HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-8, Page 1Til
We. Alexander McIntosh
Of Brussels Is Buried
The inneval or Margaret .S11111.11,
widow of Alexander IdaIntoeb, who
Peeved away on Moneay, took place
frown her tome on Wednesday after-
In her S4th year, the departed
woman eves born 1 Bernie, the
daughter of George Smith and Annie
Garvin,. In 1910 e married Ailexao-
der lldoIntosh Who passed away
seven years ago,
Surolviug are orae Mater, Mrs.
William Mimi and one brother,
Robert Slinith, both of Morrie town.
shrtp, and David Santith in, the West.
'Pallbearers were Allan 1VidCrack-
en, A. Maluarile, Elmer McQuar-
tie, Ernest Smith, Howard ,Satelth
and George ,Serrith. Rev. John
Graham Bayfielel, a former pastor,
officiated at lite home, and grave-
side. Interment took ;place in the
family plot In Brussels cemeteree
Howick Farmer Injured
Percy Astleton, Howiek, jesuffering
from tonoussion, broken
shoulder bones and two cracked ribs
Hefell hack ,off the wagon?, when. a
trip-oope broke while unlashing
landed on leis bead and was knock-
ed unconecious
To fall in line with other muni-
cipalities in the Province, the
business people ask that
Be Brussels Civic Holiday
And I hereby proclaim the same
and ask that all citizens to ob-
serve it as such.
J. Bowman, Reeve.
Seaforth Ont.
Double Feature—
Bachelole Daddy
Baby Sandy with a grand cast
of comics
Gene Autry in
Sunset in Wyoming
A new action, song and fun test.
* * *
Wednesday, July 8th, 1942
ocal News Items
* * at * ,i, * * * * .4,„,..,...,..,,,,.„...„.„,..,,,,.....„,_,_,,,m,,,,,,,,......m_.................zr,...„...a.....,,„_._,,,,,,„,„_..,,,,,.._,,...„...,_.„.„.,....,.,,........„...................................z:„ ,
Donald McRae of the R.C,Aele, has .,,,,, ,
been home on leave. Salvage Collection riotLce—
There was a better response to The proCtice of riding bloyaep 00
Mass Jessie Messer, Toronto Has the salvage collection. last Saturday the eid,eweeles of the Village is core
been visiting with her mother, than on the previous =Deb. ICeep teary to oue Muticipee Byeleaw and
it upl Your salvaged osatevials In future children caught in this .
offense will heve their bicycles
c,,onfi,,,ka t ea.
G. Mc/Dowell, ,Ohlef of pollee
Gee. -Campbell, Deputy.
Dr, T. T. MoRae i$ In, a Toronto are oeeded!
Hoot/Rol *where he is- undergoing
Early Potatoes
* * * Mr. El. Bates brcnight some Mil
Master David AnnIsirong of To- potatoes to this office last week. He
route is holidaying with this ,cousin, drug ilea, feel, tee garden on July
jiarenie Aemstrong. Sod, 'Since, that time it hes 1..been 're-
* '0 * ' parted that several residente, have
Mrs. M. Yolleck and Mr. and Mrs. been using potatose from their
Rapparporn, Toronto, were week end garden, for ague time.
visitors bele.
Mon., Tues. and Wed.
Edward Arnold Walter Huston
All That Money Can• Buy
Based on the story "The Devil end
Daniel Websten" by Stephen
Vincent Benet.
and Mrs. A. J. Helm of London
are viebore this week with Mrs, W. Special at Grewar'C Oxydol 23c.
Wilkinson, of Town. Ceito Finn Pectin. 06e. Buy your
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat.--
Bud Abbott Lott Costello
Keep Pene Flying
A real laugh hit with six new songs.
Ball Of Fire
When double features are shown
last show starts 9:15
When single features are shown
last show starts 8:46.
"Behold now is the accepted
Fresh Groceries at Grewaes. We
Mrs. Rho Meadows and Miss still have a nice amortnneat of Olives
Doris McDonald -spent e few days in foe that Ronk,
Toronto last week, WE SELL FOR LESS
* * *
Melville Church
10 a.m.—Sunday School
and Bible Class.
11 aene—The Holy
Catholic Church"
Eighth in Series on
Apostles, Creed.
7 P•mt--"A ,Famillar Request."
Urnted Church
Minister --,Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
17rm.-:•Merning Worship-""".
"A High Heart"
12 --Church ,School and
Bible Class
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service
"Grace Sufficient."
Church of England'
parish of Brusselec
Rector,Rev. M. F. ,Oldham
6th Sunday after Trinity
July 12, 1942
11,15 tem.---Merning grayer
and Sermon
11.15 a.m.--Stinday.-Sotrot.
10. a.m.—Morning Prayer
anti Sermn
Mrs. McLeod, Margaret and Mr.
Jack McLean:, Seater:eh, spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Russell.
Mr. and Mai. Howard Bolger of
London were guests •of Jas. S. and
Mrs. Eiti
Armstrong over the week end.
Music Examinations
'Pupils of zabeth Miele A,T,C.M.
who thied mak means, were success
fill. The local centre was held in
Clinton, June 26, with Mr. Crawford,
* * of the Toronto Conservatory of
D, A W L and Mira. Gilpin of idaniining
Detroit are to spend this week end at
1. . . . Meel c e
Grade VIII --Norma Deer, pass.
Shoot to Kill
The holiday ,season Is over for the
German prisonere of war at the Bow-
manville internment came and
orders have been given. the Veterans
Gulled to "shoot to kill.' With the
orders, generally* known, it is MeV
that Gelman prisonens, of war will
think a couple of times, before leap-
ing the fenice or attempting to stage
a getaway.
Appeal For Voluntary
Farm Workers Here
W. S. Rowe, ,district placement
officer of the Ontanto Farm Service
Pelee was in town last week hi an
endeavour to procure modem/tonal,
bueiniest, and service club men as
voluntary land array service, He
solieited the Reeve Robt Bowman,
in enlisting such men. Those de-
efrous of lending* aseistance are
asked to register as soon aa poseible
with Reeve R. J. Bowman.
the home ,of their ocresin Miss, Mary Theory, first clase honors. , The Best Races In Years
Helen, Kerr. Grade TV--esenne Pollard„ honors. P
At Teeswater next Wednesday,
* * *
Grade ell—Marie Raithby, honors
Mimi Margaret Russell Reg. N., re- July 20 at 2 P.M. the Booeters' Club
Grade II—Maegaret Jackson, first
turned to, London Sunday alter will give, the beet day's Horse Races
class bon,ors. in Years. -411 the clean/pious in 12
*pending two weeks at her home
here. jown Killougfh, honors. ,
events The admission has been
* * m reduced to- 60c with Grand Stands
R inbow Tea and A 2, .A. ll ti ill
Mayor A. J. McMurray
Clinton, Ontario
At the requeet of the Minister of
Pinnace the Hon. J. L. Belay, Mr.
McMurray has been appointed Chair-
man of the National War Finance
Coanmittee of the County of Huron.
This Committee has the very impor-
tant task of s,ezurenig the financial
requiretments of the Government in
our war effort through. the sale of
War •Slavings Stamps, and Certifi-
cates, as well as Victory Bonds.
Mr. McMurray, besides being
Mayor oe Clinton, •has, just complet-
ed a most sn,ceeestful Red Cross
campaign, in his own Town. 'He is
Chairman, of Clinton's Salvage Com-
mittee and is Treasurer and General
Manager of the ,Olinton, Spring
Show. After twenty-eight years'
service with . the International Har-
vester Company he is quite tonver-
sant *with the, *week of organisalion.
At present he is busily engaged In
ovganiting the various municipalit-
ies of Huron for this very important
,Sfr. and Mrs. M. Williants mid
be taken for the Overseas Tobacco W/C'rk•
an mos 20,
a ea ec on *w
tamely of Pontiac, 1VIitih., were week The lawn et the home of Min D.
Fun -d. 25c sends 100 •Cigarettes Headquarters for tile He he piano.
end. guests with her mother Mrs. J. A. Ram was the scene oof a success -
to the Soldiers Overseas. Don't County, Campaign have been opened
ron July let, 34.2
miles either events. Edstowel Races in Clinttnh .Brussels,, Oat
Wokson and other relatives. full Blainibotw Tea held under the ,
1 * auspices, of Morning Star Rebekah
follow Wednesday, July 29111. Sergeant Masai 11:C.A.F.
Dear Lewis-- ,
Rev. M. F. and Mrs. Oldham. a,r• Lodge on Friday attenuates of lust
We your, old fnieods and neighlimes
nived them Clarksbung on Friday week. Umbredia's in rainbow colours -i
Trousseau Tea have gathered here to night to pater
evening, Older erd and have taken up were effeetively used as decorations.
Mra. Alfred C. B,aeker was hostess to you our most profound met
* *
Miss Beatrice Beach. and Mr. J
* Deerh table was done be a minbow
shade and was served leO a waitress hSao.ntuoruerayotelltilereisi:oondeau
Shade centered with a 1'058 of that
at a delligheful Trouss.em Tea on sincere respects and to .thow oar
appreciation. to you in ties yout sees
residence in St. JObet's Rectory.
McCianty of Benoit, 1VIecile, were wearing Demon and hainbow of taa
ghtei7eDlidonrgothi; acwhieevbeeLeeent,
worked with you in tete
by the Ohonles Wanwilek -of Owen Sound past and you were is business in
S'ettlfg Helen whose marnage to Douglas
here to spend, the week end with same color. In this, lovely
Mrs. John Oliver. a delteious tea was served
* * * ladlea idhargeAnice sum was will be an event of mid-July. Tall our midst and in these endeavors we
n. . .
standards of blue delphinium and learned to treasure you much. '
Miss M. Livingston, has returned realized. The membees. a lVforning
pink and white no,m,s NVere used as But now you /have taken wthos she
home to Detroit after a pleasant Star Lodge are grateful for dem,
visit with rel and friends in ti -fine received.
Rev. Hu
Rev, Hugh Wilt,.
first sorvees, m paste
°blench, Bniesels on
Mr. and Mrs, Wilson san
arrived Brussels last we
Wilson's, father was Rev. Jasper
son Who was font maoy years
Methodist minister in the Unties:
Conterence. Mos. Wilma is else a
daughter of elle Methodist. parsonage,
her father being the late Rev. A. EL
Shaw. Rev. Shaw once served les
Belgrave. When Mr, Wilson am
ordained at Gheiph he was. seta MI
Tobeemory. From there he meat
to Oakland where he served ear
eight years when he retreived eath
to Auburn, where he vent sena
years previoue, to- coming to Brae/ -
eels. Rev. H. Wilson, Mrs Weiser.
and children, Ruth, tithe:ems mid
John ten years of age, are cordial
welcomed to this cemanunity.
Sgt. Lewis Russell
Receives Wrist Watch
And Purse Of Money
On Veednestley evening, July IM,
th.e neighbours and friends of Lewis
Russell who was. home on leave from
Monoton, New l3runewiek *where live
received his "wings" gathered al
the town tall to sPend a social evese
During the evening Lewis was
called to the platform and the fol-
lowing ,achirelss, was read by L. Z.
,Oardiff, M.P.. and Ma presentaties
of a Rolex Wrist Watelt and a imam
of money *made by Donnie Willis
Mies, Florence Ryan R.N. a
London beautifully sang. "To the
Store" and "The ,ounthine of Yens
Smile" and was most slake accom-
panied by Miss Mary Davidson -
Received Purse Of Money
bit. Douglas Warwick was the
recipient of a purse of mosey from
fife business men and Bremen. of
Brussels on the occasion of his
approaching marriage.
An: address, was read by Harry
Obaeopion, and the presentation
med.e by Gordon Sanderson.
To Douglas Warwick—
We yew friends. have gathered
here this. evening to enjoy your com-
Way fox a little while. We Mink,
at thie tinie, of the ,d(ays, of your
youth spent aumang us. We rentean-
bee the active part you have takeu
in support of our football and
hockey teams We think of the
Interest eon took in our Fire Bri-
gade, as Obief, y/311 rendered efficient
service. We think ,of your waling-
ness: to promote and support any-
thing of a ccennturnity
We Were S0,177 When the opportun,
itiest of life asked you to seek wider
But we are( proud that you
have stalected one of Dur *community
to be your helpmate in life.
We can recommend you, and the
one that le to be yams, to your
fature neighbors.
We ask you, as a snail token of
remembrance, from your friends. in
Benseela Pt* accept this gift
As- tem goes -on we hope you will
have many happy ene,olleceloos of
the -days, you spent in ihnesels.
Signed on behalf of your friends.
Business illen—Harry Champion.
Firemen--Go.rden Sanderson.
Doug. thanked his many emends
for remembering him, espe.eially
since lie had loft the community and
assured them that they would always
be made welcome in Given Sound.
A very pleasant hour was spent
reaninieeing over *football, hockey
and ether intereses, Douglas lad in
town. Expressions of regret, were
expreesed by ehove present of
Douglas' removal from our village
anti also extended hearty wishes, for
les. feture welfare, and haPpineste
le hie Mew venture. With a hearty
land shako and a ward of good
{beer bile gang went on their we'.
floral Moon:eons tibreughout the all Ironer to you,
* Induction Service rooms. The tea table epread with We no longer can stay sibrease,
wise AVM Bultig, Reg. N., Kitchen- Held At United Church • a lace cloth was. centred with pinkwith y011 but we °an witha
Brussels and vicineity.
eye watching every ex:Meese yam .
sad white, sweat peas and roses- in a May have.
The inclucteo,n. service was held on low silver bowl ,deoorated with
en -and L. A. C. Walter Boehm, of the .A,s in the past we know you mill
R.CA.F., visited their brother Mr. give amount at your stawardishio.
Feitlay evening for Rev. Hutt C. 'slender fl-Dwer flames in the same
Wilson .of the Undted Minable RePre- Pastel shades. (pouring tea were.
and Mrs. Clarence Botha, the first • As ,IV small token, of reepect er
smiting the Huron, Presbytery, Rev. • Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. R. S. Warwick
of this week. ask you to accept this wrist wade
A.rtflyur Sinicair was in charge con- mot Mies: Mildred Grewar. Serving and thin purse of money Temente-
* * *
Mies Clara Russell ispen,t the
d,uoting the Induetien and addressing the g.uesins, were Misses Margaret 'Sou of Bierseels friends who will le*
week before lest in fit. JosePh's
the eongiegation. Rev. G. 11. Dun- Downing, Madela .SpelinaLek,aenrd airways. ready to back you up reee
lop of Beignave adclressed the mine Mally, Daveson Misses Mary
Hoop/Rae London, havinig 'her tonsils help you Suede the job.
Jessie Little and Mrs. D. A. Rama
removed. Her many Otereis hope
for a speedy recovery.
At the close of the service the new assisted in -displaying the trousseau came to• all of *es. We hope to well -
minister and his falally were intro- and gifts, in tee upstatie rooms. Little
* $ * come you back again, amongst us.
clued. to the -members of the congre- Mica Betty Oeustins. opened the door
A numfber of men from BrusSels Trusting that good hick and goat
Wesley Jones at Port Elgin, father ..,gati,of, ..4b.,,,,y Mr. E. Bates and Mr. R. and Myst T. C. Backer invited the
gueets, to the tea-room.
attended ette funeral id th,e late fortune will follow you through tone
of Mrs. C. L. Lewis. Tihese, who at- B. ""Al'` -e. , -- safe return,.
Signed on behalf:
tended were! Mr. Ray Cousine, Mr Following the Induction, -lunch
Of Nellgtibore and Menem.
was 'served in: the demob basearten-t. Teacher Receives Gift
E Bates, Mr. Jlas Bryana anal Rev. A elelightfal -ceremony marked the Russell Currie, and Jack Kelly.
Hugh Wilson. Rev. Mr. S. Kerr was present and
closing hours of me Public School
t extended a cordial welcome to Mr.
And then. when, peace has :mem
Lewis made a suitable renlY.
•• * • thanking kis many treasured Meet&
Mies Clara Russell -spent the for their lovely gefte.
latter part of last week in St. Jo- The remainder of the evening
•septles Hosieltal, Lonaloo, where she sons ,prOC.11,t. 111, Racial chat anti imams
was baviing her tonsils, removed. Her The en/wee WAS, ,Siurreplied by IVIeseami
many friends, are pleased to see that Sthavt MoCall. Baal McNeil', Tees,
the to now back to work. Retee. Lloyd 'Wheeler and Mr. alt
* * * Mile, Geo, Evans.
Mrs. R. J. tone• ot Vaecouver le Lewis, 1elt. Thursday for Monet!
vieitieg in Brussels. •tihe guest of Mee. New Theinieneick.
teem when, the little pupils of Room
I, Bvussels, School, presented their
retiring teacher, Mies- Helen, Beaker,
Geo. (Downy also ,a welcome visitor
with IVO*. Henry Rona and Wire,
Wili,Sellerst the latter her sister-in-
law. Mrs. Bone was, a delegate to
the Most Woishipluil Grand Lodge
of the Ladies, Orenge Benevolent
Am/eat:hien held at the Royal York
Hotel in Ton:on/to.
* * *
Mr. J,aenes Kennagban of Brussels
received word that .litile sonein-leW,
Garry Jesoklin, scm, of Mr, Williaal
Jacklin of Grey 'Township, met with
,a senionseaceident when roneding op
his heed at Abbey„ !Sink, His horse
ellOPPed: Ode a gopher hole. and
irolled on top -of him. Mr. jacialin
was, ;taken to tSwift, Carrera HeliPital
sand le -suffering froim a brdken Delete
bone and °thee serleint indortes. Be
is vecoeming as Well ale can be ex-ElelY' WAR SAVING• STAMPS.— ' • gether 'with oLoYe and Itloaels.'
. ----,---7—
Presentation By
Sunday School with a lovely flower vase. Autlrey
/Mass Helen Baeker, a retiring Davidson ,read the following address
teacher of the Brussels United and Annebte Catawba made the
Choral, Sunday Sehool was made the Pee,sentation.
recipient of a begutilel Bible with "You /have emelt as, Ohi eo many
name engraved, by the ,staff and thingsi Wet, were ,suOposed to
nugHs, of the school. M.T. R. B. knew
Cousins superintendent, spoke How bo print, how to eead, and how
word's of aporth
eciation of ee faith- to oteent just so, , •
'fulness and devotion of the retiring You Omelet us air to lore you, in a'
teacher and lefies, Addie Cardiff very special way
made the presentatiou, Miss Baeker You make u* want to go to sohool
in replying thanked the teachers tor ,foilti n,ever Mies a day
their loere,ly gift and for the mice- .0.111.nd now' that YOU, are leaVing, It's
less 105)05011 Which would be hers here to Lay good-bye
el thefellowship togetiher tb-rough We're Sere to miss you ewfuley, and
the years,. Miss Baeker's class of meet likely we'll all nry. •
teen-age girls, also !presented her We'll think about you lots of times,
with, a lovely pair of pietneres. maybe you'll mese us too—
°them, who 'have entertained in. So with, our peonies we sowed Up,
honour of -the, brideetohe are Miss we bought gift for you.
Margaret Downing et, a 011)001p -arty "Die only a little present, with a host
and pfesentatione Mes. D. A. Bann .of good wishes- ineide
,tht, a shaver, mr, 3.0 wii.to,v, yrs. You see out Mentnyee have told US,
J. 0, Batiker anal Mies, Addle •Candiff you. are to be a Bride.
at dinner and IVIistaes locale Little So, dear teacher,elease take it, with
and h0181-151011.peialon .ratit at Bridge, %all of old Beet Wishes.
r1,0.113 the little polls in :ROM to-
If auger ratIoning does no other
good them bring home to complacent
citizene.the tacit that there la a War
an, It will be all right.
The proceeds of the tea held Sat.
urday, June 2510 in, the work/Imre
amounted te $14.70.
* *
The following donations owes
acknowledged with, thankot a &ego*
for $6,53 famin Room 2 Braes&
Public School and cetglhan, from llise
pupils of Union. Sehool, Orele
• 1
A ea.ketine tor 05.76 10151 Sae
Rebecca I,odge.