The Brussels Post, 1942-8-5, Page 711:5 FINE CUT Operated by Pat Burton, twice winner of the North American and Canadian Calf Roping Championships at the Calgary Stampede, the Burton Ranch in SouthernAlberta was estab- lished in 1890 by F. A. Burton. BRAND OF 519E BURTON RANCH Vessel For Navy Every 48 Hours I+figures for British naval pro- duction given in London recently Show thatan average of 01; war-. ship is being launched in Britain every 48 hours, according to the BBC. The broadcast added that new corvettes, Britain's fast antisub- larine craft, completed since 939, amounted to more than 20. This covers war losses Many times over. Nineteen new tuisers have conte into service spice 1939. 75 percent of Germany's war "sndustry is located in the Ruhr. Have You Heard? president Roosevelt is reported to have enjoyed the following par- rot yarn so much that 11e akal'ed It with Prime .Minister Churchill: A sailor walked into an auctlop shop as the auctioneer Was asking for bids On a parrot. "Fifteen dollars." said the sail- or. "Twenty," said another bidder. "Twenty-five," said the sailor. "Forty," said the other bidder. "Forty-five," said the sailor. No further bids were heard, and the auctioneer said, "Sold." "I'lie sailor took tile bird and cage, passed over the money, and said: "That's an awful price to pay for a parrot, Can be talk?" "Can he talk!" exclaimed the auctioneer: "Why, sailor, he was Dhlilin,g against yott.' —0— Said Mr. Hobson: "A baby's troublesome, that's true; but remember the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." Replied his wife: "Well, ' then, sup pose you assume world -domination for the even- ing while I go to the movies." —0— A worker due to take on a heavy job, was being examined by the works doctor who found an un- usual scar. The man denied ever having had an accident, but cas- ually volunteered the indormation that he bad once been gored by a bull, "Don't you call that an acci- dent?" asked the doctor, "No," . said the man, bitterly. "He did It on purpose:" —0— "! say, old man, have you change for a pound note?" "Yes " , certainly "Well, just lend me tee shlll- tnge of It, will you?" —0— Three Canadian spldiers sleep- ing in a tout In an English camp were awakened by a terrific Crash not far away. "What was that—thunder or bombs?" asked one of them. "Bombs," was the laconic ane- Wel', "Thank heaven for that!" chim- ed' In the third. "1 thought we were going to have more rain!" DOWNHEARTED? NOT VERY Though far from their Nasi -oppressed homeland, thousands of loyal Polish refugees in. Iran• continue to work, fight and die that their country may regain its freedom. Polish "WAAC's" relax after day's work. Modern Etiquette 1, Is it necessary for a woman to say "please" and "thank you" to her own servants? 2. When receiving an invita- tion to a wedding that is to take place at a hotel, is a reply nec- essary? 3. Should one pick up a drop- ped napkin when dining in a res- taurant? 4. When the guests at a din- ner are few in number, and they are all intimate friends, would it be all right for the place cards to bear only their first names, Mary, Elizabeth, Helen, etc.? 5. How should the card of a doctor read? 6. Does a good conversationalist keep repeating: "Is that so? You don't mean it, Really" etc?. ANSWERS 1.The're,is nothing obligatory about it, but as it is such a trivial courtesy to extend to the people who aro' serving one, a well-bred woman will do so. 2. Yes. 3. No; let the waiter pick it up. - He will also furnish a clean napkin. 4. Yes, when all the guests are close friends. 5. James Walker, MD., or Dr. +James Walker. 6. No; such a habit is always annoying. We asked a housewife what we could expect from these no - egg, no -butter, no -sugar reci- pes. And her answer was -- No cake. Dutch Harbor received its pante from the legend that a Dutch ship was the first vessel to enter eta bay. THAT WiLL MUD A GREAT EfiNIADifilli CAUSE This year, the Canadian Open Gott Chafn- pionship has a significance far beyond its status Sts a major sport event. It will again present a spectacular struggle for the Open Chainpionship and the Seagram, Gold Cup; it will again foster international goodwill by bringing. together • famous golfers from Canada and the United States; but, in addition, the entire net proceeds of this year's tournainent `will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross Society. The Housepf Seagram is especially glad to be associated with the 1942 Open, which will be held at the Mississauga Golf & Country Club,. Toronto, August 6th, 7th and 8th, And, as donor of the Seagram Gold Cup, the House of Seagram welcomes the golfers of both Canada. and the United States to the fairways of international friendship. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AOCO81D9ON8 WArrewalo ACCORDIONS WANTED Best prices paid for Piano aecordlona, twelve to hun- dred and twenty Ines, THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Alrmlenl Inetrunteut Penertment Toronto AVTOStOl+Il,1,S — USED U be'D CAeoRS firsWITH We will 1TIRE8, fund your Oust of traneporta- ttoe to Toronto, If you buy from us, Mount Pleasant Motor Ltd. Used Car Lots at 1050 Danforth Avent. Headue and Offiee, 032 M0 ount Plge easant t Rn ad,P181. Toronto. Telephone High- lad WANTED BE OUR EXCLUSIVE MAGAZINE Subscription Agent In your own locality, Highest commissions on all publications. 7011 or part- time work. Write the Davie Ag- ency, 75a Adelaide St, West, Tor route, Ontario. ACENTS WANTED HOUSEWIFE' WHO WANTS TO eupploment family income. Bus- iness experience or full time not necessary. Write to Avon Pro- ducts of Canada, Limited, 1016 St. Alexander St., Montreal, Que. 'BABY caucus START THE PALL SEASON RIGHT with Bray chicks. We're prepared to hatch to order for delivery on and after September first. May have a few started chicks avail- able this summer, but write for particulars. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BABY CHIC1fs TWO AND THREE WEEK OLD non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also older free range pullets from 4 weeks to 25 weeks old. Send for illustrated catalogue and price Est. 19 pure breeds, 8 brad crosses and 5 breeds of tur- keys to choose from. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAILERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co.. 103 Bathurst St., Toronto. BELTING, ETC. FOR THRESHERMEN BELTING P'OR THRESHMERMEG?. Endless thresher belts, host feeder canvas, pulleys, shaftln hangars bearings, motors. Spee. ta1—Belting for traces, 2 inch 4. ply, 15c foot. All types of traps. mission supplies In stock toy immediate shipment at attractive low prices. Merchandise guarom. teed and shipped subject to yout inspection. Send your orders to THE YORK BELTING CO. 80 YORK STREET, TORONTO. 00010 WANTED EXCELLENT COOK IN CHRId Ilan Home. Sleep out. $60 tp start. Phone MI. 6003 for appoint- rnent or write 11 ParkWood, To- ronto. x'ARBI - EQUIPMENT REBUILT 38 H.P. LISTER F %. Diesel Engine, complete wl 2 clutch and cooling tanks; H.P. Blackstone; 26 H.P. neut.s; Marine engine 250. H.P.; Tina and Link Harrows; Letz ombin- ation Peed Mill; 1986 stake body, International Truck; demonstrat- ing and rebuilt Melotte Cream Separators; paint, while It lasts, 91.60 per gallon. The above are all specials for July .and August. Melotte, Magnet and Premier. Cream - Separator . Parts; -Myers Water Systems; one only Rani mer Mill; one only 25 ovale Portable Milker. S. A. Lister, Stewart Street, Toronto. $27111ING 4 04CANINO BA VE XUU 4.1415730070 NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write R to ua tor information. yearotqu We ere Depart men Xd, Parker's Aye' Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. 1PA118i PDODUC90 STOCK TEED' ANALYSJS PER• eentage, protein 14.66, fat 1.27. crude Libre 1.03; puffed wheat siftings, thoroughly cooked, 916 per ton, Kavanagh :Food, Toront. - 8001' BALM IIAUME1II0A FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor in.stantlY. 4S0 bottle. Ottawa .agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, FOR BALI: GROCERY STORE — {5001.) 1.0 - cation. No npp"el lion, dent• reet- dentlal district. Pixturen. 3800, Stock at invoice price Write Box 25, :it. Tbunln4, tint :trio. 0(031 SALE NUTRIA, P3NEST QUALITY, 10 for $150; pair $22. Janne Byrne. R, R. 1, Woodslee, Ont. 51AI:D WANTED WANTED — MAID TOR GENERAL house work. No children. Every Sunday off, Good wages. Mrs. 0. . E. Grosslcurth, Weston, Ont. BIF.DICAL DON'T DELAYI EVERY summoR- er of Rheumatic. Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, r a'PENTS r'BT1HEH*TONI-4AUUH 11 COMPANY Patent Solicitors. klstabliebed 1890; 19 King West, Toronto. Booklet or information On re- quest PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The ileal, Rain, or Hail HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by 81u11 Any 6 or, 8 exposure film perfectly, developed and printed for only 26e, Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICB . Station J, Toronto RHIIUI1IATIC PAINS PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SU11'- ferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 338 Elgin, Ottawa, OLD RUGS REWOVEN NEW RUGS, NEW RUGS MADE PROM old. Dominion Rug Weaving Com,. pany, 964 Queen St W., Toronto, Write for bookT.i. SERVICE STATION FOR RENT KRAMER'S GARAGE AND SER. vice Station,' Delhi, for rent, Equipment includes computer pumps, hydraulic lacks, acetylene welding otftfit, tire vulcanizer. lathe, drill press, emery motor, .valve relater and spray gun. rrply to Supertest Petroleum rporation Limited, London, oto rank H. Butcher, Aylmer. TEACHER WANTED ,?IYALIFIED PROTESTAN . teacher for 5.5. No. 7 Rodent Apply stating, experience an salary expected. Duties to cobs mance Sept. 8. W. L. Wadding ton, Sec: Treas., Combermere, Ott t WANTED—FVEL WOOD hAPLE AND MIXED CORDWOOi,. also Hard and Softwood Slabs ap(}. Bundle ..'Edgings. Give full p ticulare. Walter Schisms, Ninetee Melinda Street, Toronto. ISSUE 32—'42 HOW CAN I? Q. How can I wash unpainted wicker furniture and preserve its white appearance? A. Wash it g0iekly with a strong solution of cold water and salt and put in the hot sun to dry. Never wash wicker with soap suds, nor allow it to dry slowly, as it will result in a .poor color, Q. How can I have a neater front lawn? A. Perhaps the reason it does not have the trim appearance others have is the fact that the edges of the lawn next to the sidewalk have not been cut. A tiny trench cut along the grass edge gives a neat appearance and crispness to the lawn. Q. How can I rid the kitchen of flies or mosquitoes?. A. By placing a cup of vinegar on the stove where it.will simmer enough to snake an odor. Or, burn camphor gum on the stove two or three times a day. Q. How can I use less sugar when snaking applesauce? A. Add your sugar to the apple- sauce before removing it from the stove, and in this way much leas sugar will be required to sweeten the sauce.. Q. How eat I kill crickets er drive out ants? A. .Put some .cucumber peel, cut in thin strips, on the floor at. night near their haunts. Nearly 200,000 tons of sun- flower seed will be crushed for oil it Argentina this year. IT STOPPED hya✓iffq •or Money Back Forgo okrelieffrom itching of tetanus, pimples, eat.!one's hat soden, ne,lie,,rneheenndoiliereexternally eensel skin tennbles, uoe fat -eating, coolint, anti. eeptle liquid 1), D D. Preseriptlon. Greseeless, efafnlaes.5ntthlInreitntion endqutelly stops intense itoldn�r m5ntr;nldottlopmveslf,ormone bsek.Aek rem drugslst toddy for D1).t), rites ntwoN. End Of War - In '43 "If We Are Lucky" Capt. Randolph Churchill, area of the British Prime Minister, , predicted last week that "if we, are lucky" the United Nations$: would win the war by the end of next year, "and if we're unlucky, then we'll win by the end of 1944." .. "We, the British, were only one quarter ready for this war," he said at a' press conference, "Ger- many prepared for twenty years for this war. The English have not been as clever in this war as the enemy. "We have been largely enhhua- iastic amateurs in this war as compared to professional military men. We still have a lbt to learn, but we are learning fast and we are going to win." Capt. Churchill said that he took a hopeful view of the Egypt- ian situation, SAFES Protect your SOURS and CAMP from null] end THIEVES. WO have b size and type of 5afe,Olt Cabinet, rue any purpose. Vletl nth or write for priers. etc, to Dept.. W. J. &J. TAYL®R LIMITE,O TORONTO SAFE WORKS 143 Irront Si. 13., Toronto I;slnbllehed 5533 "MIDDLE -AGE° WOMEN (ys:pd)1 HEED THIS'ADVICEII. IP you're cross, restless 1418RV018-- suffer hot sashes, dizziness—caused try ihydine PinIthmo's VegQetab Compound. Made fthouSatly/ for ieornen, Hundreds of twlabelds ec- rnarkably helped. Follow labor direc- tions, Made in Canada,