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The Brussels Post, 1942-9-16, Page 4
AUTU'N. Untrimmed Sport Coats made oE` Alt.Woo1 British Tweeasl'two linings and C ,`a upas l,•sizes 11-20 .... .... ..,a>:a... • , , .. $18.95 tto't100':0 We are' sole` agents fort'"the famous "Kragshiie" twee la ju this territory. Silver Fox full -skins, all sizes from 11 to 46, also Women's half #11 all wool boucle materials priced from . • • • $5915"'ip 'Popular Priced Coats fur -trimmed, several good styles to choose from, sizes 11 20, - also 161/2-26% .. • .. . ..•....f.947 ritE MUSSELS POST N SS11'I�CE Ad;In Memoriam 4,H Special Purchase of all-WoolTailoredSiits' "$19;95, in. /weed materials, sizes 11-18 • • • • , Wool Dresses one and two piece, sizes 11-19, 12-20 priced from Smart Millinery youthful chiccy hats, lovely matrons $1.95 to p.65'. Weldrest & Kayser full-fashioned Hosiery' all sizes ................ • .... .. 79e ttp Skirts gored and pleated styles, sizes 11-20 • • • . • • $1.95 and $2'.0„ • . $8.95 to $16.95 Blouses long sleeve sheers, white only, sizes 12-20 • • • . • $2.95 •i We also carry a complete line of lingerie, slips, ,gloves„" handbags, sport jackets and many other items. Buy at the Paris Ladies Sho � Listowel's Leading Ladies Wear Store.,., Where your Dollar buys more. urs pHLIG- ,Patae1..taobel apply to No's, Gill nous lsrueuels 5c -i 1N VOR SAL E- A pallaur •etove as, gauu as new -Qllly wed three ttitit1414. intone 15, Nl1"a,t J. 13a11a1Ytyna suit SALE- 76 IVdi.te Leghorn Hens, 1."tux jlonnee331-1.166- . J. S. Earl h ^i :FOR SERVICE - Registered Yorkwvire Boar, born an, 3iet, 194i2. 'Raised by Norman Wade, Gerrie, Ont., Reg. N. 256442, Lot IS, Con, S, phone 34.r-16 R. C,hestter Earl ?LOST-, :A rubber rain coat }between Brus- sels and Jamestown last WeduesdaY Pte2.e5 leave at Post. * �. in Ypvilig Aleatory s8 •onit dear.. nbdther, Mrs, , Sylvester 1!'ox who passed away 011 Sept. 18Ul 1941 One year has passed and gone Since one we loved so -well ,Was taken from our home on, .eartll With Jesus "Christ 'to dwell Tate Rowans we pla,Ce upon her grave. May wither and deoxy, But the love for her who sleeps be- neath Shall never 'fade away. Sadly missed by "The Family" A. two-year-old Steer, without horns Tag in left ear. Anyone knowing of leis whereabouts, kindly ring 19-r-10, Silas Johnston FOR SALE- ;Se'cond hand cook stove in giod repair. phone Brussels 42-r-15 WANTED-, High ,School Girls to board. 'phone 67X -r-4 Mos. jamas Anderson, John St, Brussels FOR SALE - 1 purebred Jersey Cow 6 years old, to freshen Oct. 20th; 1 pure bred 'Jersey Cow 3 years old to freshen March 115th; 100 year-old White Leg- horn Hens. . phone 13.r-15 Torrance Dundee R.R. 3, Blyth JCI1ieSNAPSI-IOT GUILD s** In Memoriam In loving memory of a dear husband and father Hugh MVleP. Shannon who ;passed away two years ago Sept. 20th, 1942. Ile little thought when leaving home He vwou1d no more return That he in death .so noon •wouSa Olean And leave us here to mourn We did not know the palm he bole We did not see him die '; ' We only know he ¢classed away Aad never said good bye. ' Ever •rememb'ered by Margaret yq and Beth FOR SALE - Frame bullc1img 04 x 42, height 16 ft. Sided with snatched lumber Lower floor 2 -Inch tonngue and greyed lumber, supper floor 1,incth toungue and grooved putter. This' building I consider Os in good con- . di'tient i t P. Ament. FOR SALE - Serviceable age Shorthorn Bulls, reds and roans. Thomas Kerr, Henfryn Phone Brussels 35-r-9 OUTDOOR PORTRAITURE= -=4 WALT ON For a natural, charming and pleasant picture -try making an informa ? • outdoor portrait, `cUMMEI1 is the best of all sea- him to sit, stand or work, and. L' sons for informal outdoor poo roughly what you,. want him to do. traiture-and since pictures of peo- Then let him go ahead without any pie are among the most satisfying more interruptions from you than summer snapshots, it would seem are absolutely necessary. ' foolish not to take advantage of our opportunities at this time. Every good outdoor portrait Should have two obvious character- istics. First, like our illustration, it should be a natural picture and a good likeness of the subiect. Sec- ondly, it should be good technically. Work toward those two objectives bard you won't go far wrong at any ewe. To produce a natural picture you should show your subject just ee tiers know him. It can't be an ob- vlously posed picture in which -the a=bject appears stiff and uncom- fortable. He should seem relaxed and apparently unaware of the cam- era although he may be looking directly at it, Therefore, put yeur subject at case, Don't fuss 'Usually its sniff •uient to tell him where you want Of course, you should have a: good setting for your outdoor portraits. Por instance, an elderly lady would look right at home iu a rocking chair; a farmer would seem at ease .. leaning on the handle of his plow • or a woatherbeaten fence. For tate more formal types of outdoor por• • traiture the background should really be quite simple and ; plain, but there again you don't halo to foss and worry. 45 yeti can't find a plain or stuccoed wall, thet'a's al- ways the sky -and you couldn't milt Por a better background,. than that, Technically, just stick to good exposure, sharp focue, and good de- velopment and printing -and you won't rind it any more difficult to matte outstanding informal por• traits than you would any other type of n she yp 9 ap t, 394 John van Guilder The September meeting of the W.M.S. with Mrs. Kirkby presiding, commenced, with the use of hymn 303, followed by prayer, The Auguslt minutes were read and approved. Nine members responded to the roll call, a verse about Delilah or Sam- uel. The theme of service was "the chtuieh in my community." Scrip - bare was baleen from Matt. 5. A cbiomt sdiwiving "Steps toward a •Christian Canada" was used and Mos. Winson clealt with the subject. Oct. 81,11 is She date of the Sectional meeting at BruceIleld. MORRIS ETHEL There will be a euchre and dance nail in the Township Hall ow Friday night, Sept, 1Sth, sponsored by .the ;War -Workers Unfit. , The committee of the Lthel Pablic Library wish to thank. Miss Bertha Foals of Toronto, for her kind Bona - tion of books. These .shall be a0- fiocialted. LAC G^lark Cardiff of Jarvis wee Atoms over Friday and later left for S.nimerecle, P.E.I. Allan Hamilton of Nanadmw, B.C., was ionic on furlough and spent a few days with leis :sister here, Mrs. Cecil Balmier (Allan is in the Navy). Sgt. Cecil Bateman was a visitor with his frdenda in nine village on Monday. Mr. and Mos. M. W. Hewitt spent a few lhoiidlaiys with friends at Windsor. • Dr. Kenneth Palmer of Palmerston will couduot the anniversary services both morning and evening in the Presbyterian church, Sunday, Mrs. I. M. henry, our oldest ^ rest- . dent in the village donated a pair of fancy pillow -oases to the War Workers unit. She knit the lace..+for these and tickets were sold, and a tidy sutra realized. Master Hughie Love being the lucky winner. A large rabbeting of frden,de assembled last Friday evening in the township hall in honour of Mr. and Mos, Gordon: Sleighltholm of Ham4t- stead who. were recently married. There was an inted'estig progr+amniue, then bh.e pesentation of a pair `of fancy chains to the newly -wede. Gordon replied filbtdngly, Lunch 14,4 served and the resit of than evenhisg spent in dancing. We wish thein much happiness. We were sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. I7ai4 Raby leaving on Monday. They moved to Kitchener to reside, slime M. Roby had to give tip hips blaek- sunittbiing business o'w'ing to 111 ltea1tlt. Mr. No•nman 41. Whin of Owen Sound was relieving agent, at the station, while Mr. M. W. Hewitt was away on a holiday, Mr. W. P. McCreath, our village adhonl teacher spent the week end 41 his hoioe in Kincardine A number of ladles trom ]fere at- tended the Prerlbyterian Women's Mislsd'onaiy Society Roily held 10 Wiinghant on "Wednesday afternoon. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Bert Lake and Miss Dorothy of Hamilton aero week end gttess!t'.s 'at tie Home 'of (lamsron and Mrs. Cochrane. Mien Dorothy' re- mained for a visit. Many ftleaclrs here would, be sorry. to hear of the death in Stratford, Siatuday, Sept., 12th of the late Mfrs. Jacob Hollenbelek. ,l0uneral was held Monday from there to Ethel ceme- tery, Omr eyninathy is extemdecl the bereaved faultily. ndt�m Ade Wardkaw of Max was. home over Sunday. 'LAC Sttaml©Y Aiexander of 'Trenton was .a, went enol visitor at his home. A groin) of (Mr Ycun,g• people ne+,n, 1n.ia," a c1Lanr5 for run 50 till' gathered and VIVO Mr. and Mrs, Gordon SIe'glitltolm an old thne "r.hariwaree" on rnida•Y 'night, Mrs. Leslie Beirues spent the past two weeks' hcli:days with friends in Ribchener. Mr. Wm. Spear, 411i con., Morris is holding an Auction Sale of Farm Stocks ,and some implements on Cot. 14th. List of sale will be made up later. Anmli'ersary ,services will be held. on Sunday, Sept. nth at 11 a.m. and 7.50 pm. Special speiaker for the occasion will be Rev. J. G. Howse of Asllfleld, Blusvale choir will tape charge of the morning service. :Bel - grave choir at the evening service. May we enjoy these special services because we have the freedom to wersliip lin these critical times. Mrs. R. J. 7tciOlelilan, and Mrs. Win. Abram visited last week with the Tatter's loather Mr, Rlobt. Aitchi- son of Ripley, who le quite ill, with a Heart attack. Mrs, Arthur left on Monalay to visit relatives ha Hamilton oleo her, son Dr. Amt Shaw of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Iiainitton of Hensel 'lotted Sunday with the form'or'e another Mns, Sireal. Churchill. Mr, and. Mrs. Onah5m Campbell anent •Suss lay with Mr, and Mrs. jaw. ClampbeSi, let mine, Arnold L bliow and Douglas Black of the various trainlilig ounce salient the week end with their relatives axil) friends. t7on't forget to attend the BelgraVe School Fair to be held on Monday, Sept. 21-st, Schools competing, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, East Wawanosh; Nos. 0, 4, S, 7, Morrie; U.S.S., No. /, E. & W. Wawanosh, U,S;S. Nos. 3, 11 E. Wawanosh and Morrie, Weirm,dl'ty, Scotulber 16th,'1942 Car of Screenings .and aTarish Phone 46 GREY • I BRUSSELS COUNCIL Bruseeta, Sept. 1st, 1942 Hnl'iday visitors at the Home of The regular .monthly meeting of Ms, and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull Mr:• - and Mrs. W. W. Carter, Toronto; ' the 13ruase13 Mtiii8 1Pa1 Council was Mr, and Mrs. Dolga laarbes and son 1 held In the Public Library on the Teddy, Niagara ,andMins 0. Turn- I above date. All snenrbers being bull, Ottawa. present with the excel/Lien '.of H. Mise Viola Turnbull has resumed Champion enid.5' Samna: • her duties at the Public 'School In t The minutes el the lash meeting Hamilton after speoidling the y,,. ibeing read it Was moved by W..'Wti at hercationherhome here. ' lie secoraleff by W. Cameron that the Anlvetivauy ;services will be •Held is :video tea be adopted Carried. in Roe's Unite'il Church on Sunday. 1 The following bills were presented Set Both,. Rev, J. W. Johnson of 1 G. McDowell, August salary 66.00 Foldnvich, a tol'nier' pastor Isere wilt 19 5o. Campbell,Augn& salary ' 14.15 preach at 11 •a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Ton !..1x. S• Warwir'k, August Salary 30.00 are cordially inrd,ted to attend these 1 T3rnasela Hydro, street, lights 108.00 services. ' . '1 Hall lights 1.42 Mos. Wendell of Strathroy is visit- c C. '1'. Davidson, firemen's lir atran ce ' 81.15 lob at the hoaue of her daughter,' Awning, Cnce and RubberMrs. M. Dennis, Ooncession 4. Mr. and Mrs, Ctamentee Connley and 1 Sopp'ly, fireman's coats 30.00 iliatls daughter were );1a11ltors 'dining `1'Ed. Iladersol•cutting weeds 8.40 the past week at the home Of A.and, Reeder far August • 52.59 Mrs. Amercing.':: , ,,liovsd by W, Cameron., seconded The sewing circle on the S14i con. by W. Willis that -the coconuts a, in. connection with the Red Cross read be paid• -Carried. has resumed Choir • activities,and'There being no further business meet weekly• at the various homes. 1 the meeting adjourned, THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN Nr WIN THiS WAR ::„, , RAP METALS, RAGS, PAPEI,ANO BONES Dig in, everybody -and dig out all those items that can be turned into war production material. Get rid of all those 'old favorites' you've been hoarding around the house for years. You can do a big job of helping to win this war right at your own back doors ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES °CLEAN OUT"AND'CLEAN UP"AN HITLER! 0rmn(/���r l ,