HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-2, Page 5fHE BRUSSELS .'OST
Wednesday, Septetwtmer• 2nd, 1141
Classified Ads' •MORRIS
A. main's bicycle In goad repair,
.butene 59-e-14 Own >aoicneier, Ethel
high school ,glide to tw'om,
,apply to Mrs. D911lan Clark
Young Shorthorn Bull,
phone 28-re6 Andrew Turnbull •
A girl for keeping Wales.
Beussels L>hene 70X
lexport Packers
House with good well, estate of the
late Mrs. Geo, Hanley. apply to
B. G. Walker ,
Seed wheat, grown !nom Govt, seed
last year, free of smut, deckle -and
phone 34-r'14 Norman Lamont
A quantity, of
Sate bags.
phone 42-r-11
Fertilizer 242-6 in Miss Jlestsie Elnabt, Stratford. and
Mrs, Shaw, •BLuevale, were Teoent
Mr. and Mrs, 01109. Johnston. and
sore ej$ent 'Sunday afternoon at
L „towel with. Mrs, Harry Barnard
0111 baby,
1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaget'
and funny visited on 'Sunday after.
„noon w40h Mr. and diva. Sperling
Johnston ami' son's, '
Mrs. Henry Mathews •a.nkl sister's
end Cirri, spent Sunday afternoon
With Mr. anld Mrs, Melville Mothers
nand family:
Mr..Chars. Jahnelnis is getting a
well drilled at tela home and putting
up a wiimkllmltlI mater.
,Rev, and Mos. Tavener arrived
Inane after haRlld'ayink at .Mimibo
We are sorry •to bear Mrs, Wm.
Smillie had passed away last Thurs-
dray afternl000 in Wingham hlospltal.
,Mr. tS. Mo1 innian of 'Waterloo
'nt the Week -end with his parents
,and Mr's, Rcibt. McKinnon at
MOs, M. Sellers a( 'Wroxeter spent
a few dere last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Rlobt, MdCletnn'am ami family.
John McNabb visitors with Miss Bennie Moses, 2nd
The party who tarok tibe new water
fountains from the ondhard• of John
5hdedl ion• Saturday night, Aug, 29th
are given until Sept. 12th to return
the same, after that date immediate
aotion will be taken.
From lot 9, Com. 4, Morrie 'twin,
2 yearling heifers, wiltnm horns, weigh -
Ing shout 760fibs„ Hereford' breed„
e0tisser clip on the right hip. Anyone,
enewin,a the wiherealbovts of these
cattle please nolMMy C. R. Coultee,
phone 263 Wingham or 144•-4.
Brussels. 'Px.11'A
12 Yorkshire Pigs about 7 weeks
old. apply to
Phone 56-r-6 J. P. McIntosh
Lot 21. Con, 12, Grey Twp.
Serviceable age Shorthorn Bulls,
reds and roans.
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Margaret E. ,.Mein.
tosh, late of the Vllaige'of Brussels
and County of Huron, widow, de.
ceased, who died on or about the
29th day of June, A.D. 1942.
TAI{.E NOTICE that all parties hav-
ing claims or demands againarlt the
estate of the above-mentioned de-
'cease'd must mall particulars and.
proof, of same to the undersigned
executor or bis solicitor on or before
the fifth day of 'September, A.D.
1942, upon wumdcit date the said
exeottor will proceed to distribute
the assets with regard: only to those
claims which .shall then' have been
DATED at Brussels this eleventh
day of August, A.D. 1942.
Roy Thueud, Executor
by 'his. solicitor C JOSEPH BENSON,
Brussels Ontario, acting for Elmer
D. Bell absent on Active Service.
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of WILLIAM L.
STRACHAN late of the Township of
Grey in the County of Huron. farmer,
deceased, who died on -or about the
15th day of April, A.D. 1942.
TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav-
ing claims or demands against the
estate of the aboveanentoned de.
ceased . must mail particulars and
proof or' some to the undersigned
executors or their solicitor on ar
before the fifth day of September,
A.D. 1942,.upon when date the said
executor, will proceed to distribute
the meets with regard only to those
claims which shall then have been
DATED at Brussels this eleventh
day of August, A,D. 1942.
Howard Stradhan and
Stanley 'Strachan
by their solicitor C. JOSEPH
BENSON, Brussels, Ontaalia acting
for Ebner D. Bell absent on Active
Thomas Kerr, Henfryn
phone Brussels 35-r-9
East Huron
- Produce
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
Phone 66
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver Oil
to make the. hens
lay 'A' Grad ; eggs
We are in the
market for all kinds
Flock Culling
A. Specialty/9
Bring Us Your Eggs
Our Motto—
Honest Grade
on every egg
To those contemplating building�
a Monument, 1 have just secured
a big selection of different kinds
of granite. See me before buying;
elsewhere. Cemetery Lettering;
a Specialty.
All Work Guaranteed
Extra sugar will not be allowed
for home nleklling,. a'coerding to an
anmmtrncernent made by W. 1larteld
McPbdlillps, London, pntaes .ansi
supply repreeetatilve of the Wartbne
Prises and Trade Board, The eltIcial
painted out that there have been a
number ,of applications for extra,.
sugar for pinkleng, bat Si persons
wish to use sugar fee this purpose
they must take the game out of
their Present aillotmetyt.
Irutustntes canning pickles will
have their demands limited to revs
enty per _cent. cif the amount of sugar
they used lent year. This iaippiiel5
only to firms who were fn tbusinesa
In 1941.
Dunce McKinnon has axed his grass
Yam west of here to W. Bishop on
the $1h Con. -of Grey,
The death of Withanm George Loud -
foot of 10990.123 st. Ed1monton, Al-
berts accused on August 21st an the
age of 461 years. He is survived by
his wife, the fanner Edith Love of
Wai:mawr-Lght, Alberta, five brothers
and two sistene The funeral ser-
vice was held August 24 at St.
Peter's: An!gllican ohdreh with 4nt(i.r•
ment in Edmonton cemetery. Mess.
Loudfoot ie a daughter o2 Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Love, formerly of the
12th. coni of Grey.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Spetran of
Branblond were visdtors over Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Stevenson,
10th Com Mr, and MTs. Wm, Flood,
Bi'aistford were also guests with Mr.
Ganf Baker on Sunday.
Mrs. A. Ziegler and 17m11y visited
friends In M''i1dmky an Sunday.
Miss Myrna Bell of Waterdown
has- been a guest of Miss Elsie
Pte. A. McWli:iliams of New West -
mister, BC, was a visitor with his
sister Mos. Alex Pearson for a mew
Misses Marjorie and Jean, Masters
Dribble ami Donald Bateman of Lis-
towel have been having a holiday
with their grandparents in the
Rey. and Mrs. Harold Sell and son
have been en, holidays.
Four more quilts were completed
Iasi Thursday PfM. 'by the village
group of war -workers.
Mrs. Mary 'Sanalldon has returned
to her home after a visit with her
son Harold and family.
M1sls Ann Monfurchie is spending
an indefinite time with friends in
Dr. C. R. and Mrs, Richmond and
tittle Dickie have relined from
their holidays spent at Sherbet Lake,
The many friends, here of the late
Mr. W. W. Semipaon were sorry to
hear of his death. He resitd'ed here a
few years ago and was favourably
Clinton - Ontario
For further particulars apply at
The Post, Brussels — Phone 31
se.rs:.H'la••••o•sNMoos NNS
DoYou Need Water
if you need a drilled well we. art
the people to see. We guarantee to
get water anywhere at a reasonable
price. For. particulars call—
Phone 628r14 Listowel, R.R. 1
or enquire at the
Brussels Post Phone 31, Brussels
'19Y VIRTUE O'I1' A WA1111.414T issued by .the Warden of the County of I1ianpn, under hie Omand
and bite Corporate Seal of time sold County o4 Hlarb'n; bearing date the sixth day of July, in the
year or Our Lord one thousanld nine hundred and foa'iby-two, and to me directed, oeananandltllg me to
levy on ,time several parcels hereinafter mentlon.ed said described aa being' in tine soda Gourlty et Iii ren,
for arrears respectively Clue thereon, together with .cysts, I do here/by •giive nonce, unless the sold
arreans ere sooner paid I shall on Tuesday, ..,November 3rd. 1940 at two o'clock in time, afternoon
of that day, .at the Court House In. the Town of Godenioin, County at Hurons„proceed to sell by; public
auetrlate so mach of the said lands as. May be auffielent to 'discharge the taxes and similes In-
curred in. and aboul the said sa'Ie and .collection of Ube eamte,
An adjourned sale it ne'cetslsaiy, will be held .at .time same time and place two wed later.
Owner end Desctiptlon. of Land
Areirew Bain -Loft 01, Dunflai's Sur'yey, Ethel 1239.40-47.
M. F. McCracakers -+Pt. Lot 34, D, 6f Elizabeth St.,
pt Lot 17, W. of Tua'nberry St, 1939-40-41
Robert Clark W m,61O Lots 147448, E. 'John 'St.....,, 1939-40-41
Sarah Doll --Lot 255, W. of Albeit 0t. 1939-40
Allan Hersey—W pt. Int 24, E. of Elizabeth and S
of Mill St, 1939-40.411
C. Meadows Est,—iLot 136, W. of St. John St, 1939-40-41
All of the above 'deeenibed lots are patented.
Years in
County Treasurer's Otfiee,
Godericb, July 17th, 1942.
Pubdisthed in The Ontario Gazette, Aug -est lst, 1942 (nate insertion).
Adalt, Trees.
Taxes Costs Comm. Total
6.95 2,00 .25 8.20
62.30 8.00 125 66.76
36,00 2;00 .90 38.99
Treasurer of Huron County.
Mists Isobel Mti6lnnon of Kitchene
er its visiting her emote and aunt
Alex and Dans. Armstrong.
The September meeting of the
Majesic Institute is to be held at the
home of Mrs, James Armstrong on
Thursday afternoon Sept.t10th. Come
'end bring a guest.
Mrs. G. Salter, Doreen and George
of St. Gatherines were week ,end
visitons, with Mr. and Mrs, Will
Miss; Nebel Turnbull, nurse -lam -train-
ing, -of Hamlilton, who spent two
weeks at her home on the 7th Con.,
returned on' Tuesday.
Miss Margaret MeiDonald, Toronto,
who has spent a pleasant visit at the
home elf Duncan ;and Annie McDon-
ald returned 'bo the city this week.
Muss Betty Wilson; dautghter of
Reeve and Mrs. Wilsons .2nk1 con., Is
enjoying a visit at Port Oaring.
Miss 'Donis Lacking has returned
to her home in Freelton after a few
w'eekcs' visit with Mdl1dred Hilburn
mit the home of Mac ,Cardiff, 8th Con.
Muss 'Shirley Tlearapeon hes been
enjoying a holiday with Toronto
Miss. Ada Wareham, clerk In Mr
Geo. A. Dnnlbar's 'share .and post -
office received notice to report for
war work at Miteriing anti lett Mon-
day morning for that place.
19. R. A. Mervin. Rabe, of Eamon-
ton, Alta„ Is home on a month's fun
lough with leis parents, Harl and
Mns. Raby. He will report at Halifax
Mr. • Laverne Voider has accepted
a poithbton. in Godemioli, His parents
and lbrothers vistaed lnikn. there last
Sun laiy and spent the day with Mr,
and Mrs. Wm, Mtchel,
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Voter's LIst
Voters Lists, 143, Municipality of
the Township of Morels, °aunty
of Iivaon,
Notice is hereby given thn4; I have
complied wiitli Section 8 of the Vote
.era•' Ltst Act sand that I have posted
up rut my oDfiee at It. R. No, 4 Bruns-
cis•, 1042, the list of all persons ens
titled tm vote in the said Municipal-
lty at Mt nictpa' Election's, and that
such list retmable there fol, iitspeet•
And i hereby esi.1 upon all voters
tb talcs tmmedlate •preceediings to
have any ert'br0 or oimlOsl006 Dor,
reeled accenting in law, the last day
for appeals being the nnt day of
Octabe1, 1942,
Dated this' 1st•. Any at September,
a'leorge Martin
Clerk of Township •bf Morrie,
* * *
A Wendy Review of Developments
On ,She Horne Front: August 20.2'h
* * *
1. Hamilton, Wimdslor and Calgary
unite commanded by Maj, Gen. J. H.
Roberts, earned main attack of the
Dieppe raid, et is neiorted from
Landon, I3ngland.
regular government office hours.
* * *
11, Prime Minister announces FOR SALE—
ceailon • of a Wartime Information
Board with Charles Vining, Montreal,
newsprint exeeutive as 'chairman,
1 Chesterfield Suite.
Frances Dress Shoppe, Brussels
Stores Asked To Cut Hours
The Wartime Prices and Trade
Board ,is oanvreaasinlg Canada's store-
keepens: on the' question of reducing
hour. The opinion of hire merchants
its 'being asked through retail and
other associations., .and them some
rule will be made that will be falx
to all. ,
2, French 'Gan'adian breotps baok
feoan Dieppe raid report seeing Ger- i
mans mender 12 of their comrades ;
wtho had been taken prisoners.
0. * *
3. Prime Minlister Mackenzie King
cables Lieut.4Gen. McNaughton
declaration of Canada's pride at
Canadians having been given a lore-
moet place int Dieppe raid.
4, Wartime Pies and Trade
Board regulates prices • of treed
clothing, effective September 1.
• >* *
5, Wartime Pmdces and Trade
Board 'maims that actions will be
taken against persolne spreading.
Males rumors of praslpectiee ration-
Some places) are suggesting Wed-
nesday afternoon closing all the year
round. Others advocate a five-day
business week or early Saturday
closing or both. If a live -day week
was edcepted some think that Moa-
day, would be he best day to
close. A s!ix o'cioo'k Saturday closing
is also favored.
The object of this plan is to out
operating asst, conserve eledtnioity
and to release workene for more
essential industry.
* *
6. Plane for expansion this year
natLl bring Caoadale Navy strength
to 45,000 officers and men .and in-
crease. the nummtber of shine to 550.
Defence Milneister J. , Ralston tells
Almerttcan Bar Assootation at Detroit.
• e
7. 'Celestite federal govenumenit
eeononnies in the mso .of pepen• and
suppl?•ete end printing and diistnbbu
tions c8 government books to Ore
effected Oheoiugh a Director of Gov-
ernment Office Economies Con41ol,
War 'Services. Mthriste!r Hon, ,Joseph
T, Monson. annr'oamllcea; Coal. John
Thompson named director,
* *
8. Duke of Iteut Drilled 10 tying
beat ereeli in north cif Scotland._
• * m
9 linnet= Pekoe and Tea11e Board
announces removal of the overall
price leelling (rent Canadian and inn
ported newspapers, nn1gaolmes and
iser'iodieel publications in general.
10. In interests) nt manpower con-
ser•vatdon the Ct'112 Servile is per-'
tented, for cim ration et the war, to
take Dart Lttue wook outside their
Family Of Four Pedal To
Wingham From Toronto
WINCHAS'I, Aug, 28 ---Travel by
bicycle es the elegan of Mr, and
Mos. David 'Cuthbertson, their son
George and daughter Louise, all of
The problem of transportation
holds no fear for Otitis family who
are great cyclists. They left To-
ronto at 4:30 in the mornreg and
arrived in Winglham the same day
at '10:30 in the eventing. 6,11 fear
made the trip without mishap.
The only unpleaank part was the
gravel road tram Hanraston to
Wingham, and the drenching rain
which failed to dampen their whits.
Mr. and Mrs. CuthbertSon and
family are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. iHarry Calvert at
Firm, Sparkling Jams and Jellies
Without Fus= or Failure
For jam you need give
only a one•minutc to two.
minute 'full, rolling boil—
for jellies only a half.
minute to a minute.
As practically no juice has
time to boil away you get
up to one half more jam
or jelly from the same
amount of fruit.
The boil is so short it ear.
not affect the fresh, natural
taste or darken the colour.
Follow exactly the tested
recipes given free with
Certo and you'll have
lovely jams and jellies.
Book of 72 Tested
Recipes under the
label of every
CERTO bottle.
4'iW j�e
CER'TO1S-^p:E41111.0. ,itilll &ROM'
Car of Screenings
To Arrrive About
Sept. 1 Ott:
D. M. MacTavish
Phone 46
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday
Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00
(except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00)
'19Y VIRTUE O'I1' A WA1111.414T issued by .the Warden of the County of I1ianpn, under hie Omand
and bite Corporate Seal of time sold County o4 Hlarb'n; bearing date the sixth day of July, in the
year or Our Lord one thousanld nine hundred and foa'iby-two, and to me directed, oeananandltllg me to
levy on ,time several parcels hereinafter mentlon.ed said described aa being' in tine soda Gourlty et Iii ren,
for arrears respectively Clue thereon, together with .cysts, I do here/by •giive nonce, unless the sold
arreans ere sooner paid I shall on Tuesday, ..,November 3rd. 1940 at two o'clock in time, afternoon
of that day, .at the Court House In. the Town of Godenioin, County at Hurons„proceed to sell by; public
auetrlate so mach of the said lands as. May be auffielent to 'discharge the taxes and similes In-
curred in. and aboul the said sa'Ie and .collection of Ube eamte,
An adjourned sale it ne'cetslsaiy, will be held .at .time same time and place two wed later.
Owner end Desctiptlon. of Land
Areirew Bain -Loft 01, Dunflai's Sur'yey, Ethel 1239.40-47.
M. F. McCracakers -+Pt. Lot 34, D, 6f Elizabeth St.,
pt Lot 17, W. of Tua'nberry St, 1939-40-41
Robert Clark W m,61O Lots 147448, E. 'John 'St.....,, 1939-40-41
Sarah Doll --Lot 255, W. of Albeit 0t. 1939-40
Allan Hersey—W pt. Int 24, E. of Elizabeth and S
of Mill St, 1939-40.411
C. Meadows Est,—iLot 136, W. of St. John St, 1939-40-41
All of the above 'deeenibed lots are patented.
Years in
County Treasurer's Otfiee,
Godericb, July 17th, 1942.
Pubdisthed in The Ontario Gazette, Aug -est lst, 1942 (nate insertion).
Adalt, Trees.
Taxes Costs Comm. Total
6.95 2,00 .25 8.20
62.30 8.00 125 66.76
36,00 2;00 .90 38.99
Treasurer of Huron County.
Mists Isobel Mti6lnnon of Kitchene
er its visiting her emote and aunt
Alex and Dans. Armstrong.
The September meeting of the
Majesic Institute is to be held at the
home of Mrs, James Armstrong on
Thursday afternoon Sept.t10th. Come
'end bring a guest.
Mrs. G. Salter, Doreen and George
of St. Gatherines were week ,end
visitons, with Mr. and Mrs, Will
Miss; Nebel Turnbull, nurse -lam -train-
ing, -of Hamlilton, who spent two
weeks at her home on the 7th Con.,
returned on' Tuesday.
Miss Margaret MeiDonald, Toronto,
who has spent a pleasant visit at the
home elf Duncan ;and Annie McDon-
ald returned 'bo the city this week.
Muss Betty Wilson; dautghter of
Reeve and Mrs. Wilsons .2nk1 con., Is
enjoying a visit at Port Oaring.
Miss 'Donis Lacking has returned
to her home in Freelton after a few
w'eekcs' visit with Mdl1dred Hilburn
mit the home of Mac ,Cardiff, 8th Con.
Muss 'Shirley Tlearapeon hes been
enjoying a holiday with Toronto
Miss. Ada Wareham, clerk In Mr
Geo. A. Dnnlbar's 'share .and post -
office received notice to report for
war work at Miteriing anti lett Mon-
day morning for that place.
19. R. A. Mervin. Rabe, of Eamon-
ton, Alta„ Is home on a month's fun
lough with leis parents, Harl and
Mns. Raby. He will report at Halifax
Mr. • Laverne Voider has accepted
a poithbton. in Godemioli, His parents
and lbrothers vistaed lnikn. there last
Sun laiy and spent the day with Mr,
and Mrs. Wm, Mtchel,
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Voter's LIst
Voters Lists, 143, Municipality of
the Township of Morels, °aunty
of Iivaon,
Notice is hereby given thn4; I have
complied wiitli Section 8 of the Vote
.era•' Ltst Act sand that I have posted
up rut my oDfiee at It. R. No, 4 Bruns-
cis•, 1042, the list of all persons ens
titled tm vote in the said Municipal-
lty at Mt nictpa' Election's, and that
such list retmable there fol, iitspeet•
And i hereby esi.1 upon all voters
tb talcs tmmedlate •preceediings to
have any ert'br0 or oimlOsl006 Dor,
reeled accenting in law, the last day
for appeals being the nnt day of
Octabe1, 1942,
Dated this' 1st•. Any at September,
a'leorge Martin
Clerk of Township •bf Morrie,
* * *
A Wendy Review of Developments
On ,She Horne Front: August 20.2'h
* * *
1. Hamilton, Wimdslor and Calgary
unite commanded by Maj, Gen. J. H.
Roberts, earned main attack of the
Dieppe raid, et is neiorted from
Landon, I3ngland.
regular government office hours.
* * *
11, Prime Minister announces FOR SALE—
ceailon • of a Wartime Information
Board with Charles Vining, Montreal,
newsprint exeeutive as 'chairman,
1 Chesterfield Suite.
Frances Dress Shoppe, Brussels
Stores Asked To Cut Hours
The Wartime Prices and Trade
Board ,is oanvreaasinlg Canada's store-
keepens: on the' question of reducing
hour. The opinion of hire merchants
its 'being asked through retail and
other associations., .and them some
rule will be made that will be falx
to all. ,
2, French 'Gan'adian breotps baok
feoan Dieppe raid report seeing Ger- i
mans mender 12 of their comrades ;
wtho had been taken prisoners.
0. * *
3. Prime Minlister Mackenzie King
cables Lieut.4Gen. McNaughton
declaration of Canada's pride at
Canadians having been given a lore-
moet place int Dieppe raid.
4, Wartime Pies and Trade
Board regulates prices • of treed
clothing, effective September 1.
• >* *
5, Wartime Pmdces and Trade
Board 'maims that actions will be
taken against persolne spreading.
Males rumors of praslpectiee ration-
Some places) are suggesting Wed-
nesday afternoon closing all the year
round. Others advocate a five-day
business week or early Saturday
closing or both. If a live -day week
was edcepted some think that Moa-
day, would be he best day to
close. A s!ix o'cioo'k Saturday closing
is also favored.
The object of this plan is to out
operating asst, conserve eledtnioity
and to release workene for more
essential industry.
* *
6. Plane for expansion this year
natLl bring Caoadale Navy strength
to 45,000 officers and men .and in-
crease. the nummtber of shine to 550.
Defence Milneister J. , Ralston tells
Almerttcan Bar Assootation at Detroit.
• e
7. 'Celestite federal govenumenit
eeononnies in the mso .of pepen• and
suppl?•ete end printing and diistnbbu
tions c8 government books to Ore
effected Oheoiugh a Director of Gov-
ernment Office Economies Con41ol,
War 'Services. Mthriste!r Hon, ,Joseph
T, Monson. annr'oamllcea; Coal. John
Thompson named director,
* *
8. Duke of Iteut Drilled 10 tying
beat ereeli in north cif Scotland._
• * m
9 linnet= Pekoe and Tea11e Board
announces removal of the overall
price leelling (rent Canadian and inn
ported newspapers, nn1gaolmes and
iser'iodieel publications in general.
10. In interests) nt manpower con-
ser•vatdon the Ct'112 Servile is per-'
tented, for cim ration et the war, to
take Dart Lttue wook outside their
Family Of Four Pedal To
Wingham From Toronto
WINCHAS'I, Aug, 28 ---Travel by
bicycle es the elegan of Mr, and
Mos. David 'Cuthbertson, their son
George and daughter Louise, all of
The problem of transportation
holds no fear for Otitis family who
are great cyclists. They left To-
ronto at 4:30 in the mornreg and
arrived in Winglham the same day
at '10:30 in the eventing. 6,11 fear
made the trip without mishap.
The only unpleaank part was the
gravel road tram Hanraston to
Wingham, and the drenching rain
which failed to dampen their whits.
Mr. and Mrs. CuthbertSon and
family are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. iHarry Calvert at
Firm, Sparkling Jams and Jellies
Without Fus= or Failure
For jam you need give
only a one•minutc to two.
minute 'full, rolling boil—
for jellies only a half.
minute to a minute.
As practically no juice has
time to boil away you get
up to one half more jam
or jelly from the same
amount of fruit.
The boil is so short it ear.
not affect the fresh, natural
taste or darken the colour.
Follow exactly the tested
recipes given free with
Certo and you'll have
lovely jams and jellies.
Book of 72 Tested
Recipes under the
label of every
CERTO bottle.
4'iW j�e
CER'TO1S-^p:E41111.0. ,itilll &ROM'
Car of Screenings
To Arrrive About
Sept. 1 Ott:
D. M. MacTavish
Phone 46