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The Brussels Post, 1942-7-15, Page 7
THE BRUSSELS .'OST .1.1110.11011000111•111411/ Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking sys- tem now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which pro- duction efficiency may 'depend. BE SURE you have the right number ... consult the directory. ©ANSWER promptly when the bell rings. ©BE BRIEF. Clear your line for the next call. USE OFF-PEAK hours for your 0 Long Distance Calls. These tleu 6,500,000 daily edepl o e .00.t ex 0. colts, they are very important. Reduce Food Costs And Improve Health (Consumer Information Service) Cook potatoes in their jackets; don't discard the anter leaves of lebtuce and cabbage; save all the water in which vegetables are cook- ed to put in. soup or add to gravy; don't cut or shred fruits or veget- ables for salmi until the last possible .moment before serving; insist on bread made from vitamin B (Canada Approved) flour. ..All these little thinge add up to better health through increased vitamin intake without adding to foo'tl cos.te and good health is vital for victory Potatoes can be aa. dependable 1 source of vitamer 0, but too fre- s quenily flay per cent. of thi; vain - able quality is lost in the cooking, according to , Nutrition Services Department of Pensions and Nation- al Health, Mach of the vitamin C content can be saved by cooking potatoes, in their , kine. This should be done not only in baking potatoes, but In boiling as well. They can bo cooked in their jackets and peeled just before serving. or with the new potatoes many popple lik• gee HAT'S what everyone has todo these days. —manufacturers, dealers and 'consumers. Because of the reduction of materials available for the manufacture of Duro Pumping Systems, our many dealers have been requested to place the few new Duro Pumps we can allot each one with prospective purchasers whose war -time farm pro- duction can be materially increased by having running water. These dealers, because we cannot 'supply as many new' Duro 'Pumps as they can sell, will be anxious to keep every Duro Pump in their terri- tory in good running order, so that it will give maximum uninterrupted service. The Duro dealer in your vicinity will be glad to service and replace worn parts in your Duro Pump. Have it checked now to insure a con- tinuation of the satisfactory service to which you are ac- customed, The Duro Special shown opposite pumps 250 gallons per hour and has a 25 gallon galvanized tank. Wilton & Gillies ie Phony 68 . Brussels EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED R►mfllon Tere is ipdhwy W .g ♦trna••arul London to eat the tender shins, The dark green outer leaves of lettuce and eabi age are coarser in texture than. the inner leaves, but tdtey ere ten, t0 thirty times richer In vitamin A, so shred them up alit put them In the soup pot or mixed salad. Leaf lettuce, by the way, is nicker in vitamin content than head lettuce. Bread made from vitamin B white hour (Canada Approved) coatahns isevenal times more vitamin B, and more iron than ordtnaay white flour, Mental depression, lack of morale, fatigue and irritability are isaad to be attributable in large measure to deflcienuy of vitamin 13. Reeve Gamble Receives Injury Reeve J, W. -Gamble of Howtce had an accident a few days ago which will lay him up for some time. He Was seuffahlg with a house unac- customed to being driven singly, and wheat it burned at the end of the row it became tangled in the traces and fell, sad Ms•. Gamble wish the lines around his waist also was thrown off his balance and fell, and received the full force ,of the ani- mal's foot me his srhoulder. He was baleen to the Listowel hospital where hie was found to have a dielecated ,shoulder as well as being badly bruised. He has since been brought home, but will be unable to work for Soine weeks. War Savings Drive Outlined CLINTON, July 10—Huron coun- ty was well represented at a meet- ing of the county War Finance Cam- padge caminittee hold in Ohs coun- cil chamber here last Thursclay night. Mayor A. J. Mnllumay, Gaunt, cheirn an, was in charge and. gave a brief address encgi eslsing his gratification at bhe large attendance. He also outlined the plan for the campaign for the sale of War Sar-• lugs stamps. Dorndniom. headquarters were represented ley 3, H. Vanndewater, J. L. Graham and R. H. Morton, who addressed the ga,thetting more fully, outlining the plan and nietit- ods, of procedure. Other speakers called were W. L. Whyte, Seaforth J. D. Thomas; G. L.' Persona W. A. Sutherland, Godeuiten; P. Fing- laaad, K.C., J. 0. Shearer, Clinton. R'ober't Bowman; Mussels; J. H. Kinkead, Godericb; 3, G., .Mullen, Seaforth; Rev. Mr, Beecroft, R. M•c- Leaar, Winghasn; end R. N. ()reed", Exeter. The ,speakers, who are chairmen' of w'gannzatione in their respecitive municipalities, told of the methodist adopted for carrying . on the campaign in their centers. Questions Answered The meeting was thrown open for disouesion and e, number of questionls were answered by the on genizet•. Clinton is headquarters for tate county ,and the office Is In the enain, office 01 the department o?'rig. eical'turre. George H. Jefferson is county secretary. - - Wartime' Rope Its a memorandum to Ontario in- dutrialie..tsy issued by the Industrial Accident ,prevention Associations, R. B. Morley, geenral manager of the organization, tells of the new war. time rope. Ile says that ,'ta many people rope may be rope, but with the situation in the Par Bast there has been an important change, and too manly people may be fooled." The memorandnan states that the new wartime, rope is made of other fibres than manila. The breaking 'strength of new wartime rope varies from 611! to 8110 of the breaking atrength of new ' manilla rope of equal edze, and provision for this elta,np decrease' in ,strength mner be made either by using a large size of rope or more pants. Wartime rope loses, its serrength rapidly tt'h0a, it becomes wet, therefore it gltonitl be protected ficin the weather and great •care shelled he taken when using it after it hats been exposed to moisture, • As, manila rolld Is much it demand for the navy and merchant marine, there is little or none of It avallablo ter asty One of Industrial wont, Those using Wartime rape, theeefcre, have the facts as they stand, with. which to contend with. Notice— The practice of riding bicycles on the 'sidewalks of the Village is eon- Wary to our Menicipal ByeLaw and in future children Cesigtkt in trade Offense will have their bicyolos eonflgcated. 1 G. MoDowelll, 'chief et pollen Gee. Oampbetl Deettty, 194.1V WA'R SAVING STAMPS.* UNINSURED ACCIDENTS A R E COSTLY Wednesday, July 15th, 10 • Accidents happen in .a flash. If you are nem ineured, repayment may cost you your Moiety, your savings or months of income. Let ',0tss texplain Pilot Automobile insurance to you. 34. coats so little. We nuace fei.rxdff risks in write AutomobPilotileI, Tsirer, Burglarynto cover , PlateteeG3uaa, Public Liability and other general insurance. W. S. SCOTT t RUSSELS. Representing Harvesting And Retting High Quality Flax Fibre (Experimental Farm's News) Harveatig and retting are two cd the most improtant phrases in the ,production of flax fibre. A mistake at either of these stages ,statee the Fibre Division, Central EJxperiment al Falun, Ottawa, will .seriously de- crease the value of the crop. The crop should he harvested when the steam have turned a golden yellow, the lower leaves have fallen oft, and one-half to one third of the seed bolls have turned brown. The method used to harvest a crop of fibre flax will depend on the flan?1 product requited and this in turn depends on the' quality of the flax and Ohe availability of the machin- ery, to harvest and process, it. If the flex plants are short and of pone quality, it night he better 1,3 harvest the, seed only as in other grains. ln,stea•d o,1 pulling and vetting the ,straw. Again, if harvesting equip - Meet isnot a.vatiable, it iii often better to produce bossed flax rather +Ilion attempt to make line fibre Most off Canada's flax crap is ban vested for line fibre, the old method of hand pulling having been replac- el by modern flax pulling maobines. There are two methods of vetting flax, namely, dew -rotting ane water- retting. Alm,os't one hundred per cent of Canadian flax is dery-rotted, because it requires, a minimum of henelidng and' no costly equipment such as tanks and pumps. Dew -ret - ting consi,ebs simply of spreading the flax straw evenly on the ground and allowing the retting to be completed by Zero, and rain. The value of the flax fibre will largely depend on harvesting Inc crop ,at the proper stage of matur- ity, as already mentioned, and on securing a uniform well -rotted straw. The retting Process, is of such a nature that an inexperienced Penson should not attempt it, unless there la some one with the necessary knowledge to superintend the work. Loaned by Press and Publicity Publielty and Extensioai Division Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Caned (14) Investigate Barber Prices In Harriston H•ARRISTON, July 1! -An official of the War Tune Pricee, and Trade Board, was in Harteeton investigat- ing deports that barbells in town• had raised their prices siyce Prices had been 'feet -n' by the wartime ecinm:ttee it is i' purred that ;he Harriston, bathe:i had recently in- creased thier prices of °babes from 15 to 20 cents, ane of haircuts from 25 to 35 cents. General Rules For Feeding Young Pigs There are eight general rules for feeding young pigs: t_i Peed three times daily, (2) Never feed more t•haan, the pig will clean up; (3) Make all obeugee of rations slowly; (4) Realize that the breeding pig is an out-of-doors animal; (5) Approxi- mate outdoor conditions in the far - mowing and feeding pen; that is, supply fr'es'h air, light, drainage and, above all, avoid draughts and damp- ness; (6) Duke exercise a prime factor with every class and age of breeding pig. (7) Por economy and health, see that green feed, pasture, roots, and well-cus'ed roughage are part of the rations, particularly for breeding stook; (8) Remember that the pig Is. a poor patient and espec- ially difficult to treat. Strive to elintlinate the -causes of disease, rather than cure it. Farther information on the sub- ject will be found in the Wartime Production Special pamphlet, No. 0, "The Feeding of Swine,', and No, 34 "Prevention of ,Comanon Lessee in Young Pigs," which may be obtained by writing to Publicity and Exten- sion Division, Dominion Depart- ment of Agrculture, Ottawa. CIVIC HOLIDAY BRUSSELS To fall in line with other reelefel' - ' cipalities in the Province, the business people ask that MONDAY, AUGUST 3ra Be Brussels Civic !Ho$d'zy And I hereby proclaim the Sant and ask that all citizensto ib - serve it as such. R. J. Bowaran;Re'eve HORSE BREEDERS— Kenwood Kinpurnie, City e• Sta0liarn, Canadian Bred, Rog. Mee 28862, Enrolment No. 4397 ' ' stand in own• stable, Lot 20, Carat. t . Trey, for this season, Terms iWelvin Hasn jton Ethel, RR. • Appeal For Voluntary Farm Workers Here_ W. S. Rowe, ideatrict' plemeau :k . - o6fiicer o8 the Ot tanio Pallas Sarealitee Pierce was in town last weak to isam endeavour to procure protheeleuat business and service club, mea• volvsvtary land army ser-rioe-• Use solicited the Reeve Rolle aoS . in; attIieting such men, Those ,tie- :drone of lending essistaxese: emm asked to register as soon as Pesstsg ': with Reeve R. J. Bowman.. • A To those contemplating !a¢lt t; a Monument, e t I have just smut .a big selection of different'referill�' of granite, See Me before trtyirt -• elsewhere, Cemetery Leif a Specialty. A p All Work Guaratrte:ene g. B ?JOHN GPANT O CLINTON MARBLE aril- war eGRANITE Wroona Clinton — Ontario For further particulars appu;•g•ait ,b The Post, Brussels — Phone 22tr, Quebec Calls Wartime Vacationist THE perennial appeal of old Quebec City, its picturesque countryside, and northern lakes and woodlands, is receiving add- ed impetus in the face of war- time conditions. With physical fitness a requisite for all forms of war enterprise, it is doubly necessary that this year's tourist make the most.. of his leisure hours -a demand that Quebec is admirably suited to satisfy. At least three important fac- tors are swinging the wartime tourist index lit favor of Quebec. First, its proximity to large cen- tres of population, many being just an overnight journey by Canadian Pacific Railway lines; ieecondly,its wide variety of tour- ist attractions; and thirdly, the splendid accommodation provided by the Chateau Isrentenae, Que. bee's world fanned bottelry, In the city itself, the visitor can alternate his rambles through the historic Lower Town, the Plains of Abraham or Dufferin Terrace, with the present day diversions of golf, tennis, howl- ing, riding, dancing and other popular sporting and social activ- ities. For Quebec's uptown sec- tion is as modern and lively as its Lower Town is ancient and tranquil t The 300 -year-old city offers sight-seeing opportunities second to none on the North American Continent. Century -old cathedrals, monuments, convents,shrines, ramparts, and huddlerows of quaint dorniered dwellings unfold in colorful array as the tourist, seated atop a horse-drawn calh- ohe, rides through the narrow, winding suede of Lower To110n. w.t•�x,i4:,,. ., , It is nortii of the old walled city, however, where sportsmega and nature lovers find a rem paradise. Lovely Laurentides Park, 4,000 acres of mountain- ous woodlands, lakes, rivers an streams provide new thrills ill trout fishing, canoeing, switinaingi„' hiking, aid other joys of camp - life. Attractive log cabins, ton" - equipped, are available for visits ing tourists. Other nearby points of intele for Quebec visitors include the Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beauprei, ._ Montmorency Falls, Loretto Itit•- dian Reservation), Quebec Bridge,, .. the town of Levis, and the pie-• turesque Isle of Orleans, where spinning wheels still hum and tart "habiiant" way of lifo follows tib.,, the f,otrtmpu of Litt fathers. 5