HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-22, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Mr. Blackstone, expert piano tuner and repairer is in this vic- inity this week. . , . • • • ...... • Please leave orders at The Brussels Post or phone Blyth 119. CIVIC HOLIDAY BRUSSELS To fall in line with other muni- cipalities in the Province, the business people ask that MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd Be Brussels Civic Holiday And 1 hereby proclaim the same a Public Holiday and ask that all citi- zens observe It as such. R• J. Bowman, Reeve. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. NOW PLAYING - George Raft Pat O'Brian - IN ,- Broadway The story of a boy and girl who danced to fame with a gun at thele backs! Mon., Tues. and Wed. Humphrey Bogart Conrad Veldt - IN - All Through The Night Gangland gangs up on the Gestapo! Next Thurs., Frl. & Sat Blondie Plops Cupid Biondie goes romantic and drives poor Dagwood frantli. -Also-: Charles Starrett to Prairie Stranger A blast :of white hot lead and red- hot rhythm, thunders from the screen. Coming - Joan of Paris When double features are shown last show starts 9:15 When single features are shown last show starts 8:45. Pr "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God." Melville Church 10 a.m.-Sunday School ' and Bible Class. 11 a.m._"The Life Everlasting.' 7 p.m. -Service of Worship. COME AND WELCOME. United Church Minister -Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A. M. Mr. Earl Anderson 12 -Church School and Bible Class WELCOME TO WORSHIP. No Evening Service Church of Engiand Parish of Brussels Reotor,•Rev. M. F. Oldham Eighth Sunday After Trinity July 26th, 1942 ST. JOHN'S, BRUSSELS 11.15 a.m.-+Morriing Prayer and Sermon' .11.16 a.m.-Sunday-School ST. GEORGE'S, WALTON 10. a.m.-Morning Prayer and Seinen ST. DAVID'S, HENFRYN'. 2.15 P.M. Sunday School S P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Villagers To Co-operate In Harvesting 1942 Crops Registration forms may be 11110'1 at bhe office of R. S. Warwick, town clek, This is a means to enaele farvneis. to secure help as well as town folk to register for voluntary 1 farm week. If any villagers can spare a haifclay or more per week In helping with fawn work ar herveret they are requested to fill in a card Organized help from cities, towns and villages at harvest time will be necess,aay if wartime foods are to be constantly moving to the U'.1l`• ed Kingdom. To meet any problem that inay arise in harvesting the 1942 crop, is the idea and villagers are asked to co-operate as well as fart folk who need help. MORRIS COUNCIL Meeting July 14, 1942. The Council met 'at the hall on the above date with all the members preseiet. The Reeve presided. ' The mdnudes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of C. R. ,Coultes and James Michie. Moved by C. R. 'Coultes seconded by ,Cecil Wheeler that the tax date be set at three mills for 1942. --Carriet liioved' by Harvey Johnston se. - ended by Cecil Wheeler that F Duncan, C. R. Coultes and J. Michie be a committee front, the Council to settle the road dispute at Lot 19, Concession 1. -Carried. The Council of the Towsehip of Morris request the ratepayers of the Towus'hip to cut the grass and weeds in front of their own property in order to keep down esfpenses. Moved by Harvey Johnston, sec- onded by James Michie that the tweeting adjourn to meet again on August 10, 1042 at 1 p•.m, -Carried. The following accounts' were paid: W. A. Galbraith, relief for W. J. Parish 16.73 Blyth Standard, advertising 1.00 Ontorlo Hospital, Woodstock, Jos B Phelan 46.00 Mrs• George Gross, relief 16.00 Nlre. Nellie Logan, relief 8.00 Frear Logan, aftercare i:00 . GtE'O. C. MAR:TLN, Clerk. CRANBROOK Mrs, Bernard Tummies of Hespler (nee Miss Mae Fiscuter) was guest of honor at a Garden Party foe the members of Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook, held on the lawn at the home of Rev. J. M. Tay for and Mrs,. Taylor on Thursday evening of last week. Games and contests were enjoyed. During tate course of the evening the guest of honour, tviho was a former member of the congregation, was made the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts •1n, a novel :"Fish 'Pond" pres- entation. Mrs. Thomas thanked her friends for their gifts and good wishes. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Vee yA� ow"' 1GS W M sipps a X25 \ 40 ee °ager o Die d 0 �, a't 42S from YOUR GROCERY, DRUG AND TOBACCOBANKS AND POSTOICESRESTAURANTS. ATTENTION The Trustees of the Village of Ethel have proclaimed MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1042 AS CIVIC HOLIDAY 1 Wednesday, July 22nd, 1942 Local )News items,, Church Notes At the marring service in Melville Eltu ch, in memory of Dr. McRae, Mrs. King, director' of music, had a quartette sing his favorite hymn, "Jesus keep ane near the cross," It was beautifully rendered, New Superintendent Of Wingham Hosiptal Mrs. Iris Morey, of London, has been appointed superintendent of the Winghatn hospital, to succeed Mdse Winnie Douglas, who has re- signed. Mrs. Morey le the graduate of a Cleveland hospital NOTICE - Contracts for cleaning the Lamont and Tu•vey drains will be let by auction on July 24, 1942. Contract on. Lamont drain will be let at 2 p.m. at the Garniss culvert on 2nd line of Morra and the Contract of the Turvey drain will be let at 8.30 p.m. at Frank Shaw's. George Martin, Clark BRING YOUR JUG - Yee and fill it up with Heinz Vinegar the best .money can buy. Ask the person that uses It, how good it is. Greevar's Groceteria al• ways sell the best for less. Buy your fresh groceries at Grewar's. CASH AND CARRY A. M. GREWAR PHONE 5 WE SELL- FOR LESa Gas Ration Sticker Reports from different localities indicate that there is a movement on foot to have the government issue stickers or labels: to be attach ed to the windshields, of cars show ing the glosoline rationing category the owner has. The reason bask of this is that there is it feeling a aunt- ber of people have procured a greater number of units than they are really entitled to, and if they were forced to display their category the general public would soon de- mand a re-classification. * * * * * •t Obituary 5 • • • • • • • A * • • DR. T. T. McRAE Relatives who attended the funeral were, Mrs. La0kner and Dr. Harry Lackner of Kitchener; Mrs. J. A. Fleming of Jarvis; Moss, Jean Ferg• won of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson 'of London; Captain Dr. Allister Lackner, Kitoh• ener; Mr. Norman Smith of .Borden, Seek., 'amid' Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith and Miss Elisabeblt Smith of Windsor. Among many others frotmi out of town were Dr. Skinner of Jarvis, Dr. Huehnergard and Lir. Spohn of Kitchener, Dr. Richmond of Ethel, Dr. W. Cameron of Palm ereton, Dr. McMaster of ,Seaforth and Mr. J. H. Cameron of London, Dr, McRae Will greatly missed in Melville Church where he was le member both of bite Session and Board of Managers and very regula" in attendance, The service on Thursday, at the home, was conducted by the Rev. S. Kerr and was very largely attended. While the cortege was passing through the town the town bell was tolled out of respect to one, who coming to Brussels as a young man had served, the coananunity so faith, fully and well DEATH In Ethel on Monday, July 20th, 1942, Benjaenn F. Carr, in his 70th year, Funeral will be held in Ethel United Chun,Ch on . Thursday, at 2,30. PM. Interment is Mount Pleasant ,Cemetery, Ethel. Dance in Victoria Hall JAMESTOWN on Thursday evening, July 23 Music by Brown's ' Orchestra of Gerrie. Refreshment Booth. Adtriissiou--Adults 25c Children under 12, 15c All Proceeds for War Work sAi UIt,VAY, JULY 25- ��- el:se:als at Brewer's Groceteria. No limit to quantity you bay. (ellipse Large 23e; ivory Medium, 3 bars 19c; Buy Heinz Vinegar at Grewar's, it's the best. Get your free goods with. New Pont Fluffs while they last they're fresh and crisp at Grewar's Groceteria. WE SELL FOR LESS F" PHONE 5 KHer Daughters Chained In The Dark Dr. Donald A. Laird, writing In The American Weekly with this Sunday's ('July 26) issue of The D. trait Sunday Times, discusses the strange ,ease orf a kindly woman who kept her daughters prisoners . pointing out thea•e are proibably 6,000 other 'living ,skeletons" who are :prisoners• of mother love revenge jealousy or just plain selfishness. Be euro to get Sunday's Detroit Times. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. H. Breakspear, South Lonelon announce the engagement of their younger daughter Joan to Lieutenant Robinson C. Hamilton sou of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph R. Ham ilton, Brussels. The wedding to take place at St. James ,Church tWestnuenster) on July 27th at 3 p.n., both are honored graduates of the 'University e1 Western Ontario, London. Baby Your Lawnmower A lawn mower is supposed to ]act a lifetime and, under wartime regu- lations those who are lucky enough to have them will have to get slang with their Beane machines for the duration. There won't be any more, To keep our lawn mower in woailung circles,keep it well oiled. Keep It un- der cover to prevent rusting and be careful not to let it drop nal the pavement as parts are cast and will break. Blades inay be adjusted to cut low or highand care should be taken not to blunt them on nerd objects. Restrict Electrical Energy Restriction in the use of electrical energy for other than war purposes will go into effect at the beginning of Octoiber. Final details are being worked out now and an offtcial an- nouneement will be made by H. J. Symington, power controller, in the near futue. Plants. call for restricted use of electricity in: Quebec, eastern and southeastern Ontario. They also will be applied to Saint John, N.Ir•, Halifax, probably Winnipeg and Vancouver, with Calgary a pos$tbil.- ity. Eiectrieity for use in neon light- ing and all outdoor signs, is definitely out. This ruling will apply to day- time as well as evening use. Com- mercial lighting will de substantially' reduced, and after Oct. 1 shop win- dows will no longer blaze at night. No Gasoline Ration Books Called In Hight .County Constable Frilnk Fox told members of the pollee committee of Huron County Council, in session laslt week, that no gaso- line ration books, above category .'A had been, lifted by police be- cause. the ear was being used for other purposes. than business, such as going to dances, picnics, etc. Warden Armstrong said he, had read of such being done in other pants of the Province and wondered if the 'practice were in vogue In Humor, county. Constable Fox sa'.d that so far es he knew only nee ration book bad been called in, that of a chicken thief. TENDERS WANTED -x-- Tendees will be, received by `the irdeeeigned, till Saturday, August let at 3 o'•clock p.m, for the work ' Of buiitiling one cement abutment at the ,Cnaubrook Bridge. Tenders will also be received for sufficient, gravel, delivered, as required for the abstinent, Tenders may be submitted separ• oisly or in total, The lowest'. or any, tender not necessarily aloeepted.' .t. 1•t. PEAR, Clerk, 1107.017.777.77777707.037 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr, Luise Lowry of Toronto Mar been visiting with his mother, titre. tee., L.AViy. Miss M. Potts, Guelph, visited With Mr, and Mrs, D, R. Cunningham last week. 'Ppr. John R. Hulley of Debert, Nova Scotia, was home for couple of days' leave. Pelage Pierce, Hamilton, has been visiting with his parents, Mr a'td Mrs. Thos. Pierce. Mrs. I. Parker and Mrs. P, Foster, Kincardine are at the former's home here for a few weeks. * ,, • iSgt, Lewis Russel returned to Quebec, Tuesday, after spending a week's, leave at his home here. * s s Miss Geraldine Stretton spent the past week, visiting her cousins, tUarey and Morley Fischer at Watearloo, * * e Mr. and Mrs. 1. McLean and daughters, St. Thomas, were Setae day visitors with Mr. end Mrs. H. B. Allen. 4 Mrs, Hugh Kennedy and daughter .Kathryn, Montreal, are visiting with bee parents, Mr. and Mrs. N Hamilton, Atwood T Mrs. Maude Eekniier of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her norther, Mrs E. el Kelvey, who is very ill at present. . b a Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fischer, Larry and Morley of Waterloo, visited over the week end at the home of Mrs Fischer's, parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Bryan, y: '1 a, Mr. and Mrs, A. K. Zapfe and Miss Betty Lou Zapfe of Toronto and 1VIrs. F. T. Zapfe 01 Parkhill are visiting at Mrs. R•obt, Thomsons, Riverside, Brussels. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wintle re ,aeived the sad news of their ane who was recently killed in a motor• cycle accident overseas. He was a signalman in 3r'd Div. * * * 'Me many friends of Rev. J. T. ,Strachan of St, Marys will be sorry to know be is in the Stratford hospital, where an operation was ,performed Elie week. A speedy recovery is hoped for. • * Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith of 'Windsor and their daughter Miss Elizabeth ,Smith, who is 071 the teaching staff of Brussels High School, attended the funeral of their relative the late Dr. McRae. * * * After being with her brother, the late Dr. McRae, for several days during his illness in St, Michael's hospital in Toronto, and afterwards with Mrs,, McRae in Brussels, Mrs J: A. Fleming has returned to her hoarse in Jarvis. c 4' .t: On receiving the word of the pass• ing of his brother-tn.law, the late Dr. Thorns McRae, Mr, Norman Smith of Borden, Sask., took adaan• tage of the Trans, Canada Air Ser- vice and arrived in Brussels early Thursday afternoon, He returned to the West; Tuesday morning intending to go by plane. At the Churches Services' in Melville Presbyterian church on Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, At 10:00 am. Sunday school and Bible class Were held and at 11:00 seal. the ,pastor preached on "The Fur• giveness of .Sins," the ninth in a series on the Apostles' Creed. Service in the 'United church on Sunday wee ,conducted by Earl Anderson in the absence of Rev. H, Wilson, At 18:60 neon, church eichool and Bible .laife were hold and the evening serelee Wits with. drawn, T'lte Church of 7inglantl servtee 'was itt ebarge of the rector, Rev. M. 0'. Oidhnm. All servidea were held. CANADA'S WAR EFFORT' A Weakly Review Of Development% on the home Front: July 9---16, 1.5 1. Three ships torpedoed by eneeile submarines in the St. Lawrsnns. Gulf. Four members of erects lost; four missing; ninety-nine saved. 2. En11etments in armed forcer. 1Du flas,t five mouths of present yeses total 95,153. Si Olden -in -Couch passed anti e. izing stationing of units of United States armed forces in Canada. 4. Official Japanese report, made public by External Affairs Depend• meant, states that prisoners of was- at asat Hong Kong, including an este- lasted 1,600 Canadians, are retie• lied with their food rations and tbaR conditions: in their prison camps are rapidly improvin.g. 5. Five -man coreniiseion headed by Justice S. E. Richards, Winn%perg to investigate Pacific coast shine yard produetont Both employers and employees, represented on Bone mittee, B. Total value of contracts away& ed and coinmttmen:ts+ made by Muer. tions and Supply Department, oar Canadian, United Kingdom and( other accounts approached $6,004,r 000,000 on June 30 7. Sale and purchase of iron pile prohibited eept under penml?t from Steel Controller. 8. Price ceiling for new and nseW trucks established in all proving of Canada. 9. Maxiannm wholesale prices tar 28 different cuts of beef fixed in nese order issued by Foods Adniinlstratn'. 10. Continued manufacture of lone price lines orf staple goods compd• sort' under en order effective July 18. 11. Edward T. Sterne, formed' director, explosive division, Allied War ,Supplies Ltd., appointed Cheat call Controller, 12. June production of creamery butter ini Canada, amounted to I5 412,000 pounds exceeding June pm duction in 1941 by 900,000 pounds a1 two per cent. ,Cheese pr'oduc'tion lei Jane recorded total of 32,839,448 pounds increase of 26.4 per cent over amount for same month en 1941. 13. Lionel Conaolter chairman Oa. tarso Athletic Commission, appoint- ed director orf recreation and enter- tainment, Royal Canadian. Air Force 14. Restrictions, announced on the ,nae of .copper and zinle in Heine graphy, •photo -engraving and eieairee- typing. CDEY Jit The July meeting of the Majesree Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Thos. Davidson of the 14th Con., of Grey on ThuradeS afternoon, July letIh, with a goad attendance of membersand visitors. Among the visitors were Mtn. Demerliag and. Mrs. Gadke area • daughters of Fordwieh, Atter the usual opening exercises a.nd business reports a letter was read by Mrs. Frank Nichol from the Salbation Amer in :reroute inform, ing us of their receipt of a large bale of clothing from the Institute. It was then decided to send boxes is the boys of the vicinity who elle overseas and a cent ttee was alb• pointed to look after this matter. Mrs. Ken Shurrie then gave a paper on Perennial Flower Borders. Mann useful hints were given as to ihiz cultivation and care of these plants Mrs, Tom Miller of Brussels gaze some information about flowers att& answered Many questions. Mrs.. Thos. Davidson, gave an interesting' talus on flower arrangement 'and hag a large number of gonglrets arranged to itltistuate her talk• ,She showed. that even weeds could be arranged( to form a beautiful bouquet. The guest sneaked for the afternoon watt Mrs L. C. Deanerting of FordwicMi,. the district president She apol 011 the Woanen's Institute; Pas% Present and Slnture. She told 1m+ of the Institute's sweets, fn bhe pact 40 years and urged that interest lie kept up at pa'esenteven'' tit ' shell +.eying torics sal ' that when pestis elite. neve retni'n& it may help Ott World to re-adjuet itself, A coutet* Vas, then enjoyed div tiote Pressfdl" and the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Lunch 41110' then served by the hottest. 1100.111.11.4 ;3 '1. .1 .oris by rich Md. ring 9nk .res - the • zrer erk- eee .elr eht- ,en ha .nd our en, ens 'ay ens ent • eel .,5y. irn.. he 'an Jig ap un ar r,"