HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-8, Page 4our 7 ��
Wednesday, Judy 8th, 1042
-- —^ Dorothy Aitken is taking a sum•
A I .men cones° at the Western Oniver-
r�ARD .a�% ARE S OILY, London; Mee. W. H, McKee
i1 neY was called bo Harriston, due
to the dearth of hes' father, Mr,
Carter; Mr, and Mns, George
ellearnsone, Helen and Geor'g'e, at-
tended a re -union of the Brock
ranully, at the 'home of Mrs. Tluoatt•
eon's brother, at Guelph, Sunday.
—vitt close
*ctrdaHight .lit 11.hck
commencing July 18th
Owing to present business conditions and in fairness
to our staff we find it necessary to close our stores f,t , tl i,
o'clock sharp on Saturday nights commencing July 18th.
The doors will be locked promptly at 11 o'cioak,•hlit
customers who are in the store at• that time can complete
their purchases.
We sincerely appreciate the patronage of. the public
and we confidently ask our customers to co-operate- "with, us
by making their :purchases before 11 p.m. on Saturdays. i
C. Zilliax and Soy`
Hardware, Chinaware,
The Store With The Stock.
'Mrs.. J. J. Elliott presided over the
tapering session of the Wometee
Rtasianary Society of Knax Presby -
hareem shundh on Thursday 'after-
noon in the Sunday .sdhool'room. The
1pvagnam was in charge of the mem-
-reel of the Mission Banti with the
preeide1* Miss Margaret Messer,
presiding. The scripture. 1aslson was
read by Ileane McKinney who also
offered prayer. Readings were given
',ley Norma Shaw and Nomura Moffatt
end Ruth MdKeildher told an inter'
•eeting mdseionary story. •Mrs. F.
G. Fowler, leader of the Band, con-
tinued the story of the "Lite and
'L9oeik of Mary Sleeeore A vooal
number by the girls of the Band was
euuayed, Sandwiches and cocoa were
served by 'members of the senior
Rev. C. Tavener conducted tete
regular service at the United church,
and conducted catenmmnion service
and the ordinance of ,baptism, when
the following were baptized, Rolbert
Edward Johnston, Ruth Marne
.Jdbmaton, James (McKinley Me -
Naughton, Rayel1a Darleen, Roth,
Gertrude Nara A6rid'ge. Lois Marie
Aldridge and David Raymond Ald-
A .solo was sung by Ross Smith.
My. anis Mrs, Ivan 'Northgrave's,
Kitchener, spent Sunday at the
arouse of Ellwyn and Mrs. Thompson.
The War -Worker's Unlit wish to
acicn'owtenge with thanks a cash
donation) hem the Women s, Institute
Mr, Alex Pearson has had his
large hoose painited outside and it is
a great ampeovemedt,
Miss Mary Hewitt has taken a
Peeitloe in) Kitchener.
Mrs, Ed. Sta..litenson, Jack and
Clyne also Mos. Alvin Westover and
Miss Wurddne. of Niagara Faris have
been vistitor:s with Nue. Dane and
Bill, also with Mr. and Mrs. )Mercy
'Clark Cardiff of R.C.A.F., Toronto,
spent the week end with Mrs, Oardift
and baby here.
The village was treated to a
elnivaree last Tuesds y might serenad-
inp Mr. Lee Allan, Wardiaw and
A large gathering of fideuds and
neighbors held a aniscellaneous
shower on Monday night iu honor of
the marriage o'f Mr. and Mos. E11 -
wood S'trubhens(nee Olive Hackwell)
and all repont a good tithe.
Master Oliffond Roland, 13-yeareold
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Roland was
operated on Friday evening, for ap-
pendicitis im Ltstowei Mennerial
hospital. We wash him a speedy
Mr. and Mrs, Richmond Sr., of
Hamilton. visited over the week end
web their sen here. They were
,accomrpeniedl here by Mrs.. Dr. Rich-
mond. and little Deckle, who had
been mending a few days in their
Mas. A. S'imbm,s of Hamilton is a
visitor with) her brother Rev, H.
Snell and Mrs. Snell here.
Mrs. A. Ziegler and IB1iiy .spent
the week mud in Norw'oh with rela-
tives there bnlaigtmg Mrs. McLaren'
and Mrs. Lettoh home with there for"
a visit.
Mr. (Stanley Wilson and Miss
Jones of Ha¢nilton spent the. week
end with Jahn and Mrs. Wileon.
Mrs. Yee, McKee and baby Joyce
are spending a week 'here, with
friends. Her husband has' gone in
Misses Jean and Doris. Cochrane
and Dorothy Lake are visitors.
Blyth this week with Harold and
Mrs, Vodden. Master Brock re-
turned' home with them. •
Wedding bells will ring out Satur-
day for one o2 our young men, of the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A, Dunbar and
faintly were visiting near Goderich
on Sunday. Miss A. MaMurohie and
Mies Georgia remained for a visit.
Mr. and Mas, Ro'b't. Bennett and
Miss' Marie of 6•01). con., visited Mr.
and. Mrs'. Wan, Bennett on 'Snunclay
IVIr• David Livingstone of Walton
is vett-ling his, sister Mrs, Wan,
'Slemonoru for a few clays.
We are sorny to repoal that Mrs.
Bert Parker had quite a bad fall
last week, but she is able to be about
again now.
The three churches of the United
ainoult joined. in 'Communion en
Sunday last in: the ehauroh here with
a large congregation.
The Presbyterian W.M;S. met on
Tuesday P.M., at the hoane of Mrs.
Thos, Turnbull. Topic, by Mrs. Rev.
Taylor, Scripture by Mrs, Jas.
Wniethlt. Current events', Mns. J.
Kreuter with a good attendance.
Mr. .and Mrs. Mervyn 'Grainger
and little daughter were oaildmg om
fldentis in and around the village
on Sunday last.
Me. sad Mrs. Geo, Addy and Miss
Spoke on 23rd Psalm
At the morning service, In Kncier
Presbyterian church, Rev. F. G:
Fowler used the 23rd plain rig hili
'text IFIe slpolce of 'the' Loi ' as 'a
shepherd, a leader awd.,a.'host;'• •
Members of the Young. Peblple1",s
Society conducted tuie evening see.
vice. Miss Ruth • M'oKercher pre-
•sided and read the scni'p'ture lesson,
and prayer was offered by Billy
Adams. Jack McTavish. had', charge
of the topic, "Bbs suyblet a lamp
unto your feet and a 1'ighllt ento„ your
Person,atls: Miss .etaniey ;..Jame
Fowler, Columbus, Ohio, . with ., her
parents, Rev. F. ;. i;, 1+.o•wl(er ;land
Mrs. Fowles Mr. and 1VItIit $.
Rolplh and daughter, ,De`trod , with
Mr. and Mas. W. W. Menne Louise
and Gilbert MdEwoi ern, Mount
Forest, with t0ielir grandparents,
Mr. and Mee. R. F. Garnlbss;. Mr9.
R. D. Thomas .aavd .her siwtex.: Mra.
Brick, Toronto, with Mao. 'William'
Elston; John McQuiliane. Mn • and
Mrs. Fred McQuillan, Luckmow;
with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnston;
Lorne McCeadken, r eSgtef.kiet, with,
his parents, Mr. and Mas. Alex Mc-
Cuadinem; Mr. and Mrs'. ?,.. D.; Scott,
Mr. and Mns. Jaimellee ISeett, Sea-
forth, and Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Love
with Mfrs Florence Fowler; Miss
This tried and approved Short
ening is just what you need to
be better satisfied with all your
Start Using Easaf irst
1 Lb. r 19c
A. D. McDonald v Ylik,at Market
Phone 69x
Brussels, Ont.
C'.t)s`..o'.n 4s
The following is an order that we have received from. the
Milk Control Board of Ontario and Concurred in by the Wartime
Prices ad Trade Board.
Board Order Number 42-60, Effective July 3rd, 1942
WHEREAS in the Interest of greater economy In milk distribution,
it is necessary to establish a deposit charge for milk bottles
and to eliminate unnecessary credit.
That, a deposit of five cents (,OSc) shall be collected by
every person selling milk or milk products in the Province of
of Ontario for each milk bottle delivered to any person when
another milk bottle Is not received in exchange.
That all credit sales of milk and milk products sold by
milk distributors in the Province of Ontario shall be 'discontinued
and all such products shall be sold in exchange for cash or
prepaid milk tickets only,
Milk tickets may be purchased from the Driver, at the
Creamery or at Baeker Bros. butcher shop.
We thank you for your valued patronage, and ask you for
your kind co-operation in carrying out this order.
of the Clunistian," The scripture
lesson was reed by Mrs. Addie Mrs,
Monzie teak raherge of the buadnees
peat elf the meeting, The reports of
the different committees' were given
The treasurer's report showed the
first half of the year well up on its
allocation. The Temperance pro-
gram' was iu charge of Mrs, Menzies,
Mrs, Richlands, Mrs. James Pearson
mei Misses Margaret Roland, Elsie
Franklin and Jieiee •Pelarson. The
topic, 'Phe case for total'albstinenee
A "Royal Cammlission to thew wit-
nesses teefitrify concerning this
eupramply important issue. Mrs,
Cleaver closed the meeting with
Classified Ads
Geoseibeeries and black currants.
Phone 774"4 Mrs. Woodrow
- - .��
2 Radio Heavy Duty General "B"
Batteries. Guaranteed. Barely used,
Phone 50•JI; Brussels
2 York 'Sows; No. 24. Massey-
Harrie. Mower, 6 -ft. cut.
phone 20-r-15 Stewart Turner
The Time to Buy a Good Used
Cars With Good Tires
A Used Truck, We Have Sias
1 Used Tractor Ford Ferguson System on Rubber
1 New Frigidaire in 'Stock
12 Good Horses, no matter what kind of horse you want
we have jt. .411
The Plaee
La and w.
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone 161 Listowel, Ont.
For quality meats, fresh beef and
pork, cured and cooked. Try our
E. Thompson, Ethel.
Due to enlistment we have a few
ptoice eslbablislued routes avnaileble
for mem over 45 yearns of .age or
exempt from military'service or cap-
able women,. We supply stocks on
credit. Eapenierece not necesaany
write Watkins Dept. "0-B-4"
On Queen St., Brussels, Barn on
property, now oceepied by Alvin
apply to C. Jos. Benson„
Soliditor, Brussels
Two young Durham Oows, seedig-
ing. Also two Dunham Calves and
two Holstein Calves.
phone 92-r-16 Dan MoKtnnon
End Curls $1.25 and $1.75
and $2.25
Including Shampoo
Permanent $2,00, $2.50
and $5.00 including finger wave
and shampoo
Telephone 55x for an Appointment
In Memoriam
• • • •
• *
• • * t •
Mrs. Martin Grasby
ago.' Ra
I The emoted was held from the
late residence on Tuesday July 7th
,at 2 pan. to IBranudon. cemetery, Bel -
grave with. Rev. Geo, H. Dunlop
officiating. The pallbearers were
Herb Wheeler, Jas. Mirduie, Norman
Walsh, Gordon Walsh, Wm. Nebhery
and Hugh Campbell.
7.the death occurred on 'Sunday,
July 5tih of Mrs. Martin Greeley, at
her 'home in Monnis Township in her
54th year. , ,
The deceased, whose maiden name
was. Catharine A. Dunbar was the
daughter of the late Davd A. Dunbar
and Agnes Halliday of East Wawa -
nosh. ,
Following her marriage 30 years
ago she ewne with Oyer husband to
Monist where 'slue hes 'since resided.
She was a 'faithful member of
Knox United) Church or Beigrave.
Besides her 'husband she leaves
to mom= three daughters: Helen,
Mrs. George Martin, Morris'; Anna,
Mes. 'Cecil Arnt'strowg, Kitdhener
,reel IVIarjoute, Mrs. Jas. R. 'Coultas,
Belgreve also one btotlaer Joseph of
East Wa.w'anoslh. One brother, Wil-
liam, predeaiceased her two years
A memorial service will be held
in Sunshine cemetery on Sunday
afternoon, July 12. The Rev. Dun-
lap and other speakens will be
A letter received by Newton and
Mrs. McCauley from their sons Lorne
in England, said that after a month's
stay in hospital, he was able to be
out again and was .convalescing and
hoped to join his unit again very
While Lorne's friends were sorry
to helar of his accident they are
pleased' to hear he si better again.
PLAINT 4'n loving memory of our
darling baby who died .one year
ago to -day, July 10Th, 1941.
Oh how oft she comes before us
Her dear face so sweet and true, 1,
Resting mow in :peace with Jesus,
Loving 'hearts still long for you
ISadiy mislead by Parents,
Danger! Liver
TroiMe is Serious
Are you nervous and irritable—can't
sleep or eat—tired out all the time? If
you're like that,a faulty liver is poison-
ing your whole system: Lasting ill
health may be the cost;
• Your liver is the largest organ in your body
and most important to your health. It supplies
energy to muscles, tissues and glands. It
unhealthy, your body lacks this energy and
becomes enfeebled—youthful vim disappears.
Again your liver pours out bile to digest food,
get rid of waste and allow proper nourishment
to reach your blood. When your liver gets
out of order proper digestion and nourishment
stop—you're poisoned with the waste that
decomposes an your intestines. Nervous
troubles and rheumatic pains arise from this
poison. You become constipated, stomach and
kidneys can't work properly. The whole
system is affected and you feel "rotten," head-
achy, backachy dizzy, tired out—a ready prey
for sickness and disease.
Thousands of people are never sick, and have
won prompt relief from these miseries with
Improved Fruit-a-tives Liver Tablets." The
liver is toned up, the other organs function
normally and lasting good health results.
Today "Improved Fruit-a-tives" are Canada's
largest selling liver tablets. They must be good!
Try them yourself NOW. Let "Fruit -a -rives"
put you back on the road to lasting health• '
feet like a new person. 25c, 50c.
"Run Down For Years, Has Ported
I was badly run
down and terribly
tion was poor and
I was always con-
stipated. Fruit-
a-tives" soon
made me better
and there is
nothing like it for
making you well
and giving you
new pep and energy. After years
of bad health Fruit -a -Hues"
made ,no feel fine.
Mr. Roy Dagneau, Chatham,Ont.
"Long Years of Suffering, Now Full
of Life"
For u long time I
suffered frequent
headaches and
backaches. I could
find no relief until
• I tried "Fruit-a-
tives". The pains
camp less fro-
. until in a
ass few weeks,they
stopped entirely. Fruit -a -fives'
real y made me feel like a new
Mrs. A. J. Setiwartm, Galt, Ont.
,,'sr,:ele0�o@ltseop'ippeteeeso-04,1.4:440:espe:PC®bs:este6`earee.,+Orsse'selvsNetseoteee-tie 47 4.cera•Q•eo°s•-teeteelewee.•-�•OOH.�j
004rfy yM1 - i i'x y° �' v'•r SRF}.,•r0
JO e
,y' rya i s ' y rst x i' •
coo � v ♦S4
is Is orliant
Hyero consumers willfind with their ;next bill a printed form
µ4m4 you are requested to READ CAREFULLY, FILL OUT
Neel RETURN to the HYDRO OFFICE. The information re-
quested is very necessary in order that we may ini•orm the
Government definitely what materials and parts will be
or ++4
iSisle, Frurltaeldn attemd.ecl the FrenIki'in 04
Picnic) on .pule let 'at Sootlamd, near
Brantford, and report a good tlBie p9
Mr, enri Mee, Glenn 17akmter at- 914.
tended the "Eeltmier" reunion at Des
Breamlhaghen• nn July est, to
Callvin' Kreuter of London. Navy m4
Itear:eve spent helylet at his suomie. Dee
The July meeting rot the W. M. S. 4+
rod W. A, of the F,fhnl llnitrd
(limrrtnh waft bmlci s.i tl,e 1,,ma of eo
Mns, See Pearadiol, wltlt Vitt PreekfM1t y
1n 2416 their. Mrs, J, Amine lead '
s sari e of flue Worship ofuv ic. The 4b4
Brussels IT ra Eketra COmmIssI
theme's for July The rase for total • ty,0 - C �
a.bsltituaiuce" and "Tho self-dleeieliuerammexenarteesze
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