HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-8-5, Page 4Qualm►. Courts Most �LADA' TEA CANADA'S WAR EFFORT A Weekly. Review of Developments an the Roane Front: July '23-30, 1912.- 1. 942.••1. Second and third reading in Senate to Bill empowering the sowerlmrent to Wyo.'s con'soription •for overseas service. Vote on second reading: for, 42; against nine. 2. Changes announced in quarter- master -general's 4mandh, Depart- ment of National Defence, es sequel to Duff report an Hong Kong expedi- tion,' Conservat4vo motion calling -for re -organization of Department defeated in Commons by 130 votes to 34. 3. Battalion •of Canadian para- troops ,authorized. Training starts shortly. 4. Four Canadian' squadrons take part in ,air attaoles am, Hamburg and Duisburg. 5. Shortage- of metals in North America thecomas more serious. Still moue drastic civilian curtail- ments must be made it war plants are to be kept in full operation, announced Hon. C. D. Howe, Min- ister of Munitions ar,A •Supply. 6. Producers .and consumers, of highspeed steel ordered to introduce certain changes in .manufacturing nractir es. Purpose: to conserve •Clanades diminishing supply of tungsten, inalyibde um and vanad- ium. '7. Use of benzol in gasoline for motor vehicles or its• use for any other non -war purposes pr:oatrtbltea. 8. New restrictions on credit buy- ing annouraed by Wartime Prices and Trade Board, 9. Further seasonal reduction in maximum wiholesale beet prices, averaging one cent a pound, Dame into effect August 3. 10. First report of Joint War Pro- duction Committee of iOanada and United States shows annual nate of United iStates munitions production for second quarter of 1942 up nearly four times over 1941. Canadian production, including many critical items, up nearly three times for same period. PAIR DATEi ANNOUNCED Neustadt Sept. 4, 5 E:,niira Sept, 4, 7 Blyth Sept, 9 10 Sept. 10, 11 Sept. 10, 11 Sept, 10, 11 Sept. 16, 17 Sept. 16, 17 Sept. 17, 18 Sept. 17, 18 Sept: 18; 19 Sept. 15, 16 •'Sept. 17, 18 Sept. 18, 19 Sept. 15, 16 Sept. 13, 7.9 Sept. 15 Sept. 25. 26 Seent. 25, 26 • Sept.. 24, 25 Sept.. 13, 24 Sept; 23, 24 1,nclknow - Sept. 22;, 23 Owen Sound Sept. 26, 28, 29 Paisley * • Sept. 21, 22 Port Elgin Sept. 25,26 Seaforth Sept,. 24, 25 Tana .Sept.. 13, 24 Mitchell Sept.- 29, 30 Arthur Oct. 1, 2 ' Cihesley Qat. 2. 3 Dungannon, Oot. 1, 2 Melford' Oct. 1, 2 Tiverton Oct 5, 6 Teesrwater Oct. 6, 7 t un1 am i.Milvertou. R'i'arton Marl:dale Exeter Hanover I{ince rdine Cltffond Mildanay Mount Forest New Hamburg Orangeville Palmerston Underwood Atwood Grand Valley Hlarriston Holstein, r.ist'wel BUY WAR SAVING STAM,PS— Ontario Dept. of Aericulture Opens Sheep Campaign .. . 1.000 new 810eks objective for this year, states live stock official. 'Canada is facing a serious wool short',ge. Farmers from coast to coast are being asked. to .increase sheep production, as ane million more sheep are .iequitgd..tpr 19.43, agricultunal officials state, - -.. - ' Ontario farmers have done an ex- cellent job In producing wartime 5 Late Model Cars. Privately owned with good tires. 7 Used Cars with good tires from '29 to '36 INiodels. 5 Heavy Duty Long Wheelbase Stake Trucks: 1-11 ton Chev. 1.34" W.B. 1 Used Tactor 10 Horses for Sale. SERVICE Choice used tires for those who can buy them. BATTERIES. The time to buy a batteryfor your car is now. We have them in stock. GENUINE FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES We carry a large stock and can supply you with almost any part or accessory for your car. THE PLACE TO GET YOUR CAR RECONDITIONED IS AT L. & Wo Jackson Motors Ltd. WE HAVE THE MECHANICS, TOOLS, PARTS & PAINTS. L �= an r Jackson Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. Wheat on Hand 1,40 Per Cwt. Car of Screenings On Hand $1.25 Cwt. D. M. McTavish Phone 46 Brussels .te ru kr 4'0' ✓�yy►r 1. THE BRUSSELS POST A NEW :ar .-:L.y, Aub adi Stih, 1942 SERVICE AT YOUR BANK AND AT YOUR POST OFFICE ". wompial YOU CAN NOW BUY WAR SAYINGS CERTIFICATES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Through the co-operation of your local Bank, Post Office or Trust Company, you can now buy War Savings Certificates in the most convenient way. You get delivery when you pay your money. Just state the "size" of certificate you want, and it will be registered in your name. These are guaranteed invest- mentis at $4.00 for $5.00—$8.00 for $10.00—$20.00 for $25.00. (You can also exchange 16 War Savings Stamps for a $5.00 Certificate.) INTEREST AT 3% • • TAX FREE REDEEMABLE • • REGISTERED National tear Finance Commillts arw footle such aa cheese, pork, eggs and condensed milli are now being u asked to increase the sheep popula- tion of the Province by 25 Per cent. The Ontario campaign now getting under way, is Under the personal direction o•f NV, P. Watson, Live Stock Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture. Mr. Watson states that the present sheep Population is approximately 440,000 and 25 per cent increase will require the re- tention of 110,000 ewe lambs, Total .lheep miunzetinge last year were approximately 2450,000 heads with .about half tltei marketings be- ing resales. "This meanie," said Mr.. Watson, 'that most of rue 1942 Owe laanb crop roust be sal -caged for breeding purposes, "There are 36,000 Orlario fanners keeping elheep, If each of these men retain three ewe lambs in addition to those required for repincelnent, the necessary increase will be at- tained. However, a great many flock owners are already keening all they can pronon13 accommodate, so new flocks must: be eYbablisiied. Our objective for 1942 h. 1,000 now flecks" s0id Mr. Watson„ 'They should he established in ccunbies mnOt suitable. tar sheep raising. Counties have berm divide11 tufo Categories, A, 13, and 0, enter:ling in present 000010 popnlatiom." Cou01i00 10 "A" category—where over 5,000 lambs were mankoted last year—will be asked to •establish three few flocks per township, They include Bruce, Carleton, Cut Perin, ". 5nt, .*ie!. , 4 Ti,ig,d, Boon, Lamabton, Lanark, Manitou- lin, :Middlesex, Ontario, Rainy i - Rentrew, Simcoe, Victoria, Welling- ton 011(1 York, Counties in "B" Category where lamb marketing's. were between 2,500 and 5,000 last year, will be r ked ' s; . ';n'I'" at 18:,81 two new Rodeo per township. These inlclyde the coi'cntiee os J'rontonac, Halldq- nyand, Halton, Peel, Perth, • Peter- borough, Waterlloo and. Wentwogth. A.11. other counties ti,>t included in above categories wilt be .asked to establish one new 11oex in each township, summer ihoatt0us. These lambs will be assembled at .strategic points so that a reserve supply will be avail- able later in the •season. 11 is planned to seal . these lambs at current market prices. Prospective purchasers are re- minded that although the price per pound may be lower later in the the lapbs will weigh more, with the'rsr-rrlt that there will . be very little difference to the • total cost. lSwe lambs purchased and rue, sem'bled by th•e Department will be available for sllidanent to counties where the local supply is insudftcient to meet fire demand. waren lambs are shipped 111 carload lots between Agricrith:1a1 Remrer.untatives are baking a gm'bntinepit part in the cam- paign Mr more s,he,r• They have Just completed' a sheep Survey and aro in a position to advise Prospec- tive flock owners regarding suitable breeding steak •nnrs, parties wishing to establ/s,h flocks.'ivave invat'?'-ably poost- poned doing so until the fall months, believing thatt ewe lambs could be purchased at lower prices at that b ^ao^. Realizing, that this, nitua- i .+t tray occur again this year, the Ontnrto Department 'proposes to numbsso owe lamlbs, on the market ltnd Fri some of the largnrt f,r prodttcing counties, during the points within the Province, or where lambs are shipped in. less than, car- ithin the e clots w ]cad lots between e P Prov'inte located within, 200 miles of each other, freight will .be paid by tire' Dominion Depant'tneirt of Agri- culture.. The Dominion Departinent of Agri- culture. Also, proposes to ' supply a • ram for two years, free of charge • tinder 'a loan policy, to all parties establishing new flock's conalsting of a, nlintmu,p of 115 ewes, so long as rni•table rams are available. Forms for making application for freight assistance or loan of rants, will be available at all Agricultural Repro- sentativesc offices on and after August SAVE TEA and COFFEE DRUNK MILK First. Aid to National Fatness BRUSSELS CREAMERY