HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-30, Page 7CANADA'S WAR EFFORT l m ,a * t A Weekly Reviles or h,;elnpraentx on the home Front; September 17- 21. 194'. 1, n1„iin Murray. 1 i '.Iijent of the C.I.O. animals to Canadian Congress of I.'IY.`r COLD We(100 Par u policy of no z"..'i':r , for the titivation of the war. 2. Munitions Minister ITott. C. I), Herne a' pounces esl01)1114hment of a new gasoline; rationing category for ail n°rsons using a car for personal transportation and not tor 'btlalness, manor g the motor fuel available to them, effective October 1. * * e Z. Agricultural Minister flon, J. G. Gardiner, announces major agrioul- tural program of malting use of the stores of grain now available and increased output of animal p1'0 - ducts for Canada and her allies. 4, 'Canad'an dectrcver Asein'iboine sinks German submarine. in Western Atlantic, killing' its commander and capturing the crew, Naval Minister Angus Macdonald announces, r * 4 9, Canada's third Victory Loan will be opened October 19 with ob- jective of $7.50,000,000, Finawee ister Hon. J. Il. Ilsley. announces. , * x 6. Destroyer Ottawa torpedoed. 7. Con."ervative leader Right Hon. Arthur Meighen announces arrange- ments are, being made for a national convention of the Conservative Party. * s, s 8. Order to prevent hoarding of steel by manufacturers or its use for non-essential purpose issued by steel Controller F. B. Ktt'btrurn of the Munitions and Supply Department, 1L'La-nv To Have "A" Category Lowered Munitions Minister Howe said about 205,000 Canadians will have their category "A" gasoline ration ' books withdrawn after October 1st and replaced with a smaller ration the new category known as 'AA'. The minister announced the new category, effeletive October 1, in an address over the 'Canadian Broad- casting Corporation national (net- work, The new category will provide 16 u'nit.s for six months to the owner of a small car, about half the amount available, to the holder of category `A' ration books. AA category will Include all those who use a car for personal traspor- tatton and not for business. House wives not employed in war plants, university and high school students, and owners of two or more cars are among those who will be affected, Alen coating within the new cate- gory will be those who use their oars chiefly for driving to and from their stores, offices and non-essentlal fac- tories, Oil Controller G. It. Cottrelle sad all category A applications now are being examined and letters are being prepared for those who may have to anent the lower category atter Oc- tober 1st. "If we And that our information is insu6fioieut we shall seek additional information before making any decis- ion," he said. "Normally a house- wife would not be entitled to a cate- gory higher than `AA' but if we And she now has a job ,in a war industry, is not provided With adequate trans- portation, •and its driving fellow employees to work she will be per- mitted to retain .her 'A'' category. ',No hard and fast rule will be fol- lowed. Dash ease will be 'dealt with on its .`own merits." On October 1st, the first batch of notices to motalists will be mailed from 12 regional offices across Can - ado., Brach letter will require the re- cipient to mail or send in 1915 cate- gory 'A' ration book within a week, If the old book is mailed in, the new book will be returned within about 48 hours, If It is taken into the regional office, the tran,sfer Will be made immediately. Mr: Cottrelle said Haat 11 a motor - 1St uses sup all the ,coupans in his present book he will not get a, new book of any ir'inid, If the owner of a small on1' Inas legs than, 10 601150115 in his category 'A' book whenhe turns, it in, the timber he is short will be torn from 'his new category "AA" book 'before he.receives The controller 'Warned niotorishy not affaoted by the reduction and 1101 lit the co�tflniieno'ial Category that the gesoitne, a'atlou ,'1100195 they now Italie must last them until Marsh 31, 1940, 4l9 t .0:010 is fap19ieh 0110114)11 t0 nee tip all his coupons then he will buy THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, Srptdrar::;u• ,;Utb, 1942 U SLEPT WELL THAT NIGHT, DIDN'T YOU? .M• BUT GEORGE WAS AT DIEPPE NICE fellow, George—one of the lads from the office. Remember, you had him out for dinner one night. He made a great fuss over your kids—and your wife was very pleased. And then, all of a sudden, he slipped away and joined up. Left his good job, his girl and his future. And he was at Dieppe, slogging up the beach into a murderous rain of steel—fighting for you and your wife and those kids of yours he played with. And that same night you slept well, didn't you ... ha a soft bed. You had an egg for breakfast too. But George didn't. And you've still got a good job and you wear good clothes. And being conscientious, you worry about these things a bit. But you just haven't been able to push yourself into doing much more than pay your taxes. Well, those taxes aren't enough. Think of what George gave up, and then sit down with your wife and ask yourselves, "What else can we do ?" Sure, you've given up a few little luxlesies. But there are lots of things yet that you can cut down on. Do it gladly. Because you'll really get a kick out of investing the money you save in Victory Bonds, and in knowing you're not letting George do it all. Just keep thinking about George and what he gave up. And remember, those Victory Bonds you buy aren't giving—they're lending your country money to help protect you. That money will come back to you with interest. NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE no more gasoline," said Mr, Cotrelle. "This ruling will apply even if the motorists in engaged in an essential industry," Left Tools In Tire A commercial traveller, who called at this office last Friday, told us of an odd experience he had that day. In a nearby town he had his auto tire repaired and then proceeded on his route, He noticed something unusual about this repaired tire, so he stoppeal at the next service seta tion to have it looked over, Investiga- tien,snowed that 1110 first garogenien left two -*snail tools in the easing of his tile, and didn't they Make a mess of both easing and tube, —M11clina.y Gazette Copper Latest On List For Salvage 'Canadians mast pitch in and dig out all the coISer they can find. Metals Controller G. C. Bateman has warned that there is a severe short- age 02 cop4er. The increased con- sumption of brass, and alloy metal of copper, is one example of the war. time clemuand whichhas brought about this shortage. Lighting fixtures which have. no Portlier use, wash boilers, copper tea kettles, water faucets, name and ad- dress plates, curtain rods and poles, brass bedsteads!, jardinieres, door knobs, fire screens, copper wiring,' discarded eavestt'oughs—all copper, (bronze and brass articles which are no longe' useful are needed urgently. ioppel'-coloured and bronze articles are partienlarly wanted. Any usable articles should not, be turned 15 because they would on1Y have to be repiheetl by now articles', many 01 which have been already lalten 011 the, market. • A slight indication of the way Lite Production line chews up this metal is shown when it is known that cue type of bomber requires more than two miles of coppeu' wire alone to keep it flying. Another type of bomber needs 500 pounds of copper which would snake thousands of toy electric trains for Christmas, , Early Belying of Coal • Is A'd To War Effort If by September 1. every coal bin in filled and every coal dealer's yard is welt stocked it will be a major 'contribution to the war effort, IIomeowilers are ni'geid 90 place their orders for next winter's . coal immediately in order to permit rail- roads to haul the n1axianuan tonnage. of war goods later in the year, Homeowners furthermore , are urged to store every ton of coal they can take and, if space is avail- able, to build extra bins. Prices are almost sure to be high- er In the fail and winter. They will 110t be lower, The following suggestion for the safe storage of coal are offered by the (bureau; 1. Do not store coal near any external sources 'sof heat such as steam pipes, 2: 'While coal stay be safely piled to any height without Hunger, pro- vkling air is Wilber excluded or al. lowed free circulation, in pr'aot,ice it Is not advisable to pile goal higher titans 1.2 to 15 feet. 8, Foreign contbarostible matter such as only rags and paper sluollld. not be permitted to become mixed with coal wdt'in ,le •being :0.901 -ed. 4, 'Do hot permit old coal to ac- otrnistlate 411 cornet% or on the bot- tom of piles or bins, Tu edea' to assist rote coal deal- ers in itntnedistol,y, hedging 1115„ their stoalts of seal in mesa of present normal requirement , •' the RFC has set up a plan to provide 11sturing to it. Turn out all lights loans to retailers on all coal shipped promptly when not in use, Many from prohicing urines prior to !t :'cr tike suggestions of August 1. Save Power (Elmira signet) Apprcaching the fall season with T yc and long evenings, a p1i-cr shortage has been created, with the result: some munition plants :..v: 1 ;a ,runt CION111. While the li u :;wife is not extravagant , v, ;h 50W01' still ennsielera9rle power of "saved by the simple mentis 1 careful, This saving can 1•^ made n'artltivhile by a united and ec-cpererive effort. Let one light serve two or three of the family in the living room by re -arranging the furniture. Don't leave the radio on hour after hour without someone little use for the small amount saved, (,''t it evnl'yoa,a did endeavor to out T. the shortage would be reliev- 4. Places ' of business who are Ily 1'.rge user. • of power will i....vo a)11-llr^ nmans of cutting down. Window Milting will be curtailed no doubt by order, as also display • e cu re: 01ted street lights will be cut down. Peak loads in lighting come in the fall of the vire next fele months see how inch power you can conserve carefia. The Hydro Electric Coulluis''on. state a fifteen 1918 cent saying will solve the present shortage. Certainly all of us rem show our patriotism by arranging to make this small saving. Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. 72 BRUSSELS y DISABLED DEAD or Phone collect. William Stone Sons Limited ted GENERAL ARTS SECRETARIAL SCIENCE HONOUR ARTS COURSES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MEDICINE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 'SPECIAL COURSES, Etc. Registration Dates FACULTY OF MED1CINE August 24 FACULTY OF ARTS September 19, 21, 22 FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH September 21 Degrees- 4.A,, LLB., B.Sc., B.D. M.A., M.D., M.Sc., etc, Scholarships and Loan Funds, Available U N IVERSI7eY OF ,WESTERN ONTARIO MILITARY TRAINING FORDEN, TS R ALL ONQON, CANADA Write to. .• PHYSICALLY !h lTUK. P. , NEVILLE, Ph.D.s . ,