HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-16, Page 5CU? COARSE FOR TILE PIPE
ort t:you -wish we
couldrshortert the "ware"
Net "Well, in a way we can, you know,"
She: "But, George, we're not trained to do any-
thing ... "
He: "Training doesn't matter for what I'm thinking
about. I was wondering whether we couldn't put
more of our income into War Savings Certifi-
She: "And why not? We might have to go without ense
or two pet luxuries—but wouldn't it be worth it to
bring back peace again?"
He: "And won't we be glad of thio money—and the •
interest it will have earned—in a world without
war restrictions!"
The help of every Canadian is needed for Victory. In these days
of waw the thoughtless selfish spender is a traitor to our war efart.
d reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to r .
Neve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and
materials to be diverted to winning the sear.The all-out effort„
which Canada must make, demands this self-denial of each of no.
Receives Letter From
Soldier Near Auah'ailia
The aU.ornpatlying interesting letter
telt, sonierniutg or Otte iseetal of New
Cele...orate, wh.oh is situated off
Austria la, It was ueceived by bit,,
and Mrs. D. A., Rutin herr a eomsln
Cpl, Boas, wilio is in the U.S. army.
Yon might be interested in what
the natete , on this island wear.
Well, to t oatove any misconceptions,
You must ale) remove the -grass
skirt -idea. They are not in vogue.
The oesttrato of Use boys and men
wan (beturc the adverb of we
Amelean soldiers) a bright -colored
strip ,or clothof generous dLimen-
sdo•ns. ar:sung - their middles, with a
portion mailing in the bree o, A
Utile -washed spelt eerirt or sortie-
thting 'completed the attire. en
Sundays they would wear an old pair
rf trousers. Continued contact with
Ameuieans• seems to encourage the
weaning or trousers more oflten. The
fMies and women wear what might
be considered e slight departure
from bhe cid, well-known, South -sea
;,turd 1. i ,:alona.ry "Mother•Htib-
isards•" ir.ateacl'of this long black
drys ', tlh; y rill around in a long,
bright-co hered, cot tom dress that
reaches almost to their tinkles. As
lar as clothing for babies goes, the
nesters ,seem more cotncern•ed about
them wearing a brief ,shirt than
ything else,
There are quite 'a few "towns" on
this island„ but ,nonle very large.
With few, exeer4ons, • to visit one is
to vleit a?1 of • thein: In passing
through them, some 'are large enough
to make you realize' that it is an
"inhabited place," while others you
must be told that yeti are there seine°
the few scattered homes :are 'hidden
lookout! A Sick
liver is Dangerous
Do you have persistent headaches and
backaches? Are you tortured by rhey-
matic 'pains In muscles and Joints? 'A
faulty liver Is clogging your whole sys-
tem. Serlous ID health may result:
i Your liver is the largest organ in Your body
end most important to your health. It supplies
energy to muscles, tissues and glands. If
unhealthy, your body lacks this energy. and
becomes• enfeebled—youthful vim disappears,
Again your liver pours out bile to digest food,
get Cid of waste and allow proper nourishment
to teach your blood. When your liver gets
out of. order proter digestion and nourishment
stop—you're poisoned with thewaste that.
decomposes an your intestines. Nervous
troubles and rheumatic pains arise from this
poison. You become constipated,stomach and
kidneys, can't work properly. The whole
m i
systes affected and you feel "rotten," head.
achy, backachy, dizzy, tired out—a ready prey
for sickness and disease.
Thousands of people are never sick, and have
won prompt relief from these miseries with
Improved Fruit•a-tivcs Liver Tablets. The
liver is toned up, the other organs function
normally and lasting good health results.
Today Improved eruit•a•tives are Canada's
largest selling liver tablets. They must be gpodl
Try them yourself NOW. Let "Eruit•a•tives"
put you back on the road to lasting health•••'+
teal like a new person. 25c, 50e,
"Always In Pain Now
Grand Bailer"
I suffered 50.,
badly from'rhou-
mutism and now•
titbit could' hardly
walk upstairs or
cl se to hands.
Aftor takintl
Fruit.a-tives for
four days
•^ da s the
intoning left
able to climb a ladder. I have no
snore bother with theumntlem or
neuritic and advise any person
suffering as I have to use Fruit -a-
ntes. They give quick relief.
J 9'racoy, Toronto, Ont.
"Sick For Years, In Hospital—
Now Fine"
11 had a bad case
of biliousness and
nchea and back..
aches. X becalm
so 1111 had to ato.to
a hospital. Noth-
taking Fruit -a-
twee. Ina very
short time my troubles dl'ap+
peered, Now I have no more
headaches or backaches and can
do my housework without help.
We, E. Dadeon, London, Cara
Yin the foliage on. either side of the
. road, . There are possibly a dozen
villages on the island that come
tinder the "risible" category, Hare
is what you would experience if yeti
vidited one of them.
You ane riding along, watching
the typical New Oaledoniam4 scenery
er rolling shills and low mountains,
covered in the mein with the 'Nation,
al Tree' --.tine Ntaouai. Here and
there you 'Cross, a stream;, a gress-
eavered native home is seen now end
• then with au, occasional "Station,'
the bine pf some white French land•
owners. These• latter homes have cor-
rugated tin or tile roofs, with palm
ant•1 coconut treee scattered around.
You round a bend, goings slow be-
muse of rehabively narrow road, and
moving along a sbnaight stretch you
Pass in peared•nebiy displayed sign
=Tying the name of the town in
lebtere of imposing size, Informed
as you are that you are now within
the "village limits'. you drive along
trying to find the town, and fust be-
fore you are ready to' give mp you
see a roof -top through the trees,
then farther along you pass a large
house with a long, vinecovered ver-
anda witha modern sign, meaddng
possibly, "Hotel �Gaievier," or "M.
Dubois, Comnretroant" indicating it
to be either a hotel or a Commerdial
establishment, As a conrbnereial
establishment, it could be a general'
store, a grorery, bakery, shoe repair
shop, etc. There away be possibly as
many as ten or more 'stores and
hotels in this town, though some.
viliages have a Hotel 'and. .store
combined in owe,; The residences
are situated on side roads, generally
surrounded thy high'fences and
much foliage, 'On the main street
many of the stores appear to be
Mimes, until closely investigated.
Alter moving 'maw slowly down
the main street you' and yourself out
in the country again, and .sometime
later after you've been looking at
herds of New Caledonian cattle, and
the woods of Memel trees, you see
a sign, indicating that you are now
leaving the 'village liuuibse of the
town you. just left.
Oar mail is coming in. fine. The
letters may not arrive in chrono-
logical 'order but they eventually
arrive, a few quite late but welcome.
The "VinaOl" service is opening
up, end it has already speeded up
courespondenee, However, on this
oat -end we are allowed to send onone
V -letter per week. Many of the
fellows are having local natives
build them native style Memel bank
houses far nomial sums. They are
the last word in field comfort, and
offer healthy tieing conditions. The
food continues tope and if we don't
get healthy it will be our own fault.
The island language being Frendh,
most of the fellows have been doing
their best to learn it, a •group of
them joining together and holding
o'lassea three nights a week.
Mail is appreciated much more
out here of course, and we realise
that to get diem, we meet write
thein. But I know that you can
uu'deratand that writing the same
thhag over and over again can well
become monotonous, so I've had this
letter done up like this, knowing
that every one will be mutually inter
estecl in all these things that I have
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Voter's List
Voters .Lists, 1042, Municipality of
the 'Downs -hip of Morris,, County
of Herten.
Notice is hereby given that I have'
Complied with Section 8 of the Vot-
ers' List Act ,and that I have posted
up at my oitfioe at R. R. No, 4 Bruss-
els, 1942, the list of all persons en-
titled to vote iii the said Municipal-
icy at Municipal Elections, and that
etch list remoras there for inspect-
And I hereby en.1.1 epee all voters
to' bake immediate preceedibgie to
have any enema of orlaielaletos oar
rested aoc0rdatlg to law, the last tray
tot' , appeals being the let dee of
(ectober, 1842. -
naked this .1st day of September,
1242, -
George Martin
Clash a! Townlahip of Morris.
ME BRUSSELS .'OS '......�,:......�,, :".
• 'M 'I * . i,, , Y • •-.. 141444
k * * * * * * * "•...
Mies Jean Yost of Unity, Seek„ is
viardting at the horse of %leer leucine
and aunt Mr, and Mrs B. G. 'Walker,
* *
Mr. and relre. Ed. Linton and Mrs,
Kennedy and Margaret of Drumba
Arad Mr. anti Mrts:Alex Llritojtof New.,I
Dundee spent Sunday with Wm.'
Mies 014ve ;and Mrs. ('Roel.)"" I
and Mrs. Welton anldth
other friends
in town ,
* * *
Telka Moleay of Blyth spent Sunday
with the fonmetes contains M,%, A
Straelhan and Miss Flo Buchanan
and Mr's. McKay called on- Mrs, Keri
and Mies Mary Helen,
Mr, Stuart Kerr of Kincardine:
spent Sunday with his parents. He
hall a touch of stomach "Flu" likd
a lot of other folk in Kinciardine
which nearly used him up for a dee
or two: .Glad to bear he is, getting
over it O.K.
* * *
Hasa, Minnie Parker has gone back
to Kincardine to spend• the winter
with her Sister, Mee. Parker -Foster.
* * *
Mr. Relit. Ross of Toronto sent
bhe Library a big flash light this past
week. ,
.. *- • a.
Mrs, Russell anti Margaret left
a week age far Anc•ienne Loretta,
Quebec, where they will spend anin-
definite visit with Lewis who, is
stationed, there.
• •
Mr. George Davidson Is, speeding a
week or two at his hove here, . . .
* *.
Mie. J. C. Scott and daughter
Miss Marion have returned to their
home at Slau'lt St. Marie after a
short visit here with her mother Mrs,
Alex 'Strachan, -
* * o_
Ills. Jas, IvIoFadzean and his brobh-
er Wmu• and Mr. Toon ItleFadzean at.
tended ,tote fuireral of Dr. Geminal
in. Stuatford on Saturday last, a
* * j• .
Mrs. Harold Parker has returned
to town and hats rented Mrs. Ira
Parke.r's house for the fall and win-
g, her neice Miss Bimini came to
fiend smite time with her. She is
fire daughter of the late (Rev.) Cpt.
�Hinton' of Toronto and a neice of
MIS. J. Kerr', and Mr. Qhinater Rin•
toil of Morris, •
* 0 *
Miss Helen Speirs is attending
Business College in Toronto, • •
Mrs, Robt, Davidson was; 4n
Stratford. Her mother Mrs. Rolling -
beck died in the hospital on Satur-
(lay, Aug. 12th.
* * * '
Mr. and Mrs,, George Flewitt and
little son Fred of Clinton were call-
ing on old friends on Sunday lastn.
Mrs' 1)'lewitt will be better known as
Miss Agties Broadfoot. -
Mrs. Cousins is open -ding a few
weeks with Mr. and Mms. Roy
Cousins, Turnbeiay street,
* * *
.ivir. and Mrs. Herb Manning had
es Sunday visitors. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Lever and eons, Mes. J. Lev-
ever Sr. and Miss M, Brackeuberry all
of Pleekerton, Ont, also Mr. and Mrs.
Shabbrooh and Charles of Landes -
hero, Mns, Slho'blbrook is a caegdrter
of Ms, and Mrs. Manning; also Mrs,
G. Kelly 01 Timmins, Ont. ,
• * *
Mrs. F. M. Wilmot ,and son
Charles of Sutton West, are visiting
with Ml's, Oliver 'Hemingway and
with Bruse'egl friends,
* * *
Mr. D. McDonald, Port Elgin, was
in Brussels Olid, ween,
• *
Rev. M. F. Okbhaan left on Monday
to attend the service 1n St. Jaines
Catllledeal, Toronto, celebrating the
Centenary of Theoligical led uoation
In Upper Canada at which Rt, Rev.
G. A. Oldham, 1Bi*hop of Albany
was the preacher on Monday evea'ing
and to attend the Aluluni, meetings
of Wycliffe College tuts week. -
q , ,-
We are pelasetl to acid the name of
George A. Baelter, elan of Mr, and
Mrs. Win, L. Beaker to the honor
roll this week. Though CGeer'ge has
been away from )11,11001s for Mum
ber of years be is sill 'a litnlseels
Boy. , ,
• *
Mies M. Molzelvey hag returned
;,.iter spending two wseles in Toronto,
* * *
Mises A. Eagle of Toronto 1* visiling
With Mone MlclIelvey.
s. r *
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Yost of Ile.
trait, Milcb„ Were Viellelis' at the
bone Or Mr, and litee. 13. (I, Walker,
Order Your M�at Fely
Owing to shortage of:ibelp and a to,.'save. ,pn. deliv-.
eryv„fi}giliti,s we ; 'ask your co-operation, in sending'
your meat orders, in early in morning, or ifc4!lavenient
the afternoon before. -
hone 6
Y• ros.
Brrft .c;fa�
Uneted Sunday School took • the ser-
vlces in Belgrave and Brick United
e eihunch on Sunday merniug. George •
, Johnston gave• the id tress' speaking
• on She subject, "Things That Re--
• main,' based on the words from
Hebrews; 'That those bhangs, which
7t cannot be Fih rken• may remain," .
Also taking a •epecdaI part were
Tack Higgins, Robert Granby, Ross
Andersiou and Harold. Virasent. .The
extire group sang an anthems '
Regular service in, Trinity Angli•
pan church wee conducted by Rev.
P. H. Streeter who svelte- from the .a
text. 'See then that ye walk •circtfm
epeatly not as fools, but as wise."
Harvest House services will be
held Septemder 27, Rev. Mr. Gra- ,
ham of Bayfield wall be the special
slpeaiker at the morning service
and. Rev. 0. E. Gallagher of Wing •
ham in the evening. The Wingham
choir will assist at the evening ser-
To Preach Farewell
In the Pr•esbyteh-Ian church Rev.
Mr, Kerr of Brussels was in charge
or service. On September 20, Rev.
A. M. Boyle will preach his flare
weld sermon, having accepted a calO
to the. three point charge of Cele -
don, Caledon East and Claude.
Person,eis: 4lrs. • T. A. Brandon
]ran returned from London; Mr,
and Mrs. Donald Young and family
of Lambeth with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Young; Mr. and Mrs, Albert
Shaddick and Marilyn, Clinton,
Janes VanCamp anti son, Howard,
Jamestown, with Mi Sohn Van
Camp; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ,Ou1tes,
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Coeltes and
family and Tack, Mitchell, with Mr
and Mrs. N. Keating,
Don't forg�"'t-iio attend the Belgrave
&tkhoolgjuftl"ita.be held on Monday
Setpt. lt<t i %Schools competing, Nos
3, , 10,-11, 13, East Wawanosh; Nos
3, 4, 5, 7, Morris; U.S.S., No. 7, E.
1W( Wawanosh; U.S.S. Nos. 3, 1
ee Wawanosh and Morris.
ee.i'wee lweather of the past few
da8ts has delayed threshing opera.
'ti, vs in the district. Stook threshing
s . us• to the eorneleted but daue to
sni:elr an abundance of straw many
faimhers• have lues' to *tack part of
till r - i• �j tf4'sie their barns and
ninny er thine are not threshed.
;11 nils 0k ..
Arrange Annual Fair
meetirng of the Belgrave sohool
fair exPrgt)tl,ve directoats and teach-
ers of flue"`area was held in the
Fo'rester's hall to complete arrange -
;intents for the fair which will be held
on Moletlael September•
Weghtm 'lie Tie
Mr. and Mas, Allex Yetneg were
hoots at a re+undon: of the wiggly.
man family wenn all members
were present except Mr. anti Mrs.
Herman Wlgihtman and family of
Welland exjm abtendanoe were
Mt'es .Yeuwgeil er, William Wight -
men, Mt and ?Tee, Rennie Wig0utman
and faana9q` c0' -Flint, Mich., Mr, and
M s. Leslie Wightnrian, lath line
East Wawanosh,Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Ms:Donftld ankh iia -nilly of Clinton, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross King and family of
Durneeeery,.also.-Mr. and Mrs, Milton
Ramsay td Sarnia, fniencle of the
family. Stopper was served,
Conducted Serelee
ldightehh xsiiib'ers of the Young
Men's'--thlple1,,.'"V" class of the
If you want to'make your pictures tell a story, show your subjects In
the secret ofis fine snapshot.
action. That's this
"7t AKE • your pictures tell a
ll'! Atol'y!" - That's the standard
advice- experienced photographers
usually give beginners. But how
can it be done? That's the best*,
neer; perennial question.
Well, there are several theories
ebottt the matter, but for the most
part they oaf • be sulhined up with
, , "show your subjects in action."
I think you'll get the idea if you
glance et oils illustration, If the
girl and child had just been stand-
ing -there smiling at the camera the
story would have beet) pretty weak.
We would have had to stretch our
hnagination to guess that they had
bean pieitltg flowers, or 1.0 deter-
mine why they were in the field In
the first place.
But title way, see how clear the
story Is. We know at a glance why
they are in the field, and whet they
are doing. 'elle story Is crystal eioar
because the plhotogeapher strewed
his subiects in teflon .. , doing
sontothing. -
OS course, there are tines when
"action" Is not neceseary to tell the .
istory. Certain types al group pic-
tures, and portraits when you just
want to get a pleasant record snap-
shot of your friends or family,
come under this heading. It's per
fectly% all right in such instances to
encourage the 'aubjeets 10 loon at
the camera. However, depicting
some action is probably the beat
meting' 01 telling a story in Moat
To get it in your pictures, Snap '
your subieots while they are doing -,
something—while they are at work
or play. Even If they are only look -
lug at some distant oblect that will
be suffeeient, because the action is '
definitely implied,
Picture making that way afore
greater opportunities than the old;
fashioned "watch the birdie" 'belie
niqus, Try it, and see how easy it ,
is to make Your pictm'es ten a
349 Jolur van Guilder