HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-10-14, Page 2Heart of Gold by eat Moore c-=='— tL'=1. Mr. Travers sat silent for the apace of a full minute, while his eyes were hse:i un her whit au expression of curreutserati.,n in their grey depths so like her own. sem turgid, uld lady," lie Aside and it was: evident that he was mak- ing a great chart to speak c:heeleully, 'that it isn't a question of both of us goitrg to Gerateny. You see, the particular spa which he assures me is the only one that eau possibly do any good at ail, is one of tate best known and most expensive places where one eau stay, The sort of place where it costs about a pound a minute to live, and I'nm afraid we couldn't menage for both of us to go there." , Jeanie face clouded over still further, "But I hate the idea of your going away w;ihout are, daddy," she said miserably. "Not half as munch as I hate the idea of going away and leaving you alone in England," he replied. "But you do see the point, don't you?" she nodded bravely. "Oh, yes, of course, and I shan't make any fuse about it!" [Ils hand, which still lay over here, squeezed it tightly. "That's a good girl," he said Neely. "Of coulee, I should simply love to take you with me. Think what a time we could have poking round the quaint, foreign places to- gether, but it simply caai't be done!" "Then I suppose" --Sean had al- ready' made up her mind to put as good a face on it as possible—"that I stay on in the house alone. But you needn't think that I shall have much time to miss you, daddy, be- cause, you see, I shall be so frightfullly busy. There'll be all the housework to do ,and then I might get some sort of little lob as a .111111, FOR MEN The Eke "Es. wire" —hand. somo and mom rust. lest an .(hewn. eWEra' >alcq $2756 Model In the smart coral shade, $2375 FOR LADIES c. Qrarwtaal, styled Eioo ' foratte...te Ow now . doral O e $2175 ThisIs the beautiful Eke "!mazy"-iIny, $375 yet dependable EASY CREDIT 'MIMS Shop at 5lvauge'S IT PAYS SEAFORTH, ONT, Our Diamond Room Afford' priVacy When Buying nursery guvcruess, or a mother's help, or something, The money I should earn that way would help to pay your expenses in Germany." Mr. Travers shook his head, and lois eyes were very tender as they looked at her, "I'm afraid it won't be a question of staying on in the house," he said. "You see, the house will nave to be given up. We shouldn't be able to afford to keep up two establishments, one in Germany and one in rugland. Besides, I should hate the idea of your living there alone after I have gone," A sudden look of' alai= crept into J'ean's eyes. "I know what you're going to sug- gest," she said quickly, "and 1 simply can't do it!" "Now don't be difficult, Jean," be impiared her. "I dislike your Aunt Margaret as much as you do, but she seems to be the only possible solu- tion to our difficulty," For a moment Jean's lips took on rebellious twist, and it seemed as though she were gotinig to ignore her her father's plea for reasonableness,. "I can't go and stay with Aunt Margaret!" she said imploringly. "It islet only that I dislike her with her invalidisth ways, when. all the time one knows that there is nothing ttahatever the matter, but I don't like any of her Densly—Grace, or Olive, or any of them!" "But," Mr. Travers entreated, "if only she will have you to stay with her think haw it will simplify every- thing. We shall be able to let the house furnished and cut all our ex- penses In Mudtharpe, then there would only be what I should give your Aunt Margaret for your keep and the money I shall have to spend in Germany. So do • be reasonable, dear, and agree to this plan." Jean thought it Diver for a moment in silence. "How long does Dr. McNab think that you will have to stay in Ger- many?" he wanted to know. Mr. Travers shrugged his should- ers. "It all depends," he told her gently, "on how I get on.. It may be three months, it may be six it may be a year. No one clan say at Present." Jean groaned audibly. "A year of Aunt Margaret." she said wretchedly. "Not to mention the feet that there would be Grace and Olive and the others, including that horntble child, Bertis." "Well, let's hope it won't be as long .as a year," said Mr. Travers comfortingly, "Perhaps I shall get ' on so well that the doctors will allow me to Dome home et the end of three months. Even, Aunt Mar- garet would be bearable for, three months." ,Dean was stricken by sudden re - melee, "I would put up with her for a year or ten years it it would add to your peace of mind," she told him. "And I'm a beast to have made all this song and dance about having to go and stay with her," The affection in Mr. Travers' eyes grew deeper still as he Iooked at his daughter, "You're getting more and more like your dear mother," he told her. "Sire used. to pretend that she was not going to do what I wanted her to, and thea she would give in as sweetly as anyone could wash." "All right, daddy," seed Jean, with a rather shaky little laugh, "I'11 go to Aunt Margaret if you want me to" Them she added wistfully --"When are you startling for Germeny?" "Well, Dr. McNair was anxious for me to go as soon as possible. As I said, he seems to thank that I've put off having any kind of treotment far too long as it is, so he wants me to begin at once. Of cowrie, I shall have to find an understudy for tiny work at the church, and get some- one to take on my mrnsttc pupils, but I ought to have ,got eeerytaning fixed up and be ready to start by the entl ter nest week!' "Then"—Jean purred hack the chair on which she had been. Sittingg, and reee to her feet with It tittle courageous 19,1mb—wither, steelier *i get along hems the !lettere because T trate to begun seeing bot getting Yost' clothes read, for you" CHAPTER 1I. Aunt Margaret's News. Mr, Travers sat down as soa11 as he got Monte and wrote to hs sister - hl -law, asking her to look after Jean during his unavoidable :absence. Airs. Sande did not reply till neatly the rod of 'Ute week, and during the iutesval the two of them got well eheaal with their atrnngetnonts. A 1.rcum was sugared to do the work of organist at St. Luke's Church, and a substitute was found who undertook to give music lessens to Mr. Trawl's' pupils for the time helot;, Meanwhile, Jean was very busy seeing to the arrangements for their double departure. Site overhauled both her father's scanty wardrobe and her own, mend- ed' everything that needed mending and bought the very few extra things which site considered unavoidable, When at last Mrs. Sautes' answer did arrive, it was a characteristic epistle. "Dent Thomas," she begun, "I am vea'y sorry net to have answered your letter before this, but I have, as usual, been in a very poor state of health, and even the thought of. whiting a letter to me own brother- in-law was too match exertion for me. "I see that you ask me to have Jean to stay with me here while you aro airwad. It must be very pleasant to 'be able to shelve your responsibili- ties on to someone else while you go away on a plteasan't trip•" "A pleasure trip" groaned poor Mr. Travers to himself, when he bad read as far as this. . Then he went on reading aloud— "I must say that I should very much like it if I were to be able to go and have a course of treatment in a German Spa, because the other Say I had a distinct"—this fast woad heavily underlined—"twinge of rheumatism in my left knee, but, zi e ME BRUSSELS POST CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES ass! these are luxuries which are tar beyond my means. I am oulY glad to !tear thwt you can alforcl them," "Old cat," murmured Mr. 'Travers, "as though I were going to Germany for a holiday trig, and as though I should be going at all, sunless I couldn't help it." Then he continued reading— "But, of coulee, the mother of a big family is never able to think of herself of her own health, "It will be highly iticonvendent""— tles was also underlined—"for us to have Jean to stay with us just at Present, but I suppose I must be unselfish stud allow her to come." It was Jean's turn to comment upon the letter, "It was always so nide," she un- served plaintively, "to be made thoroughly welcome when you offer to go and stay with people, "Never mind," said. her father con solingly, "there isn't very much more of this gracious eep1stle, "She will, of course," he continued reading, "be willing to make herself useful in the house, that," he added warningly "means that you will be expected o do beef the housework." "1 shan't" mind that," replied Jean sturdily, "housework never worries me, and, ber,'tde, it will stake the time pass quicker." Mr. Tavers picked up the letter again. "Give her my leve;' he read," and tell her that there are a great many Idtte ways in which she will be able to help me with the children. Ever WIN THIS WAR New is the time to clean out all the old clothes around the house. Rags can be put to a hundred uses. Wool rags are particularly valuable. Don't waste a thing. Keep turning all the scrap metals, rags, paper and bones in your house into war production material. ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES Wednesday, Octdiber 1'At1t, 194i2 hen in oid ATt� estori's hiestaura i11YQ��"+ e Aw ' ` 1.7 n:,:Anninhila tsw m rtL•-- . ftcrus your affectionate sister-tneew, Margaret Ssurds," He folded up the letter, and slip- ped it back into its envelope, then Ore looked thoughtfully' across at his daughter, TO BE CONTDNUED, War Risk Premiums Are Announced -- .Premium rates under the War Risk Insurance Act win be 15 cents for $100 on private dwellings, out- buildings, g'ar'ages and their contents, including private passenger auto- mobiles under an ordecdn-council made public last week. Fire insurance companies will act as agents of the government in the .col1ecitien of premiums under the scheme, which is effective as of Sep- tember 15, and by the order compan- ies are auithoeized to execute policies. The Neeson wishing to protect household and personal effects in private personal fuse, wherever they are located; can also obtain insets ante at the rate of 15 cents per $100. A similar rate will apply on farm properties and their contents, includ- ing prviate garages, barns, outbuild- ings, farm implements, automobile live .stock and produce. Olturches, hospitals, educational charitable and religious, iustitutioun libraries, mnseulIs and public build- ings will receive the rate of 15 cents dor $100, hut 90 per cent coinsurance wilt he obligatory, On all other property insured un- der the standard application form, the rate will be 25 cents for $IOD vVII ill 90 per eent co-insurance obligatory. Under the order, Finance Minister Ilsley. is authorized to requite as a condition of any insusanoe policy le - sued that et least 90 per cent of al/ the insurable propery of the insurers be covered in the application, Forms and instructions have beers issued to fire insurance companies to Prepare them for the taking of apples cations. GET YOUR Fe.,JdANEN'S ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERUESS THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.26 Including Shampoo Permanent $2.00, $2.60 and $5.00 Including finger 'wave and shampoo Telephone 56x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAURANT" O•:. ONNNoKK♦♦44 4 O♦4♦ K ♦ •K ♦.'.mNW♦N♦' ♦ KN rbr � r 4s. -Busj ess y as i .-- PZ ;Y6 Allan A. Lamont .t, 4+ Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurgoce y=o 4:♦44o Get particulars of our Speciale Automobile Policy *et o+ for farmers. e t os Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 "� 4♦ ,2; :a t y, 4+0 04 014 9 Ob 0:4 40 ;14 04 2 o'o 0�4 ♦�pO ♦♦4 6 04 SPECIALIST IN FARM AND 'HOUSEHOLD SALES. ♦E 4 (Licensed in Huron and -Perth Counties) 44 0R1Cee REASONABLE; SATISFACTION GUARANTEE) 04x4 Fee Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on 651, e 0 daaforth; R.R. 1, Brucettolsl. ♦44 Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Bell, W. S. Donaldson — Licensed Auctionee'1 for the Counties of Il uron and Perth A phone 35-r-13 — — Atwood, Om to A11 Sales Promptly .Attended to Z; --CHARGES MODERATE «t'� For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and they FO ` will be looked after immediately. s.:,, WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. Chas. T, Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Suckness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X RESIDENCE 87.8-2 Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson e�♦ Barrister etflce. D. A. .RANN - FURNITUR.414; 0610.1.0411MMINIPMW01.0410000116001.0E FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE ♦♦ % Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 .- - — BRUSSELS, ONT.. 411. ,i' i°IONL'"'42 P. O. BOR i i=t 7URNBERRY 81'. .•._,t-- BRUSSELS, ONT. ♦• O 4�a , I 1 1 I t l 6 • it • •f I <•♦ JAMES McF4 DZEAN Howuok Mutual Fire Insa' nce '�-,w1e►— Hartford Winddtor!tn, Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance