HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-15, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Dance in Victoria Hall
on Thursday evening, July 23
Music by Brown's
Orchestra of Gorrie.
Refreshment Booth.
Admission—Adults 25c
Children under 12, 15c
All Proceeds for War Work,
To fall in line with other muni-
cipalities in the Province, the
business people ask that
Be Brussels Civic Holiday
And I hereby proclaim the same
and ask that all citizens to ob-
serve it as such.
R. J. Bowman, Reeve.
Seaforth Ont.
Bud Abbott Lou Costello
Keep nem Flying
The biggest laugh film,
Establishing Abbott and Costello
as tops In film fundom.
Mon., Tues. and Wed. \
Gary Cooper Barbara Stanwyck
— IN —
Ball Of Fire
A spectacular high in
romantic comedy.
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat,—
George Raft Pat O'Brien
— IN —
Brod Crawford Janet Blair
All Thru The Night
When double features are shown
last show starts 9:15
When single_ features are shown
,. •..
last show starts 8:46.
"1 was glad when they sato
unto me, "Let us go up unto
the House of the Lord."
Melville Church
10 a.m.—Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A.M. "The Forgiveness
of Sins"
Ninth in Series on
Apostles' Greed
7 P.M. Becomirg What
We Are"
Unit&d Church
Minister—+Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Mr. Earl Anderson
12,--Church-School and
Bible Class
No Evening Service
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rentor: Rev. M. F. Oldham
7th Suhday After Trinity
July 19th, 1942
11.15 a.m.—Morning Prayer
and Sermon
11.15 a.m.—Sunday-School.
10. a.m.—Morning Prayer
and Sermon
2.15 P.M. 'Sunday School
8 P.M. Evening Prayer
Cigarette Fund
Wednesday, July 15th, 1942
The Bluaseis Irish & Game Chili $..0 'g
spousering Uhe "cigarette fund"
:nude the arse collection from the
'Jars placed In most of the stores
far the purpose of receiving done-
tionwhich amounted to $50,31. The
ceoslations, oonalated or penalise?, flee,
ten and twenty -flee cent pieces, even
dollar bilis,
Mr. H. B. Allen, secretary of the
club who is looking after the sending
svibnsits the 0o1lowhrg statement
Balance on hand, Fish and
Gagne Club ,.. $ 8.10
Donation from Fia'e-
BrIgade , , .. 80.00
Amount collected front jars 50.31
Total $118,41
The first lot of cigarettes sent to
the boys overseas from Brussels,
Morris and Grey. last month and
another lot sent July .13th The
amount of expenditure including
the mailing is as follows: -
1st lot $ 28.21
Total 3 60.42
The Club wishes to be able to
send the boys smokes once a month,
and in order to do this, they must
have the support of everyone, so
came on follks—s+lip a few cents into
the jars when doing your shopping,
and remember those boys are doing
something for all of us.
Following is a list of the boys
to whom' smokes have been sent.
—If any have been missed it is be-
cause their full addressee have not
been received by Mr. H. B. Alien.
Gnr. Roy 10 Pierce
,Spr. S. Wilson ,
Pte. Jim Palmer
A.C. 1, J. G. Galbraith
Pte. J. L. Sanderson
Op9', T. A. Prest
Pte. Norman Young
Cpl, J. Campbell
8'te, T. A Bendall
Gnr Don A. Black
Gine. A, Crawford
Tpr, G. I. Nichol
Sgt. Obs. R. H, Prest
Sgt. C. R.. Janvrin
Pte, M, H. McDowell
LAIC. K, M. Murray
Tpr.I.. 10 McCauley
Pte. D. C. Lowrie
Sgt. H. L, Huether
Pte. S. Lowe
C. A. Myers, Capt, R.C.A.M.0
L. Cpl. P: Walter McFarlane
PO. John Speir
?Spr. N. A Farquharson
L.Bdr. Dave Hastings
Pte. H. Bowler
Pte. shades H. Menefee
Sgt, Maj., J. C. Drager
Gmr., J, K. Harmon
Capt. D. D. Bell
Gni., T. D. Hall
At The .Churches
Services in Melville Ptesbytoi'.an
church on Sunday were conducted
by the m'ini'ster, Rev, S. Kerr. Snn-
day school and Bible class were
held. The text, "The Holy Catholic
Chundh," was the eighth in a series
about 'tfue Apostles+ .Creed.
tSeervlces In ,tits United church
were conducted by bhe minister,
Rev, Haigh Walston. The morning
worship text was "A Hight Heart."
Church school and Bible class fol-
Rev, M. T. Oldham occupied the
pulpit at the Olsurch of England.
'at the home of
Mrs. and Mrs. Angus Brown
14th Con., Grey
at 8 p.m.
Sports and good variety program.
Booth on Grounds. -
Boy Recovering. 'kith
Bullet Still In Head
1m,provement has been so fevor-
atble i+s. the condition of Harold Hill,
17 -year old Howi+alc Township lad,.
the victim of a recent shooting ac-
cident, that he was removed last
week from the Walkerton Hospital
to his home an the 17th concession.
The bullet, which' was discharged
accidentally from a gun in the hands
o0 hie younger `brollher, is still lodged
at the base of the 'brain snit no
attempt will be made to remove it.
. Melville Church W.*‘S.
The W.M.S. of Melville Church
'held its Judy meeting on Friday
aftern, on. Mrs. S. Kerr presided
and the meeting opened v, :th Psalm
103. The Scripture passage was
read by Mrs'. L. Eckmier and Miss
Hislgp led in prayer. Atter Hymn
649 was. sung, Mns. Jars. Armstrong
read the minutes of the last meeting
and Mts. R. Thomson gave the
treaeurerts report Mrs. A. Strachan
offered to look after the program
for the next four months, A pieno
duet was then played by Mee. W. C.
TCM and MTs. Scott. Regret wee
expressed for the prolonged illness
of a faiebere member, Ma's. MoKelvey
and the secretary was asked. to send
a note of sympathy The topic, "New
Life in clhins," n"spared by hies 13.
Neas•ets', was read by Miss Grace
Stewart and Mos. C. Basler die•
cussed current events. The meet•
ing eIcen1 with Hyrnn 387 followed
by the Lord's Prayer
The Trustees of the Village of Ethel have proclaimed
MONDAY,. AUGUST 3rd, 1942,
Fioweifs gratefully declined
John Speir Mentioned
A press, despatch dated, With
the R.C.A.F., Somewhere In Eng-
land•, July 10, mentions one of our
local boys, Sohn Speir, son of Mr
and Mrs. 7. Speir The item reads
as follows: -
With The R:C.A.F•
In Britain
One of a group of Oanadians witb
an R.AF. Lancaster squadron,'
F1lighteSergemet Johnny Wasson
at Glace Bay, N:S., scored a probable
on an Me 189F near the Frisian
Islands. "I gave him several good
bursts and another member of the
crew saw him twisting down to the
sea., but he didn't see frim hit the
deok se could only claim a probable,"
he said. , . The Nazi shot away part
of the Lancaster's tail and dusted
ChiassromPs turret . , Chiasson's pilot
Wats PO. Jahn, Speir of Brussels, Ont.
Other •Oanaditaae; with the squad-
ron are P.O's Sandy McLean, Wel-
land, Ont., J. D. LaSalle, Holytyr's,
Ont., and W. J. A. neater, B:ace-
bridge, Ont,
• Airman Killed
In Action Overseas
CLINTON, July 11 --'In a cahegram
from England Me. and Mrs. E. L.
Mittell, Clinton. were notified yester
day of the death of their eon, Flight
Observer Ernest L. Mittell, 13.C,A.F,
ovesvaeae, In adieu against the
• Ernest Mittell was his parents'
only child, He, was' 22 yeans of age
and was boron in Clinton. After
graduating frons collegiate, he en-
gaged in electric wiring and radio
mechanics,. Early in the war be en-
listed for service in the R.C.A.F„
radio ddvielon, and received his
training in London, St Catharnee,
and other Ontario depots, and later
in Western •Canada. His las home
leave was in February of this year,
just prior tohis embarkiltion for
ovea+aeae service, His death ie. the
I first casualty among the enlist,
i meets' from this centre. Pattieltlar:e
of the engagement and circumstenn,
nes of hist death are not yet known,
Flight O'bser'ver M•iteil°•s mother,
fo1nnenly Annie Rezell was a test -
dent of Bi-uslsels at- one time. His
faller lived in Morris,
Mixed Jitney
Winners of the mixed jitney at
the Meal bowling greens on Tuesday
evening were T. May, Harris Nell,
Mrs. "Bebe'' Campbell, Mrs, Charles
Davison and Mrs. Cleve Baeker,
Four Owls
Owls are not strangers tr. our
district. but It is not often that we
sight more than one or two at the
same time. One evening recently
four of them were observed together
iv the vicinity of the United Chu"Ch
parsonage by Rev. H. Wilson.
Mr. Martin Grastby and family
wish to thank their neigboare and
friends for the kindness and sym-
pathy extended them he their recent
sad bereavement, They also thank
them far the loan of cars and for the
many beautiful floral tributes It
was deeply ,.appreciated.
Contracts for cleaning the Lamont
and Turvey drains will be let by
emotion on July 24, 1942, Contract
on Lamont drain will be let at 2 p.m.
at the Garniss culvert on 2nd line
of Mores and the Contract of the
Turvey drain will be let at 3,30 pan.
at Frank Shaw's.
George Mantin, Clerk.
Brussels Cen.ee
Beaver, Betty; Bradshaw, Gordon;
Bradshaw, Mary; ,Cameron, Nancy
(tion.); Dennis, Dorothy (Hon.); El-
lliott, Robert; Gibson, Lillian. Gillis,
Fiances; Gorden, William, Hu11eY,
Coles; Jacklim, Mary; \Jewell, Ruth
(Ilon,); Johnston, 30114; Meleercher,
Ruffle; Menn, Avelino; Matheson,
Murray; Pennington, Robert; Sel-
lers., Taaabell; 'Stevenson, Ruth;
Stilesy Mao; Thomras, Ruth (Hon.);
Thomas, Charles; VanNorman,.
Blarney; _ Willis, Do 1-
Wille, Elizabeth; arY
Blyth Centre
First Class Honours (75% or
Leonard Archambault, Roy Bu-
chanan, Donald .Morritt, Robert
Saoondt Class Bottoms (70 to
74%)—Kenneth Brog8lani;'' Donald
Cowan, Ferne Pollard, Joyce Rath
Pees (60 tie 69%)—Gordon Beadle,
Velma Heels, Milton MvlCcol Roberta
McVittie, Keith Merritt, Alexander
Netheay, Jeanette Snell. Kenneth
Staples, Lloyd; Walsh, Harvey Wight.
man, Roy Young.
Wroxeter Centre
Adams, Esther; Adams, George;
Brown, Raymond; Campbell, John
(Toot,); Cancan, Norman: Chambers,
.Teeele; Gibson, Lulu, Hambly Verne;
Hardie, Eileen; Hays, Sta•nlev;
Hutehlson, Mae; Ftyndman. Greta;
Moffat. 'Calvin; McCutdheon, Au-
tirol'; 9t Donald, Edith; idsiMtchael,
Andrew: Nosy. Robert; Pleat, Rees;
Ritchie, Mary, (Hon.) ; Steurnol,
Ruby; Timers; Reta; Townis'nd, Don-
ald; Wade, Auda'ey; Wearrlag, Ag'
nest (.Hon.).
At St Midhae1'e Hospital, Toronter
odit. MotrtieY, July 13911, 1942, Dr..
T9uarnate T, McRae.
'funeral will take place from )rte lata
!h51ne William ,St., on ThersdnY,
ally 15141, Service at 2 p.m, • Ili' +
torment in 13nussels "Oetnetei .
A donation of $13,76 from the
Majestic Institute is acknowledged
with thanks.
Owing to the urgent demand for
supplies the workroom will be open
on '111rersdauy afternoon of 'ills Iles&
for sewing. •
May and June Shipment
19 quilts
' 1 afghan
12 turtle neck sweaters
20 pre. heavy aervlee codes
5 pie. seaman? s long socks
8 pi's. gIoVe.J
1 pr. mitts
5 aero Caps
4 helmets,
2 scarves
A (Met wedding was .solemnized
Wednesday afternoon, My 8, at
the United (Surds lransonage, when
Rai. Hugh C. Wilson 0ffielated at
the marriage or Edna Jane Smith,
Blum tow:Whip, and Private Frank
Offen. They were attended by
Private William Bell and MIs. Bell,
A quiet wedding took plane at the
PresbyteNan manse, Atwood, at 3:00
o'olodk on Wednesday afteerioon,
When Jean Laurette, only: daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William N, Robert-
son, Blueotale, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. George Allan Griffiths,
only eon of Mr, and Mrs, 'Richard
Griffiths, of Wroxeter, Rev. J. R.
Greig offioiated The bride wore a
gown of petal plat Jersey with white
accerrsories and cam•ied a bouquet of
Sweetheart roses She also wore
the bridegroom's gift, a gold wrist-
watdh, There were no attendants.
Following the cereanony the bridal
couple returned to the tbride's home
where tea was served to immrerliate
relatives, Roses, delphinia:les and
orange belassom•s decorated the din-
laegroom and the table was centred
with the bride's cake on the same
Plate from which her gr'andmother's
wedding cake WOO served seventy
years ago., Mr. and Mns, Griffiths
?elft foe a motor trip, •tlae bride
travelling in a 'blue floral crepe
dress with white •accesaosies. They
will resilde on the bridegroom's
farm, 6th coutceethion 'of Howiok
10 Melia, earth containing 1 boy`s
shit, 1 shirt, 1 pr. snake, 1 sweat-
9 night -gene
10 'aleil ldrn's nightgeWne
4 pre. bloomers. '
Well Known Doctor
Dies In Toronto
ur. 'i'aroauae 1, AYkuicae, 01. Br'tlesolee
son of the late Rev, -and Mie, 13..e
Mapes, of lirgebrouk, used el, at
,aiiuueia Haeattal, Toronto, Mae
etuuuey morning. lie had been ilr tUr
tour wee,
Dr. M•aitae graduated from tint-
UniversltYof Toronto in uteufe'ne
in 1900, He interned at St. Michxera
tios4>rtal in' Tor•owto for 011e ye r4
after which he was associated with
the late Dr. William Gunny of Clinl.00
for two years. ,Since that time lea
bas practised in Brussels.
Dr. MteRae was past president 58
the Huron County Medical eV:so-
ciabion. He was a member of tinct
Liberal party and a staunch Pres-
byterian, 22e was a member a
Melville Presbyterian ,Church, Brun-
sets and elle Masons and Odd Fel-
lows lodges',
Dr. McRae was a very humane
Man and paid great attention to tar
dividua.l patients with the result that
during his long pruuctice in Brusse3s.
and the country for many miles -a-
round, he mum'bered his friends t
the hundreds.
An adaniree of 'horses, Dr. Mc-
Rae owned several valuable asel-
mads, the mast noted of which were
"Elsie Campbell'" and "Black:
He is swivived thy his arida*.
formerly Kate Smith, daughter 'et
the late Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Snrifta,
of Brussels?. one son, Dr. Donald:
Smith McRae, R.C,A,F., Weyburzs
Sask.; two sisters, Mrs. Dr.) Harm
Lackner, Kitchener; Mrs'. S. A.
Fleming, Jarvis; and one brother.
Township. John McRae, of Vanicouver.
The funeral service will be held
Warwick—Baeker from the home, "Fairview," Brus
Tall standards of blue and orchid sets at 2 p.m. Thursday. Rev. let.delphiniusn and pink candles ir, sil- Kerr, of the Melville Church, wig
ver candelabra Waned the setting in I officiate.
Brwstse'ls United ()beech at 3.30 on
Saturday afternoon fns• the marriage
o?f Dorothy Helen, elder daughter of PEOPLE WE KNOW
Mrs. Baeker and the late Alfred 0. ,a * * * * * * *
Baeker ante Douglas Charles, young
est soli of Mrs. Warwick and the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Tltorutoa, Galt,
Dr• J. +, Warwick, od Brussels, Rev..;spent a week's holidays. with *C.
ikon offlraa'ted and Miss 1 and Mrs. Ed. Heederson.
Rev. Hugh Wilston, Mrs. Wilson
Mary Davison organist, played the
wedding music During the signing
of the register Miss. C. Megaton and family are enjoying a vacation
sang "Because," Me bride given in at Tohermory.
marriage by bee elder brother
George, wore a floor length^ bridal Mr. and Mrs, Jack Sullivan, Law
gown of French net over petal -white •dell, spent Sunday with Mr and Mr&
taffeta, with a, sweetheart `neckitne 1 Ed Hendeleson,
and deeply, ruffled * )1,
skirt lengthening I
Mr. and Mrs?. Porteous -and
into a slight train. Her veil of tulle IMr.
i1]msIon fell from a Queen , Anne Murray of Seafor'th, . Were Sunday
coronet and she carried a shower I visitors with Mrs, . Geo. Lowry.
bouquet of Bri.arcliffe noses and * " *
blue cornflower. Attending hes I Jack Ballantyne, 'Stratford, was
sister as maid of honor, Miss: Maty holidaying with his grandmother,
Baeker wore a gown ot orchid net Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne for a week.
over taffeta, identical to the bride's. "
Mrs. B. Thomas, Hespler, is visit-
ing this week with her parents, hfr.
and Mrs, J. W. Fiseb.er
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Steles ane
Ruth Anne of Port Robinson spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
* * *
Sgt, Lewis Russell R. C. A. F. has
been stationed to Ancienne Loretta,
Quebec, where he is now taking ad-
vanced emitting.
Miss JeannteC. Messer of Toronto
and Mrs. ,Jessie Lenvurex of Detroit
who have been siending their vaca-
tion with their mother Mrs, Messer
in town have returned home to De-
troit with Dorothy accotnpanylag
them for a visit,
Her matching halo. hat; was of orchid
net. She wore a love bird pin, the
gift of the bride and carried, a
colonial bouquet 02 yei'ibw Queen
Elizabeth roses and orchid sweet
Pette. Ronald Hebden of Lanclon.
attended? the groom and the ushers
were Charles Davidson of Brussels
and Private Wan. Dnmeford of Listow-
el. Following the ceremony a
reception was Beta at the home on
Turnberry ,Street, The bride'*
mother received the g+neste wearing
a floor length gowns of poudre blue
crepe with snatching hat of woven
straw fibre and corsage of Butterfly
roses, Alssisting, was tiro groom's
Mather in black lace and sheer with
matching teat accented by orchid and
purple floWere and wearing a Corsage
of pink Delights and orchid sweet.
peas. A buffet luncheon *as Servers y y
by Mime Elizabeth Beaker, Madalon Mies Ddna Davison entertained
Beeline, Margaret Pearson and the Gerrie United Church leveeing
Jessie•: Little, friends of the bride. Aurdfliary on. Monday evening. Mrs,
Later: the brietal couple last by Howes of Wroxeter was gdest speak"
motor Or e wedding trip to Mestere er al:loosing as her. theme. ' "3Virm
points. For travelling the `'ride Seek ye7" - Miss Jean Sperling wan
hid chosen en ensean+Ute of pebble the soloist of the evening.
Fend orene with biege and brown
ercOeese13ef, Iiolinelke fere and am -
sate of Oplicate Roses. U' on their '
rearm ' Mr. and Mrs. Warwick will
take I'�p residence at 1.97 Tenth St., '
i W. Owen Salted, Ont,
Geeste were presentt at the wed-
, dine from Tnronte, Hamilton. Lon-
' darn and Fergus.
Robe 'Warwick has :the blank
cattle fee registretlon of those wk0
need halts on tarnii and those rhe
live in town and can go out for •ti
half dee' a week or more, to harvest,
Rubber In Dandelions
Cheer up there's rubber in theta
dandelions. Rdbent D, Potter,
Science editor of The America:
WeeiklY paints out 'hat , an oven
grown Russian tousle od our pesM,g'
American weed eVentatally may solve
i.. the prabaeni of how to keep Van' •
car rolling , , on NEW tires. The
• Anieeicanl Weekly including title
terestinlg steely tomes with this Sola
day's (July 1'9) :isettet of The ill+?+'rvit'
Sunday Tidies.