HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-8-19, Page 5111E BRUSSELS, PprST , .. NEGLECT YOUR BUSINESS CAN SL 0 No business can afford 'to face risks which should be covered by insurance. Let us analyse your needs. explain how;insurance cap'proteet your 7iueiness Pratt' loss in'itiany �d'uys and aarriiiige planned Pilot' policies to cover 41 eventualilties We write rPilot insurance to cover selected ticks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Cargo, Elevator, Teams, Plate Glass, General and Public Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. W. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS Representing PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY MONCRIEFF '.bare pa - i raw•ay at her home on the 150h eon., f Grey Township on August 3rcl Mrs, Ps Mann, aged 83- yeaes, 10 months and' 83 days, Mrs. 'Mann had been ailing fon' the last 2 years, but there leas been a definite change since last March, She bad lteelded in this community all her •.•,, '1. 1u'ivralge was 7+)la 1-atte'-nn daughter of the :ere Ge^ and Ma Patteson ^1 the •Colt G y. Me ws1's a highly eri}eemed and much thought of friend • to all who- knew • her. eShe was an ardent member of Brox. chun0b Monanieff and for years, 'taught in Sunlay School and took an active nart in, W.M.S. work. Mrs, Manta leaves to mourn her foss 3 sons i Tarries of l3engowah, .'Sash„ William. of Craulhrook and Aley' on the lio)ne place aril 3 daughters, (Diary) Mrs. Alex MoToggaat, Colegate, ,Sask.; IBella, Mrs. Walter McTavish, Lone Rook, Cask.; and (14largaret) Mee, J, J. Embury, Kal1la0ps, 13,0,; • and 36 Grand ehiidn'on arud 11 Great erera cliPAren. One 8011 and 3 (laughters pr'ede'ocaeed her, u'amely Geolge, Jealu, 'Bessie and (Tillie) MnO, Rebt, Meinig'ga•rt. She also leaves 3 bnotlsens, John, Patterson of Neai)awa, Man.; Wtltienn of Ethel and 1;ichand of Oalfornia and one sister Maggie) Mrs. Rdht. Oars ca'dden of Brantford. Ont. 1lhe tun'ema) took place on. Thurs- day 'afternoon. Service being con- ducted 10 Knew chulioh. Rey. Mm. (Snell Was 111 dhlarge. Jas. Fergus, Will and Allan McTaggent and Eldon 'Mann all grandsons, of Maes. Mann and one nephew Roy Patterson were pallbearers. The floral tributes were beautiful and showed the high 'esteem in which Ma. Mann was held. MORRIS Mise Mildred Nidkol of, Toronto and Miss Dorothy 811 kol of Fergus .pent the week end at their home on the eth. Pus, G. Nickol spent his furlough •at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Nickol, Mrs. W. McCauley who has been with her Cousiinr Mrs, S. ' Gvingtan 5th, line, since the passing away of the latter's mother Mrs, R. B. ,Alcock has returned to Brussels. ETHEL Miss Bantam .Fosse of Toronto s '0c Ii11g .a week with her friend, Mrs Cejern, _Eelrtnier. Miles Franklin or Allston, spent a few 'clays lest week a1 the home of Marl" •and Mrs, Roby, \i' red: 'Pili. jos. Squires and da ugh ter .of Petroit, Mich„ have re- hire ed to their home after a pleasant vi r w e, the "formere sister here, Mir Maurice Hewitt. The best"svisheis of the Gomaxum- rly 'ere extended to Mr, and Mrs. .TIm Snele; of Hamilton: who were married 'here 'on 'Saturday. A.G1 Rleatye. Cardiff, who has had harvest leeva 'WTIT'reeport for duty at .Tervis. at the 'earl' of, this month. • ' 'Mists -Marti Hewitt Ovals returned bonle•,froin her position in Kitchener, pntor to going in trailing for a nurse • in:dhe-near.:futnre. LAIC 'Stanley.' Alexander was home over .the reek'•erid from Trenton. Dr. -and Mrs. Kingiston and baby Molly of the' U,S.A., who are on holeeye: visited the 3atter)s sister Mi's.• Harald` Snell on Sunday. Miss: Helen, Batemlanl .pent a few days with,.her mother lin Listowel Employers and Post Offices have• been requested to dis- play 111 a prominent place the official Table of Tax Deductions. Forms 'tl)-ir.'may be secured from your employer, Post Offices, or ,tical tricon)e flax Offices: - In the fourth year of war, Canada will need almost four billion dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 from every man, woman and child in the country. Even with the : highest income tax in history, i2 %o, only of the money Canada needs will be raised by taxation. The re§t w;4l have to be borrowed by means of War Savings Stamps, Certificates 'and Victory Bonds. Starting withthe first pay period in September'`representing Sep- tember earnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your income tax from your wages or salary, and send it promptly to the Government. Everybody will pay his share as he goes along. It'sgoing to be tough ... but not too tough! Here are some good features:, 1. You will pay as you earn, so that you will not be faced with a large lump sum payment next year. 2. The National Defence Tax already dc - ducted during the first 8 months of this year, has been taken into accbunt in the Tabk of Tax Deductions. 3. Though the income tax rates show a sharp increase over last year, a large portion of this increase is actually savings, to be paid back to you with interest after the war. 4. The money you are paying for lift insur- ance premiums, annuities, principal' repay- ments on your home, or into a pension fund may ba deducted (up to a'certain maximum) from the savings portion, of your income tax. In many cases this may be sufficient to make payment of the savings portion of the tax unnecessary. CHANT ONOWINO 594E TAN LIABILITY OFA MARRIED PERSON WITH TWO DEPENDENTS I'm AN. COMPARISON WITH The 1941 TAN LIoe1LITY nu PravE yse,iiiiiiilliMIEFIIMINIIII , TOTAL TAX PAYABLE htao kw Imo (tee. 'soonlllll'�Illln �, 111111 III ILII III IIII } I ;DAX ANNUAL TAEABLC IN[OME.eFOPE lNlMPTIOMe'. Unless you are single, without dependents, and not making payments of the types • mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should file Form TD -1 with your employer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed the _ credits' to which you are entitled: DO NOT DELAY. File Form TD -1 with your employer at once so that you may get the full allowances' from the start. DOMINION OF CANADA—DEPARTMENT �7t'Or NATIONAL REVENUE'`' ,INCOME TAX DIVISION INION C, 1,11.ASLr)Y LiT.LIOTT, HON. COLNN Gl13SON, Mohler of National Itovenftr,• CoosslssToner of Income Tex, 01.40 '41 the home of 'Mr M•1', Reseal8 Love and llto* were in ti)e Village At the time 08 writin sorry to report the Serious Mrs. Wim. Clark of W1nghain and John Keauter here are trot Visitors' at the, home of Mrs, Wm, 'S)emmiou on Sunday were: John and -111re, ISlonirnon and Miss !Citbhea'.ine of :Atwood; ,. Mestere. Mervyn ',and .IClareulce ;Grainger Of ltamestowu; Mr. and Mits. ghas. Mage and Mns. Bobt. ,,every anal little Sharon of Hamilton. Mir, Bert Parker a lc, companded 'his daughters to their home for a vielt int Hannllton, The Presbyterians are h•oldlnlg 'a congregational picnic on Thursday,. Aug, 120thb in the grove here, Dr. Richmond left on ,Aug. iota for ills holidays to SOtanbot Lake, were Mrs. et. land 'Dtslcie have been. for over a month. The August meeting of the Ethel 'United Chureb ,met at the home of Mrs. Percy Stephenson, Mrs. Geo. Addle took charge of the devotional period. The thecae was: The Bible, the Word of God, Mrs. Cleaver led .the meeting in prayer. The roll call , was answered b1r eleven mens- bens, three visitors. Mrs. Riohards gave an interesting reading. the IBibld in' the World today. Mrs. Bremner- closed the meeting with prayer. The W. A. meeting was taken by Mrs. King, It was decid- ed to have donations, instead of a fowl snapper Min year, The meeting closed with benediction. The peens of Arnold Earl receiv- ed the, following standing in the Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations held, at Listowel. Gr. VIII.—Plano, Honours, Don*Icl Dunbar. Gr. VII --Plano, Pass, Shirley Soth- Oran. Gr, IV --:Piano, Pads, Ruth Ger- Ieaelder.. •Gm, I• Piano, hlononrs, Everitt Ashton. Gr. T—IPiarro, Honours, Donald Mc- Callum, -.11.5 Gr. 1—Theory. Piret Class Honours, Donald Dunbar. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Wright of Beautforid are spending a weak visiting with Mr, and Mrs. E. Jardine and family. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. David G. Smith, 'Morris Township also; Mr. Smith being a cousin of Mrs. Wright, Our ,sympathy Is extended to Mr. W. F. Beirnes and family in their 'recent 'bereavement, in the passing po 'Sund'ay j'onas. 1'e after a pies, A large ga Presbyterian, chute to hear the former A, Willem of Merlin Dr, C. R. Fiolunic P.M. for Sherbet Lak days, r Mr, and Mns, +LLse Allan of Listowel, Miss' Doris Pi Master BolabY remained for a week end vsltcrs at Dr, Wardl Master Bobby remained for a w visit. Bryan. Ames of R.C.A.F.. • vine, Qudbelo; is spending a furl at 11.Is home here. Mr. ani Mrs. Alf I{ing and fa of Bnaltefai'd 'visited et Mr. Rlysee and Mrs. Many Smralldon on DUI: lay. 'Miss •Shirley King return- ed home with them. Mrs. Percy Stephenson and Miss Jean are visiting at Niagara Falls, Toronto and Hamilton this week. Mrs. Anmetronlg and daughter of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Maes. Wm., Marione. In Memoriam One year has passed and gone Since you were called away. How well we do remember that Sad and sorrowful day. We c'anntIt clasp .your 'hared no more,. your fake we cannot see; But may this. little token tell that 1 ,still recnemlber thee. Sadly 'missed by Wife. In loving memory of h M. Henry'.. who died Mardh 27th, 1941. Men, Women Over 40 l!eel Weak,Worn; Old? Waiit Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality t Lia eue+a Agent — F. R. Smith, Brussels , --- NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD GENERAL ORDER The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117) has risen by 2.4 points over the index for October 1, 1941, of 115.5 (adjusted index 114.6). Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 (1) of the Wartime Wages Control Order P.C. 5963, and subject to the general provisions of the Order, the National War Labour Board orders that employers subject to the Order who are paying a cost of living bonus shall adjust the amount of such bonus pay- ment, and employers who nee not paying a cost of living bonus shalt commence the payment of such a bonus, both effective from the erg payroll period beginning on or after August 15, 1942, as follows: (a) If payment of a cast of living bonus is being made pursuant bo the provisions of Order in Council P.C. 8253 (now superseded by P.C. 5963): (I) For employee- to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies, the bonus shall be Increased by the amount of dxtyv (60e)_ vents per week, (ii) For employees to whom Section 48 (gill) (b) or P.C. 5963 applies, nl coat of living bonuus, shall be e of their weekly wage by 2u44,po na; to �� (b) • 0 00 cost of lmmenc onus is being paid, tit0 payment of such a (i) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C.. 5963 applies, is the amount of sixty (600) cents per week, (u) For employees to whom Section 48 (11i) (b) of P.C. 5963 applies, in the amount of 2.4% of their weekly wage rates: (c) In no case shall the amount of n cost of living bonus adiusted e a stated exceed a maximum of $4.25 per week to empl�oyeea to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies, and of 17% of their weekly wage rates to employees to whom Section 48 (11) (b) of P.C. 5963 applies: (d) (0) (1) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies now being paid a cost of living bonus, not pursuant to the provisions of P.C. 8253, established prior to the effective dote of that Order, in an amount exceidiog $4.25 per week, the amount of the bonus shell terrain unchanged, (11) For such employees now being paid n cost of living bonus of less than 64.23 per week, the amount of the bonus shall be increased up to sixty (60c) cents per week, but in 120 cone to exceed'a total weekly bonus. of $4,25; (2) (i) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (b) of P.C. 5963 applies, nowbcingpaid a cost of living bonus, not pursuant to the provteions of P.C. 8253, established prior to the effective date of that Order, in an amount .treading' 17% of their weekly wage rates, the amount of the bonus shall remain unchanged; bonus of less than 17% of thclrnweekly wagetrates,�the bonus shell be increased up to 2,4 points, but h0 no case to exceed a total weekly bonus of 17% of their Weekly wage rate.; (e)'lie ad justinent 05 poyment of 5.0011 of living bonne o1kiilated es ordered -bolt tic to a neorest 0001 of any #roctiouaf figure; (f) Employer110 the construction industry shall adjust the amount of any cost of living bonus requited by paragraph (a) of this order only for elbployees in respect of ivhoni no special bane arrange- ment has been made with the approval of n War Labour t3oaed. Nursuant to the provision of the Order for the conduct of the ational mint Conference Board of the Construction Industry. Ottawa, Ontario, 13tC)NlPRREY MXTOMEZ,.I l August 4, 1942. Chairman, National War Labour Board. J 1 A i A