HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-10-7, Page 4r P. rak- �`= tend- e music tie choir Hale guar- erd7cka' the sermon allied fro• xord's "Except a Jia lamp r, water and of the se, them dnaenter into the c(m .rp God.', the cot. Lm e• evening the speaker used e lamp p words "For God bath not given the. spirit of fear, but of 'power and c*f love and of a sound mind." The church was decorated with flow- ers for PM octagon. Many visitors from neighboring congregations were present. Rev. C. Tavener of Bluevale, pronounced the bened;tc• tion at the close of the evening ser- vica. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung, Londesboro, their son Jack of the R.C'.A.M.C.. Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jlohn.ston ,and daugh- ter, aughter, Emma, Bluevale, with Mrs. R. Nicholson; Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Mulles. EastWawaeosh, with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler; Mrs. J. Robertson and Miss Martha Fraser, Bluevale, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Geddes; Mrs. Arthur Henry. Ethel, with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper; Mr. and Mrs. Albert James and daughter, Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crawford; Miss Margaret Baker, Ethel, with Mr, and Mrs. T. 13. John- ston; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCrea attended the wedding in Kingsville of Mr. McCrea's niece, Miss Adam- son, Kingsville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiest and family of East Wawanosh with Mr. and Mrs. R. MacKenzie; Mr. anal Mrs. E. Jenkins, Winigham, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coultas, Wing - ham, with Mr. and Mrs. James Coul- tes; Hen•neth Wheeler, R.C.A.F., Lachine. Quebec. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler; Mr. and. Mrs. A1vaMci owell, 'Westfield, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Vincent. Mrs. H. Perdue entertained the members of Tnindty Anglican church Guild on the occasion of their regu- lar meeting which was held Thurs- day afternoon.' There Meas a fair at- tendance. The rector, Rev. P. H. !Streeter, conducted the opening worship ser- vice. ervice. The president Mrs, John McGill, was in charge of the bus!, nes. Minutes of the prevous meet- ing were read by the secretary, Mrs. R. Procter, who also gave the treasurer's report in the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. R. MtoCrea. Donla.tions were made to the birth- day copper contest. Arrangeinents were made for a pot. luck supper .and social eventing for the members 03 the 'congregation on Tnesdlay, October 18, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. David Attamistrong, Mr. Streeter closed the meeting with prayer, A dance in .a1d of the Red Cross was held Thursday evening in the Foresters' hall Music was provided by Arthur's orchestra of Wlingham. Rev. Walter McCleary of Elora, district secretary of the Upper Can.. aria Bible Society will address the annual meeting of the Belgrave branch in the Foresters,' hall on Tuesday evening, Personals: E. F. Lowry, Dundas, and M. Duno'ans0at, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. John McGill; Mrs, C. Logan and baby Petri:eia Anne with Mr, and Mrs, A. Vincent. BLUE,AJr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston at- tended Dungannon Fair on Friday and visited with friends there, Miss Agnes Hastings spent a few days eiith Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Mothers and family. Mr, David Johnston and Fleming took in Belgnave Anniversary and visited with Mr. and Mrs, George Johnston. Mr. Elmer Sellers leaves on Wed- nesday for Galt to train In the Air Force. Mrs. ,los. Curtis took in Belgrave Anniversary and Visited with Mr. and Mrs, Darold Pinder. Miss Viola Mothers spent a day with her uncle, aunts and cousins last week. The farmer's are 'busy tilling their silos and cutting corer last week and this, Mrs, Peter MacLiweir opened her home on Thursday afternoon for the loll thanItoffering meeting of the, W, MLS, of Knox Prbs$yteriati church, The iiresden, Mrs, 3. 7. Elliott, ga.Ve the call to worship and offer- ed a prayerof thanksgiving. The THE BRUSSELS POST Wedneed w, Ocober Tth, 1392 Je h rsea was read by 'litres �e Scott and Prayer Wes offered J' Mrs; Walter Smlliie. The Glad Tidings Prayer was read by Mrs, F. G. Fowler. An appropriate thanksgitVing poem Wats read by Mrs, G. A, Love. Miss Florence Fowler led in the dedlcurbory prayer. The president introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, Kenneth MacLean of WInglvam. She based her remarks on the first verse of the 105th Paalm "Oh give thanks mite. the Lord; call upon His Mane; make . known His deeds among the People," After the closing hymn' and the benediction, a soc-,ie1 time was enjoyed. Liglut re- rra5luneu+ts were served,. ETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ecitm•ier of Pine River, also Mr. Hanley Eclt- mier of Hamilton visited their mother Mrs, Sarah. Ecltmier on Sun- day. Mrs. Wm, Hollenbeek has' recov- ered from her recent illness and took a walk up town last week. She wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for their Idnd remem- braces, also the United W.M,S. for their box of treats. We were very sorry to hear that Mr. George Bolinder had the mis- fortune to fall off a ladder, while trimming his hedge last Thursday afternoon and is now a patient in. the hospital at Listowel. His many friends here• wish hien a speedy recovery The Amdversery Services of the Presbyterian church were well at- tended, especially so at night. The sermons delivered by Dr. Kenneth Palmer of Palmerston were well worth hearing and we hope to have him speak to us again in the near future. ,Special music was given by the choir with M'rs. Elsie Cunningham as organist. Mrs. Glenn Eckmier was soloist in the morning and Mr. Ross Cunningham in the evening. The girls' "Double tido" from Lis- towel sang, the Misses, •Molly Johns- ton, Olive Stone, Thelma Baker, Madeline Spence, Betty Weissburst and LaVonure Rapp, .and was ap- preciated. Mr, and Mrs. Wan. Jonas of Kurtz- ville visited his sister on Sunday, Mrs. Chos, Scheerer and family. Miss Ruth Dunbar of Fergus was a visitor over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Stanely Dunbar. Corporal Gordon Smell of down Eat is visiting his brother Rev. 13. Snell at present. ,Constable H. Snell of Seaforth also visited at the par- sonage on Monday eventing, The Presbyterian WAILS, met at .the home of MTS. E. S. Dunbar on Tuesday .afternoon. The Euchre and dance, sponsored by the Wior-workers, unit here has been postponed from last Friday ndlsht until 2 weeks hence, next one to be held Oct. 10th. Everyone wel. come. The sympathy of the whole com. munty is extended Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keys, and family, in their recent sad beeavement, The many friends of Mrs. Charlie Hanauld will be sorry to hear she is a patient in a London hospital at present. Latest report she le doing as well as can be expected. We wish her a quick recoverd. Rev. George Dunlop of Beigrave took the services in the United church on Suns ay, as Rev. H. Snell preached anniversary services in Belgrave. Anniversary Services will be held in Ethel United church, Thaarksgiv- inlg Sunday, Oct. 11th. Rev, T. H. Ackert of Monitton will be guest speaker. Services at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. You are cordltally invited to attend these services. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alan Wardlaw of Listowel visited at his home on Sunday evening. Pte, Fred Cole was renewing friendships in the village on Sunday. Mr. anal Mus, Chas. Felker and Everett and Mr. Archie Douglas of Molesworth visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Scheerer 1111', L J. Sirtctair of Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs. Sin - Sinclair and Barbara, Tpr, L. R. Jardine of Oantp Borden ,Spent th,e week end at. his home here. The. W.M.S. and W.A. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Percy Stephenson, The worship service was taken, by Miss Mamie i•Pansul3, The theme tor..Oetcher. Buil/ling a Oonimmnty of Christian Homes. The prayer of Titankagivitig '-111 in Union. The business period wars taken by Mrs, 1Mlenzies, Mts, Alex Pearson was cilleeen relegate to the S•eettonal meeting 10 1m0 held at 1111M A E E "I'm glad I live in Canada. My family is safe here. There is no Gestapo, no hunger, no brutal aggression. I have a good job, and I am free, and unafraid. "In many lands, the people have been robbed and beaten, their money and possessions forcibly taken from them. Here in my country, I can lend my money and know that it is safe, backed by all the resources of Canada, and that I will get interest on it, too. I am gladly doing without some things so as to be ready to lend every dollar I can to the country that has been so good to me and my family." Every dollar you lend to Canada helps to protect you ... gives you the right to work in personal freedom instead of under brutal dictators ... enables you to live your own life, for yourself and your loved ones. Victory Bonds are a good way to save ... this country has always paid back every penny loaned to it, with interest. Plan now how you can lend your money ... figure how you can save to lend more. Back up the men who are fighting for your freedom .. . let your self-denial show your loyalty to Canada. WOtk • tt�: 'f'l�mv'KSA `� k�: ® ® ., awn' E. ® • LEND NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Y ria +w.,r,v.w.,.,•.r,.+,,.,�y..w.r..••.,.,,r..o.0+.,wa+w,•— n St. Helene. Mrs. Quest Dobson gave the topic. Short prayers wore given by Mrs.. Snell anh Mrs. W. Bremner, For aur homes and our community 1 and our loved ones in danger. Bane- ( diction by f The W.A. meeting was taken. by { Mrs. King. The donations in. place of the Fowl Supper were being re- ceived and conning in well. The next meeting is to he held at the home of Mrs. Hewitt, The meeting was closed with the Lard's Prayer. Mrs. Art Henry attended the Anni- versary at Belgrave on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. .and Mrs, L. Hopper. GET YOUR AC..MANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curie $1.25 and $1.76 and $2.25 Including Shampoo Permanent $2,00, $2.60 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Telephone 65x for an Appointment IRE>NE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAURANT REEVE OF HOWICK TOWNSHIP BURIED GORIRIE, Oot. 6.—Many public officials of Huron County Monday attended the funeral of J. W. Gam- ble, reeve of Howick Township, who received fatal injuries when he fell from a ladder while ciean- ing the covetroughs of lid's barn. Twenty of the 29 reeves and dep• uty reeves from all parts of Huron, also all county officials attended the funeral in a body. The amid - Mum .and gallery of Gerrie United Church were filled, mourners from the village and countryside over- flowing into the church baseonent, where a public address sYlstenn had been installed, to pay final tribute. There was deem regret iii county council circles when the tragic death of ReevOam l n G h e beaume known, for he was the dean 'of tate •eounlcll, hav- ing served nine years, from 1930 to 1934 and again from '1939, ' both in-' clatsive. He Was very active in i sYour Liver poisoning • • O 111 since 12, Mims Fine Noe Since I was twelve I suffered from constipation and, never felt well. I started taking and 1 can truly say they gave mo wonderful relief. Every one should try •'Fruit -a- w` tives" and enjoy life as I do now. I havenever boon sick for years. Mrs. Florence Williamson. Montreal, Qu.. "Run Down For Years, Het Forted l Health" 1 was badly run " rotten, down and terribly aehyt backaehy, dizzy, tired out—a ready prey nerveus.Mydlges. for sickness and disease, tion was poor aril I was ed.always con- v n pro nes of people are never sick, and have .y stipated• 'Fruit- won prompt relief from these miseries with a -rives" soars .Improved Fruit-a-tives Liver Tablets, Tho made me better ver is .toned up, the .. other a rd .. .. and the i" Organs .... re • (unction to' g in n t ... ,.a..... 0 mall and' ].. .... nothing sun �.�like Y g good health resoles. y ,... o It tier Today "Improved Fruiba•tives" are Canada's making you welt and giving You largest selling liver tablets.They must begoodl new pottand ,ener Try them yourself NOM. Let "Fruit•a•tjvcs" of bade health �FrAfteri'enn Are you sick and tired out every morn- ing — always constipated -•can't eat Without pain and distress? Your liver is poisoning your system—permanent ill health may: be the result! • Your liver is the largest organ in your body and most important to your health. It supplies energy to muscles, tissues and glands. If unhealthy, your body lacks this energy and becomes enfeebled—youthful vim disappears. Again your liver pours out bile to digest food, get rid of waste and allow proper hourishmcnt to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order proper digestion and nourishment stop—you're poisoned with the waste that decomposes in your intestines. Nervous troubles and rheumatic pains arise from this poison. You become constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. The whole system is affected and you feel Wotton ut. ou g Mos ferning the Huron County branch of � y, back on the road to lastin health— bade mo fent One. eel mike a, new person. ?5c, SOp Mr.ltoy Oagneau,Ghatham+On4 the Federation of Agriculture,