HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-29, Page 1•f
MINI_........_ .. .
Wednesday, July 29th, 194`2 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO
Mr. Blackstone, expert piano
tuner and repairer is in this vic-
inity this week. • , . • • .. • ' • •••• • •
Please leave orders at The
Brussels Post or phone
Blyth 119.
To fall in line with other muni-
cipalities in . the Province, the
business people ask that
Be Brussels Civic Holiday
And I hereby proclaim the same a
Public Holiday and ask that all citi-
zens observe It as such.
R• J. Bowinan, Reeve.
Seaforth Ont.
Blondie Plays Cupid
W ith
The Bumsteads
Biondie goes romantic and
drives poor Dagwood frantic
Charles Starret as "The Medico"
Prairie Stranger
Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Michele Morgan Paul Henreid
1N —
Joan of Park
Drama -of a grounded Free -French
flier, trapped in his native land
by foes!
Matinee—Mon., Aug. 3rd at 3 P.m.
Next Thurs., Frl. & Sate—.
Olsen Johnson
A smash bang, .!ye-fiiiig, tune -
filled show.
To The Shores of Tripoli
When double features are shown
last show starts 8:45.
When single features are shown
last show starts 9:15
• "The Lord Is My Light And
My 'Salvation."
Melville Church
10 aim.—Sunday School
and Bible Class.
•11 A.M. "What Is Man?"
7 P.M. "Preaching Under
A Handicap"
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
' 11 A.M. Mr. C. McCleneghan
12—Church School aed'
Bible Class
No Evening Service
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector.•Rev. M. F. Oldham
9th Sunday After Trinity '
August 2nd, 1942
11:15 A.M. Holes Communion
and Sermon
11.15 a.m.--Sunday-School.
• 10 A. M. Holy Communion
'and 'Sermon
Annual Anniversary Services,
Aug. 9th, 11 a+m. & 7 p,m,
2.15 P.M. Sunday School
3 P, M. Holy. Communion
and Sermon
'F * :H * a: News Local Items
Mr, Lawpon Clouse oY Windsor Is Brussels Sunday Schools K * 0 0 * * 0 *
the guest of Mr. Jack Cameron.
* * Enjoy Seaforth Outing
0 the Brussels Poat will take a 'I
A joint picnic of the Sunday t4'
Mrs. F. •Donnelley, Guelph, is schools of. Brussels' was held at the
her a' e1', y or,
ae Lions Park.at%-eaforth es Thursday,
Mr. and Ma•s, L. W. Daimler spent The fine day drew an attendance of
Part of Thursday after^noon in Streit- aver 500. Swimming was enjoyed
and games were Allayed. A splendid
Jori• lunch was served.
a * *
Miss Wanda Hobbs, Toronto, is a Saturday Salvage Day
visitor with her aunt, Mrs. E. The monthly salvage collection
Brewer• will be made this Saturday See that
* *
makeMrs., Dave Walker of Kirkland You make your oontibution this
month and every .monith. Bement,
is visiting with Mrs. Sam 'ber that all mlagazines and papers
• * *
allkea. must be tied securely in separate
Mn, Elston Cardiff M.P. and Mrs. bundleat
Crdiff arin Ottawa for a few
visiting with father, J Gaynor.
weeks. At The Churches.
* * * Services In Melville PreslbYterian
Mr. Dave Miller, Timmins, is visit• church on Sunday were conducted
by the minister, Rev. 5, Kerr.
Ing with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. At the United church, services
Thos. Milder. were eonduoted by Mr. Earl Ander-
* .k son in the absence of the minister,
Rev. Hugh C. Wilson.
The motor, Rev. M. F. Oldham
conductedthe services in the Brun
eels Anglican church.
Brussels Boy
Has Narrow Escape
The plane in which Sergeant Wm.
Rowland took part inthe raid over
Hamburg on Sunday night was
damaged gay a Nazi fighter. For-
tunately for 'Bill' bhe German was
driven off and the bomber returned
from its. flight. Sgt. Rowland said
fires of leam4bueg were visible for
taterty mi'les�
Mies Pearl Baeker, Toronto, is
holidaying with her parents, MT. and
Mrs. Wan. Baelter.
e 0, *
Mr. Clark Cardiff, R.C.A.F., is
home on. a month's leave to help
with the harvest,
* * *
,The Misses Hislops and Mr. Toni
McFladzean spent a day in Atwood
with Mr. and Mrs. Dickson.
Miss Frieda ,Sehneller, Brantford.
is the guest of Miss Evelyn Can
, ninghani at her home here.
* 5 a
Mr, and Mrs. D. C, Warwick of
Owen Sound visited their parents
and other friends here Sunday.
* * *
Me, Scott Davidson and friends
spent the week end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Davidson. '
* * 5
Spr. Ross Whittard of Debert,
Nova Scotia, spent a few hours
with his parents last week,
* • a
Miss Mary Walker, Toronto, was a
visitor at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Walker.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield spent
a few days with friends in and
around Brussels and Walton.
Miss Jean Scott and Mr, Frank
Scott epenit the week end with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott
Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg, N..
Brantford, is holidaying with her
Parents Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cun.
• • •
Mils. W. H. Kelm, Misees Mlia Kerr
Doris Armstrong, Mary Helen Kerr
and Mary Wilson, spent Thursday
afternoon in Stratford,
5 * •
Mr. and, Mics, Geo. Thomson and
grand daughter, Faith, of Toronto,
elpent ISM week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs• J. C. Backer.
* * •
Mims Jean and Helen Wilson
are visiting in, London with their
aunt .Margaret Rusaell. The little
girls' mother ac'eompianied them also
O '% •
Mien Mary Wilsons only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Garry Wilson of To.
ron.to is spending her holidays with
her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr,
• * * .
Mr. Walter Kerr, .0,N.R. agent bad
the miislfortune to wrench his book
one dray last week, He is confined to
his bed. Here is hoping he will
soon. be O.K.
* * e
Mr. and, Mrs. Charlie Davidson
spent Friday last in London. Miss
Gladys and Miss Maty Baelter re-
turned with them for the week end
with their paren-s !fere.
* * *
Mise Cowan accompanied by her
- ,.-- --�-1 r—"'i.,1'•-"%"'--
CARD OF 11 -'...INKS
"J wish through the 'Post' to thank
the Grey, Twp, Council and through
thein the people of Grey Twp., for
the very acceptable gift of a wrist
watch which was given me recently.
These tokens 0Y appreciation are
vea'y much appreciated, by the men
on active service, both for their
beauty and utility. Your kindness
will long be remembered,
Opl. C. Bateman.
The Trustees, of the Village of Ethel have proclaimed
MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1942
Recruits Wanted
No, 1 Mobile Unit, under the com-
mand of Lieut. A. C. F. Winslow,
with headquarters at London, will
be in Brussels every Friday morning
for the purpose of recruiting for the
Active ArIny and for the Veteran
Guardia. They will be at the
Brussels council chamber at eleven
o'elodk each Friday, morning. The
Army needs men See Lieut
Winslow on Friday morning.
'`,.week's vacation as is the annual„'i'
*•,ouetom of this publication, This.*
'1' sear It will be the week of 0
1 August 12th, when there will be a'
* no Jaime of The Post on that it
* date. Correspondents are re- '4
* quested to send in their news '*
* as usual each week,
'k '1' '# * * * 'k * *
London Man
Suffered Stroke .
The many friends et A. J. Helm,
192 Wharncldffe Road, London,
beard with regret that he suffered a
stroke one day last week. While
repairing an .awning on the front of
the Jean Ferguson Dress Shop, 6
Ontario Street, Stratford, he suffered
a stroke and collapsed on the pave-
ment. He was rn34red bo Stratford
General Hospital, where it was be-
Library Closed
The Brussels Library will remain
closed for the next two weeks start-
ing on Monday owing to Mrs. M.
Ballantyne, librarian., being on her
We wish to thank our neighbors
and friendsfor their acts of love
and sympathy during the recent lass
of a beloved, husband and father,
Dr. T. T. McRae, Also for the
many flora] tributes,
Mrs. McRae and Donald
Mrs. B. F. Carr and fancily wish
to thank the many friends and neigb-
bours who so generously showed
their sympathy in such kind words,
thoughtful acts and gifts of beauti-
ful'flowers at the time of their es
treats sorrow.
Wife and Family.
Requests have been made at this
office for an editorial column, so we
will endeavour to comply. It is
desired that .people will begin to tura
the pages every week in the hope of
finding some ,choice argument. It
is also our wish that they are not
disappointed. 'Some of the c'riticisui
contained herein may be commented
upon—favorably or otherwise.
For years The Post refrained from
paying certain things for fear of
hurting someone's dignity. That is
a thing of the past now, and if any.
',thing can be offered for the good of
oun community or the betterment
thereof its going to appear in. print—
and let the chips. fall where they
•fust , look for the heading—
"Editorials' and "Note and Com-
ment." You may tied some choice
bits of interest. This. week the
"Note and Comment" is followed
,by two Editorials copied from an
* * *
The big itean of interest these
days is the "harvest" and townfolk
lendina hand for a day or more,
each week. True, the story some-
times heard. about townfoiks being
more of a hindrance, but not all:
As yet only one villager has register•
ed for farm work and here is' his
ale ilioation: • 'can stook, pitch
shearvea, build loads, feed .separator
and handis horses, Just Phone 31
* * * * e * *
* * * * * a *
B. F. CARR Mustard who died Monday morning
Ethel was deeply shocked an immediately following an injury
Monday of last week at the Passing suffered wirer he was kicked iu the
of one of its prominent business stomach by a horse,
men. B, F, Carr, wieo had been in The late Mr, Mustard was a life -
failing bealth for several weeks long reaideut of Morris township.
but was Musk suddenly with a I -le was born on the farm on wh'eh
heart attack which, proved fatal. he was fatally injured and his
He was a member of the United doanism is mourned by a large num-
Church and had always been greatly ber of friends; and acquaintances.
interested en this work taking an Im his seventy-fourth year, he was
active part in it until he lost his the son of the late Alex Mustard and
hearing, Jane Goultes. He leaves to mourn
Mr. Cern was in his 80th year. his passing, his sorrowing wfe, one
sixty For the past years he has son. Stanley of Morris, three daugh-
been associated with the harness tens, Mrs. Virden: of Luoknow, Mrs.
and shoe business, having been in S. Walsh of Nast Wawanoah and
this work in Ethel for over twenty Lena at home. One brother, Sohn
He is survived by bis wife, one
daughter Mrs. R. C. Wiibee of the
6th Con. o5 Grey, and one son Roy
of Kindel Ave., Toronto. Two
children having predeceased him,
Rita. In childhood and the late Mrs.
Gordon Hestia of Winghaan.
The 'funeral was held on ThursdaY
afternoon at the United Churoh. Ser-
vices being conducted by Rev.
Blo,rold. Snell, his pastor, assisted
by Rev. Johnston of Fordwich and
Rev. D. Lucas of Elmwood. A
beautiful solo. "Crossing The Bar”
was sung by Mr. George Pearson
with Mr, Arnold Earl at the organ.
Many lovely floral tributes marked
the high esteem in which he was
held: Interment took place in
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel.
Kick By Horse'
Proves Fatal
* The community was shocked by
the sudden tragic death of Alexander
The following death notice refers
to a much loved uncle of. Newton
McCauley of town and he and Mrs.
McCauley attended the funeral in
St. Marys on July 9th.
Just a little . over three menthe
after he .rad retired inion the
position of Supervisor for the Parks
Board, William McCauley died at
the home of his nephew, Albert
McCauley, James St.. North, on
Monday, in his eightieth year. He
had been ill since Friday.
Willis McCauley was a man
highly thought of by all who knew
Trim. He was honest in all things
.and a good friend. He loved flow-
ers and was successful particularlY
is the cultivation of 1'058&. The
Present fine state .of the St. Marys
.parks is a ntonument to his good
Mr, McCauley was born nearCaledonia, Ont. At an early age
he went to work for• Senator Gib.
son at Beamsviile and 'became an
expert stone -cutter. Thirty-seven'
years ago he came to St. Marys as
one of four stone -cutters to work
at the Horse Shoe Quarries, then
managed by the late A. W. (Curly)
MoNeill, on the site of the present
cement property. Later he was
employed by the Thames Quarry
until they ceased, operation. He
then became foreman at the C.N.R.freight eheilisi retiring at the age
limit in 1928. The Parks Board
then engaged him and he continued
as supecwiear until the end of March
and a sister, M,rs, Wm. Turvey pre-
deceased him.
Funeral services will be conducted
from his late home, lot 23, conces-
sion 2, Morris township on Thursday,
July 30111 at 3 p.m, by Rev. 0. Fowler
of Bluevale Presbyterian church of
which the deceased was a member.
Interment will be made in Brussels
keyed that the stroke was not a i at Brussels. et this year when Sae sent in his
.serious one. The attending .. * 5 * resignation. The Board re-gretfully
bphysician t lbeave thed hr. piHetal would In. regaltds to, the question often received his resignation. and put un
fewe able so.'leMrs hospital in a Public record a high tribute to his.
days. Mrs. Helm was formerly asked in regards , to this paper
Mise Mae Wilkinson of Brussels. pablishng the aruiutesj of local school faithfulness and eitficieney,
board meetings]—we11, in' the first He belonged to the Masonic Order
�"'-",,... place they are not handed in and and was a. cneanbei of the Bloc
sister Mrs. R. Townsend and niece y Knights, He was a .member of
Miss Dorothy Little are gone on. a 1E thiel is hiiliossible, the second Dias
two weeit'sj holiday up the Ottawa 15, we are not notified as to When Fir
McCauley revers Harried, fie
River, the meetings •are to be held, The,
Wheel tax ie a big isone here and j .mode bis home with his nephew,
* * * Albert Me0auiey, ,Fames St., North.
Mr. and Mrs, W. T, Rose and ratepayers are interested in it as The funeral wa.s•held from the
daughter.Fannie and son Glen and Well es other nninictpal affairs.
* * * . Ross Marriott Funeral Home, Wel-
other r with Mia. town
other relatives in town this week, bas been drawn to dols. biting areal! Strachan, pastor of First Presby -
children. One, case was made terian 'Church, eonduoted the service
* • and &Welt particularly on the de.
Mrs, :Dunbar and her little neice Public through these whims and ceesed's great love of flowers and
dna. daughter of .Ohesleg are lin ton 1St., Seale Rev. J. T.
tl and During recent weeks our attention ling
Speirs returned home last taro others, p i t ly. On
;Saturday after visiting Mrs. Bellt oc'casdons local "pats,' lying in especial!)+ importedroee% Among
the theater's sister, in Toronto, for dooilwaya along the business Section the beautiful floral offerings was a
the each few weeks. are known .to snarl at paessersby -goigeeus basket of roses from Me
and even, "pretend" to stop people own garden, Kelso tributes ficin
,Cadet leuaeell B. Fergusop, son entering their abode or baguet. Park's albbelabors.
•Relatives and frieede
of ,Mr; and Mrs. Geo, M, Ferguson, places, This would cause one to and belghbors. .
Toronto, with a. !flirty of 12 left To- be, a little inclined to use a club, but ` Among those pr eaeluttrom .Nast of
ronto for ;Gordon *read, Victoria, as It is not enelteenty to carry Stroll WWII were: Reba McCauley, lirdtlr~
BIC,, and will be there for' the next weapon while eho9ping the next been and niece, Dona Macauley,.Mrs, J,,
three months, They have a tail die' would be to find out hew many dye 'Knowles, Beamsville; Newton Mc. 1
In, town have hail a 1942 tag issuer! Wiley, nephew ane} Mrs. McCauley, I
d the tax maid for per- Brussels, Ont„ Lloyd Limns of the
Asked For Details
Of Spry Speeches
M.P. For North Huron
Asks About Cripp's Secretary
L, E. Cardiff, (Cons., Huron North)
placed on the House of Cornmeal
order paper a question as to whether
the Government's attention has been
called to speeches being delivered
in Canada by Graham Spry, secre-
tary to Sir Stafford Oripps, in rela-
tion to India, and defence and
foreign affairs,
"On this trip, is he (Mr. SprY)
representing the Government of
Great Britain, and has he the author.
ity to represent them regarding
India?" Mr, Cardiff asks.
Ere aim wants to know whether
Mr. Spry was engaged by War Ser
vices Minister Thorson, and
whether he was authorized to "visit
sections of Canada, to make speeches
on this and other subjects."
School Opening Delayed
Secondary School Pupils
To Work On Farms
Until September 21
Province Decides
TORONTO, .July 25 --The Ontario
farmer, hard-pressed for help in
harvesting his crops, was.assisted
by the provincial cabinet yesterday
when an order-inJcouncil was passed
which will close all secondary
sohoole; from September 8 to Sep-
tember 31 inclusive in order to aid
havesting. Normally the secondary
Scheele, now on vacation, would re.
open early in September.
The cabinet discussed an acute
shortage of .farm labor throughout
the province. at meetings Thursday
and yesterday, when the decision to
postpone school openings Was
made, it way, learned. Provision was
also said to have been made to
postpone: opening of schools up to
October 8 if the help of pupils is re-
quired by farriers,
In thie connection, Premier Hep•
burn said school children had bean
of great assistance to farmers;
It is provided that, with the ap-
proval of principals, pupils who ere
engaged in Panni, work from Sep.
tember 8 to no later than October
9 will be credited with attendance
for that period and if the schools
remain closed they will be credited
with attendance from September 8
until the date of opening,
frown 6.15 a.m. to, 8,4.5 p.m. Bussell
h t them an
Weyoung Men, tied a1f,a o5 'tb 'play base. • rounding cpuntrY.
nis dist dill• 1i4, the
ocean, Bac ,o
Wednesday fin tlu ee home 1118 mission t0 beherein or the stir. RdC.O;C. and: MNs,%hien'*, Lotid'drt•
ns Ida Paga. Marys Cemetery.
bail, volleeobal1 oe tiwim, ete; Continued on I
InterDament Ives de, ,in St.
.'ti S4+N'rW±'.+ •41..rr 4µ 1,,,rµ �.,x�iY...
Tenders will be received by the
tide/signed, till Saturday, August 1st
at :3 o'clock p,m„ for tae work et
building one dement abutment at
the Ceanbrook Bridge. Tenders
will else be received for sufficient
gravel, delivered, se required for, the
Tenders may be submitted Sepal,
ately or In. total.
The lowest or any tender bet
ueceasarily leeeSted,
J. H. MAR, Merle. _