HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-16, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST ataitr cftv9ng Wale with hick? v`r'or'ry o turn you out, bet the old 'bus is fuel to capacity already, it's a shame o waste a perfectly good seat in a em•ta Uy geed car," Betty aid pot want to get into the ems, Gorda did not want to get out f the 'bus, but they did both these hinge, The bus trunulled off, leav- ,,ug Gelder ami Dick standing beside he deserted lake, staring at each Aber in the moonlight. 'I've seldom met a girl quicker in ilte uptake that Connie Aishfleld,"' led Dick, grinning down .at her. "You planned this You wanted--" began Gude. "I wanted to drive you home, fine what's more 1 intended doing it. If Betty thdam't pnovidewtliaily given her ankle a wrtck, I'd have had to think of Something else. It's too cold to stand shoat." He li lleeel hie 'erre in her( marcle ting her ,away moan the• lake, shining like a mirror under the moon, with the flares and touidhes extengaisbed. "Well, how about et?" he asked before Gerda had recovered from her as toetslm meat, "How about What?" she asked, timmglingily .awaa'e Of the pressure of hie baud on her arm. "About you and nee, of course," he sued pronmimtly. ".I eves to ask you when you were cosmvinIced I was Betty -probe. I've hacl quite a lot of that •taseinaiting young woman's Society lately, and I'm ready to assure, Yon, cross my heart that that same heart could met, never could, and never would, go one beat to the minute the quicker for Miss, Bebty Cheveley. ?sn't that good enough for you, Gerda? Involuntarily they stood still in the 'road. "But you kissed her," whispered Gerda. I ,thought you slaw US," said Dick quietly. "That is one, reason wlhy I am bent on having it out with you tonight. I've no patience with a pack of miteundemstancldmi that a couple of plain words can put right ,at once." "But you kissed her,' She accused "Yes, I lessee her,' agreed Dick baldly, his lips setting in a finm lune. Not even to Gerda would he ever reveal the fact that Betty had time instant She knew Gerda mvlas near, Practically flung herself into lois aain>is. "So you must be-" began Gerda again,, "I kissed Betty," repeated Dick quietly. "And you've get to !believe me when I tell you it meant northing more to me than ie it had been your Aunt Anne," 'Mut you've been everywhere with her, evemylsody's• noticed it' persisted Gaeta breathlessly, $or Dick was now rushing her along aloe more, "You, heisted I ismlould prove to ,myself and yon that Pin not in love with your Cousin Betty," the. remind- ed her. "I did the job pretty thor- oughly, and you ought to be satisfied, `'But Betty -rime ,may be in love with you," pt'otested Gerda feebly, Dick laughed' outright, "Site's only keeping her band in with me. We meed not worry about any damage 1 may have drone to Betty's, young affecticros," Still Gerda ,said nothing, and Dick, his patience 'exhanustec1 stepped agate .ie, the mliidd'e of the road. 'Leek here, Gerdra, you've got to end it one ws.y or the other," he said roughly, a hand our either of her shoulders, "Do you love me or do you not Tell ane, Genie, because I -I love you so much,' Hie voice grew hearse, his eyes were ,tunbaa.rably anxious. Gerda gave a half sob, "I love you quite ,as match as you love mo, More, a lot inore, bet I won't be 4ctsls!ed by you molten you've been kissing Betty." "Kissinig your grandmother," he scoffed, hie mine tender as she had never heard it, 'arid his arms went round her, "That was. ndtiiiog--but this- "was was a long silence. "Butt, this," he went on untseadily, 'Is the nnlost wongleetul thing that ever happened," and again his lips Owed on hers. The pasta' larelved betateelty at Goma-bully House, to find Miss Ane setting up Por them, her book you straight, her eyes very bright. Betty lounged on the conch opposite, in the most ma/wellous rlegltgee Gerda had ever set eyes. en, One glance net time %zee of the pair as they came ie. ware enough. for Betty, and she always believed in gettlieg her blow he fleet, "I wetted up to ate9 geed- bye to you, ehe added, tthong% Imes ItJ*k eye. Were ttebeee ai, "Sone The On boy Susan It locked like time Snow Rennie glu- m mere mortals the privilege of gazing at her. For Betty was In white from ahead to Icel. platted brief white skirt, shout white fur Coat, that could not have looked better if it had beeei genuine ermine, a tall Cossack cap in the same fur, with a glittening paste ornament at the side, catching the light and reflecting a hundred coloured sparks, the whole ensemble putting Gerda, and every other girl, In the shade. To complete the costume there were high boots of flexible 'buckskin, white, on which the skates flashed like silver, The pressuee erased off, and Garda, tier ears tingling, moved away, glad to in away from the spectacle of that swift and exquisltelY graceful white figure, tacked effectively In every intricate movement by the taller, darker shape, that was Dick 4e11wyn, She and the rest of the Ashfield party skated together in far Less spectacular fashion. "leset it exactly like Betty." es- clahned the idign'ant Connie, "If 'I I &a,1u t doreihly clragged Ted away he'd be standing there this minute, staining of her, begging abjectly for a eolund with her. I never :IV all my life Saw a girl with such a gift for annexing every other girl's sweet- heart.' "Skaite-Gerda?" Timis was Dick Sellwyn, with both hands outstretch- ed. , "No, thanks very much, I'mn not up to your form,' said Gemma stif iy. "Nonsense!' he returned lightly, linking his crossed bands in. hem's and .bk+inetreing away with her round Man *. Redgrave the lake. How trtglvtfully tame this• must be for you," said Gerda, her small nose In the air, "Not a bit," be toll her cheerfully. "Betty's giving a solo exhbbitioa at ,the moment. She's a wonder, that girl! Look Isere, 1'11 show sloe a few of her teiciks. "1 don't want to learn them, Iran Otte satisfied with pfalin skating," said Gerda firmly, goaded to rebel- lion., and be pulled her hands away, early overbalancing herself in the effort. In an instant reek had her by the waist, steadying her, and skating with effortless ease along the desert- ed edge of the lake. "Mad with toes, Gorda ' he aked in her ear. "Why should I be?" she asked In her turn. "But I shall be if you don't lett me stclp, this' Instant." "Why should I?" he demanded in his turn, "Are you sending me back to Betty?" "Yes!" she cried passionately, though site felt there was death in her heart. 1 "Very weld,' he seed quietly, and to her sunpriee and disappointment to 111 d•'Isengaged hes arm, steadied her on her skates and looked down at her. "Don't felt et, you're sending me back," he said, but Gerda would not hear. Instead' some joined a line of three, one of whom held out an arm to her, There was damning to the music of a huge grobnap'hone, near an open window close to the lake, and later CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES `WI';` T 15 WAR AT TOIIR BACKDOOR Do your bit by saving every scrap -every scrap counts. Tons of war material can be made from paper, scrap metals and bones. ISSUED SY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES COME ON CANADA CLEAN OUTHAND'CLEAN UP'/ON HITLER! GREATEST VALUES 5. FOR MEN The Eke "Es. gate" - hand - seine and man. n1 (est fie Popular Elco $2 750 New Era' model In the smart cowl shade. $2375 FOR LADIES C. Cbertatnel; styled Eke 'Newer- -•• In M nor . Doral 0. It $2175 Thea is beautiful 3 E3oo "Pltheaza"-tiny, $ yet dependable EASY CREDIT TERMS Shop at IT PAYS SEAFORTH, ONT. Our Diamond Room Affords Privacy When Buying there was hot soup and coffee. for all who wanted it. But always, no matter wthat was goring on, deetty's glittering white 'figure was the centre of attraatlon, and usually Dick Sel'lwym was in close attend- ance. "I can't bean' it, I'll have to get guard:father to ask ane to Blooms- bury," thought th eagonesed Gerda. "1'11 find a job of some kind. Oh! At that moment she was skating alone, and she clasped one !nand to, her ,mouth, choking back the cry Beyind a (dunmp o8 bashes., unseen by any but herself, was Deck Sellwyn, his area% black as pitch in the moon- light ;varlet Betty's• snowy fur, around Walt young lady. Betty's two white furred arms were about his neck, ansa, at the moment when Garda's anguished eyes fell upon thein their Lips met. "He saw nue but it didn't keep him from, kissing her." wailed Gorda in her heart. "Ola, L Wriest get away et once to Loader' Dom' another hour she skated with one and another, longiamg for the mo, meat when the Ashfield party would be ready to start for home. At the last instant, when, skates had been reluctantly taken off and the hilarious panty were climbing into' the 'bus, Dick came in sight, ' Betty dlinging to his amen and limp- I ir,g. "Betty's given her ankle a bit of a twist" annuounilced Dick, with what even, the stioken Gercla could not help lettraicimg was, unloverlilcp neer- Mines. "Cern she have a seat in your 'bus?" "I thought you drove Betty in Miss Cheveley's car " said Connie; with mlanked lack of cordiality. "True, int the garage is over halt a mite away, stud Betty isn't up to walking so tar," went on Dick with undiantes6iecl ,clheerfuiuess. "Come ,ell, Can, you met surely tack in one snore," "I know I can wa.lk,d1 said (Settle with. a totecit Oddi petulance and Connie sarddelh4y knew the young lady had been brought unlwilllltmgly to the 'bus, "Ono or us will Walk to the gar - ,age," ,said. Oeuvre. "lamp in, BetW, fiord" -she looked amounnd---"Gerda, Yoe Wont Mind walltdng to the garage him for a second time, only just audibly. Wedmveedby, Septnrber lett, 1'942 hen in Listowel AT AT a to 's Restaurant Horne Away From Home friends of mine have been crazing me to go with them to Mecliera. Their letter by thee eveatieg's post was ea urgeab that I have not the heart to go on refusing." She rose and nailed her fibril' dnapenles actmoss the room, holding eut a !slian white hand to Diok, ".How charming for you," he said smoothly, "You'll es,oape the rigours of the lenigliah spring. Before You go, I'd like you to know Gerda and I are going to be married." 'Really." drawled Betty with the air of relegating them to the deepest pit of insignificance. "When? Some day, I suppose, .Clongretuiations, Gerda, 1 want you to help with my Packing," and she trailed with imitnl- talbde glace out of the rooms, "There were no letters by the overtime. post," ,said Miss Ante dryly. grt place. "My dears, I'm delighted," suppose these Prions of Betty's know they are taking her to Madiera, But they will," elle added with cont victim,. "She made their acquaint- ance on iter journey ,home, 'and I understand there is en eligible son." "Aunt Anne,' buns% out Gerda stormily, "don.'t you think it's of any consequence either ?" "Your engagement to Dick?" queried Miss Cheveeiy briskly, "Indeed I do, but Bebty, as usual, has managed to make her affairs take first place, "MY dens I'm delighted," and she held dot a hand to each at them. "You. may kiss erre-both oP you," TO BE CONTIN'(ISOD, FAIR DATE ANNOUNCED Markdale Sept. 16, 17 Meter Sept. 16, 17 Hanover Sept. 17, 18 Iain cardiae Sept. 17, 15 Clifford Sept, 18, 19 Mildmay Sept. 16, 16 Mount Forest Sept. 17, 13 New Hamburg Sept, 18, 29 Orangeville Sept, 15,, 16 Underwood Sept. 15 Palmerston Sept. 18, 19 Grand Valley Sept. 25, 26 Atwood Sept, 25, 26 Harriston Sept. 24, 25 Listowel Sept. 23, 24 Lucicnow Sept. 22, 23 Owen Sound Sept, 26, 28, 29 Paisley Sept. 21, 22 Port 1Igin Sept. 25, 26 eeaforth , Sept. 24, 25 Tara Sept. 23, 24 Mitchell Sept. 29, 39 Arthur . Oct. 1, 2 Ohesley Oct. 2, 3 Dungannon Oet. 1, 2 Meaford' Oct. 1, 2 Tiverton Oct. 5, 6 Teeswater ,,. Oct. 6, 7 �+:eo�ei�ei:H:eeoia°eie�e ►sos�oo®000°o-oao-o as;P o a c� `;o-avedb+oteett el'e•asa-eoette +44, oe gq •g� st.e ares m .: +fie a• titALLAN A. LAM %�I7' t, ego Agent tor -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurctre •go Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy `e for farmo farmers.. g• olio Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 o0 g +04 m. •e a�® W. S. Donaldson -' Licensed Auctiomswastetzemment ned e for the Counties of Baron and Penh A ,, phone 35,r-13 - - Atwood, Ona Y♦ ♦fie All Sales Promptly .Attended to y�♦ eI® em � CHARGES MODERATE Re ege For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and th 3. will be looked after immediately. yi♦ yi: WILLIAM SPENCE .I:. Estate Agent Conveyancer,caa♦♦ and Commissioner 6.� GENERAL INURANCE OFFICE Z' eg ••4,4,e •Zo • ole use 'PHONE OFFICE 92X e• • • s�e e4 000 • • oho 0 40 0 Sze e4 •Ze MAIN STREET, - - ETHEL, ONT. Io CHAS. T. DAVIDSON eE; INSURANCE AGENT FOR ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Suckness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 04, •Ie ♦Io RESIDENCE 87.s-2 Brussels, Ont. Iii Harold • Jackson ' SPECIALIST IN FARM AND 'HOUSEHOLD SALES. t ' (Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties) , Pf'(CS8 REASONABLE; BATISFAOTION GUARANTEED 4; Foe information, etc., -write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on 658, og` Saaforth; R.R. 1, Brueeneise. Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Bell, efi� Barrister office. ofo a� D. A. RANN FURNITURE FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE *t Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer oe +e u �� 4ti PHA NI�3g or .,.... -..�.� a "fj• BRUSSELS, ON'r. i 0~4 I .?g; JAMES McFADZEAN 4 Howick Mutual Fee insurance 4 ---also-- e Hartford Windstorm, , Tornado Insurance e. Automobile Insurance ;Di PHONE 42 P. 0. BOX 1 TIJRNBERR� tY ST. z -- BRUSSELS) ONT. f 441.4.....+.A..+4.-.••-•.+44......444•-**-,"' !+isi t4!iiFj'!+ iy�4•4 }