr, L. J. Sinclair and Miss Viola Turnbull of Hamil- ton were home over the week end. Mr, and Mrs, E. L. Jardine left Tuesday morning for Lanark County where Mr. Jardine intends to enjoy a I few days' hunting, Mr. ,1. Jonas of luloleswarth visited his daughter Mrs. Chas, Scheerer over Sunday, Miss Hilda Begg and her mother of Hespe•lei, also Miss Agues Holmes of 3n1 line Wallace and Mrs. J. Holmes visited with Miss Elizabeth Bishop recently. Mr. Edward Gill has purchased the property and farm of the Late James McCartney and intends moving there in the early spring. Don't forget the euchre and dance on friday night in Ethel township hall, Oct. 30tOh, under the auspices of the war -workers unit. NOTICE under a recent Order of the Steel Controller SC -1.6, it is now an offence to retain more than 500 lbs. of .S'orap Iron or Steel. I have been named the representa- tive of the Steel Controller for the County of Huron :and have delegated the Reeves of each Municipality as my representative in their respective Municipalities. These men and their committees are able to advise as to the disposition of your serail. I bespeak for these men the hearty co-operation of every rate- payer in the County so that every particle of ;scrap metal may be collected without the exercise of drastic measures. George Armstrong Warden County of Huron 1lSi� CpikWASS TONIGHT BARNES'S TOMORROW Notice to C;recittors In, the estate of JOHN WRIGHT late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Gentleman, alto died on or about the twenty-eighth day of September, A:D. 1942. TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav- ing claiuts or demands against the estate of the above detaraased mutst mail paiticuians and proof et same to the unclersigned,achninistrator or, to his solicitor on or before the four- teenth day of November, A.D. 1942, upon whtoh, date the sand actminis. mater will proceed to distribute the meets with regard onlyto those chime which he shall then have re- ceived', • DATED at Brussels this twenty seventh day of October, A.D. 1942. Water 1t.. Hunan Administrator 1i' lilt solicitor C, JOS09PR BEN- SON, Brusssele>. Ontario, acting for Miner b. De11 who is absent on Aettee Service, Mrs. Harvey ,lshnston followed by,• prayer by 'vire, i9rt.zeiwOOci, Words \ Look At Your Label — Is carelessness the enemy within your gates? An upset lantern may prove as disastrous as a fire bomb. Matches where children can get them are as dangerous as a fire maniac. Putting coal oil in the stove is akin to putting a torch to your house. A car, truck or tractor driven on your barn floor may reduce your buildings to "scorched earth," Safeguard life and property by practising every safety, measure. Don't seta lantern down, even on a window ledge, but hang well up with a good strong snap. Keep matches in metal boxes out of the reach of children. Don't revive a fire. with coal oil or gasoline, If you must drive a motor driven vehicle on your barn floor, make sore that the floor is swept cyan of everything flammable. Life is dear—and buildings almost impossible to replace for the duration. Furthermore, your farm is one of the food baskets of the Empire --a vital cog in our Victory machine. Fight to prevent fires, for your loss is the Nation's loss now, Tuts ADVRRTISIcMENT IS SPONSORED BY 1'11E FOLLOWING COMPANIES: I11111IIIRf�ltf•r•. _.. _. Fanners' Central Mutual Fire Insuranod Co', Walkerton, Ont. llowick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Wroxeter, Ont Elora Fartners'Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Atwood, Ont.