HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-7-1, Page 1ROSS LS POS POST PUBLISHING HOUSE C.N.R, To Improve Train Service • Afternoon Train To Make Connection At Palmerston For Toronto Brusee1s is, to have a more direct connection with Toronto over the C.N.R, For about a year now since the closing of the Lored'on-Wingham line the oltizena of this district had only one direct connection for To- ronto that was in the 'morning via Palmerston, Tho only afternoon connection wee by Listowel and Stratford which necessitated long waits, and arriving In Toronto about 10.35 P.m. 'Commencing Monday, June 29th, the mixed 'train from Kincardine will arrive in' Winglvam about L30 p.m. and will we understand, be speeded up and connect with the Owen Sound train at Palnneniston, arriving in Toronto' at 7.40 pan. This change is long past due and will be aP- preeiated by the travelling public especially since 'the curtailment of gasoline, RAINBOW TEA to be held on THURSDAY, JULY 2nd on the lawn of Mrs. D. A. Rann Tea served from 3 to 5 ADMISSION -25c Under auspices of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge. DANCE In Victoria Hall, Jamestown Thursday evening, July 2nd Music by McCall's Orchestra Refreshment Booth Admission, Adults 25c Children under 12, 15c Proceeds for War Work. '' REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. NOW PLAYING— p'reston Foster Lynn Bari Secret Agent Of Japan The secret plots and treacherous moves of Japanese Fifth Columnists and underground men. Next Mon., Tues. and Wed.— Betty Grable Victor Mature Jack Oakie Song of the Island With Harry Owens and his Royal H.awal fans Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Flying Cadets Also Sunset In Wyoming Starring .Gene Autry One of Autry's finest. Coming— All That Money Can Buy When single features as these are shown, iast'show starts not later than 9:16. 1141111111. "Behold 1 Stand At; The Door And Knock" Melville Church • 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. "The Divine Spirit" 7 P.M. "A Question Often Asked" COME AND WORSHIP. United Church 11 A M. 'Rev. Hugh Wilson • will preach 12—Church School and . Bible Class 7:30' Rev. Hugh Wilson will preach WELCOME TO WORSHIP. Church of England ,Parish 'of Brusselsc Rector. -Rev. M. F, 'Oldham 5th Sunday After Trinity St.. John's Brussels - 11:16 A.M. Holy 'Communion and Sermon 11:15 A, M. Sunday %shoo, St, George's Walton—' M. Holy Communion and Sermon St 'David's •Henfryn- 2 P. M. Sunday School 2,30. P. M. HoIY4ommuniof and t„ermou agattasimmeiragemailatsiteienlateanniffetennolsnato Wednesday July lst 1942 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDDING Coca, News Items Ecigar-..Wllllamson A pretty nuld-June wedding was solemnized tut Crand,rook Manse, on Weciuesd'aY, June z5, at ten a.m. when Rey, J. Taylor united 'in marriage Jean Merle Wllbiwuuson, only daughter of Mr and Mrs, Ebner Williamson', son', Gerrie, anid Lenwo'ode Stewart ,Edgar, only son of Mr. and Mats, Alex N. Edgar, Gorrie. Following a wedding trip to Bien- helnt, London and other points, Mr. and Aims'. Edgar will take up resi- dence on the second doneessdou How - ick. The bride travelled in her wed- ding dressi, blue coat, with' white col- lar, and white accessories. The bride was becoanlingly attired in turquoise blue street length frock, made on princess toe, and jaoket style, with pink roses for ornament. Her accessories were white, Miss Kathleen Elsley of Palmers- ton wore heavenly blue sheen- street length frock, with white accessories, The best man was MT. Harold Felker, Gorrie, Flood—Hull The marriage of Juneve. Elizabeth eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mal, 5th line of Horses and William T., son of Mas. Florence Flood, Grey Townlstiip, was solem- nised on June 24 In Brussels, Rev, Kerr officiating. The bride was becomingly attired in turquoise blue Sheer withh lace bodice and parried a lvand'kerdhief whddli her aunt carried sevenml years. ago. Tbey were attended by- Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Keifer, sister and brother-in- law of the groom, Mrs. Keifer chose powder blue sheer. Both the bride and her attendant wore corsages, of Dream Roses. Immediately fallowing the sere- • mony, the immediate members of the families partook of a suanntuou's repast served by 'three girl frielnds of the bride' at tete tnoane of the bride's parents The table, which was centered with: the wedding cake 'was deiooratecl with pink peonies' and Sweet William. Later in the afternoon the bride and groom left amid showers of con- fetti, for their new home in 'Windsor, the bride travelling in beige coat and dress and' brown accessories. The gifts were both numerous and useful. Lowe—Fox A pretty wedding was solemnized at high noon on Saturday, June 27th at the Preslby'terian. Manee, where Rev. Samuel Kerr officiated at the marriage o8 Mary Isobel, youngest daughter of Sylvester Fox and the late Mos, S, Fox of Brussels, to John Addison., only son. of Mrs. Milton Lowe and tate late Milton Lows of Morris. The Wilde wae. lovely in a street length, dress of turquoise blue crepe with matching aeeesbonlelsl and car- ried a beautiful •boquet of roses,. The bridesmaid, Miss Ethel Fox, sister of the bitide, chose a two-tone dress of blue crepe with navy a'ciceSslories .and, wore a corsage •of roses. The graounkntan was Mr, Orwell E. Ellicott After the ceremony, a wedding dinue r was served to Bitty guests, on the. lawn at the home of the 'brtide's sister Maw', Harry B'ow'ler. The tablets, were decorated in pints and white and 'th'e belle's table was adorned, wtltly the three-story lived' ding cake. Those who waited on table were: Mies Eloyee Davidson, Mrs. Roy Kenney, Mrs, Alllister Bird and Mme, David Hastings. For toavetiling, the bride wore e tailored grey suit with matching acceiseorlies:. After a short trip to Toronto anal .other Eastern points, the young •couple will reside on the groonv'a faun on the 4t11 line of Morrie. Wardlaw—Finlay WIIIN'Gli'LAM—A pretty June wed- ding Wats solemnized at the home of Mr, and Main David Finlay, Wingham, on Thursday' at 2:30 pan„ when Zeolbel F,in':lay, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, David Finlay, Wnrigihlan, end Walter Lee Allan Wardl,aw, only son,'of Dr, and Mrs•, D. 'Wamdiiaw, Ethel, were united in holy bonds of niiatritnotlly. .Rev, J. Beecroft. wale twee officiating clergy, •inion, Ara arch of roses and feat, pink and, white Streamers and wihite Wedding hell mkte•'ii Protty setting for the ser eanony, The bride looker] Capt. E R. Bell Now In Enpland Mre, Elmer D, Bali, who is now living in Whtigham, was advised by oahle this week that her husband, Cent, Elmer D. Bell, had arrived safely in England. 'Capt, Bell, who is second in Couranand .of the 59th Battery, bast gone to England to bake a course, Brussels Choir Honors Member About To Be Wed The members of the Uulted church choir met on Thursday evening, for their.weelkly practice, and took the ,opportunity to present: one of their members, Miss Helen Backer, brideto+be, with a Pyrex kettle. Miss Carrie Hingston, leader of the choir, read the address, and Thomas Strachan made the pres- entation. Miss Backer made a very suitable reply, •hvatnining the choir members for their lovely gift, Miss Backer has been' a faithful mem'her of the choir for a number of years, and will be greatly missed as she took a vary active part Int ohmtch Work. Lunch was served and e, social time enjoyed. Local Boy In Emden Ra1-1 Prole dtspateltes recording the raids on the 'German naval hose of Emden. mentioned the name of Sergeant Gunner Bill Rowland, son of Mr, and Mrs, Jiro, Rowland of t . Brussels,, as having participated in the, raid a week ago Saturday night when British bombers smashed at the Braden base for the 75151 time, Speaking of bomber crewel reporting , tires that had been started the dis- patch reported in part "Another squadron, •comlnrandecl by Wing Commander John Twigg of Ottawa completed its mission without loss. Sergeant L, F. Kelly of Moncton, 1 flying In the ,sante aircraft as •Sergeant Gunner Bill Rowland of Brussels, Ont„ said there were scattered fires througlhont the city" Ask Return Of Milk Bottles In an advertisement on another page the dairy of Bru'sseis' is ap- pealing to housearopders to return to them milk bottle's• in their posses• 's 'ion„ There is a :great scarcity of glares and tate Government is urging the dealers to keep their bottles active. The local dealer 'states that at 'many homes there must be several bottles that have never been return- ed and are being used for • other purposes in ISa 'homes. Jit these are placed outside for driver to pick u•p it will help to relieve the shortage. These bottles dost the dealer real money and are their property. To return. these n'ow 1s a patriotic deity and a vital necessity. - Let every home comply with this request and, return the bottles, both pints and quarts, to the rightful Mixed Bowling Tournament , Four' r'htdos participated in the mixed bowling tournament at the 1000 greens on Friday night, The winners were ladies, Miss Jessie Little and Airs. Rohr. Downing; men, Alex Rutledge awl Joe Kelly. Change In Time -Table The afternoon train leaves .Brussels at 2.10 P.M., instead of 3.00' P.M. Making connections at Palmerston for east an'd south of Guelsuh arriving Toronto 7:40 P.M., and Hamilton 7:55 P.M. P & G— Soap Special, Saturday,. July 4th, 5c a' cake; no limit to purtdhase. Buy your Groceries at Greenes. Coan- plate fresh stock at a low cash price. Canned Peas 10c tin. WE SELL FOR LESS A. G,R'EWAR 'P'HONE 5 Vacation Tima Teachers and students are now free to enjoy their summer vacation. Schools closed last week; teachers 'nave returned to 'their various homes, to ' their choices. of va- catioon spots or perhaps to give their services in some war effort for the next two months. The youngsters will have a 'ha'ppy time in tihe hundreds of ways in which Children Iliad pleasure and amusement, St. John's Guild A veny pleasant 'afternoon was spent et 'the hone of Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cutdhean, 615 Cont. Morris, when the Ladies' Guild met far their June meeting, The meeting opened with prayer and scripture reading by the president. After the business seslaton a social hour was enjoyed by a good attendance of ladies. Much amusement was caused by a humor- ous' reading given by Mr. McOutcli- eon. DOG ROUNDUP! To -day my little boy was ,bitten on the back by a big 'dog that name into our back yard: 'Now if some- thing isn't done about these dogs running' at large there are going to be lets iivdmlg dogs in town, I Mope that some of the authorities of the town will see to it that action is taken ianbneddately. i Signed FIIREWORKS, ONE OF THE 57 VARI'E:TIES— Helinz Vinegar --it's pure, out of Waxed oalk barrel, used only once—is your assurance of Purity, quality and cleanliness. Bring your own container, more for your money. Aiik the person who uses Heinz Vinegar how good it in WE SELL FOR LESS A. GREWAR PHONE 5 Huron Police Seeking Mustard Seed Thrower owner. GODERIDCIH, June 27—Provincial and county police are looking for the matt, the meanest man of the year, who some weeks ago 'sowed wild mustard in a fanner's spring crops' in the Wdnghaml. area. The mu,a'tarxl now has grown in such fashion as to reveal that it was solwn by a man Swinging drys right alta dlmrizonita:lly to and fro after grabbing a handful of mustard seed from a container held in the left hand, lovely in a turquoise • 'blue 'dhiffou floor lengith gown withfinger tip veil. She caav'ied a bouquet of Talis- man rases and maiden hair fern. The gilt to the bade was a gold bracelet. The bridesitnaid, Mies Ada J. Wardlaw', wore a pink chiffon floor lengthgown, and carried Tal- ientan roses and . maiden (hair fern. me gift to the brdddsnlaid was a gold bracelet, The flower girl, lit- tle Mary Finlay, wore rose satin and carted a 'basket of garden flowers. The bridegnoom was) at. :tended by Mr. Harold Finlay of London, Mies Laaura Campbell Wingyhann, played. Mita weddiing mu A• buffeit luncheon' wale served. The bride's. mother received, wear- ing flowered blue crepe with. cor- dage of roses, M.rs, D. Wardlaw as- elated, wearing a white ensemble with corsage of carnations, The table was centred with a three-tier wending cake and loses, After the reception) the bridal couple left for Musilroka anal Huntsville; the bride traveling ins an alit -fordo blue' tsuit With black rand '*bite accessories, On their reiui'n they Will reside in Listowel, Friends were present. from: 'EEthel. Laudon rand Galt Ladies' Bowling Club Elects Officers The Ladies' Bowling Club 'hes once more reorganized for the yea: 1912, witch the following officers in charge:- Preeidenit, Mrs. C. ,Busch - lent; 1st. Vice Pres„ Margaret Downing. 2nd Vide 'Pres,, Mos, Geo, Santis; Secretary, Mary Z•I, Eck. inlet; :Treasmtsr, itlsibel MaaTal'•teili Convenor of Jitney . 'Come'; Mon Cows', 'Davidson; Joint Convenors of Sodlal 'Cont., Mos. H. Kirby, Mrs. D. A. Bann; Convenor a Menruboilltip Coon;, Mrs, D, A. Ram,. All ladies who are interested' in Tfowldng please pay the fee of $1,00. to Il.idbdi MacTavieih, 'You are all welconne. Caine join: in tares tun, PEOPLE WE KNOW Jim Ptes't, R,C,N„ London, spent Sunday at iris bonne here. Miss M. Gibson H'eepler, was a week end visitor at tier home. M,trs. .rata laelatosilt is spending the siumiuer with her brother Joss Thuell, John C. Oliver of Toronto was ,here to spend the week and with his Mns, J, E, Smith and Miss Addie Cardiff are visiting Miso Urea of Ingersoll. Misses Evelyn, ,Carley and Marian Lake, Fergus, were week end visions with their parents. Mr and Mrs. D. McDonald, Pont Elgin, visited at the home of Mrs. R. Dark last week, Mies Mary Walker of Toronto spent the week end \vital her par erds, Mr. and Mrs. T. Walker. Mrs G. Lowry was a visitor at the home of her sister, Mns. Porteous of Seaforth on Thursday of last week. - Miss Jean and Miss Nan re- cent visitorsRev. M. F. O will conduct rector of the this .Sunday at Cameron of Kitchener cy 'Cameron were re - with Mn•, and Mr, Sinclair, Strati ford. ldiham, the new rector his foist 'services as Bruskaie parish here 11:15 p. m. Mr, and Mrs. G. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sneilae and Most Walter Claire were recent visitors with Mrs' John McIntosh, Dr, and; Mos, Vernon, Ross of Lon. don, Mrs. Reeves Moore and daugh- ter Beverley of Richmond, Va., and Dr. George Rost, Barbara and Mary of Win'gbam spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mns. D. C Rose. Brussels Continuation School Report The following eutudente have been ,successful In the Grads IX, and R. examinations: - Subjects placed within the brackets will have to be repeated. , GRADE IX— Mac Backer (Art Music) Helen Blake torts Bgwman Jim Cameron Isobel Cardiff Irvine Dttnn Hartley Fisdher Dorothy Jardine (History, Geo- gafaithy, Fhenioh) Joyce Jardine (French) Graeme Lamont (Music) Naomi Martin Lillian Mitchell Gordon Parr Laura Spelt• Jdhn ,Spivey Bill Sullivan Junior Sums (English, Francis) 'Stuart Nichol ('History, Mat e_- matfes) GRADE X— Gordon Blake (Science) Margaret Bell , Edith, Fletcher Mary Macdonald Ruth. Macdonald tisebel'le McCall (Math., Music and Art) Annie Stiles Laura Yudli Donald Speir (Science) VRiimot Wilson Salvage Collection Thdsi Saturday is sralv'age day. Have your contribution put ready for the ,collectors. When they call. Salvage for victory Scrap—to scrap Hitler! -.,.___ tiot eittif to I WbbIa!to,diercories " tam_ fity10e; 4- :///'?\/,4 "THE WAY I look at it is this. My boy enlisted of his own free will. He's got to do without a lot of things he's been accus- tomed to. I wouldn't feel right if I couldn't go without something too I" "The least I can do is to work hard and save. My kitchen, my shopping bag, my work basket are the nearest I can get to his battlefront. But I can buy,. War Savings Stamps -- and lots of them -- every week, so that he may have the tools to win. And that's what I'm doing! Bow about you?" - Buy War Savings Stares front banks+ pest offices, telephone offices, department stores, druggists, grocers, tobacconists, book stores and other retail storas, National War Finance Committee 10