HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-2, Page 6Make the most of your Tea.. THE MIXING BOWL •y ANNE ALLAN R dre Nome Economist MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR TEA AND COFFEE QUOTA Redo 'Hc:nem1kersl The rule of thumb has been a'baudored with the eat'ronleg cf tea and coffee. Every tea Ira r.,^.1 every pound of coffee trust now be Trade to count. The new regulations of the Wartime Prices ami Tn'' le Board allow ors ounce cif tea OR four ounces of coffee ln'ot both) per person, per week, for these over 12 years of age. Ttfe tea quota allows enough for 12 cups and the coffee quota for 3e cops d:ur.rg the week. In the Dade ,of •.ecdfee concentrates Or sub- stbtutea your ration ,00upoo will allow the purchase of a quantity sufficient to intake 12 cups. There are several factors that may make a grsat difference in 3tre t..1•ine cut your allowance -the blend, the grind or grade, the pot, the me-smrereeiuts, the temperature of water, the Steeping and storage method. GENIER.AL DIRECTIONS 1 But, freshly ground Coffee. Ask your grocer to grind it medium Coarse for 'boiled •ooffee, fine for the percolator and extra Ens for the dsr',p ,or vacuum. (Glass vacuum ,coftee•+makers' require a very finely ground coffee so that all the flavour Is drawn, out.) 2. Store in an .absolutely clean con - THE BRUSSELS POST coffee makings will ruin the fresh coffee flavour. soiled Coffee Measure MIN) into a tine choose - cloth. bag (double tlntolauess), Use One level (ablePsootn dor each Stan- dard cap of water. Place bag in kettle or coffee pot contlining the required amount of boiling water, Cover and simmer 8 or 10 mine. Serve at once. tatver with a tight -fitting lid, prefer bly a glass Jar. Exposure to air causes loss •af flavour. 3. Keep coffee in the lower part of tier electric refrigerator: Pound c•irfee will keep its flavour longer In a cold atmosphere. Keep tea in a dry place. i. Measure water and tea (or cot - fast aecututely---mith a measur- ing 'spoon( and an eight -ounce measuring :cup. ,Bring the water t: a fail ball. as actively boiling water releases the best coffee flavour. 5. M^ice only as mtuch tea or coffee as yott wish to serve. If at any time you do have some tea or coffee left aver, Store it in a covered Jar and place in the elec. tr'c re,frigenato'r to serve as an feed drink or flavouring for a milk shake, ,punch ,dr dessert. s'ee'p tea or coffee at least 5 mire. instead of the neual 2 m;•; Veeng a glass coffee maker steering is, done by allowing the coffee a•nd water to remain, in the upper bowl dor 5 min. by leav- i^g on sl*a ;warm 'element. This extra ,steeping will give you good results, Cram less ,coffee. , 7, Neves fait to wash the inside of tine coffee maker or teapot scrup- ulously clean with baking soda an,d water -using a ,brush dor 'the =pouts. Any used ,filter bag must he thoroughly washed; a coffee bag with the rendat es of former 1 clbeSNAPSNOT GUILD VACATION PHOTOGRAPHY It pays to make vacation snapshot close-ups, like this appealing picture of one happy SUMMER vacation time is no 0 longer Just around the corner. It has begun already. But the big Question still is, "How can I make good pictures of my vacation?" The answer to that can be found in two words: preparation and planning. What they stand for rep- resents photographic insurance against disappointments or failure. Preparation for picturing your vacation is just as important as preparation for a canoe or pack trip into the deep woods. Begin by giv- ing your camera a thorough clean- ing. Polish the lens with a soft tintless eloth or (ons tissues. Dust out the bellows and interior of the camera. If there's anything wrong With your eamera get it fixed so that it won't spoil any o4 your va- cation snapshots. Finally Make sure you're well stocked with film, Take at least half dozen rolls with you. You may also want to carry some accesso- ries suoh as a filter and tripod, but don't burden yourself with much more equipment. Make it a habit to travel light. When your vacation begins and the picture making starts, plan to do three things. Firibt, count en taking lots of pictures and then se- lecting the best for your permanent collection, Second, plan to make your pictures tell a story. And third, resolve that you will take more 01ese41pa of people. When yeti approach picture male lug that way, you'll find that it's e503, to create a complete picture story of your vacation. Just use common sense photographic technique, record step by step the things you see and do, and you'll end up with a reveal- ing, interesting, and detailed snap- shot record of your vacation, 303 John van Guilder Coif ee.Milk While coffee Is being prepared, scald au equal amount of milk. Pour the coffee and hot milk to. gefher into the cups to equal amounts, one cup In. each. hand. Percolated Coffee Measure water into a clean scalded percolator. Place basket in pot and measure coffee Into it. Cover and a.ttsoli eleonao 'cord. Allow water to percolate over coffee for 10, mins. (timing ,should begin when a slight colour appears In water seen in glass top)• Drip Coffee ':Scald the coffee pet. Measure coffee fnsbe the upper Part. Pour fresh, briskly boiling water over coffee, Gayer 'and let stand on the arae(( •el,ectnic element turned to Low or ,Simmer eo coffee does not :boll but the ,steam snakes the coffee steep longer. TAKE A TIP 1.. If you use both tea and coffee and have 2 ration cards in your hoame,'u,e one card for tea and 0115 for coffee. 2. Black tea is made from ferment ig the tender tea leaves; green tea is unfermented tea; "orange pekoe" retells, to the .size of the leaf not •a particulrar flavour or grade. THE QUESTION BOX National Parks As Sanctuary For Our Wildlife All feawada's national parks, are wildlife sanctuaries, They serve as natural museums where visitors oan enjoy the benefits df first -(nand ac- quaintance with creatures of the wild living uwafnai'd and unanolested. In this way the peeks not only make a noteworthy ,00ntnibutloln to wildlife conservation, but also offer an uneq- ualled opportunity to study eoology under Dai orebie ,cond'ltionle. Wildlife adds materially to the ipleaslure of the park visitor. However charming the scenery, its beauty and interest ore increased a hundh•ed-fold by the sight of wild creatures in the forest, the ,song of ibirds In the trees; the whirr of wings, skimming the :surface of the waiter, or the leap of a trout from, deep eddying pools. Thane add life to the scene and are an ea- esntial part of the national parks idea. This fact has long been, re'dagnized by those changed with national parks ,development in Catnada. Wild ami- mats living under natural dondttioas present to the park Visitor a picture of .animal life which never could be obtained within :the coniines Of •a zoo or even, at 'range, where no adequate Protection is afforded, ,No doubt one of the most fascinating features of these national ,parlcs is the arppertuu- ity they provide to study and photo- graph wild animals ill their native habitat, A wilder -versa invaded by throngs of human beinb^tsa may seem a para dox, but there is really nothing eon- flictirtg between, the idea of a wildlife ,sanctuary and a ,specious .arc's of natural beauty where hundreds, and thousands of people may go each Year in: .search of healthful recre- ation. Actually Ithere is very little disturbance of wildlife, in these parks, and it is remarkable how quickly the animals and birds' have discovered. that they have nothing to tear from man. 'Some of mem ,have become tame to a point bordering on ienptnd'enice. This es particularly trete of the ;black hear -,blit Here a word of caution,. Visitors to the parks will be well 'advised not to teed o1• at- tempt to 'Spat" the animals. Kindness &CS net alwags beget kindness, and sine of these andntials have, not yet learned what ie. expeoted of them neer a:Uvild'zed rules of conduct. Years ,ago ,Canada was the lest re- fuge of many wild animals, but be- cause of the advamice of 's'ettlememt in this country the babfttation, par- ticularly of big gamue, were 'gradoa.11y taken over and the animal life was ,being inexorably wiped out. The story of the plains buffalo is a case in point. A few years' ago nue bust the adventurous., who was ,content to spend days and possibly weeks 1•.n the attempt, could see slush animals aro, the, 'mountain goat and bighorn sheep, in their native .surroundings. Today. the visitor to the national parks may come across many of these •derntzems, including sheep. goat, mucase, clear, ,bear, elk, and, to sonne.:ef ,the, park,, buffalo anal ante- lope, without having to go- very Dar dell. Con,ada's n'ationa1 parks are truly an'contplllishlmg one of the most im- Portant mins which was, in the minds of those Who first ,conceived the ides of great natural musemnns of wile ld;fe. These Perles' are in the best po's'sible position to Preserve will ]tlPe (because their mandate to pre• serve comprehends the whole eom- plex ed •eomtlh and 'water, hill and dale, Honest and plain, rock and snow that go to make rap a ,p•ar1c. As lona as the national harks, are. kept Ei wildldde ,sanctuaries they will eon• tinue to present a fuller picture of the prhneval Canada and afford CaO' actions a chance, to entiloh this exper- ter'c' by unfoogetabie enicommtens with p'rianitive nature. Mrs, A. E. .salad: "If corn syrup eau, ,be used in tomato sandwich 311• ing and in what proportion " Answers: Tomato Sandwich Filling 12 ripe tomatoes; 3 onions, 14 'clip salt; % cup eosin syrup; 4 red sweet peppers; 1 green, sweet ,pepper; 6 tsps. mustard;" 1% cups flour; 1 •cup granu- lated sugar; 1 e00 vinegar." .0oo'k toimatdes au'cl onicass untll soft. Put through a sieve. Add salt, ,sugar, syrup and vinegar and chopped pail/Pers. Heat this mixture and add mustard. Then add the flour that has been mixed with vine- gar to make a paste, Gook on elec- tric element tuiuned low. Stir fre- quently. Pour in sterilized jarsand cover with paraffin. 'Yields 3 points. Anne Allen. invites you to writs to her in Dare of The Brussels Post, i Send in your questions on hoineemak- Ing ,problems and, watch this columu for replies. FAIR DATE ANNOUNCED -x- Neusbadt Elmira I31y1h Dunham Milverton Wiarton Markdale Exeter Hanover iiincardin:e Clifford Mildmay Mount Forest New Hamburg Orangeville ' - Palmerston Underwood Atwood Grand Volley IIarriston Holstein tistowel Luaknow Owen Sound Paisley Port Elgin Seaforth Tara Mitchell Arthur 0hesiey Dungannoln Medford Tiventoit Teeswater Septeul'dber 2nd, 190 • Farmers drive curs lees than city people and get low rates from r Pilot. But farmers do drive -ono unin- sured accident' could wipe out your home oryour - savings: Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. WALTER SCOTT BRUSSELS Representative PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. When, you 'have gazed uiso your- self as "he" instead of "I", then see if the faults of others will mot dwarf and shrink away and a strong bond aft sympathy ,spring up, between :you and your fellowbnan. When you have reached that frame of mind then' you. will have the foundation for the making of a seal citizen.. 'It's ,a mighty grid thing, while you're running life's• race, Just to ,paluse, an, you go, and to Coma face, to face With your tte.:,''eri •e, and aslc it •a question or two; For It',s eight you should' know what your life means to you." Sept. 4, 5 Sept. 4, 7, Sept. 9 10 Sept. 10, 11 sent. 10, 11 Sept. 10, 11 Sept, 16, 17 Sept. 16, 17 Sept, 17, 18 Sept. 17' 18 Sept, 18, 19 Sept. 15, 16 Sept. 17, 18 Sept. 18, 19 Sept. 15, 16 Sept, 18, 19 Sept. 15 Sept. 25, 26 Sept. 25, 26 Sept. 24, 25 Sept. 29, 24 Sept. 23, 24 Sept. 22, 23 Sept, 28, 28, 29 Sept, 21, 22 Sept, 25, 26 Sept. 24, 25 Sept. 23, 24 Sept. 29, 30 Oct, 1, 2 Oct, 2, 8 Oat. 1, 2 Oct, 1, 2 Oct. 5, 6 Oat. 6, 7 Old Worn -Out Rope Needed For War Work Any old rope? Manilla rope that has no further Me as snitch is urgently wanted for salvage, Warm -out itay fork ropes, :salter 1i .,1b`.' -•any rope fibre that has outlived its ,usefulness, no nia.tter how old, is acueptable accord- , ,; ;, •i re from Notional Salvage a ^ars. it 's uwed in the, making of insulat- lng paper' Dor oopper wiring, an material in electrical work on airplanes and other war equip- ment. • ; 1'4101 GET YOUR Pa..MANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERM IQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.26 Including Shampoo Permanent $2,00, $2.50 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Telephone 55x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROOTOR's RESTAURANT • THINK IT OVER Have yen ever attempted to pick exit the flews in yonnself just as you eta in the other fellow and interpret all your motives as though it was another instead of yourself - Just see how you m erasure up Whether you awaits seek ulutecesls honestly and fairly and never ,stoop to any, unfair advantage or questionable acts. Whether you always resoles the doubt against youre it and in favour of your 'feliom„man, and hold tr1'ondiships 'ns an, end rather than. a mans? Whether you..d:mnaLnd 'arid a reepi• nothing except in the spirit of ser. Vice and always 'clteerfelly and honesltly,bear your Just o'blig,ai1ins, aiding Your fellowmen by syntpalrihy and assi'starice, and at all tunes• being •caref111 with ydttr erittcisins arid liberal with your praise. 1'M DOING MY'BIT WON'T YOU ooYOURS ? •• aoe SCRAP METAL RAGSP PAPER BONES It's not always easy to remember that every scrap counts -but it's true. Every scrap does count. r Tons of war material are being made from the scrap metals, rags, paper, bones and the waste , collected from Canadian homes. 1 Carry on the good work -every day of every week. Help win this war at your own back door. BRUSSELS SALVAGE CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS AT THE ARENA OPENED ON SATURDAYS 9:00 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. 9:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES 4 'CLEAN OUT AND CLEAN UP"ON HITLER 7