HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-6-24, Page 4THS BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, ,Pune 2r.Sth, 1942 The Time to Buy a Good Used Cars With Good Tires A Used Truck, We Have Six 1 Used Tractor Ford Ferguson . System, on Rubber 1 New Frigidaire in Stock 12 Good Horses, no matter what kind of horse you want we have it. The Place - L. and W Jackson Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel Ont. How Do You Rate Yourself In This Patriotic Quiz. (Answer these questions honestly and grade your personal war effort, 75-100 points — excellent; 60-75 points—good; 45-80 points—poor; below 45 points --bad.) 1. In light of the fact that the Canadian volunteer in the Navy, Army .and Air Force offers his life to .shield. your SamilY, your 'home and Your country, how mudh of your current income do you think You should invest Volurvtanily in War Savings! Certificates and Bonds to held that boy? (a) 5%? (b) 1I%? (e) 1'5%a? (d) All except a sum for bare .necessities? (a) 1 Point, (b) 2 points (c) 3 points (d) 4 points 2. How much of your ' current in- come do you actually invest in Cer- tificates and Bonds (a) 5%? (b) 10%? (c 15%? (d) All except money for bare necessities? (a) 10 points (b) 20 points () 50 t (d) 90 points 3. When someone, through• ignor- ance or as a fifth columnist, declar- es that ICamada won't keep her pledge to redeem .Certificates and Bonds, do you rush to defend the good faith of your country by point- ing out her glorious. record in meet- ing obligations. In the past and the immense resources which. stand be- hind the country's loans as gilt - edge security? Yes -10 points '' 4. (a) Do YOU act as a worker.: within your local War Finance Committee? Yes -10 points (b) Woura you give your spare time to promote War Savings, if you were asked to do so? Yes -5 points 5. Do you buy War Savings Cer tificatee and War Bonds only be - I cause your employer ask you to do buygo, or do you buy War Savings Cera tificates, or War Bonds to a sPirit of 1 pride that you are helping to beat s Hitler, and that you are storing up future security for yourself and To Beat Hitler -15 points 6, (a) L o you realize that an ail - out national savings program is the best way to heat inflation, and do Yon. understand• *hat inflation wayld,do to your tbanik account, to the buying power' of your earnings, to the value' of your insurance, your War. bonds, and your War Savings Certificates? Yea-5. pointe (b), Do yqu act. consciously on. this .realization by dlpending as' little as paeaiblo and saving as ,much as pos- sible? Yes -15 points (c) Are you. planning, to use your War (Savings to satisfy deferred wants after the war and to aid in the rehabilitation of industry, creat- ing new jobs? Yes -5 points . 7. Da you realize that tort la policy behind ,Canadia'si war ef- farhas .been designed. to prevent any 'C'anadian from, malting a for- tune out of money spent by the goy- ernna ent for war materials? Yee—,10 points 'a '• • * * * • • • �c points o' your loved ones? 11 Car ,of Western Oats Car of Wheat On Hand On Hand v Hybrid Seed Gorn, Soudan Grass Seed and Rape Seed D. M. MacTavish Phone 46 Brussels Rape Seed 28c per lb. Hybrid Corn $5.75 per bushel We have Millette, Sorghum Seed and other varieties of Seed Corn. Full line of Mangel and Turnip Seed. ATTENTION FARMERS— We would like to handle your wool. Pull Line of Feeds For Better Results feed Rose Brand Chick Starter or O.A.C. Chick Starter We have — Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate, Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices. Livingston Stock Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs & poultry. We will cull yottr poultry to your satisfaction. .N+ N A. J. Pearson Ethel Ont. Phone 22r7 Obituary • * • it * i Ronald Hamilton i On Tuesday morning the little , iu•fant ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton passsed away at the home of iris parents'. He is surviven by his parents, four brothers and two sisters. The funeral was held on 'Dhureday afteirneon fsona: his home ,with the ':Rev. Mr. Keri' conducting the ser- vice. Interment was made in the Bruslse0s cemetery. The instructor was, seeking re- cruits. for the 'regimental band, and approaching Private Brown he inquired: - "Do you play a musical ansitru- ment?" "Yes," replied Bn'twn, "but only at tia¢ivs,' ,'Really,"'. said the instructor "and what instrument do you play?" `tSecond fidddle," retorted Pte. Brown., 'iSomebusybody has told my wife that'I took you to a dance the other night," said the manager to his secretary. "we1Q what about it?" narked the .>"J 0: t makes you my former sec- xetary'"m MORRIS Miss Iva Oldworfh, of Minneapolis, Min„ Mass, A. Wildfoug and bwo daughters of Exeter spent a clay last week with her cousins Mr. and Mils. LelsM1de Beirwes, Mr. and 1Virs. Rosa Coats and son of Fordwdd0r; Mr, and Mr, Geo. Cas. lick of ''Teeswater, Spent Sunday with Mr..and Mrs, Leslie Beirnes. John and'Mrs. ySpeir received a cable from their -son Jo)rnm in Eng- land telling them of his intended marriage on Jnly 1st to Mies Jean Fowler of London, 'Eng. Marriage to take place in the Presbyterian Church -at G'older•'is Green. Mr, and Mrs. John Spell- and fam ily attended) a reunion, at the, home of Mr. and Mrs.' Edgerton Roe. Walton on Saturday, June 20th. Mrs. W. H. Maunders' returned home last week from Pickering Ont., where she has been visiting her daughter for the past three months, Much improved in health which her many friends will be glad to know. Mrs. Edna Young .received word from her ton Priviate Norman! Young overseas, that he had received the watch which was given Oram; by bis friends and neighbors. BLUEVALE The Young People's Union of the United church had charge of the evening service on Sunday. The President, Fleming Jobudbou, pre - ,sided. The topic, "The History of the Christian, Cbnurdl ," was, pre- sented by George Thomrlson. A sing- song of familiar hymns was enjoyed. Rev O. Tavener closed the meeting with prayer. Charles, F. Johnston met with a Painful accident when working in the bush. He, was struck on. the knee with a piece of wood. Personale: Mr..and Mrs. Frank Stamper and family, Mrs. 3. H. !Smith. and Miss Muriel with Mr. and Mrs'. Cleve Yeo at Paisley; Mr. and Mrs George Love, accompanied by their guest, Mts. Ingles, Dundas, with Seafonth friends; Mrs. MoLen- mon, Mus. A. MacEwen and Miss Louie Paton , with Mrs. Charles Jones, Auburn; Mrs. Laura Kirton with Mr. an 'Mrs. James, Michie in Morris; MA Margaret Curtis with her 'sister; i,"rs. Harold, Procter, M 'rI-IAT'S what everyone has to do these days —manufacturers, dealers and consumers. Because of the reduction of materials available ' for the manufacture of Duro Pumping Systems, our many dealers have been requested to place the few new Duro Pumps we can allot each one with prospective purchasers whose war -time farm pro- duction can be materially increased by having running water. These dealers, because we cannot supply as many new Duro Pumps as they can sell, will be anxious to keep every Duro Pump in their terri- tory in good running order, so that it will give maximum uninterrupted service. The Duro dealer in your -vicinity will be glad to service and replace worn parts in your Duro Pump. Have it checked now to insure a con- tinuation of the satisfactory service to which you are ac- customed. The Duro Special shown opposite pumps 250 gallons per hour and has a 25 gallon galvanized tank. 242 Wilton $i: Gillespie Phone 68 Brussels EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg VancouVes N. swuo.. 1 Lb. SOLD IN Baeker Phone 6 Butcher Good For All Kindi of Baking for 19c BRUSSELS AT Bros. Shop Brussels Morris; Mrs, !George ThoOnSon, son home son Roy, Smith; summer Elliott Mrs. Leonard, BUY WAR Miss Sanderson, Donaldson • Toronto, at She here; Mrs.. Mooney Toronto, with Mrs. Roy Mooney will spend !here; Mr. and Mrs. ands son Jack with Elliott, Turners. ,..,....._,.._—:-..-- Mr. and and W 'Sander• and A, D. the ' Harry Mr. and GET YOUR I- ..MANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERi:ES3, , THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.25 Including Shampoo permanent $2,00, $2.50 and $5.00 Including finger wive and shampoo Telephone 55x for an Appointment IREENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S. RESTAURANT SAVING STAMPS— ir— HOWICK FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Wroxeter, Ontario , June 15, 1942 ONE DAY 1NNFARER VICTORY I make this appeal to YOU All over Canada and the United States the call has gone out for CONSERVATION. Fire causes the greatest of all wastes, not only of material resources, but too often of life itself. Will YOU therefore as loyal Canadians, do these things TODAY—tomorrow may be too late. Check and clean stove pipes and chimneys. Clean up all rubbish. Check over , your wiring, OR Be sure all lamps and Lanterns are safe. Be fire conscious NOW and ALWAYS. PAINT GUARDS THE HOME FRONT Our Government recognizes maintenance by placing repairs and preservation buildings. SHERWIN HOUSE NEW Ask to see the style ideas AS MODERN S. W. The only guaranteed LIN X This is the 'ideal finish mobiles, carriages, Covers SEMI SATIN Beautiful walls woodwork See Us C. Zilliax Hardware, ,LISTOWEL, The the wartime value of property no present restrictions on normal work on homes and essential oseisEEEmosto WILLIAMS PAINT SMART COLORS guide book. It's full of the latest in modern decoration. rr- e =::=: AS STREAMLINING ENAMELOID enamel for inside and outside use. , 1 ire CLEAR GLOSS for floors,woodwork, linoleum, auto- .. farm implements, boats and etc. more surface than varnish. ire - LUSTRE FINISHED ENAMEL and furniture in the kitchen, bath room and bedroom. ,,,m_........-= ppo Before Painting and Son Chinaware, ONTARIO Store With The Stock.