HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-9-2, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Thompson, Mr. and Wire, Jahn Thompson and sou, John, Toronto, with Mr, ad. Mrs. A, Vincent; Miss 1 Ruth Wheeler, London with her parents, Mr, and Mis, Cecil Wheeler; Misses Thelma and Lois McGuire .are attending school in London, Ont.; Miss Elaine Walsh has gone to attend, school; Catherine Keating, with her aunt, Mrs, Harmon Mitchell, Rothsay, NOTE THESE IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT YOUR BOOK RA NEW 1/04,044 74.44 The new Ration Books No. 1, now being distributed, do NOT become valid and must not be used until Monday, September 7th, 1942. They will be good for the six months period commencing September 7th. DATES ON WHICH TEA, COFFEE AND SUGAR COUPONS BECOME VALID COUPONS N05. COUPONS NOS. COUPONS NOS. COUPONS NOS. COUPONS NOS. COUPONS NOS. COUPON NO. 1 and 2: are valid September 7th, 1942 and thereafter 3 and 4: are valid October 5th, 1942 and thereafter 5 and 6: are valid November 2nd, 1942 and thereafter 7 and 8: are valid November 30th, 1942 and thereafter 9 and 10: are valid December 28th, 1942 and thereafter 11 and 12: are valid January 25th, 1943 and thereafter 13: is valid February 22nd, 1943 and thereafter Each coupon is goad for a two weeks' ration, and two coupons may be used at a time to buy o supply for four weeks. • SUGAR COUPONS. The red coupons, imprinted with the word `Sugar'—the first page of coupons in the book—are the only ones to be used for sugar, and they are to be used for sugar only. Each coupon is good for a two weeks' ration; that is, one pound of sugar. • TEA AND COFFEE COUPONS. The green coupons — the second page of coupons in the book—although marked `Spare A'— are to be used for tea and,/or coffee. Each coupon is good for a two weeks' ration of either tea OR coffee; that is, two ounces of tea OR eight ounces of coffee. Only the green coupons can be used for tea or coffee. • OTHER COUPONS: There are three other series of coupons in the book, namely 'Spare B', `Spare C', and `Spare D'. No use for these coupons has been designated. Do not detach these coupons from your book. DO NOT USE DETACHABLE POSTCARD NOW The detachable return postcard at the back of the new Ration Book is intended for use when applying for your Ration Book No. 2. If this postcard is lost or used improperly, there may be complications and delays when the time comes to get the next book. DO NOT USE THE DETACHABLE POSTCARD UNTIL YOU ARE ADVISED TO DO SO. You must write your name and address in ink in the space pro- vided at the top of each sheet of coupons—and you must write the serial number of your book in the space provided on the stub at the side of each sheet of coupons. All coupons must be detached in the presence of the storekeeper. It is illegal for him to accept loose coupons. Penalties are provided for improper use of Ration Books. The inside front cover of your Ration Book shows the location of your nearest Ration office. Your enquiries should be addressed to that office. Always give serial number of your Ration Book when writing. OTTAWA W.P. B Wednesday, Seplt3tnbe{' 2w1, 19444 i * • 1 * * • , • • PEOPLE WE KNOW Orawltord Strachan wall visiting widiw Iris ,sister Mrs. A, D. MOCOsh 00 Kincardine this week, * • - Mrs, Clive Scott and daughter Miss Marion of the Soo and Mr. W. B. Strachan of Toronto are spending their hohcllarys with 'Mrs'. Alex Strachan, • • * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose are tak- ing a pleasure trip to the West to v,is5t relatives sand friends. They left Tuesday o8 this week. * • Mrs, Murray of London, the Mother of our former Proinpal, Mr. Martin Murray, spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MoCall. *. * * Mr. and Mrs. Dan Glassier are moving into town. on John, street. We welcome thean. * w ■ Miss Betty Currie is visiting friends and relatives im Hamilton, • * • Mrs. Ken Jackson and !baby son, who were here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rant, Davidson for a week returned to her home in Blyth on Tuesday of this, week, Little Miss Shirley returned home with her mother. * * * Mrs. Geo. Herr is spending a week in Toronto with Mrs. Wilson and other relatives. • • • Mn, Rabt. Ross of Toronto- spent the weelk end with Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie. * • • Yr. and Mrs. Clayton Jordan of Toronto spent .Suniday with the form- er's mother Mrs.. Jordan in Morris. * • • Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy and sone, who were visiting Mrs, Ken- nedy's mother Mrs. Jro. Ballantyne, have returned home. * * * Mr. Ken Ashton spent the week enol in, town. BELGRAVE The Wamea's, Missionary SocietY of the Batted Church was entertain- ed ntertatmed 7yy the Brick ,ditrulch auxiliary at ppeaiai tweeting held in the church at which were alslo the Donnybrook and Westfield .auxililaries, Rev Reid Vipond of. Tromnbridge was the special speaker who gave ,a mission. ary talk, enibitled "Weaving the Web sof Canada." 'Rev, 0. H. Dunlop at 73oigrave minister of the church, read the scripture :and heel in prayer. Readings were gilven by Muss Jeffer- eon of Donnybrook and Mrs. Stanley Cook of Westfield, (Lunch was serv- d Iby,the Brick ,ctb.ureh ladies. Personal*; Mr. and Mr's, J. M. iCoulites and Robt. Coulter, 3rd: line Morris., with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mitchell of Ratlasay. Mrs. Mitokell *tinned with them and is witth her tyarents IMr, a.nd Mns. ,7olan, 'Coulter, xsr„ anti atter relatives; Mrs, 'Dinam. 85 BrYdgels, and granddaughter, Joan, 'with veletdvesl in ,Stratilard. ho Beli $ave, Bluevale and 33olmesville Darden Brigades will 'Maid an Achievement Day in the Torestergl hall, Belgrave, en. Setup day, September 5, at 2:00 p.m., with Mori Flocs Durndu of Dungannon, 1 home -economics coach, in charge. The Bluevale group, will deanon- stra.te. canning tomatoes; The Hoimaesville group will give a. talk on the storing of vegetables and the Beigrave group will conduct a garden. quiz and give a club story. Each member will dhow her record book, a jar of canned tomatoes, and vegetables from her •ga,rdan. Vege- tables and canned tomatoes will be judged. Para suis: Miss-v'ei:tn,a. Wheeler la fr'iend:s, in Toronto; Ma . .Tsanses Young has accepted a pest" Hon, in Toronto; Mrs, A. Manning with relatives in Auburn; Larne and Arthur Tyndall, Clinton, with Mr, and, Maw,. John Coulton, sr. Peter Scott, of Folconrldge, son of Mr. and Mrs. John (Scott, 8th ooucossion olf ,East Wawanosil, has been. appointed Inspector of schools for Parry Sound district,. With Its wlie and Little daughter, Gwerwdo- 1yn, he will taleo un residence in Parry Sound.,..' The Red Maas Society held its monthly bulslmess. greeting -in the silent C workroonws here, The pre R. 'Ooultes, was- in the chair and minutes of lost meeting and corres• pondence were read. Several items of buin,esls were discussed but No definite plans were mwade. The meet- ing closed with the National Authem. A large crowd attended the Red Cross. Sloutety's dance held in the Foresters' hall, Music was furnished by Arthur's orchestra. A reunion at the McDowell and W.igh.tmwam, families, was. (held Sun- day at the hones of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell, 0th lure of East Wawauaeh, Among the guests from a. distance were Mr. and Mtw, Wil- liam Vendor, Bad Axe, Michigan, who recently celebrated their 80th and 88rd. birthdays, Mr, Vendor's sone, Rev. Vendor, 'and Ids wife were also present, There were about. 1-00 pcople present. A gathering of the Wheeler and Procter families anti •ther friends was held at the raver on the 4th line of Morris en Sunday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Douglas Willock Of DImSlford, Michigan, who is via- • Mug in this eomanwnity, Personals; Mr, and Mrs. Alex inest Quality Lowest Prices THE FINEST EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER HAD! No hit and miss methods here. Your eyes are thoroughly examined by Mr. Reid and you are told the truth about them. Twenty-five year's experience in optometry alone is your guarantee of satisfaction. R. A. REID, R. 0. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Brussels Office in Miss Hingston's Store. Phone 51 EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. * * * Messrs Bates, McFadzea.n and GthSon spent Sunday tn. Kincardine. That nice cold Sunday we bad a week om 90 ago. * * e Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis Welles ot Minneapolis, Minn., were visitors last week with his sister, Mrs. George "Seeker. * * • Latest news received from Ottawa by Mrs. II. Torras: Wormed her that her husband was suffering from concussion, the result of injuries received at D.iePpe. * * * Lyle Brothers of. the R.C,AP. and Mrs. Brothers visited in town last week, loom !pi kt it 1-70 ;",; * * * Mrs, Wm. iCandliff, Aldeen. and Keith, have retired home from Camp Debert, N.S., where she has spent tete last four mouths with her husband, Tpr. Wan, Oa.ncliff who has been. stationed there. * * * * * fi * • * Miss Ella Praseu' has returned from an enjoyable three weeps- visit (10 Oridlla., North Bay and Sudbury. * :i, * Rev, E. M. awl Mrs. Caldwell of Gerrie and Miss B. Johnson of Dun- rlallt were guests of Rev. M. P. and Mrs Oldham on Tuesday. qr * Remember the Empire Day of Prayer Sunday, Sept. etlh., Attend your own church on ti1sl day as there will be Speen' Prayers for the Allied Cause. * * :i Mrs. Jack Cameron, Nancy .lean and Murray are visiting In Tilleon- burg with relatives. * * .Mrs, Wan. Rutherford and Mrs. Matthews and grandchildren, Margar- et and Lois Mathews, Fergus, wore visitors with Mrs, ,John E, Smith this week. FOR SALE,-- 'THAT'S what everyone has to do these days —manufacturers, dealers and consumers. Because of the reduction of materials available for the manufacture of Duro Pumping Systems, our many dealers have been requested to place the few new Duro Pumps we can allot each one with prospective purchasers whose war -time farm pro- duction can be materially increased by having running water. These dealers, because we cannot supply as many new Duro Pumps as they can sell, will be anxious to keep every Duro Pump in their terri- tory in good running order, so that it will give maximum uninterrupted service. The Duro dealer in your vicinity will be glad to service and replace worn parts in your Duro Pump. Have it checked now to insure a con- tinuation of the satisfactory service to which you, are ac- customed. The Duro Special shown opposite pumps 250 gallons per hour and has a 25 gallon galvanized tank. & GilIeSlaa �•�•one 68 Brussels EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 50 acre farm; handy to station and i village, apply to Peet. sed Cars For Sale 1939 Deluxe Ford Coach 1939 Standard Ford Coach 1938 Deluxe Ford Coach These cars are in new car condition all well tired. I L-� 1936 Deluxe Ford Coach 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1928 Ford Sedan 1929 Plymouth Coupe 1930 Chev. Sedan No reasonable offer refused. 7 TRUCKS 1 -ton, 2 -ton and 21/g -ton 'Chev. ' Dodge and Fords Light, 'Heavy and General Purpose, matched teams & 2 New Ferguson Cultivators in stock. L. Jackson Phone 161. Colts otors Ltd. ListoweL Ont.