HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-9, Page 1ELS POSTPUBIS...-� PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, September 9th, 1942 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Dance -Jamestown on Sept l l in Aid of Overseas Cigarette Fund for Brussels, rr s Al{] Grey WEDDING Fowler—Bedard PLkT'D BURG, N.Y.—A very pretty wedding was celdbnated on August 18th, when Mass Bette Bedard, daughter of Mr. and Mns. Bedard of Plattebut'g, N.Y., became the bride of Rost -Sergeant Jdhu 3, Fowler, only son of Rev. and Mrs. F, G, Fowler of Bluevale, Ontario. After the ceremony. the 125231sy couple spent their haneytiuoan in Montreal, Que. They were the receplents of maw beautiful and useful giits. They are now residing temvoraolly at Platte - bury 'Barracks, N.Y. NOTICE— To clean oaut a petition of ' the Lamont Drain east of the Garndas Bridge to be let by tenders on Tues- day, Sept, 16th at the Gamin Bridge at 2 p.m. on the end lino of Morris, Lowest or aaly tender not necessaelly accepted, TENDERS WANTED For building a new school house at S.S. No. 8, Morris. The same to be a- frame 'building on cement foundation. For plans and speci- ficatioms apply to , . R. S, 'SHAW, Blnevale, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned till Monday, Sept, 21st at 8,30 p.m., for bhe woilk to be done on the 14th Con. Drain end the 9th Own. Drain, Plans •ar'd spec]fioatiems at the Clerk's office, Ethel. Ceetbfied cheque for 0.0% of the Tender will be required and the lowest or any tender not neciessari1y accepted. 3. H. real•, Clerk, REGENT J4E A'l"jR E Seat'orth Ont. NOW PLAYING— DOUBLE FEATURE Dude Cowboy Starring Tim Holt —Also— Lupe Velez Leon Errol The Mexican Spitfire's Baby A fiery farce based on a riotous escapade Mon., Tues. and Wed. Henry Fonda Olivia DeHaviland Male Animal Every scene's a scream in this delightful comedy' Next Thurs., Frl, & Sat,— Ride 'Em Cowboy Starring Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in their latest feature. Coming— DOUBL•E FEATURE— Body Disappears' Steel Against the Sky When double • features are shown last show starts 8:45. When single features are shown last show starts 8115, "Friendship. with the Church will enrich your Home." Melville Church 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible 'Class 11 am.—"Jonah" 7 p.m.—Rev.F. G. Fowler of Bluevale. COME AND WORSHIP. nr..Orawallo tear..--_ United Church Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 'The Kingdom of Brotherhood' Junior Congregation 12.00—Chunch School and Bible Class 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service "Christ and a Lost World" WELCOME TO WORSHIP' Church of England Pariah of : Brussels Rector,•Rev, M, F, Oldham ST JOHN'S BRUSSELS 16th Sunday after Trinity Sept. 13th, 194e 10,30a,m.—Sun•day echoel 11,15 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Serinon ST. QEOR€f'E'$,,; WALTON. 10 a.ni,-Morning'• Prayer, and', • • Sermon, $T. DAVttrs, HENFRYN 41.45 p.im--Sunnite ixhool 4 3 p.m.--Evenli%g "payer` and Sermon PEOPLE WE KNOW Obituary Mee. George Henderson es 110030 atter a few days' visit in Stratford. Amble Henderson i1.•C.A,F., who hes been atatioued at Debert, N.5,, haw had two weeked Furlough and leaves this week for H,altrtax, Mars. Geo. Davidson and daughter Joan spent a Dew days last week with Miss Inez Jllokling of Ltstawel. Miss Janet and WIAuna Watson of Toronto spent the holiday week end at their .home here. Miss' olive Downey of Toronto watt, a holid(ay visitor at the home of Wm. and' Mrs, Somers, Frs, T. 18, Whitfield ie .spending a few days' with her sister Mrs, Geo. MoClall, Mr, Peter Lindoladter spent the boll - day week end ire Wdngham. Mrs. Z. Kreuter and daughter Madeline and Mr. and Mns. Harold Chapman and •dau'g!btens, Marie and Jean of Kitchener and Mr. Fred Fischer were holiiday week 'erne' visi- tors with relatives •in I3t:u:ssels and Cnaribroak. Sgt. Willem Rowland of Brussels, was reported the first of this weed to have made his 16th trip raiding enemy teni!ttoree Mr. end Mee. G. W. Leitch and their two ehildren, Douglas and Cath - edam, of Windsor, have dome to town. They have taken an• apart- ment in tee Stratton' 'block. Mr. Leitch will open up the Jewellery rime of Mrs. Annie S'tre'tton, Miss M. Potts, Guelph and Miss E. Cunningham, Bnant2orxl, were week end guests eeith the la'tter's parents, M,. and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham. Miss Mary Walker, Toronto, spent the week end holiday with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker. Mir. and Mrs. 0. Whitfield, St. Catherines, were week end visitors withrelatives and frienis, Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas, Warwick, Owen Sound. were week ern' visitors in Brussels. Mists Jean 'Scott, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott. Harvey G+lbs'on of She R.C.A•F. has been home on leave. Mrs. Ino. Logan hie been a visitor in Newark, Dei'ewetee, U.S.A. Mr. and Mee, Thos, McGarry of Taranto, were 1nolirtfay visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wan. Baeker. Mr. and Mee. ,T, S. Armstrong and- snn .flim spent the week .end at Was'aga ,Beach., Rev M, F. and Mrs, Oldham and Mrs. M. R. Oldham ,spent Labor Day with icrnner par'ielleloners, in Clarke - bury and Thornbury. Mrs, - Adam Dahmer at Atwood was the guest of Rev. M. F. and Mrs. Oldham, at St. John's Rectory on Wednesday. Sgt, Lyle Brothers of jibe Coastal Defence and Anti At'crait R,C,O.0., Quebec Olity and Mrs. Brothers have James A. Long After an illness follow.in'g a severe stroke two years ago there pawed away on August. 26th at Limerick, Seek. ,Tames A. Long, oldest son, of the Late Jacob and 'Mrs. Long of Orandnmok. Jim was a resident of that community before going was a number of years ago to take up land, rIn recent years he was in bust/noise dor dleassey.+Harrls. Co., which he had to give eip on account of .111 health two years ago He leaves his widow and a family of six children, Mrs, S. Merttn of Limerick; Lenore of Regina; Edwin of 1LC,A.F. now in Scoudoec NIB.; Isa'belte of Regina and Mee and 'Claire at 11ome. Also three elster•.s, Mrs, Sara Campbell! of Redline; Mrs. Rory Ben- nett of Walton and Mrs. S. Burgess of Brussels anti two brothers, Gart of 'Sancta Monica, Cal„ and Claire of B1n51sttls. Fun•emad was held August 28th, from his home and burial todk place M Assdmalroda, cemetery. Mrs. David Badgely On September the 5th, at her home in Bruasees, there passed away Mary ,cane Badgley, widow of the late David• Bedg6ey, who. predeceased her by fonnteeni years. She moved 'to , Brustsela from Jamestown and had • been a resident of this village far c, the past tweelty-tour yeasts. One sin died in 1905. 'She leaves to mourn her poololing, two eons anal a daugh- ter: William in Saskatoheuan; Al- vin of Detroit, Mie'h.; and Mrs. 3. Gndavtn of P"eiif0,,,'9. S1 IS 011rV11r- e'rl rhea by two ,efs'ters Mrs. Sotbule. at Wroxeter and Mrs. Merkeley of Waterloo, iSesitlles these there are thia'teem• grandehildmen and two great grandchildren. The funeral service was held at her late rets'idllence on Tuesday, September 8th, at 2.30 P.M., and was conducted by bhe Rev. S. Kerr, 1 of whose corkregetion• Mrs. Tsedglev was a member, Mr. Lorne Meunier , sang a soba, "Nelamer my God to Thee." Interment took place do Brussels oemle]tery, The pallbearen•s were Oharl'es Davidson. Alvin Oa'klev, Lorne Eck- m.ter. Frank Kerney. Harry Obamp- ion and Percy Lawless. returned to Quebec alter spending ., the past two weeks With, relatives .1 and friends of Brussels and Liss• towel. Mr. C. Jeffs) al (Chatham, spent the week end. with Daman Mc- Kilenon. Opl. Rose, Elliott of the R.C.A.S.0. ''Debert, NS. dee spending a few days' with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Elliott. It is now ILLEGAL to HOARD R:D scrap steel or UNUSABLE machinery The Steel Controller has ordered that, after September 15, 1942, no person may retain in his possession scrap iron or steel weighing a total of 500 pounds or more unless he has a permit. (Par the purposes of the new regulations, scrap metal includesmachin- ery, structural steel, or any other article or commodity -containing iron or steel, which is not serving an immediate Vitae purpose.) • The order also provides: That anyone, corning into possession after September 15.. of scroll iron or steel weighing 500 pounds or more, must dispose of it within 20 days. That any person having a valid reason for not disposing ofscrap metal as scrap metal or who believes that it can serve some essential purpose, must send in a report by September 15 to the TJsed Goods Adminihfretor of the 1 irtime Prices -and Trade Board, Lumsden Building, Toronto, His report must reveal the exact descriptn, quantity, and location of his scrap mein'. The provisions>of the order do not apply to scrap dealers who ore already subject to previous orders; nor do they affect metal fabri- cators and processors who are in legal possession of metal to be used in manufacturing. A copy of the order, S.C. 26, may be obtained from the Steel 'Controller, Department of Munitions and Supply, Ottawa. Tnfractions of the new regulations are euliiect to a Cine of up to 35,000, or'imprisonment of up to; five years, or both Ane and imprihonment. 'Department of MV[uni,ti.ons end•Supply iv.�7.•. . Isotope/pm 0. D BOWECt;rintrityr&0: AM Vosseerewierinswesseresisisseerseeert School Notes Mr. Maurioe Laycock,. BA., has been appointed Principal of Brussels Continuation. School for the year aibout to. start and will continue to teach the same subjects, as La the past three years. Mr. Laycock has accepted a difficult position at some eaeriace of hls peatsoniail planes in order to help the school in the emergency follow- ing Mr. MurraY'a death, With hos knowledge of the school acquired dining Abe past three years the Board feels he well carry on very eifioiently and they bespeak for ,111m the •syinpatheble co•openatton of pu;tells and community. Miss Helen •Jeekli a B.A., of Ohesley has been appointed waist - ant teacher •to fill the Vacancy yin the staff. She is an honor graduate of Western University with a sapeoialiets certificate in 134 111911 and History and comes well reeon3menul- ed' 'after a year's exiperlence teaching in a Continuation: School, Mrs. Wilton is at present its Gravenhurst taking instructions in the new defame course to be taught this year end will return to her usual place on the staff while Mies Smith will again be teaching French and Latin atter very successful results with the school last year, Received Cigarettes Ward has been received from Mao iMhDowell that he got the cigarettes sent hila undies the auspices of the F10111 & Same Club and Fire Grigade for which 11e expresses sincere thanirs', He is line and w•iwbes all the Bmusisei s' folks good tarok. Mr. Blackstone, expert piano tuner and repairer is in this vic- inity this week Please leave orders at The Brussels Post or phone Blyth 119. Church Notes 'The Annual Pdeeil of the Sunday. School of St. D!aviers Church, I4en fryn was field on That'sday after- noon, Sept. 3rd at the grove along the river 'banik on the farm of Mr. -Thomas Kerr, Henfiyu. The weather was Ideal for the occas'' -on and a very pleasant time wes spent do games ,and social Intercourse. A tasty and delteous supper was served, The Women's Guild and the W.A. of et. George's Cli urcll, Walton held the August meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry 'Bolger on Thursday, Aug, 27th with a good attendance, Mrs. Win, Humphrey was m charge. It was decided to heli' a Bazaar end a Sapper around the end of October Sn1PPer was served by the hostess. The Service In tlhe local Anglican 3arieh on Sunday were in keeping with the Empire Day of PraYe,r, The Litany, a .Special Serv.lee of Tuderceseson and the Holy 'Commun- ion Service were used in St. Felea's Chitrah. The Rector, Rey, M. F, Oldham, preached an appropriate ser- mon on the text, "T6reee were the Potters' and those that dwelt among plants and 1ledgee there they dwelt with the king for his work "I. Chron 4 20, The Sermon stressed the value of labor for the Church, Em- pire, Sltate War Effort and Co1n- mntaitty. At the.serviee next Sunday morn - Ing in the United Church the ,iunior Congregation will meet for the first time under the leaclerwhip of Mrs. H. 0. Wilson. Plans have been made to have Aalniversary Service& in the United Church on the first Sunday In No- ' • veeneer, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Wand Sellers wants- to take it' i(-'ogpporturfity of thanking her lean,', friends for their kindness shownme during my Mess in Clinton, Hospital. GREY CONCIL f• Sairt, i,th, 1942 Minutes of 'Council Meeting held on above date, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The Engineer's report on the 6th. Carr. D;a'n wit: provisieneely adopted and the clerk instructed to have the necessary by-laws prepared, 'printed and served. The Clerk was instructed to write the Engineer as to 'assessment for the repair at the tile for portion of the Hanna Drain Extension. Arthur Ward'•s appeal on the 9th Cora, Drain By-law was not allowed but Council agreed to Pay him 10.00 floc change of location at side road. Clerk was instructed to adverttze for tenders for the work to be done on the 141111 Con. Di'alln and the Rh Cont Drain. The following accounts were paid. Roads , .- $ 74.67 H. E. P. C. 13. 0. H. Sheep Relief Weed Control . 10.10 Mumdeipal Drainage 2313.00 Postage 1.83' Oounel will meet again Sept. 21st at 8,30 pari, J. I3. Fear, Clerk. 9.24 3,00 5.00 61.33 Engagement Announcement The engagement is annonneed of Margaret E leabeVh (tRetty), only daughter of Mrs. MaeLeod and the late MalodIni MadLeod of Seaforth to John Edward, eldest sal of Mr. and Mrs. Davrtd Mac Lebnam of Tueloeltsnnitb. The ,marriage will take place the latter part of Sep- tember. CARD OF THANKS Vire wish to thank the ildends and neighbors' 08 our late mother for thndr great kindness dieing her 111 - nese and at the time of her death. The Radgiey Family. AD A ATE NAL REGISTRE 61� OF ' EN IN CNAA Sept. 14 to Sept. 19, 1942 THOSE WHO MUST REGISTER All females born between January 1st, 1918 and December 31st, 1922, inclusive, who are not now in possession of Unemployment Insurance Cards Form 411 or 413 (Il'lustrated below). Also all those who have such cards in their possession but who are not employed in insurable employment. WHERE YOU MUST REGISTER You must register at your nearest Selective Service Office (formerly the local Employment & Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission), or a location set up for your convenience. If you reside in a rural area, you register at your nearest Post Office, THE DATE OF REGISTRATION You may register at any time between Monday, September 14th, and Saturday, September 19th, 1942. THOSE WHO NEED NOT REGISTER Inmates of Institutions such as hospitals and mental hospitals and members of religious orders. Those in possession of either pf the two Unemployment Insur- ance Cards Form 411 or 413 (illustrated) and who are now employed in insurable employment. NOTE t ti you are now unemployed, you will he required to register.. 11 youlave an insurance boolt number or registration certificate U T,G. 411 or 41310210h you got when you were previously employed, bring it with you When registering. ELf.J6Tr 1t, arm 1t11MPntime tsUTmat % otor Mitsui;Selective 8.11500 Whisks N k,abot/a SB M