HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-10-7, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Auction Sale Auction Sale
Farm, Farm Stock & . implements of Farm Stook, Implements and
Lot 3, Con. 10, Grey Twp.
some Household Effects
%miles East pf Brussels
at 1 p.m.
Harold Jackson has been Instructed
to sell by Public Auction the fel-
IMPLEMENTS -1 Melotto Cream
Separator 1 Disc Hnrrow;'1 M.H,
Mower; Farm /Sleighs; 3 section
Harrows; 1 scuffler; 1 Walking
'Plow 1 Gang Plow; 1. Fanning MW;
' 3 Faran Wagon; 1 Hay Rack; Buggy;
Cutter; 140 feet ut New ISay Rope;
Hay Pork; Slings; Sling 'Chain and
'Sling Rope; Set of Single Harness;
Set of Breeching Harness; 8 horse
BOURSES --.1 Clyde Horse 8 years old
1 Clyde Mare 10 years old.
PIG5-7 Pigs 175 itis.; 5 Pigs 150 lbs,
elATTL111-1 Black OW clue March
15th; 1 Red Cow clue March 10; 1
Roam Cow due Marob 18; 1 Recl Cow,
Farrow; 1 2 -year old Durham Steer;
1 2 -year-old Durham Heifer; 3 year-
old Durham Steers; 1 year-old Dur-
ham Heifer; 4 Spring Durham
Porlcs, Shovels, Whiffletrees, Neck -
yokes and other articles.
GRAIN -600 bushels of Mixed Grain,
Oats & Barley; 35 tone of Mixed Al
lalfa and Timothy.
FARM -62 Acre Farm, clay loans,
well drained, ,iritic house, frame
barn. artesian well, windan111,-Terms
made known day of sale.
Herold Jackson James H. Fulton
Auctioneer Prop,
Eat' Hum
- Price -
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
Phone Col9
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver Oil
to make the hens
lay 'A' Grade eggs
We a>ri; an the
market fur all kinds
"Flock Culling
A Specialty"
Bring Os Your Eggs
Our Motto—
Honest Grade
on every. egg
t/C t'
CIILDREN of all' act
• thrive oil :-'Cg o
Whey�' CORN SYR.
never tire of its dellcl-
We flavor and it really is so
good for them—.w give the
children 'CROWN BRAND"
every day.
Leadingphysicians pro. 'OWN BRAND".
CORN SYRUP a most satin
factory carbohydrate to use
OS a milk modifier is th
feeding bf tiny infante a
Re1W energy producing f
growing children:
:c*s'oos •
Lot 14, Con, 6, Morris
sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp
i3ORSiOS-1 iteg; Mare 7 yrs. old; 1
prey ,xuret 6 yrs, old, 1 Gelding 5
yrs. old; 1 Gelding 4 yrs, old; 1 Filly
teligible for reg.) 1 yr, old;
OANiTiE-10 young Cows (to fresh-
en O•et,); 4 Heifers to freshen Oct,;
2 Jersey lielfere in calf; 1 part Jar-
sey Heifer in calf; 10 Yearlings; 15
Last Pall Calves; 8 Steers 2 yrs. old;
1 pure bred :Durham Bull.
P1GS-6 Weldwood Sows to farrow;
2 Weldwood Sows with litters; 1
Reg, Yorkshire Sow to farrow; 10
young- Yorkshire .Sows to farrow in
Nov.; 18 Pigs 3 mos. old; 13 Pigs 2
n103, old; 1 Purebred Yorkshire Hog.
P'OC'LTRY—'125 143, R. Hens 1 yr, old,
(Bray) Gov't. Banded, blood tested
IMFLDMENTS-1 wagon, good re-
pair; 1 light wagon; 1 Root Pulper;
1 Hand Cutting Boz; 1 Gang Plow;
1 Riding Plow; 300 juts Sacks; 4
Feeding Orates; 1 Cable (120 ft.; 3
Wooden Pulleys; 1 set of Beam
Scales; 1 Oool Oil Druin (20 gal:.
any- Bedroom. ':Suite; 1 Wooden Bed;
1 Child's Bed; 3' Felt Mattresses;
2 sets of Springs; 1 Hall Rack; 1
WasSting Machine, Wringer; 1 Daisy
Churn; 8 Buckeye Incubators (300
egg size;; 1 Parlour Cook Coal
Stove; 1 Box Stove; 1 Carpet Sweep-
er; 2 Milk Pails; 1 Aladdin Lamp; 3
oal 011 Lamps.
The above list will be sold without
reserve as proprietors are giving up
rented farm.
Wm. Speir Harold Jackson,
D. M. McTavish Auctioneer
Overseas Parcels League
Nowa few words about the mine-
sweeper's themselves, on whom the
safety of Britain greatly depends.
Hundreds of miles of fairway along
the west of Btiitain are swept from
end to encs, ,and now seas farther
away from home have to he kept
open Dor shipping. Thousands of
trawlers have been chartered by
Great Bnitain, to say nothinig of the
new ones beteg constructed at a
oost of $30,000,000 for sixty mine-
sweepers. These last will differ
greatly in 'ap:peauance from the
fishing smacks which constituted
the original Minesweeping fleet.
The sweeping le: accomplished by
a wine attached from the ship to a
torpedo -shaped: float tticlfing at some
distance from the'sd'd:e of the trawler.
The float is so :constructed that this
wire can be lowered below water to
the depth required to, sever the
moorings of the: mine. Once sever-
ed, from its moorings, the mine bobs
up to the surfatce of the water where
the crew explodes it with gun fire.
Each trawler Is armed with a M-
1)011,1114 gun, a Lewis gun, a rack of
rifles and two depth chauitges in the
stern, The crew, which is largely
recruited from fishermen, but also
from gardeners, clerks and all types
of raven, consist of skipp.e', engineer,
gunher, telegraphist, cook and
seamen, It •avenages twenty-five
A minesweepers, day starts at
dawn and ends at night fall, no
matter what the weather be, He
goes out in a trawler which, in
peace time, was a fishing trawler or
hernimg drifter. Apart :from the
clangers of continual exposure to
rough seae an:d weather, .these men
on the ntinsweepens, Constantly face
the clangerr of being machine-gunned
front the nice or themselves striking
a mine nand lacing blown bo •atoms.
This last is the worst pant of the
job, the men say, and the greatest
strain on them, of all,
The mien on, 'breed minesweepers
have only a short time in port, and
this, combined: nth the tact that they
freq:uenly:leave to (leek he remote
pieces, snakes it difficult for them
to draw extraattppliee from sources
avattnlble to oui' other defence forc-
es They work :iii ell weathers, ill
bitter cold, on small boats where
they are inevitably drenched from
amugh seas and rain, and on such
small craft there is little space to
hang out one's clothing to dry, nor ie
there munch condor of warmth be -
Mid that of the cooic's stove,
ft is very warming to tie heart,
the many letters of appreciation that
are received from the s11Ippers of
those trawlers, or indeed• the emgtn-
eer or telegraphist, or whoever
ahead is' crest able 0o colo whit hogs ilpd sheep owned, and deserlp-
letter-w['1tn'g, Soneetintee they are
heautilflklly written and in excellent
style, but often they are the hard
wrought i'eeult of a reluctant pen
wielded by one who is Inarticulate,
but Itemeneely patella. And think-
ing of lie efficiency of those same
etromg wands at their own jab on
the minesweeping trawlers, ono
feels particularly honored by one of
Classified Ads
License No. 16T12,
apply at The Post.
High school girls to room.
Mrs, Morrow
apply above H, B. Allen's Drug Store
Pig about 6 weeks old from Lot 18
Con. 1,3, Grey,
phone 43-t•-17 Alex Stelss
To keep house for elderly couple.
No heavy work.
Phone 20, Brussels
ISnow Apples and bunch of young
pleone 43-r-10
Selwyn Baker 1I
Good heater.
apply Eclmnier's: Grocery
Farm Lot 25, Co5eession 7 in the
Township of Morris and County of
Huron, oontaining 100 acres, good
buildings—owned by William Henry
McCtutolteon, deceased.
Apply at the office of ELM03R D.
BELL, Brussels, Ontario.
House and lot in the Village of
Brussels ,and 'County of Heron own-
ed by Mary J. Bad'gley, deceased.
Apply at the office of ELMER D.
BELL, Brussels, Ontario.
Store ha she Holmes, Block in. Vil-
lage of Brussels formerly occupied
by E. Seddon,
Apply at office 02 ELM:ER D.
BELL, Brussels, Ontario.
The Gammage blook on the West
side of Turnlberry, Street, Brussels,
•consistng of H. IB. Allen's Drug
Store, The Scotch Thistle Restaurant
and Clare Long's Grocery Store.
apply Mrs. Rose Gavtanage,
Box 351, Grimsby, Ont.
Buy your automotive and radio
supplies at The Canadian Tire Corp.,
Store, Campbell's Garage, Winghaan.
Large stook always carried.
100 acres; good buildings; close
to markets; school beside farm.
apply to
Review Office, Harriston.
Canada Rations
Farm Machinery
OTTAWA, Oct. 6—Canadian farm-
ers, uuld:e' regulations announced by
the Wartime Prices anti Trade Board
trust, effective today, dile appllda-
tions of essentiality with their dealer
and implement companies before
they will be permitted to receive any
new felim machinery or 0504pnn.ert
The rationing order follows closely
the .announcement from Washington
that Canada's war industries will
have to get along with less strategic
materials, particularly steel, be-
cause of a new system of dristrdbuton
and allocation now in effect In the
United ,States. The American plan
will, it is estimated, cut by 35 per
cent, the steategtc materials dlstri
hued. not only to Canadian but also
to Ameatiloau' war Planta, •
Permits Requh•ed From Today.
Under the vegetations of the War-
time Prices. and Trade Board, its
regional offices nnrst give final an-
pt'oval to applioittons trade by
harmers for machinery. Applications
and Parmitra will be required for all
deliveries .of such equipment as
from today, notwithstanding prior
The only typos of new maobinery
,and equipment •excepted from the
rationing order are 'attachments, re-
pair and spare parts, traoklaying
types tnaatot's, h'rtgatron and drain-
age equipment, hand teals and milk'
cooler refntgena.9ion unite,
Partners will be required to pnave
their need for clow equipment by
Ming 3tatemen•ie showing the' num-
ber of acres in crop and in summer
fallow, the niumber of 'cattle, horses,
Gone of similar usable equipment
already OIL the farms.
Trede•Ins Aiso'Covered.
Trade,ins are also covered by the
rationing order, winch requires
fanners to describe the maohneis
traded in and state whether or not
'they can be repaired. If such equip•
went can be repalred, fanners will
be asked whys they are making
Where farmers contemplate
Switching to power equipment from
machinery suitable for horses, mules
or oxen, they will also be asked to
givereaS'on;s for the change,
The order is designed to obtain
equitable distributilon of farm nva-
chinery of all types, and it provides
Batteries New & Used"
Gas, Oil & Antifreeze
Phone 161 L'sstoweL
that no Mariner may apply more _
than once for any equipment by
filing application, through another
Dealers must account to the ad-
ministrator of farm, and construc-
tion m'aohineny and municipal ser-
vices equipment for all equipment
111s their possessions as of today, and
for any new machinery arriving
In Memoriam
WILL'LS—.Int loving memory of our
dear mother, Ida Gibson Willis,
who passed away October Sth,
She has gone across the river
To the shores of ever green.
later• Amid we long to see her dear lace
But the river flows between.
St, James' church was filled to
capacity on Sunday evening for the
Harvest Thanksgiving service. The
churchwas beautifully decorated
with flowers, frail, grain and vege-
tables for the: occasion. The rector,
Rev. E. M. Caldwell, was in charge 0f
the service and took for his text
Ecclesiastes, chapter 11, verse four,
.Suitable hymns were sung and the
choir was assisted by members of
the laordwich church choir. In the
morning there was a celebration of
the holy communion.
Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Robert
White Pauline and Yvonne White,
Toronto•, with Mrs, E. White; Bert
Martin, Mdse Olive Newton, Hamil-
ton, at their respective homes here,
tect your car BUY "60 Below" Anti-
freeze, at L. & W. JACKSON
MOTORS Ltd., Phone 161, Listowel.
Some clay, some time, our eyes shall
The face we loved so well.
Some clay we'll clasp her loving hand
And never say farewell,
The Family.
Morris Council
Morris Township Council Meeting
October 5, 1942.
The Council met in the hall on the
above date with all the members
present. The Reeve presided.
The urinates of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Cecil Wheeler and James Michie.
Moved by C. R. Coulter seconded
by James Mate that by-law No. 4
be recinded. --Carried.
Moved by Harvey Johnston second-
ed by Cecil Wheeler that by-law No.
5 for issuing Debentures for build -
`,ng new school for S.S. No. 8 be
Passed. —Carried.
Moved by C. R. Coultes 'seconded
by I-Iarvey Johneton that By-law No.
0. appointing Road Superintedent
and stating his salary be passed.
Moved by C. R. Coulees seconded
by James Michie that the meeting
adjourn' to meet again on November
0, 1942 at 1 p.m. —Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Dept. of Health (Insulin) 6:24
Wm, Ellott & Son, the $19.10
Municipal World, supplies .... 2.97
Gen. Hospital, Stratford
Mrs. Annie Nethery 21:00
Munccdpal Board, tariff fee ,.., 6.00
James Johnston, tile 3.84
Earl Anderson, equalizing
assesiinnent 4.00
Rich. Alcock, Lamont Drain 200.00
Mrs. Geo. Gross, relief 15:00
Fred Logan, aftercare 7.00
Geirge Martis, pension fees .. 5.50
. George C. Martin, Clerk,
tett your car BUY "60 Below" Anti-
freeze. at L. & W. JACKSON
MOTORS Ltd., Phone 161, Listowel.
Look At Your Label —
+THIS year will be a difficult one for your friend, the Duro Dealer.
Ike is not able to supply the demand for Duro Pumps because
present stocks are limited and shortage of materials curtails produc-
tion. Besides, our factory facilities have been diverted to a great
extent to war production.
Your Duro Dealer may be able to supply a few Duro Pumps to
those whose farm production can be increased with running water
'-- but he will be mainly interested in servicing pumps now in use
to keep them in the best possible running condition.
Remember that your Duro Pump brings water, under pressure,
right into your kitchen, bathroom, lam -
dry and barns. It saves many steps, much
time and energy. Keep it in good condi-.
tion by having your Duro Dealer check it
over and replace worn parts. He will
gladly estimate the cost of putting it i>:ito'
first class condition.
EMCO Quality Plumbing Fixtures are
Rtill available to meet your requirements.
Wilton &Gillespie
!Phone 68 Brussels
Hamilton Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver