HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-8-26, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST .....,.,.,.._.,.._ ..v..,...—.emmorr.., ETHEL Classified I Notice to Creditors In the estate of 'Margaret E, ..Mcln, s; tosh, late of the V,Ilal$eof Brussels 915. •H'inde9 Edkin1er of Hamlilton FOR SALE and County of H4,roni,;widow, de- returned to his position. Sunda),' 200 Year -oke 'White Leghorn Hens.. � ceased, who died' on or about the evening after a week at horn, awing phone 96-r111, Mrs, Jas. MacDonald 29th clay of June A D• 1942 in tr claims or demands `against the . ASrs, Leslie Machan and girls of FOR SALE 'Young Shorthorn Bull, Phone 2S -r-0 Andrew Turnbull FOR SALE--, 3 litters of little Pigs. Lot 29, Con, 9, Monts phone 1S -r-9 Gilbert McCalluan TAKE NOTICE that, all parties 'hay- to a 'bad cold. estate of the aboltementioned de- ,St•'eetsville are holidaying with ceased must mail particulars end her parents, A, and Mm. Heath, 10th Proof of same to the undersigned Con. Gre. i executor or his soliettor on or before Visitors last week with Mr, and i the fifth day of !September, A.D. 14142, upon ttluich ', date the said Mrs,. Chas. Sheerer were Mr. J•, Jonas I executor will prooe0' to • distribute of Molesavorth and Miss Betty Greer the, arse with reg rd pP e is itl 1 only to those fir{• LOST— 1 claims which shall then have been gars Mervyn Grainger and Ber- A pair of oxfords. Placed in wrong received, nice of Jamestown spent Wednesday car by mistake on Sat. might. 1 DATED at Brussels : this eleventh an day at August, AD. 1$42. in the village. phone 6dX2 Joe Stiles ,. RoyYThuelt, Executer SquQ.dnin Leader Colqulhoun of Cal- Iby 'leis solicitor 0 J(41BEW5 BENSON, gory, Alta., Was visiting at the home Brussels Ontario, a*ting for Elmer D. Bell abs oR J H. anti Mss. Fear. He was'sent STRAYED— From lot 9, Com. 4, Morris top•,, 2 y'ea.rling heifers, with horns, weigh ,ing about 750 Its.,., Hereford breed,. scissor clip on the right hip. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these, cattle please motility C. R. Coultee, phone 262 Winghean or 14-r74 absent Aictive Service to Toronto on. rnilitarY affadn$. Notice to. Creditors in the estate. , of;! WILLIAM L. STRACHAN late. of'the'Township of Grey in the County of Huron, farmer, Brussels. deceased, who died -on or about the FOR 'SALE - 50 acre farms, handy to station and village, . ,.. apply to Post. --- 15th day of April, A.b. 1942. a^ - FOR SALE— 12 Yorkshire Pigs about 7 weeks, old. • aPPly to Phone 56-r-6 J. P. MoInttoeh Lot 21, .Con, 12, Grey Twp. FOR SALE - 1 Chesterfield Suite. Frances Dress Shoppe, Brussels FOR SALE - 1 gang plow, walking plow, scuffler cornu cutting box, discs. 1 cow 7 yrs. old in calf. Apply Mrs. L. Rooney, Phone 108X. FOR SALE— Serviceable age Shorthorn Bulls, reds and roans. Thomas Karr, Henfryn phone Brualsels 35-r-9 FOR SALE— Team of Heavy Mares, 1 grey and 1 bay; 1. oow due to freshen; 4 cows and 1 heifer due to freshen next month, (September). Alex Thwarts, Belgrave phone 13-r-10, Brussels. 1 East Huron - Produce - Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 66 Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal • Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everything to make the hens .. lay 'A' Grady eggs We are in the market lrlifr all kinds Of POULTRY! "Flock Culling A Specialty', Bring Us Your Eggs Our Motto— Honest Grade on every egg TAKE NOTICE that all •parties, hav- ing claims or demandss against the estate of the - •aboveanentoned de- cea-sed must mail particulars and proof or some to the undersigned executors or their solicitor on or before the fifth -day+of September, A.D. 1942, upon wheat date the said executors will. proceed to distribute the assets. with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received, DATED -at Brussels+ this eleventh day of August, A.D. 1942. Howard Stradhan and `:-Stanley 'Strachan Executors by their solicitor ^ •C. - JOSEPH BENSON Brussels, Ontario 'acting for Elmer D. Bell absent on Active Service. BLUEVALE Mr. L. ,P. Sinclair of Hamilton was, home aver the week end Oslo Trooper L. 11. Jardine of Camp Barden was here. Mr. Haley, a student from the States, who is Visiting Rev. Fowler of Bluevale,mounted, the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening and delivered a fine sermon. We would like to hear him again some time. There will be no ser• vice next Sunday evening, Misses Betty Dunbar and Estelle Cunningham have returned home front their summer positionfs, to get Prepared for school teoobdng again. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Miosioniarr ,Society - of the United church was held n the Sur - day school room On. Thursday after- noon. The vice-p.resdent, dins. Ed- ward Johnston, Presided• anti carried out the program as outlined in the Missionary Monti,lg, The theme was 'The Bible, the Woad of God." The greeting was opened with a hymn. Mists Margaret Curties, acted as sec- retary inl the'absence of her mother, (Responsive Bible reading was con- ducted by the leader who also led in prayer and gave an appropriate read- ing on tthe thence.. Mrs. Robert Shaw had the chapter: "The Tide Comes In:" from the hook "Serving with the Sons of i11tull" showing the im- provement in !China in communica- tions, industry, colleges, govern- merlt co-operation and the part Christians ate; playing. Mrs. J. Snell was hostess tor the monthly meeting of the Double Croup of the Ladies' Aid of Knox 'Presbyterian church. The ladies spent the greater part of the after- noon quilting. Lunch was served Eby the hostels. Mrs. Alex Mo- Craekin opened her home this week and served afternoon tea to about 25 ladies. During the after- noon the ladies quilted.. The pro- ceeds, which amounted to over 95, were given to- the War Work Fund. +s.eee.eeAo.s..esee+.iseee MONUMENTS 222♦e To those contemplating building' a Monument, I have just secured. a big selection of different kinds of granite. See me before buying elsewhere. Cemetery Lettering a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed JOHN GRANT . CLINTON MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario • For further particulars apply at The Post, Brussels — Phone 31 04 , ci a r .•••NMW.M..1 e$,4 Do You Need Water if you need a drilled well we arc the people to see. We guarantee to get water anywhere at a reasonable price. For particulars call— , KEES0' BROS. Phone 628514 Listowel, R.R, 1 or enquire at the Brussels Post Phone 31, Brussels BELL 84 BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) C. Joseph Benson, B.A. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12100) so disappointed' because I thought • for sure that the parcel was lost. I also had one today from the Brus- le1s United dhureh so I must write them a few lines and thank them for 1t. Had a letter from Margaret, one Prom Many and Harold and also one frost 'Eloyce Davidson, She sent me a couple of pictures of toe trunk, that was 'sure some mess. Charlie: must be carrying .& harSe-shoe with. him:He was sure lucky. 1 was at a wedding yesterday even. ing, One of the 'boys in my section was married and the has a swell little 'English wife, Ile was married in the -church of England and then a dinner after. It sure did not look much like was' time, the spread ,bhat they put on, but after all a per- son don't get ;married every day, They left for Scotland on their honeymoon and I am sure they will have a galdd time. The weather is swell here and has been for quite some time. Somehow ar other we have missed the wet season but then I hard (better not brag too much.. Weld Dacl I don't think that there is any news that I can tell you, 3n casethat you did not get my letter with the new address I will send it again. Give my best regards to all the folks, As ever, Your son John Campbell Letter From Overseas .England, July 5, 1942 Dear Folks: .rust a few lines today, I woula have written sooner but I have had blood -poison and of all the places 10 heti to be in my right .hand. I could not even write letters to put In the time. It is nearly aTt better now and I leave had my arm out If the sling for a. few days. f am afraid that any fingers are going to get tired holding the pen. 2 have a very nice surprise for you. Your parcelcame through today and it was just fine. Thanks a lot, and wasp that maple sugar ever good, All the boys really went for that. I was For Distinctive Service SADA TEA SAGS At the Churches Services in Melville Pres,byterian church -on Sunday were conducted by Rev. T. E. Kennedy, B.A.; South- ampton, Guest soloist at the morn- ing service was Miss Mary Stewart, Clinton.. The evening service was also conducted by Rev, Kennedy. In the United church on Sunday, services were conducted by the pas- tor, Rev, Hugh C. Wilson. At the morning service Mrs. Harry Maude of Montreal contrib- uted two solos. Rev. Hugh Wilson contributed a Salo at the evening service. Rev. M. F. Oldham conducted the service in the Brussels- parish of the Church of England Rev. Hugh Wilson of the United Church officiated at a baptismal service on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Windom ' MsQuarrie, when their daughter Marlene Duc•ella was baptised, also their grandson, Robert Gordon Adams, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Adams, Toronto. Mrs. Adams was formerly Eileen, MnQuanrle. GET YOUR kn..MANENT ON THE NEW , ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.25 including Shampoo Permanent $2.00, $2.50 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Telephone 56x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAURANT Finest Quality Lowest Prices T HE FINEST EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER HAD! No hit and miss methods here. Your eyes are thoroughly examined by Mr. Reid and you are told the truth about them. Twenty-five year's experience in optometry alone is your guarantee of satisfaction. R. A. REI D, R. O. .EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Brussels Office in Miss Hingston's Store. Phone 51 EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. —.,,..,- �_ 4,,m11111 You can now buy War Savings Certificates ... an investment guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada ... at all Post Offices, Banks, Trust Companies $5FOR $4 410 FOR $8 $25 FOR $20 INTEREST AT 3% TAX FREE REDEEMABLE REGISTERED 1i x OC3W l