HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-1, Page 3y0ijiVEEO4 /A 8RMK ST Health authorities agree that whole grain cereals are cin essential "pro- tective" food in peace or War. Nabisco Shredded Wheat is a whole grain cereal, --- 700% whole wheat, in which all the bran, wheat germ and minerals are retained. For general fitness, keep well nourished. Enjoy Nabisco Shredded Wheat With milk at breakfast every day. THC CANADIAN SHREDDED WHOAT COMPANY, LTD., Nlesera Futts, Canada. Hitler's Wars '• "Hitler has overrun and oceu- ;pied most of Europe, says The i' ,Y. Tithes. Hehas disarmed its garrisons, subdued its peoples, ;dispensed its governments, robbed ,its banks and eaten up its food. Re has not conquered a single country. He cannot leave un- guarded a single door he has burst open. Until now he has ;gained nothing by his enormous efforts but new enemies. He has only to look at Yugoslavia after ; a year of 'subjugation to see • that the business of conquest is • slways unfinished business. Hit- .ier's wars never end." Fares Refunded on USED CSAR PURCHASES Buy that good used car where prices are the lowest All cars reconditioned and have excellent Tires Our reputation your guarantee BUICKS 83 Buick Cabriolet, 6 wills, $295 84 Buick Coach 345 34 Buick Sedan 345 86 Buick Sedan 495 ?7 Buick Sedan 646 38 Buick Coupe, 5 Pass745 88 Buick Sedan 745 39 Buick Sedan 845 40 Buick Sedan 996 41 Buick Super Sedan 1495 CHEVROLET 87 Chevrolet Coach 575 $9 Chevrolet Coach 725 89 Chevrolet Sedan 746 40 Chevrolet Sedan 895 40 Chevrolet Coach . 845 41 Chevrolet Coach 995 CHRYSLER — DESOTO' 84 Chrysler 6 Sedan 395 39 Chrysler Sedan .825 37 Desoto Sedan 545 DODGE — PLYMOUTH•I 87 Dodge Sedan 545 38 Dodge. Coach 665 39 Plymouth Coach 695 40 Plymouth Coach 845 40 Plymouth Sedan 895 FORD — MERCURY 36 Ford Coupe 445 38 Ford Sedan 625 38 Ford Coach 586 37 Ford Coach 476 89„Mercury Sedan '745 40 Ford Coach • 845 HUDSON — TERREPLANE 84 Hud. 6 Ter. Sedan 195 37 Ter. 6 Sedan .545 40 Hud. 6 Sedan 866 NASH 36 Nash 6 Sedan 495 40 Nash 6 Sedan 896 OLDS 36 Olds Sedan 295 36 Olds Sedan 395 37 Olds Sedan 545 88 Olds Sedan 695 40 Olds Sedan 945 PACKARD 32 Packard Cab. 286 37 Packard Sedan 645 38 Packard Sedan 745 PONTIAC 35 'Pontiac Sedan 295 86 Pontiac Coupe 395 38 Pontiac Sedan 675 39 Pontiac Coach 725 39 Pontiac Sodau 765 40 Pontiac Coach 895 40 Pontiac Sedate 945 41 Pontiac Coach 1045 41 Pontiac Sedan 1095 STUDEBAKER 37 Studebaker Sedan 565 39 Studebaker Sedan 795 Satisfactory Terms Arranged Trades Accepted SON BUICK PONTIAC 1041 BAY. ST, 699 YONGE ST. 1566 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO -- ONT, anada's Largest Buick f Pontiac Dealer's Have You Heard?, The court trial was proceeding very smoothly until the lawyer at.. tempted to bring out the import- ant points of a conversation that Pat had had with the defendant. "Now, then," said the lawyer encouragingly, "please tell the jury what you and the defendant talked about." "That I'll do," replied Pat. "We talked about ten minutes." "No, no!" interrupted the law- yer. "I mean what did you and the defendant talk over?" "Ole, that!" replied Pat calm- ly. "Sure, and we talked over the tiliphone, sir." Farmer's wife (to drug- gist)—"Now bo sure and write plain on the bottles which is for Hank and which is for the horse. Wouldn't want nothing to happen to that horse before spring seeding." Stepping out of a luxurious car, a middle-aged woman, dressed in expensive furs, approached the sentry and asked if she could speak to her soldier son. "He is a tall young man," she explained, "rather good-looking, with blue eyes, and called Clar- ence Montmorency." The sentry stopped her. "I know," he said. Then, putting his head around the guard -room door, he shouted, "Hi, Stinker, you're wanted." The movie usher was in the dentist's chair. Dentist—Now, Miss, which tooth is giving you all the trouble? Usher — Second from the left in the balcony, she re- plied. An elderly farmer often drives into a central Michigan' village' with his horse and buggy, Some of the boys like to "hitch on" behind the buggy with their wag- ons. When the driver wishes his horse to speed up, he simply shakes his buggy whip over the equine's back. • One boy, who was breathlessly telling his father about the fun, exclaimed — "and Daddy, when Mr. Brown wants old Dobbin to 'step on it' he just shakes the aerial over his back." "limp., dear, that you get up when you're called," wrote the fond mother to her boy in the Army, "and don't keep the regiment waiting breakfast for you." "Do you know who I ale?" shouted the irate general -to the Australian who had neglected to salute him. "Do you know who I am?" he persisted, as the soldier looked blankly at hien. "Here, boys," said the Aust- ralian, turning to his friends, "Here's something good. A gen- eral who doesn't know his own nain e." Sergeant (on rifle range): • "And remember, the new bull. let ' will penetrate two ' feet of solid wood, so remember to beep your 'sada downt" World production in 1940 was 22,000,000 tons of cans sugar and 12,000,000 tons of beet sugar. tit R WORKIARS find relief from painful corns with CRESS CORN SALVii Keeps von "on your heat the toughest jobs, 'Ctess Corn Salve sea tesults if diteet'ont are carefully followed, Should corn or callous not disappear within a amenable time money _will be refunded on tenon of lar to dealer. Wbae could be Educt? Puy it, try it, At all dtugpists, HOW CAN I? Q. How can I make a violet talcum powder? A, By mixing 14. ounces of pow- dered tale, 2 ounces of powdered orris root, le -ounce extract of cassia, ee ounce extract of Pe- rdue, Q. How can I test the grade of gasoline? A, Pour a little gasoline Into the palm 00 the hand; 1f it ev- aporates quickly and leaves the baud dry and eloan, it Is high grade. If it evaporates slowly and leaves a greasy deposit, it is poor grade. Q, Ilow eau I keep rile pie crust from getting too brown before the filling is quite done? A, If the crust is browned suf- ficiently before the filling is done, merely cover the pia plate with a pan, or another inverted pie plate, and Continue cooking, Q. How can I make a polish for black or tau shoes? A. A few drops of lemon juice dropped on the shoes followed by a brisk rubbing with a soft cloth will give a splendid polish. Q, How can I make rag rugs last longer when they start to fray at the edges? A. Take ordinary wdapping string, and, after cutting off the fringe on the rug, crochet an edge on the rug about one and one. half inches wide. This adds to the appearance and the rug will last much longer. What Science Is Doing BERYLLIUM .As Germany's metal stock piles dwindled under the drain of months of war, urgent and myster- ious requests for beryllium were received ]n the United States, states an article in National Geo- graphic Magazine. These rush or- ders came ostensibly from Swiss watchmakers, They wanted the metal, many pounds of it, ship- ped at once to Europe by Clipper. * * * Now, beryllium is a modern miracle metal and one of the in- . crea.sing]y important it • least - known sinews of mechanical war. Less than two percent of it by weight, if alloyed with copper,' will make that soft red metal so had it will cut steel. Used in Spring's and in diaphragms of del- icate instruments, heat-treated beryllium alloys stick to their job even under fiercely corrosive con- ditions. In tests made under a salt spray, springs of beryllium copper have gone on functioning long after their spring -steel rivals have broken. "Hope spriugs eternal and so does beryllium," might be this . motel's slogan, Such Spartan refusal to quit in the pinches has given beryllium a small but crucial part in the vitals of today's mechanical armies, air fleets, and navies. It serves in the sensitive fire control apparatus which aims big guns and in other military equipment so secret that details cannot be given here. » * r But beryllium's biggest use now ie in airplanes, for parts whose failure would mean disaster. The metal plays its life -or -death role in the motor and instrument panel of every American warplane and those of every other major 'power provided they can get it, Hence the eudden'utgent needs of "Swiss watchmakers" aroused a healthy suspicion in the United States, particularly since a few pounds of beryllium, alloyed as It is with 96 or 98 percent of cop- per, would make enough watch - springs to supply the whole world. P.S. They didn't get their beryl- lium, 10,000 Eyes . The Ministry of Pensions has supplied 10,000 artificial eyes sines the war began, V1. Paling, parliamentary secretary to the Ministry, said in an interview. This includes replacements. HEY! SAM WHERE'S YOUR IAINARD'S in OUT TiREDAdHES 1, ,64 1 You GIRLS WINO SUFFER (YSMENOREA If you suffer monthly cramps,' beak- ache, distress of irregmatltles," nervousness—due to ittnctional neonthly disturbance -try Lydia ig. Pillkham's Vegetable Colnpound Tablets (With added iron). Made cspaoiafly for aootttcta Thay also help build tip red blood, Made le Canada; C.P.R, HEAD RESIGNS Resignation of Sir Edward Beatty as president of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway is announc- ed. Sir Edward remains chair- man of the Board, Modern Etiquette 1. What is the most popular trend in weddings of today? 2. When a girl has been din- ing in a public place with a man, and 1s leaving the table, should she begin to put on her wraps? 3. How should friends and rel- atives respond to an announce- ment of a birth? 4. When a bride has no family, near relatives, nor guardian, who should pay her part of the wed- ding expenses? 5, Is it proper when eating to lay a whole slice of bread in the palm et the hand to butter it? 6, Is it ever permissible to bring a guest when invited to an affair? Answers 1. Outdoor weddings are be- coming more and more popular. They are much more picturesque and easily managed than indoor weddings. The weather should, of course, be taken into consider- ation when planning an outdoor wedding so that it will be possible to get everything quickly under cover at the first hint of rain, 2. No; she should wait for her escort or the waited' to assist her. 2. By writing notes of congratu- lation, by calling on the mother, or by sending flowers to the moth- er or a gift to the baby. 4. In this case the bride should meet these expenses herself. 5. No. Break off a small piece of the bread and butter it with the butter knife, and if there is no butter knife, butter it with the other knife. The whole piece of bread should never be buttered all at once. 6. Only when the permission of the hostess has been asked in advance. Toothpaste Tubes Sixty Used toothpaste tubes contain enough tin to solder all the electrical connections in a medium sized bomber, according to Wide World. New Regulations Regarding Tires Order Tightens ' Control Over New "Tres and New Tubes Retreaded and used tires, used tubes, and retreading services, as well as naw tires and new tubes, are now under rigid control, ac- cording to an announcement by Iron. C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and Supply. Effective May 15, the new or- der is designed to conserve Can- ada's rubber supplies for war purposes, to prevent hoarding, and to keep essential vehicles, including farm trucks and imple- ments, in operation as long as possible. The order tightens the prod- ous ,control over new tires and new tubes. It sets up three classes of eligible vehicles, "A," "B;" and "C," on a sliding scale gaug- ed according to the usefulness of the vehicle to a country at war, and it rules out the 1,000,000 or more motorists who are no longer able to buy even a used tube. When a dealer has two or more orders for a similar tire or tube, and he cannot fill both orders, he must give preference to the owner of a vehicle in a higher class. Owners of vehicles in Class "A" are .permitted to buy new tires, new tubes, retreaded tires, re- treading services, used tires or used tubes. In this class are such vehicles as cars used by physici- ans, cars belonging to clergymen who serve two or more congrega- tions more than three miles apart, cars used by clergymen in sparse- ly settled districts, trucks for road repairs, trucks for carrying ism products and foods fire lighters' vehicles, police vehicles, and farm tractors and harvester combines, other than automobiles and trucks, for the operation of which tires and tubes are essen- tial. Owners of vehicles in Class "B" are permitted to buy re- treaded tires, retreading services, used tires and used tubes. In this class are rural mail carriers, passenger cars or trailers used principally for the transportation of produce and supplies to and from his farm by a person whose principal occupation is farming, and who owns no truck, and oth- ers. Owners of vehicles in CIaes "C" may purchase only used tires and used tubes. Included in this class are vehicles used principally in the course of their duties by the following: Farm or food products inspectors, dentists or optometrists who serve more than one community, scrap buyers, sheriffs or other law enforcement officer,' servicemen who repair farm machinery, rural school teachers, rural undertakers, and newspaper reporters. Also cov- ered in this class are horse-drawn vehicles and farm implements for the operation of which tires are . essential Britain Depends On Rubber From Ceylon It's true . Britain didn't build important stockpiles and has few facilities for reclaiming rubber but, if Ceylon is held, Britain's rubber situation won't be too dire, says Newsweek. London estimates wartime rubber require- ments at about 150,000 tons a year, and rubber ' exports from Ceylon alone last year totalled 88,987 tons. Experts say that, with heavier tapping, the iatend'o output could be considerably in- creased—perhaps enough to meet curtailed requirements. Brazil la the only South Ameri- can country that declared war: on Germany during the Great War. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... BABY C111CI09 STARTED CAPONS READY FOR early delivery. There's seldom enough of these choice birds for the .markets. Late May pullets. and started pullets for June. Let's have your orders for these, or Bummer chicks, now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John, Hamilton, Ont. NOTE THE TWEDDLE CHICKS wherever you go. No one knows Twaddle chicks quite as well as the one who purchases them. They know their profit making ability. One million and a quar- ter Twaddle Chicks were sold in 1941. More are being sold this year. We have 18 purebreede, 8 hybrid crosses, 4 breeds of tur- keys and 1 hybrid breed of"tur- key to choose from. FREE catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatch- eries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terme arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 108 Bathurst St., Toronto. BOOKS BY MAIL WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE, Latest Sensational Books. Be - Luxe Book Company, 57 Queen St. West, Room 21, Toronto, Ont, BUTCHERS' SLICING MACHINES FACTORY RIOBUILTS, ALL MAKES, prices low, caay terms. Write for full particulars. Berkel Products Co. Ltd, 533=635 College Street, Toronto. I-ELP WANTED *mom) AT MUSKOKA H0S- geouple awenku together lint diet kitchen.. Good wages and per- manent position it eatiefaotory. IOxpperleuce not necessary. App131 J. T. ' Murray. GLADIOLA BULBS GLADIOLII--RAINBOW MIXTURE 70 blooming- size, including Picardy, $1.00 postpaid. R. Cor - roam 11'arriston, Ontario. 11ELP WANTED WAITRESSES AND 0 O UnN T E R: ands to for Immediate Bxpai ncemeoi necessary, Aplillcatlone f r o en schoolgirls accepted. Mame, Sloase's Restaurant, Clravonhuret, .Muskoka. iSaSUE 21-.--'42 ECZEMA SUFFERERS ECZEMA AND ALMOST ANY itchy conditions, qulekrelief. guaranteed with Arthur Bloeeng8. Ointment, City Hall Drugs, 79 Queen. West, Toronto. HELP WANTED WANTED WARD AIDES FOR Muskoka Hospital,-Gravenhurat. .Apply to The Superintendont of Nurses. WANTED AT MUSKOKA. 11105- pital, Gravenhurst, housemaid - waitresses. Experience not nec- essary. Apply to J. T. Murray.. CARS — USED AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Glary/der, Plym- outh deaiera; three locations, 682 Mt. Pleasant Road 2040 /tinge St. and 1660 -Danforth Avenue, Our Used Cars make us many friends, Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzed used cars. MEDICAL FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, heartburn, acidity, nausea, uleern, furred white tongue, upset stom- ach from wrong eating, use Eltk'e No. 2" prescription of eminent stomach specialist 55e, $1.00, $2.00. E1Ut'e" Medicine. co„ Dept, WN Saskatoon. WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatid Pains or Neurine to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'tt Drug Store, 235 Elgin, i'ostps,id $1.09. DYEING At CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are gladto' answer your gnestiona. Depart- ment It, Paritor'e Dye Werke Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. PLACARDS, STICKERS PATRIOTIC GUM STIC1(ERS FOR, envelopes and letterheads, 30 for 15c, Placards for doors, win- dows,.antomobiles, halls, and homes, 10 for 30c, harem's Flag Store, 233 Icing East; Toronto. 211N WANTED CANADIAN ENTERPRISE WITIH largo personnel has a few choice territories for /nen exempt From war eq.ctivltt3a (POT g09 gggggh. ailteed precincts—ilM(540 muss - Hies, Present.-9ttpplles adequate. Fascinating A._ Ti.t:, iBook brings. valuable information. No risk. L'or - details, PAWL= 0,�RO- DllrTs, 570 St, Clement, Mon- treal. SUMMER SCHOOL MIDLAND SUMMER SCHOOL — Eighth annual cession. July sixth - August seventh. Courses for teachere include: (1) Refresher work in new upper schoolmathe- matics and science; (2) tuition in upper school Einglish, and 6I+ ology; (3) tuition in the Normal School subjects; (4) classes in-' handicrafts, 'choral reading, and folk -dancing. Enjoy a profitable; Bummer in this glorious Thirty Thousand Island Vacationland, For Information write the See - rotary. Midland. Summer School, Midland. Ontario, or in Toronto phone Hyland 2584. OUTBOARD MOTOR NEW 6 H.P. NEPTUNE. BARGAIN 6160.90. 'Write Advertiser, 18 —Qlenwood Avenue, Toronto, • PATENTS FET73JMOSTUNHAUUI3 & UUMPANS Patent Solicitors. Established 18901 `14 SCing West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re. quest, RHEUMATIC PAINS FRUIT JUICES—THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy; feyy Rheumatic rains, Neuritis. SoId only Munro's Drug Store, 33 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 41,00. OLD RUGS REWOVEN NEW RUGS, NEW RUGS MADE FROM old. Dominion Rug Weaving Com- pany, 964 Queen St, W., Toronto. Write for bookiet. WANTED MALE TANNERY LABOURERS, age 45 to 55 years or younger, it you have discharge papers. Good wages to! good workers. Donnell & Mudge Limited, Nett Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The heat, Raln, or HOOD HAVE YOUR SNAPS :l.t12' 6 01nsilexposul by film l perfectly; ddeyelohhed and printed for only 26o. Sdpeelfle guelity and fast service guaranteed, IMPERIAL PHOT SEI2VIif:i3 ,3tntio5 J, Toronto Tho word "sniper" which dnteoi. frons the American War of Inde. poudence, means one who shoots from under cover as when shoot- ing snipe.