The Brussels Post, 1942-9-2, Page 1TH
Wednesday, September 2nd, 1942
verseas Cigarette Fund for Brussels, Morris & Grey
High School .Rcsults
Dance -Jamestown on Sept. 17 in Aid o
Red Cross Notes
The regular monthly tea was: can-
celled last weak, but a eoilection
was taken to provide Comfort Bags
for sailors. The amount raised was
$12,51. The approximate cost of
bhes•e Comfort Bags will be $40, The
fund is still open for those who wish
to contribute.
Fifth Annual
Labor Day
Seafcrth Ont.
Ann Rutherford Robert Stack
Badlands of Dakota
A rousing story of frontier life.
Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Ann Sheridan , Ronald Reagan
Juke Girl
A Thrilling drama, loaded with
Matinee—Monday "Labor Day"
at 3 p.m.
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat --
Dude Cowboy
Starring Tlm Holt
The Mexican Spitfire's Baby
Lupe Velez Leon Errol
When double features are shown
fast show starts 8:45.
When single features are shown
last show starts 9:15
Male Animal
"Came to your Church on
Boys Overseas
Receive Cigarettes.
Acknowledgments, have been re-
ceived from many of the boys over-
seas, from Brmsasels, Morris and Grey
for cigarettes sent by the Brussels
Fish and Gonne ,011ub also The Brus-
sels litre Brigade as the latter had
donated a good'l'y portion to the fund.
It is under+stocd that the war -
workers at Jamestown are going to
donate the proceeds from the next
dance to the local Cigarette Fund.
Manly thanks are extended by the
boys to all even those who place
donations in the jars placed' in nearly
all the stores for the purpose.
Here are some of the acknowledge-
Many !tlaanlcs for 300 Sweet Canny,
Which acalme in today's mail. Can-
ac8ian Cigarettes are et 'a premium
over here anti greatly appreciated.
As yet I've not met any Brussels lads
but did meet Mr. Laycook's brother-
in-law Oaept. Rattle. Alm hoping to
hear from Geo. Ga3braith in the near
future. Best wishes to you and
thanks again.
C. A. Myers, •Capt.
Dear Sias;
id pleases me very much to have
this oeportunity of thanking you for
this generous gift of cigarettes
which I have received.
' Chuck Lowry.
Dear Sirs:
Thanks a mullion for the smokes,
they are very welcome and very
much appreciated over here, one
has very few luxuries over here and
this Is one that I enjoy most. Thanks
to you and your comrades.
Yews !sincerely,
Stan: Wilson
Hurry -Up Meals '
For Working Wives
' A partilculsrly tamely article . in
the Housewife's Food Almanack in
The Ameritcan. Weekly with this Suns
clay's (September 6) issue of The
Detroit su•day Times! . .. lists
suggestions to help wives, so many
of whom are now employed in war-
' time industries, to prepare an apetiz-
ing meal quickly, and have it bal-
anced, interesting and palatitble. Be
sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times.
Sunday and join with alt • * •
British Citizens in Prayer for
the Nation"
Melville Church
10 a.m.—Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 a.m—Morning Worship
7 p.m—Evening Worship
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
10:45 a.m. A meeting of the
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
"The Holy Communion"
12:00 'Church School and
Bible Class.
7:00 p. m. Evening Service
"Christ In the Midst"
Come and Join In Prayer for
for the Nation
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
14th Sunday After Trinity
Sept. 5th, 1942
Empire Day of Prayer
All people are urged to attend
their own Church and pray for
the Allied Cause.
10:30 a.m,—Sunday School
1.1:16 a.m.--Holy Communion
and Sermon
10:60 am.—Hely CLWimunion
. and Senmon
2.15 mm.—Sunday School
3:00 p•m.—+H'oi.y Cjommujnlon
>r 4 n I
Local News Items 1. WEDDING
Enlisted In R.C.A.F.
Geonge Northwood, !eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. 10. Northwood, has enlisted
in the R. C. A. F. Ile will be In the
radio cliviaon and will take a °puree
along this line at Hamilton,
We wish to thanks our friends for
their kind' deeds and expressions of
sympathy during our resent be-
The Drager FamiLy
New Abutment
The County is 'putting a new
abutment u,ntler the 'south end of
the Brussels bridge, The old abut-
ment had shifted about a foot and a
half and was not considered safe. it
has necessitated the moving 1 of
hydro and telephone poles,
School Re -opens
Pians of the Brussels Public
School will be. back at their desks
on 'Tuesday of next week after their
summer venation,. Some. no don:bt,
will go book to school with reluot-
.once but most of them will be eager
to return. The Continuation School
students will not resume their
studies until Monday, Sept. 3rd.
.lack Hamilton Safe,
Atwood Parents Hear
ATWOOD—Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt
Hamltlton. of Attwood, received e.
•neh.ieeraan fromtheir son Jack Ham -
Mon who has been on active service
for the past two years, attained to
a :medical corps saying that he had
returned to England 'safely, without
A. scratch from the Dieppe raid, aid
was about to enloy a long leave. 1
Drover Is Injured
Orn Saturday while Fleming Bla!
one of the most prominent ds'ovets
in this district was loading horses Us
to a truck assisted by the drivers.
Fred Elliott arid !Stanley Darling,
he was lmadked doiwn 'and tramp•
led on. He received: injuries to his
chest and shoulders. Ile also suf-
fered some broken• ribs and cuts
about the head and face.
Hydro Superintendent
* * s * * Appointed
The application! of J: Thuell, for
the posidiione of Hydro ,Superintend-
ent for Brus+selse, was accepted bS
Mrs. Charles Drager ,the Commissioners whenthey met to
consider tenders received for the
* * * * * * * * *
After ' a lengthy Iillsness there Pass-
ed away Friday, Aug. nth, at:Sakes
M'emori'al Hospital, ',Seafonth, Char-
lotte Marie •0ampbell, in her 66th
year, widow of .the late Charles H,
Drager, who passed away 19 years
The deceased was a• life-long and
highly respected resident. of Walton;
daughter ,of the late Duncan and
Jeanette Campbell of Walton.
She leaves to inbtrrn her passing,
two sons, Ritchie, R.C,AIS•.C., with
the 'Canadian Army Overseas; John,
C.S.M,, 0.0 T.0., 'Briookville; five
daughters, (Hazel) Mrs, Melvin La.
Comte, and Winnifrred, Detroit; Mrs.
Donald Gray .(Jean) and Mrs, Ken -
meth Rutledge (Dorothy), Toronto;
Mrs, :Russel Bryant: (Betty) at home,
and six grandchildren.
Two sisters, Miis, 'George Pethick,
'Seaitlos'th and Mrs. Wellington
Blatchford, London,
One sister and three brothers, Pte.`
Service was held from, Duff's
United !Church, at 2.30 Ilan., Sunday,
August 30th. Interment Was made
in Brussels Cemetery.
Floral tributes were many and
1?allbeerera were; Harold Sellers,
Roy Bennett; Gilbert , McCallum,
Wesley Ha:clawet.l, Robert Kirby, and
Douglas Ennis, Flower lieat'ere
were; Mrs, Harold Sellers, We.
Herbert Travis, Mrs; Armand Ker.
nick, Mrs. eW, !C, 'Bennett, Mrs,
Robert Kirkby, M1uy Bonnett, Viola
Markel, • Shirley Bennett, Marie
Bennett and loan Kenntek.
position left vacant by the resigns:
tion ,of Angus Campbell. Mr. Camp-
bell. who bits served faithfully as
the superintendent sdnee the Instal-
lation. of the Hydro here in 1924, bas
resigned because of poor health.
Anglican Church Notes
The 'Annual Harvest Thanksgiving
S'ervic'es of St, John's Angltoan
Muesli will be held on Sunday, 0•ct.
4th at 11 a.m. and 7 P.m.
St. George1s, Walton, will have the
Annual Harvest Thanksgilving Ser•
vice at 3 p.m. on Sept, 27th,
On account of the sugar, tea and
Soffee rationing the annual fowl
shipper of St, John's Church has
been cancelled' this year. A meet -
lag of the congregation was held
on Wednesday, August 26th and this
,°purse of action was deeid•ed on., . A
Play will be held and also a canvass
of the congregation,
St John's 'Sunday -School, com-
htenlcinlg Sunday, Sept. 0111 wall
asseinib1e .at 10:t0 atm,
Rev. H. R. and, Mrs.. Jamieson. of
Toaonto were week -anal visitors, with
Rhev. M. F. ansi Miss. 'Oldham. Rev,
Jainiesonn, Who is rector of St. Sav-
dour's '0ihui'ch, Toronto, aSisiisted
Rev, M. F. Oldham with all services
in the local Anglianm Parish on Sun-
day. :Rev. M. F. ,Oldham preached
On the aubjeot, "Esipedionts, Not To
lira In lOompetitlonn with God," taking
as 'his tett, I Kiingls 12:20. He set the
Line in Bethel, and the other pub he.
in Dan. We are to place (hod Aust
in, all things and nlothimg is tdbe in
competition with God. The . history
and reign' of Re' 1cThi0atm and Joro-
boom were lanced with resultant
tessons.for 'dairy life,
I wish to take this opportunity to
thank the people of the township of
Grey for the lovely gift of a wrist
watch 1 received.
Driv. Tltos, McFarlane
Brussels Flier Assists
In Saarbruecken Raid
LONDON, Aug. 29-iSergeant Wil-
lian Rowland of Brussels, Ont„
was among Canadian filers who play-
ed a leading part in lest night's
great air raid on the German city of
Sincere thanks for their many
ac's of kindness, during the illness
and at the time of the death of Mary
Jane Alcock, is expressed to our
neighbor's and friends. It was all
much appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ovington
For building a revs school house
at S.S. No. 8, Morris. The same to
be a frame !building on cement
foundation. For plans and •sSeci-
&catb'ons apply to
Blnevale, Ont.
HEINZ VINEGAR—silt you expect
good resaits from the effort you put
into pickling, etc. use Heins Vinegar,
Right out of tihe waxed oak .barrel.
Biting your jug and fill it at ...
Beloved Resident
Has 92nd Birthday
Mrs. George Basket was honoured
by a large number of friends who
called at her home on Friday to wish
her many happy returns of the day.
It was the occasion of her 92nd
birthday.'She was the recipient of
many gifts of blowers and cards.
Refreshments were served.
Profit From Fertilizers
On Wheat
Very few wheat growers in Harron
County attempt to grow winter
wheat without fertilizers any more,
but it is well to draw to then' at.
tentton that the use •of fertilizers on
wheat is based on, the profitableness
of the practice, provided the land IS
well prepared and that good seed has
been used. This was borne out in
the test just completed On' :the farm
of Wilfred Shlortreed, Walton.
The soil on which bine wheat was
grown Is London loam, which is
brown loam over greyish mottled
stony loam and olay. it is alkaline
in reeetion, low in nitrogen, and very
low in phosphoric acid and potash,
but has, a medium supply of oalcium.
In the sprung, Mm. Shcrtreed. re.
Ported 'that the crops had come
tlhrough the winter exceptionally
well, with no winter killing. At that
time he could see mo difference in
the plots but at harvest time when
Wheat was cut, the 2-12-10 yielded
333.3 bushels per acne whine the, un-
6er'tilized yielded 2912, Hence there
was a .clear Cann of 4,6 bushel's per
sore frons fertiltlzimg. 2.12.10 was
iino;tsd at $37,00 cash mud Mr. Short -
reed applied fertilizer at approxi-
mately 300 lbs. per acre wh0cts would
represent an •ion*esbmient of $3.70.
With wheat at $4.0'0 per Bushel there
was still room far a nice interest on,
the money invested.
It should he noted that the 'plots
where bike wheat was grown were in
ar9 especially 1dlch 5ectlie1 of the
farm, hence the 'difference between
the fertilized avid ''unfertilized was
snuck less than would be looked for
On the aves;age wheat, field. The
sample of wheat wale good and both
fertilized and unfertilised, wheat
;weighed approximately 60 lbs. is
the bushel.
POLIJAR) -+ln Banton; Hosipital. on
Friday, August 14th, to Mr. ani
Mars, Geo. Pollos4 at Tlruseeis, a
daughter, Amble yvmmse.
The marriage was quietly solem-
nized on Saturday in Howard Park
United Church, Toronto, of Miss
Iiathlyn Elaine Stevenston, younger
daughter of Mie. and Mrs. William
!Stevenson, Grey twp„ to Mt. L. Venal
Matthews; elder son of Mrs. Mat
thews and the late W. T. Matthews,
Toronto, Rev, Murdoch MacKinnon
orifi:1itecl. The !bride wore a suit of
pastel wool, navy hat and corsage of
orchids. Miss Alma Venstbies was
her attendant, and Mr. George Moon-
ey was grooenemtan.
BLYTH—•The marriage was sol,
emaized n United church;, Blyth,
Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock,
of Edna Margaret, youngest .daugh-
doughter of Mr. and Mrs, Loren Scrim-
geour, to Ainoraftsman Joseph
Marks, of the Royal Canadian Air
Force, Hamilton. Rev, Arthur Sin-
clair ,officiated. The bride, who was
given an marriage by her father,
wore a pale bl' ss afternoon dress
with ebleck accessories. The attend.
ants were Mr. and Mrs. 'Cameron,
Brussels, brother-in-law and sister
of the !bride. Following the signing
of the register the bridal party re-
paired to the home of the bride's
parenits. Later the couple: left for
Hamilton The hridegrocin left later
for Quebec, where he will continue
his training.
Middle School
Armstrong, Lloyd A,—Algebra
Armstrong, Christens F.-00MP. .t1
C; Mod, History, C; Alge-
bra 2nd; Chem. 0; Authors fa,
French Clamp., C.
Armstrong, Helen M—Modann IDOL,
let; Algebra, tat; 'Chemistry, 1st,
Beaker, Geo. A.- !Modern Hist., gni;
Algebra, C; Chemistry, 0.
Bell, Harris W.—Algebra, C.
Blake, John W.—Modern History, C;
Algebra, 3rd; Chemistry, C.
Bnwnian, Isabelle J.—Modern Bast,
1st; Algebra, list; Chemistry, 1st.,
.Bryan's, Idel1'a F, --,Modern Elston
0; Algebra, '2nd; eOhemistry, C -
Farquharson, Jean 10,-iModern BSdt,.,
31d; Algebra, C; ,Chemistry, 2n&
Gibson, Margaret I,--di7mgl[s'h Comp
Ci; Eng, Lit., C; Modern Hist, C;
Algebra, 3rd•; Chemistry, C.
Selly, John S.—Modem History, C;
Algebra, C; Preach Authors,
French Composition C.
Lawless, Ross 5.-1Viodern History;
C; Algebra, C; Chemistry, C.
Macdonald, Jean I.—Eng. Comp„ 1st;
Eg]i9'h (Lit., list; Modern 'Hist,. 1st
Algebra, 1st; Chemistry, eat
Latin, Authors, lest; Lat. Comp.,
last; French Authors, 1st; Freacts
Comp., ls•t,
Mclutdheen, Helen E.—Eng. Comg_,
C; Enig, Lit., 0; Modern• Hist., aril;
Algebra, 2nd; 'Chemistry, t:;
French Authors, C; Latin Anthem
Pierre, Joann .S —Eng, `Comp„ 0;
English Literature, 0; Algebra, C;
Rutledge, Leslie M.—Eng. Comp., C;
Eng. LUL, 0; Algebra, 0; Freach
Authors, C; Frenleh Cosnp., C.
-GORRIE •— Flowers formed a Sanderson, Imogene F.—Modes&
lovely setting at St. 'Stephen's Angle. History, C.
cane eOhurch for the marriage of Edith Soctt, Francis W.—Eng. Comp., e,
Wilsoa, daughter of Mos. Clara !Scott, Graeme M.—Modern Hist.. C:
Ritchie, to Robert George Mitchell, `! ,Speer, Helen E. --{Eng. Como., 2nd;
son. of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mitchell, 1 Eng, Lit,. Sinai; Modern Hist, 3rd:;
Molesworth. Rev. .1. E. Caldwell, i Algebra, 0; Chemistry, 'C; Fres alt
rector, officiated, witIk Mrs, R. p. Authors, C; French Comp., C.
Speiran, Jean L.—Eng. Comp., 3rd
Fig. Lit,. ,2nd Mod'er'n Ftdeterr ,
.2nd; Algebra, 3rd; 'Chemi'stry,0.
Thyme, Barbara .7..—Modern Hist
C` Algebra, 0; Chemistry, 3rd.
Turnbull, Jean M.—+Eng, Comp., 3rt2
Erg. Ltt.. Ord; Mod. Hist., 3rd!;
Algebra, ,3rd; French Authors, 3rdl
Lat. Anthers, 3rd. -
Van Norman, Josephine T. — Eng.
Nash, Toronto, aunt of the bride,
presiding at the organ. During the
,signing ofthe register Miss Jean
Campbell. Molesworth. sang.
The bride, given inmarriage tby
her urate. Lieut R. N. Nosh, North
Bay, . wore a gown of white, with
a finger-tip veil of silk net which
fell from a halo. Red roses and
bonvardia fanned her arm bouquet.
Miss! Alice Ritchie, Toronto, her Comet., 2nid; .Bug, Lit., 2nd; Medi.
si'ster's 'bridesmaid:, was gowned in l Heist., 1st; Algebra, 0; ChemistsMs
turquoise blue taffeta. and heat or 0•
matching material, and carried Wilbee, Ray C: --!Algebra., 3rd;
Chemistry, 20d,
Ynill, Jean 3i—Mold. Husk„
Algebra., 0; Chemistry, tat.
Talisman rose's;
Clifford Elliott, Maleswart'b, was
best man, and !Bertram! Ashton
and Donald "Qampb'ell were the
The receintion, was held et the ; Upper School
'bride's home, where Mrs'. Ritchie
and .Mrs. T. Nash, grandmother of
the imide, received with the bridal
'couples The Misses Eleanor Car.
son, Redia Gallaway, Blythe Under-
wood, of Gerrie; Mesa Helen Ritchie,
of Ha.radstonl and Mlles Georgina Ma -
Michael, of Wroxeter, served the
Huron Federation
Names Speakers
CLINTON—Speakers! on farm
tapios to be heard from radio statim
OKNX, August 31 and. 101 the month
of September as appointed at the
regular meeting of the .Huron. county
Federation, of Agriculture are: Aug.
31, Jornes Mibhie, Brussels; Septern.
ger 7, W. A. Culbert, (Dungannon;
lSeptem'ber 14, Elsner (Robertson.
Gocierielh; September 21. Russell
Knight, Brussels; 'September 28,
Miens` ,Peau Elliott, Bluevate.
A W. Morgan, Ilensall, president
of the donsrty federation, 'presided
at the meeting and the speaker was
Vice President W. L. Whyte; who
gave a report Of 5l a meeting of beef
Battle breeders of Ontario held in
Toronto dm Aims. A. motion passed
by tine :county eonncil, sponsored by
the egiltoul ural !committee, .. was.
read, The motion was in the 'form
of a reoommendatlon that 50 Per'
cent of the membership fees col-
lected by the tewnsahilp units 'be paid'
to the,county fedenatioe. The re-
coMatienslatiatn meet with the aps
provtil of the directors. The. matter'
will be dealt• with at the annual
meeting in November,
Ball Elwin D.—'Eng. 'Comp„ C; Eng.
Lit, C; Algebra, 1st; Trigonome-
try„ 1st; Physics, 2nd; Chemistry,,
2nd; Fr. Annth., end; Fr. Comp
Kelly, Jahn T,--5Eg. Comp., Os,,
Physics. C.
Lawless, Donald S.—Eneg, Comp., 0;
Eng. Lit., C; Physics, C; Chemise -
try, C; French Authors, O; Frenc&
Composition, C.
Marshall, Frank R.—Eng. Comp„ 0;
Eng, Lit„ C; Algebra, C; Trigono-
metry, 31rd; Physics, 2nd; 'Ohms
istrly', 3rd.
Mitchell, Luella J.—Algdbra, 0;
Physics, 2er1; ' Chemistry, 3rd; Fe
Author's, 0; Fir, Comp 3rd.
M bialndl, George—Eng. Oonip„ C
Lhrg, Lit., C; Algebra, C; Trig., Ca
P'hyOlos, Chemistry, 0; Fi
Authors; 3rd; Fr, Comp., 3rd.
Stiles, Jlotteolt N.—+Trigonoanetry, 0;
Willis, Gibson O. -,Chemistry C;
Fr. Authors, 0; Fr, Comp. C.
A SUCtisn of war rationing express-
ed his sentiments On the. following
verse ',owl he mauled to the ration-
ing Weerin his legality;
"Ansi wlhen 1 3319, please bury me
Heath e ton of sugar under a rut-
her tree.
Ley me to rest 1On a new snne
And water my grave with gsot
Bt1Y WA4II SAVING, STAMPS— ,gitedb&*'j