The Brussels Post, 1942-7-1, Page 4Machine Sanding -
Have those old floors
landed and refinished like
new, with dustless machine
also New Floors.
Norman Rintoul
Wednesday, July ;est, 1942
IM7.ti3 r0 R. a imAktla
We Are Proud of You
IM Ctoleman's Restaurant tot
7 R .
�� ��.
pa to
We Join With All Canada
n Saluting The Men Of
Our Armed Forces
Single Men 35
Being Called
Ottawa Announces Raising
Age Limit For July
Military Quota
To fill a quota 15,000 men for the
amny in July since men up to the
age of 35 are uade eligible fon cam-
pulsory service under a proclamation
tabled in the House of Commons last
Wednesday by War Services -Min.
ester Towson,
The action, anticipated for some
time, raises Me callable age groups
from 36 to 36 yeses and indicates. the
available supply of younger mingle
men is running low.
Last Manch the callable age class
was extended !nom 25 to 30. Accord-
ing to the Naitional Registration con-
ducted in August, 1940, the extension
announced: will make about 115,000
mem liable to call. War'Services. De-
artment oefioiala, however, anbicdpate
that not more than :one-sianbh of these
will be available for military service.
The othens will be Phyteically unfit,
already' in, the emcee, farmers or key
war industry workers 'exempted or
entitled to postponements. ,
A number of local menthe district
have been ogled.
Miss Letbte Pierce Qf OMnton was
the guest of Miss•Minnde .'Russell last
!Sot, Lenard J. ., Butson, Wireless
Operator, R C.A.F., Stratford, was
spending the.paet weelewitih Mr. and
Mme. Malcolm Fraser and family be-
eore returning to London..
Mrs. Aitken Engaged' As Teacher
Miss Edna Procter, who has, taught
in the Bluevele Public School this
year hes tendered . her resignation
and Mrs. M. L. Aitken has beenen-
ngaged as teaoher. Mrs. Aitken is no
stranger having. taught !here for a
nuanber of years before going to
Hallen and her tome is in the
village, „g,er'
The Pretthytedian Young Wcanen's
Atudterty will meet on Fiiitlay even;-
Ing at the home of Miss Viola Turn,
bn'll, . `1
Me, and Mrs, Ohne Runge of
Gbrrie visited With Mos. A, • Ziegler
and Billie on Sunday
Mr, .and Mrs, J. Done of Atwood
and Mice' Isobel Reid visited with
Mrs. Mary Gill on Sunday.
We are sorry to report' that Mr.
33, F. ,Carr has not been very well
lately', but Grope he'll be about soon.
Mss! Viola Turnbuid 02 Hamilton' is
home for her seenemer vatca.tdon.
Rev. and Ma's. J, E. Taylor and
little Audrey ice Cranibr•ook spent
,Suruday evening, the guests of. Dr.
and Mils. C. R. Ridirimond.
Mr. and Mrs', Geo A Dunbar and
Sties A McMuudbde motored to
Haaniaton and spent the day there
while friendb,. They were accom-
panied home by Mies Georgia and
Master Donald, wire had been holt-
day3ng• there.
Visitors; with Mr. and Met. Cam-
eron Cochrane on Sunday were, Mr.
.and, MDR. Harold Vodden, and little
Brock of Blyth. Mr. and Mns Bert
Lake and Miss Dorothy and Mr.
Lorne Vodden of Hamilton. Masher
Brodie remained over for a holiday.
Mr. and Mns. Plumeteei and, Miss
Eleanor of Clinton spent Sunday at
the, parlbo0age.
Visitors recently at the :home et
Alex and Mrs. Pearson; were Mee
Audrey McWilliam and Mr. Ed.
Hunt of Mount Forget also Mr. and
Mee. J. H. McWilliam of Mount For-
est we -covenanted by an uncle, Mr. N.
McWilliam and !two daughter ,
Kathleen and Jean of Morse, Sask.
Mr. of Kincardine" has
been engaged to teach Ethel village
school for the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Jr. and
Mrs. Richardson !Sr. of !Stratford
called on JaOm Kreuter and family
on Sunday.
Ronald Love and Bruce Bateman
are attending codet .training in Lone
don for a week.
Estelle Cunningham .has gone to
take a position at tBurlingbone for the
summer holidays Mists Betty
Dunbar Ova's gone to 'Onillia to a
position during vacation.
Mese Ruth, Dunbar of Fergus, is
spenitliug a short bans at her home
The War Service Unit wishes to
acknowledge with! thanks ceesea do-
nations from the 'followin,g,. .Ethel
Bridge !Clnib; Mesio Festival; Union
Oirdle.; Mn.sA. Brown; also guilts.
First Shipment quints :received by
Salvation Arany and have been for-
warded overeas letters, are being re-
ceived bane boys. over there for
pan+ceie! received. List of local boys.
on active service will be posted
soon- and if any mama 01,019 1135011
uiiesecl, please notify committee and
nvame will be added. •
Mr. and Mr, Leoniard Keauter of
Mitchell spent 'Sunday with Welland
Kreuter and other friend's.
Congratulations to Mister "Donald
Dunbar in Obtaining flnat class
honor in, theory in bine recent mesio
Mee, Stanley ,Speinan and Bruce
of Bnantfard have returned after a
weak spent here,
IPte. L. R. Jardine of Kitchener
spent a long week end at his home
Dr. and Mrs, J. M. Kingston and
baby Molly of Seattle, Walshington,
were recent visitors! with Rev, and
Mrs. H, Snell. .r
leer. .and Mrs. W. A. :Clark and
daughter of Kitchener and Mrs! O.
'Smith of Kitchener were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mns, Maurice
Hewitt. -
When, Seaman Oalvbn Knauter of
London and Pte, Lorne Jardine of
Kitchener were home recently, they
were the proud redipients, of a lovely
wrist watch each, presented by the
Grey Council: The bays appreciate
this kindness very much.
• A weekly review of deveiopemente3
en the Bane Front: June 18.25, 1942
1. Ideon, 7, I,. Ilsley, Minister of
F1in.atine, submits Canada's fourth
wartime budget to the FIOU6e of
Com4noha. Income and Defence
taxes merged and heavily increased;
higher excess profits tax; new
taxes on luxury ,goods, additional
taxes on alcoholics, tobacco, soft
drinks, playing cards, transporta-
tion; ' pulefeen beetle, long cliatantee
telephone calls telegeepbs and
cables, firs.
Immediate budgetary problene Is
biridginlg gap of $2,228 millions be-
t'w'een eetitnated ;`averse tri 3000502
tiseal year and estimated expendi-
ture. Budget texat4oh ppeposais t0
yield 3.378 millions, redttctng gap to
$1,850 rtrtllions. This will be raised
by borrowing,
2, Budget white paper submitted
to Contemns shows rapid increase in
Canada's was expenditures. (Figures
include amjounts charged to active
Fieepl seer 1:939-40 $127,384,000
Fiscal year .1940-41 :778,4,24,0z0
Fiscal year 1942-42 1;384;033,000
During conrespouding three Years
of first World war, expenditures
charged direct to war account ag-
gregated a7Proxbmlateiy $539,000,-
000. 'Canada's expenditures on ac-
count of present war have to date,
therefore, been over four times
expenditure in same period of last
war, Dh.e•y exceed by over $603,-
000,000 'Canada's total expenditures
for war and demobilization during
whole o2 last war.
3, Comanissiotrer S. T. Wiood
issues call for ,special service
voldnteer's in R 0.d4I.P,
4. Boys over 16 now attending
cdlnool required to register with an 1
emiploiyment offlee when they start
their suwfiner holidays,
5. Production of replacement parts
for automobiles to be sharply cur-
6. Jaeues, E. Coyne appointed
Deputy Chainmen of Wartire Prices
Board. Mr. Coyne, on loan from the
Bank olf Canada, is 'aehleitant to the
Chairman of Wartime Prices Board. The prize ]lets for the Belgrave
7. power to Issue ordains deemed !School 'Fair have been printed and
.fares las+y to prevent or minimize dieltel'butecl. The fair will be held
Rn•es caused by mere action or on Monday, September 21 with the
counter -action cbnfea'ved upon Pen_ folleweng echools, conteting: man-
sions Moister -Ma 1ienzie (Mr, Mac- ireful 8, 9, 1�0, 11,7 13 of East Wawa-
kensie !has jurisdiction over A.R.P.) nosOn, 3, 4, g.3-
02 Morris, U:S.S.
No. 7 Eeet and West Wawanosir
Estee- HES. No. 13, 17, last and West Miss Margaret Smillie spent
Vancouver WatwanosOr and Mrorris. .Sundary at the home of Mr wed Mrs,
Island. 270 damage reported. Milton' visitors in tads vicinity CharlieMcG.avdn,
9. W. F. Drysdale appointed axe- were Musses I3atheeen McDougal
and Mary Joyce with Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. McCallum; Mr. and Mrs, Neil
McCallum with Mr and Mrs:. John
McCalluMr. Hugh Campbell and ,
daughter with Mr. and Mrs. J. i
Dunbar and Mr. and Mee. Barry
Listowel and Mitchell Banks Close
10, necessary before Announcement has! been made to
new Inmtallaltione of air condition" the effect that the 'Canadian Bank of
ing and come1cial eefrigeratbon I Connhn•'er'ce will take over the '
equipment may be manufactured (hell and Listowel branches of the
Wroxeter, Ontario
June 15, 1942
make this
appeal to YOU
All over Canada and the United States the call has gone
Fire causes the greatest of all wastes, not only of
material resources, but too often of life itself.
Will YOU therefore as loyal Canadians, do these things
TODAY --tomorrow may be too late.
Check and clean stove pipes and chimneys.
Clean up all rubbish.
Check over , your wiring, OR
Be sure all lamps and lanterns are safe.
Be fire conscious NOW and ALWAYS.
8. Enebny su�brnercine sISelO
an Point on, West coast of V
Bank of Monta•eal At Listowel the
property which will be vacated by
the bank is to be taken over: by the
town far a town office for the clerk-
breasurer and tax collector. Council
meetings will prtdbgbly be held there
cutive aslsistant to Minister of
Munitions and Supply. Mr, Drys-
dalearras also been tamed president
of Machinery Services. Limited, a
Gove•rn:nent-owned conwany, em-
ploying skilled civilian! refugees
from enemy countries.
Hats off to our Soldier Lads!
• The backbone of Canada's forces
whose great day is yet to come.
• whose might will be needed to bear
the brunt of the struggle.
•:whose strength will finally weight the
scales of Victory.
Hydro never performed such You, on the home front, can
Important, indispensable service help the Army, too. Save Hydro
as now. It's a war -winning by using fewer lights, by using
servicel it economically in the kitchen-
When a man joins the Army, basement—everywhere in the
Hydro begins fo help him. Hydro house—by turning off the current
supplies the power fo Ontario the moment it has served ifs
industries to produce the munitions purpose, ' The electricity you
andsuppliesthaf make save will help to make
our Army a strong, more weapons for our
hard-hitting force, G,'eseeiQ fighting men,
ThepTime to Buy a Good Used
Cars With Good Tires
A Used Truck, We Have Six
1 Used Tractor Ford .Ferguson System on, oulier;.'`
1 New Frigidaire in Stock
12 Good Horses, no matter what kind of horse you want
we have it.
The Plaee
— L. and W. --
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone 161 Listowel, Ort. I'
Exp.rt Packers
BUYERS—Of All Kinds of
Live and Dressed Poultry
We will call at your place
for any quantity.
Also --A11 kinds of Feathers & Horsehair.
We have an expert on our staff who will cull your flock
Free of Charge.
phone 70x Brussels, Ont.
Car; ;of Western Oats
Car f Wheat -
On Hand
On Hand - Hyhr9d Seed Gorn,
Soudan Grass Seed and Rape Seed
u m ;`' �acTl° 0vish
one 46 I':l ' r n isse1s
The Pretthytedian Young Wcanen's
Atudterty will meet on Fiiitlay even;-
Ing at the home of Miss Viola Turn,
bn'll, . `1
Me, and Mrs, Ohne Runge of
Gbrrie visited With Mos. A, • Ziegler
and Billie on Sunday
Mr, .and Mrs, J. Done of Atwood
and Mice' Isobel Reid visited with
Mrs. Mary Gill on Sunday.
We are sorry to report' that Mr.
33, F. ,Carr has not been very well
lately', but Grope he'll be about soon.
Mss! Viola Turnbuid 02 Hamilton' is
home for her seenemer vatca.tdon.
Rev. and Ma's. J, E. Taylor and
little Audrey ice Cranibr•ook spent
,Suruday evening, the guests of. Dr.
and Mils. C. R. Ridirimond.
Mr. and Mrs', Geo A Dunbar and
Sties A McMuudbde motored to
Haaniaton and spent the day there
while friendb,. They were accom-
panied home by Mies Georgia and
Master Donald, wire had been holt-
day3ng• there.
Visitors; with Mr. and Met. Cam-
eron Cochrane on Sunday were, Mr.
.and, MDR. Harold Vodden, and little
Brock of Blyth. Mr. and Mns Bert
Lake and Miss Dorothy and Mr.
Lorne Vodden of Hamilton. Masher
Brodie remained over for a holiday.
Mr. and Mns. Plumeteei and, Miss
Eleanor of Clinton spent Sunday at
the, parlbo0age.
Visitors recently at the :home et
Alex and Mrs. Pearson; were Mee
Audrey McWilliam and Mr. Ed.
Hunt of Mount Forget also Mr. and
Mee. J. H. McWilliam of Mount For-
est we -covenanted by an uncle, Mr. N.
McWilliam and !two daughter ,
Kathleen and Jean of Morse, Sask.
Mr. of Kincardine" has
been engaged to teach Ethel village
school for the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Jr. and
Mrs. Richardson !Sr. of !Stratford
called on JaOm Kreuter and family
on Sunday.
Ronald Love and Bruce Bateman
are attending codet .training in Lone
don for a week.
Estelle Cunningham .has gone to
take a position at tBurlingbone for the
summer holidays Mists Betty
Dunbar Ova's gone to 'Onillia to a
position during vacation.
Mese Ruth, Dunbar of Fergus, is
spenitliug a short bans at her home
The War Service Unit wishes to
acknowledge with! thanks ceesea do-
nations from the 'followin,g,. .Ethel
Bridge !Clnib; Mesio Festival; Union
Oirdle.; Mn.sA. Brown; also guilts.
First Shipment quints :received by
Salvation Arany and have been for-
warded overeas letters, are being re-
ceived bane boys. over there for
pan+ceie! received. List of local boys.
on active service will be posted
soon- and if any mama 01,019 1135011
uiiesecl, please notify committee and
nvame will be added. •
Mr. and Mr, Leoniard Keauter of
Mitchell spent 'Sunday with Welland
Kreuter and other friend's.
Congratulations to Mister "Donald
Dunbar in Obtaining flnat class
honor in, theory in bine recent mesio
Mee, Stanley ,Speinan and Bruce
of Bnantfard have returned after a
weak spent here,
IPte. L. R. Jardine of Kitchener
spent a long week end at his home
Dr. and Mrs, J. M. Kingston and
baby Molly of Seattle, Walshington,
were recent visitors! with Rev, and
Mrs. H, Snell. .r
leer. .and Mrs. W. A. :Clark and
daughter of Kitchener and Mrs! O.
'Smith of Kitchener were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mns, Maurice
Hewitt. -
When, Seaman Oalvbn Knauter of
London and Pte, Lorne Jardine of
Kitchener were home recently, they
were the proud redipients, of a lovely
wrist watch each, presented by the
Grey Council: The bays appreciate
this kindness very much.
• A weekly review of deveiopemente3
en the Bane Front: June 18.25, 1942
1. Ideon, 7, I,. Ilsley, Minister of
F1in.atine, submits Canada's fourth
wartime budget to the FIOU6e of
Com4noha. Income and Defence
taxes merged and heavily increased;
higher excess profits tax; new
taxes on luxury ,goods, additional
taxes on alcoholics, tobacco, soft
drinks, playing cards, transporta-
tion; ' pulefeen beetle, long cliatantee
telephone calls telegeepbs and
cables, firs.
Immediate budgetary problene Is
biridginlg gap of $2,228 millions be-
t'w'een eetitnated ;`averse tri 3000502
tiseal year and estimated expendi-
ture. Budget texat4oh ppeposais t0
yield 3.378 millions, redttctng gap to
$1,850 rtrtllions. This will be raised
by borrowing,
2, Budget white paper submitted
to Contemns shows rapid increase in
Canada's was expenditures. (Figures
include amjounts charged to active
Fieepl seer 1:939-40 $127,384,000
Fiscal year .1940-41 :778,4,24,0z0
Fiscal year 1942-42 1;384;033,000
During conrespouding three Years
of first World war, expenditures
charged direct to war account ag-
gregated a7Proxbmlateiy $539,000,-
000. 'Canada's expenditures on ac-
count of present war have to date,
therefore, been over four times
expenditure in same period of last
war, Dh.e•y exceed by over $603,-
000,000 'Canada's total expenditures
for war and demobilization during
whole o2 last war.
3, Comanissiotrer S. T. Wiood
issues call for ,special service
voldnteer's in R 0.d4I.P,
4. Boys over 16 now attending
cdlnool required to register with an 1
emiploiyment offlee when they start
their suwfiner holidays,
5. Production of replacement parts
for automobiles to be sharply cur-
6. Jaeues, E. Coyne appointed
Deputy Chainmen of Wartire Prices
Board. Mr. Coyne, on loan from the
Bank olf Canada, is 'aehleitant to the
Chairman of Wartime Prices Board. The prize ]lets for the Belgrave
7. power to Issue ordains deemed !School 'Fair have been printed and
.fares las+y to prevent or minimize dieltel'butecl. The fair will be held
Rn•es caused by mere action or on Monday, September 21 with the
counter -action cbnfea'ved upon Pen_ folleweng echools, conteting: man-
sions Moister -Ma 1ienzie (Mr, Mac- ireful 8, 9, 1�0, 11,7 13 of East Wawa-
kensie !has jurisdiction over A.R.P.) nosOn, 3, 4, g.3-
02 Morris, U:S.S.
No. 7 Eeet and West Wawanosir
Estee- HES. No. 13, 17, last and West Miss Margaret Smillie spent
Vancouver WatwanosOr and Mrorris. .Sundary at the home of Mr wed Mrs,
Island. 270 damage reported. Milton' visitors in tads vicinity CharlieMcG.avdn,
9. W. F. Drysdale appointed axe- were Musses I3atheeen McDougal
and Mary Joyce with Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. McCallum; Mr. and Mrs, Neil
McCallum with Mr and Mrs:. John
McCalluMr. Hugh Campbell and ,
daughter with Mr. and Mrs. J. i
Dunbar and Mr. and Mee. Barry
Listowel and Mitchell Banks Close
10, necessary before Announcement has! been made to
new Inmtallaltione of air condition" the effect that the 'Canadian Bank of
ing and come1cial eefrigeratbon I Connhn•'er'ce will take over the '
equipment may be manufactured (hell and Listowel branches of the
Wroxeter, Ontario
June 15, 1942
make this
appeal to YOU
All over Canada and the United States the call has gone
Fire causes the greatest of all wastes, not only of
material resources, but too often of life itself.
Will YOU therefore as loyal Canadians, do these things
TODAY --tomorrow may be too late.
Check and clean stove pipes and chimneys.
Clean up all rubbish.
Check over , your wiring, OR
Be sure all lamps and lanterns are safe.
Be fire conscious NOW and ALWAYS.
8. Enebny su�brnercine sISelO
an Point on, West coast of V
Bank of Monta•eal At Listowel the
property which will be vacated by
the bank is to be taken over: by the
town far a town office for the clerk-
breasurer and tax collector. Council
meetings will prtdbgbly be held there
cutive aslsistant to Minister of
Munitions and Supply. Mr, Drys-
dalearras also been tamed president
of Machinery Services. Limited, a
Gove•rn:nent-owned conwany, em-
ploying skilled civilian! refugees
from enemy countries.
Hats off to our Soldier Lads!
• The backbone of Canada's forces
whose great day is yet to come.
• whose might will be needed to bear
the brunt of the struggle.
•:whose strength will finally weight the
scales of Victory.
Hydro never performed such You, on the home front, can
Important, indispensable service help the Army, too. Save Hydro
as now. It's a war -winning by using fewer lights, by using
servicel it economically in the kitchen-
When a man joins the Army, basement—everywhere in the
Hydro begins fo help him. Hydro house—by turning off the current
supplies the power fo Ontario the moment it has served ifs
industries to produce the munitions purpose, ' The electricity you
andsuppliesthaf make save will help to make
our Army a strong, more weapons for our
hard-hitting force, G,'eseeiQ fighting men,