HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-6-24, Page 5rP BRUSSE)..5 POST Wedn:esdu.Y, June 2stltii, 1942 Classified Ads BELGRAV' • FO.tt SALE-- r„ ,•o iu strawberries, Phone 43-r•32 Gordon Knight turf DALE- A bunch of Pip just weaned. lehou,e: 26,r-8 Alvin Armmstrong FOR SALE— Massey-Harris, Hay Loader, • phone 86X P. Amen!t FOR SALE 1 two -wheel trailer is good shape. phone 20-r-24 Wm. Balfour FOR SALE-- • Hay far sale, by the acre, in the field. libone 24-r-12 E. McQuarrie FOR SALE— , Elm Wood, split, 12 iches long 53.00 per cord, ; phone 44-r-19 Art Ruttan FOR GALE— 1 Fresh Cow •and calf also 10 Pigs 8 weeks' old. apply to $ phone 55-r-6 S. P. 1V3olmtagh • Lot 21, Con, 12, Grey FOR SALE— Seed Buckwheat, 80c per bushel. tot 29, Con, 9, Morris. phone 18-r•-9 Gilbert McCallum FOR SALE-- One ALE—One wagon and rack. New steel Sires, new rack. hone 54-r-4 Wen, Speir FOR SALE-- Stratford ALE—Stratford Threshing Separator, Size 26 by 50. Complete with blower, feeder and elevator, apply to George Brown Bluevale, R,R. 2 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED— For eetaiblished Watkins Route. Steady Customers. Must be honest and reliable have travel outfit or means of getting one, No capital or experience required. Write The J. R. Watkins Company Dept, O -B-4 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que. HORSE BREEDERS— Kenwood Kinpurnie, Clydesdale Stallion, Canadian Bred, Reg. No. 28862, Enrolment No. 4397. Will stand in own stabile, Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for this season. Terms $8 Melvin Hamilton, Ethel, R.R. ,1. y. e FOR SALE - 100 acre farm of Lewis Russell, being the north !half of Lot 26, Con- cession 5, Morris Township; about 20 acres mixed bush, good' gravel pit and balance good tillable sell and pasture. !Submit any offers to S. E, Weir, K.C., Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, London, On- tario. East Huron - Produce. - Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 66 Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everything to make the hens lay`A' Grad.; eggs We are in the market fur, all kinds of POULTRY! "Flock Culling A Specialty" Bring Us Your Eggs Our Motto— Honest Honest Grace on every egg A very successful 'sports day was 'held) at Belguave eehboi, Plie winner of the girls' diwmpionehip was Muriel Blydges, grade 5, The boy's' dhamliitane!lulp waa awarded to Timmy Wade, also Of grade 5, Such a keen interest was taltn, tel .these sports that it is hoped that this may becoene„ an annual event at this s'chool.' The lucky tickets for tray and dueiblion made by the. Junior Red Crass , of lBeigrave school were drawn on Friday last, The win- ners were! Mrs, Richard Procter and Mrs. tbarleg Johnston. A meeting was meld at the home of Mr, and Mrs, N. Keating to an range !for the annual memlorial. and decoration service at the. Bran- don cemetery. 1n attendance were Nue ministers of looal ,churches, the cemetery board, Women's In- 1 s!titute executive and organists of the churclhes. The service will be held on Sun- day, July 5th, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon conducted by the local ministers. "There will be 0peoial musical 'numbers and a guest speaker will give the address. Two 'Negroes were ' dlscuelsng ,their ,chances of being drafted, ""Taint gwine to do 'em no ,.good to pipit en me," said !Sam, "tawse I ain't gwine! to do no ilgh'tin'! Ah ain'tlast nothing in dein: coaOtr1et, 'and d.eycan't make me. fight." "You may be right,' '4lied Mose, "Uncle •Sash cant make you all fight but lie can take yo where de dentin' is an' 'den yo' use yo' own Judgement! i Try Machine Sanding - Have those old floors sanded and refinished like hew, with dustless machine also New Floors. Norman !tintoul PHONE 251 WINGHAM, ONT. = Consider Bill Not Neighborly For assisting .to (bringClifford's big tire under eontrel a month ago, the Mildmay fire brigade presented an account of 0500 to that •manlcipal, iby. Tine account for labor by Vire brigade "is figured at 060' ror` there- abouts, and the alleg'ed incapable handlings, anti the wear • end, tear, generally can the pur per and' equipment composes. Oho 'hitlance of tht bill. We nndlertand 'that the Clliffond Council considers! the bill ex- orbitant, and lacking in Coalman neighborly conaideraten, acid refuses to pay any such' sum. • Maty of our citizens' will recall the ctroumistan'ces of the flre wluah 'threatened' the Formoala R:C, ehtiroh thirty years ago, when the Walkerton and Mild- may brigades saved! the 'lovely edifice frond destruction by pulling the Idose up into tlhe • oh'urdh tower, and thus reaching the blaze, caused by a !stroke of lightning. The three insurance ceinPanies• who, at that time carried the • risk on the church dontributed $525 torte brigad- Ies for their services?.Walkerton Herald -Times. Propose New System For County Home County Coundll 'Considering Scheme to Insure Continuity (1oderioh Signal�Star) The most contentious matter, be - fere Country Council last' week was the syetean of government by the Council itself of Nue County Homy at 'Clinton,. No fault waa found with the present manegemmu:t, but rather with the set-up of the committee, which it was proposed to abolish. and replace with a "commission" of three—elected for one, two and three years, the sante as the County road commission—to insure continnt- ity of policy, Abolition of the ofnoe of local inspector also was recom- mended. The suibieot was under disc cession several times during the ses- sion, but in the last hour of the last day Council voted 16-113 to defer action until November. That things are not just what they should be at We County Home was twice intimated by Reeve Fred Wat- ton, but he refused, to give details Once he said: "I could tell you some thinget-!nit •I'd better not." Provincial 1118,neetar Charlton arsons of "irvterferenee" with. the management in his addreals to Cola, cli. He .thought the ofdee of 1000 inspector unnecesa!oary. • Under questioning iteeve Watson admitted , the put'bi;ed, .Shorthorn (herd, which cost the County $4000, had' proved a . rti!isappointSce{nt, , it bpd trines been found necessary, to spend $11560 on a pasteurisation plant, Reeve. Gilbert Frayne, a veterin- ary surgeon, said Council had 'been warmed about purebred herds, 'Its a rich man's game," he .said, "and very oftenthe rich mean loses, too. You •alh.ould have •stuck to Dunhams." Objection to the change was, that it would 'place the second largest spending committee of the Council in tihe hands of three men. A man might he in Council for ten years or more and! never become a member of the County Home committee if the proposed change were put into effect. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS— WARNING! If it is not already on its way to Rationing Headquarters you should MAIL YOUR APPLICATION CARD FOR COUPON RATIONING AT ONCE After July 1st no one will be able to pur- chase sugar for regular domestic use without turning in a ration coupon. Application cards for coupon rationing for sugar have now been mailed to every house.- hold ouse-hold in Canada. But, in an undertaking so vast, some homes may have been missed, or some cards may have gone astray. So, no matter where you live, whether it is in areas served by letter carrier or not, if your appli- cation card is not already on its way to Rationing: Headquarters, you should wait no longer. After filling in the card, according to the instructions on the pamphlet which was delivered with it, just drop the card in the nearest mail box or post office. It needs no forwarding address: IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN APPLICATION CARD you should get one at the nearest Post Office at once. Just drop the card in the nearest mail box or post office. It needs no forward- ing address. The ration cards being issued for use July 1st are for sugar only, and good for 10 weeks. At the end of that period a coupon ration book good for 6 months will be issued. Under the new system of coupon rationing, you are allowed the same All Post Offices have received full instructions to rush application cards for coupon rationing to the nearest Wartime Prices and Trade Board Office, where they will get immediate attention and the coupon ration cards mailed right back to you. amount of sugar as at present—% lb. per person per week. The same provision as at present for additional quantities for pre- serving and jam and jelly mak. ing will be continued. Special . voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied all retailers. COUPON RATIONING means no change in your ALLOWANCE OF SUGAR